March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Kanicky I am sorry that dang witch got you but now we can get pregnant together! I am just on CD 11- ovulation feels forever away. Me being impatient as usual eh? ;)
I take baby aspirin to help thin my blood. But it can also help increase blood flow to the uterus which makes your lining healthier. Just take one baby aspirin a day :) oh and I couldn't find it labelled as baby aspirin anymore at my local store- it is now package as low-dose aspirin at 81 mg as opposed to the normal 320 mg.
Oh my goodness burnt skin smell! My tummy hurt just reading that *gulp*
Thanks Storked! Cool, we can root for eachother!! Do you have a really long cycle?? I have a super short one. I am only 25 days so in months like August I get 2 periods a month, yay me!
So I take one low dose aspirin a day starting now I assume right? And then if I do get pregnant do I stop it as soon as I get a BFP? or keep taking until my doctor appointment? I was just thinking the other day and last year when I went to my OB and told her we wanted to try for another she did a bunch of tests to make sure I was healthy enough (history of lupus but have been in remission since January before we concieved my youngest) just to make sure. She did mention that my antiphospholipids were either elevated or low I dont remember which one she said. When I googled the baby aspirin thing I read that baby aspirin could help with that so that was why I was curious to try it. At this point I will stand on my head while playing a flute and balance watermelons on my feet if it helps me get pregnant!! LOL.
ya the smell is pretty bad I dont really know if thats exactly what it is or not but me and my sister agree thats what it smells like. But its all gone now! monthly clean out DONE!
I would do all those things too for pregnancy hehe! I used to have a 25 say cycle but my body is still trying to work it out after the loss but hopefully I get pregnant this cycle and don't worry hehe!
Baby aspirin is supposed to help with APS! That also means that of you get pregnant then you are more likely to clot, like I am. Maybe they will put you on heparin/lovenox when you get your BFP?
Yay for being in remission! A few years ago I got a weird rash on my back that my exhusband made me go to the doctor about. The guy scratched his head and said that he had never seen anything like it and prescribed meds without looking into it. So I went to another doctor who said the same but referrede to a dermatologist for a biopsy. She told me that it was either lupus (I have relatives with lupus so it runs in the family) or morphea. It was morphea. How do you manage your lupus when it is active? :hugs: that must be hard!
I guess I should probably find out if my anti's were low or elevated, that might help hey?? There are two kinds of lupus, I had(have) systemic lupus which means my immune system would attack my organs if I got infections. I first found out I had it after I had my 1st daughter. I was so tired and just could not get out of bed. I would sleep any chance I had. My joints and just my whole body ached. I couldnt tolerate extreme heat and definetely couldnt handle the cold either. I went to 3 different doctors and all 3 came back with the same finding of Lupus. It wasnt so bad at first, mostly just the tiredness but then I got a pretty bad bladder/kidney infection after going to a tie up party. Im pretty sure it was from the water but my immune system just went nuts and totally attacked my kidney. I was in the hospital for 3 days. Then about a year later I got another one. They just come out of no where. That time it almost took out my right kidney, I have some scar tissue on it, or at least thats whay they said. It was after that one that I decided to go see a homeopathic person. She put me on a regimen of all kinds of things. I had a shake that I drank and then most influential was the acidophilous. To this day I still take it daily. I cant live without it. Since over 80% of our immune system is in our intestines its so important for someone with an autoiummune disorder to keep it in working order! I did those shakes and different supplements for 5 years and then I stopped most but kept the acidophilous mostly cause of cost. I went in January of 2009 to get checked out to see where I was at and she said my numbers were so low now that she could officially call it a remission. Pregnancy can sometimes bring it back on full force but it didnt seem to thank god. I still have aches and pains but nothing severe in quite some time. It can be very hard when its in full force though. I knew what things would cause a flare up and would try to avoid them. I also knew a flare was coming too cause I would get a low fever. So glad those days are gone, for now at least.
hey just fyi, if I dont answer for a few hours have to leave in about 15 minutes to go pick up my daughter from her dads house. He lives an hour away, so its an hour there and an hour back ugh! But I will jump back on after I get back!
It's ok I was washing dishes and making dinner hehe
I bet they were low because surely otherwise try would have put you on meds :-/
I am so sorry but at least you got a diagnosis and it is under control right? Hugs Kanicky!
Evening ladies! Just a quick pop on before bed...hopefully I'll do my est to catch up with everyone but,if my tired self fails miserably to include everyone, i will make it my mission to complete it tomorrow!

Krispy: that is a great idea to go to the doctors for answers,as hard as it is for you to do that...miscarriages are hard enough to go through without doing your best to find out what's going on to cause them...fingers crossed its something minor/chance to give you that Antarctic chance for that bfp you're rooting for...I've got every that your sticky bean is just around the corner! Until then, I hope those mischievous children keep you more than occupied!x

Army: anxiously waiting for that bfp...your friend needs to hurry up and send those tests! :) x

Angel:everything sounds like its going's great to have someone at the same point as me to compare with! I've written below how I'm feeling (though it seems to mirror you exactly,which is reassuring!)

Sweetz: fast food isn't so much a craving for me as much as it is a normal food! Not since I got my bfp though, I'm making every effort to sort my act out and at least attempt to e a little healthier! Never heard of a registry,but sounds fun!

Kanicky: sorry to hear af got you...but that means a fresh chance to chase that eggie and get that bfp! I always had something on the day of af that I knew I wouldn't have been able to eat/drink/do if I was pregnant...that cheered me up a lot!x

Storked:yay for approaching ovulation! Get geared up ready for the big sprint toward that bfp! You can do it!xxx

Hello to everyone else and hope to catch up with you all soon :)

AFM: wow! Gone from thinking this morning "I'm sure I should feel more pregnant than this.." to BAM! No doubt I'm pregnant! Never felt "pregnant" with my miscarriage, but had such a bad wave of nausea tonight, the sorest boobs of my life, constipation, extreme tiredness (can't seem to get through the day without an afternoon nap)'s hit me hard! Lines are very noticeable now (yay!) so can't wait to see them go really dark! Is really hit me today I've got a little life growing inside my surreal...ant wait for he rest of you ladies to join this most amazing journey too!

Right,off to bed now! I'll check back in the morning! Goodnight ladies!xxxx
Yay for feeling pregnant lpjkp! I hope when I get pregnant again that I feel symptoms a lot faster than I did :) I will work extra hard for that BFP so that we can be bump buddies!
I'm new here and I see this is a very positive and informative thread! :) I am TTC but very confused. I posted another thread on a different page about my really messed up periods and just today I expierenced brown thick discharge and quite a bit of it... just wondering what this could mean? I'm not expecting AF for another week or so, but my period is so irregular I am all over the board! urgh frustrating....
LPJ & Angel- It's very exciting that you guys are at the point in your pregnancy! Now you ladies can be secret bump buddies like me & Never!

LPJ- Glad you're feeling pregnant. Hope your nausea doesn't get too bad.

Welcome Littledouno- Hoping someone can answer your question. I'm not too familiar with that area.
Welcome Littledouno- please tell us your story :)

As for the discharge- I get that kind when AF is about to show I'm afraid
Ok back from the 2 hour tour!! Man sometimes that drive just really blows! other times is peaceful cause its the only hour I get to myself.

Thanks Lp, thats a really good way to look at it. I actually took a tylenol PM to help me sleep last night, which I would NEVER take if I didnt "know".

Storked, I think you are right. That they were low. They did so many other tests so it was hard to remember it all. And its when they are low that women struggle with mc's right?? I really hope thats not what I am in store for because I really dont think I can handle another one. I know some of you on here have had several and you are much stronger than I for sure! And if that is what continues to happen I guarantee you my DH will put the kabosh on TTC!!!

Welcome Littledouno! You will love this thread!!!

Ok ladies, I am off to watch my one little guilty pleasure for Sunday evenings and that is Housewives of New Jersey. I know, I know how can I watch this stuff right? It makes me feel like my life is actually normal when I see how screwed up theirs are! LOL. Sleep tight all my pregnant momma's and soon to be ones!! ttyl
I'm watching Battlestar Galactica Kanicky :D
I think the numbers being low is good actually but I still think that you should be put on blood thinners when pregnant just in case. I am not an expert but that is how it is dealt with because APS wreaks havoc :-/ maybe ask your doctor about it? Just to be safe?
Ok my decent day is ending with a very sore back and dogs farting....lord help me LOL

Welcome to the new lady...sorry forgot your name. me out mind is all over the place yet can't concentrate on a single thing lol Not sure if it is exhaustion, hormones or asphyxiation from gaseous fumes a la pups.
Well I was brought here actually by google today! Lol... we all google every symptom known to man I swear... ;) But honestly my periods are VERY irregular. Sometimes I don't even get one in a month or two in one month it doesn't make sense. I went to 2 doctors and all they could do is put me on BC. What they seem to not understand is, I don't want to prevent pregnancy! geesh some people. ;) So I guess what I am trying to do is figure out when I ovulate, if I even do and what is going on as to why my body is all over the place. Does anyone else have these symptoms? I feel like I'm going crazy! I've charted my periods as far back as December and it's all over the place. Just today I saw the brown discharge and I guess all in all thats what origanally brought me here, but now I'm addicted because everyone has so many great questions and awesome insight!
Hi ladies!!

Ok quick jump In Bc it's 10:30pm waaay pass My bedtime.

Stork: Sounds like you are putting your all into this cycle, which is awesome, sooo I'm sooo rooting for you to get that BFP Bc you will def make an awesome Secret bump buddy!

Lisalee: wow your Symptns are dissapearing like mine. My OB said it's that time for the m/s to go away. So I thinking we've graduated.

Kanicky: I love reading your post you absolutely make me smile. And I agree one child moved out I would def start on another one. Sorry that AF came to town but don't worry I'm sure it will be easier than you think and you will be in TWW In no time. And that's y I love reality tv shows Bc they make me look like a put together puzzle unlike their craziness.

Krissy: Wow, CONGRATS on fulfilling your education goals, def go You!!!! Your DH should ne begging and kissing your feet to stay with him Bc he has a wonderful intelligent wife. Keep going ma'am ESP. for them babies.

AngelSerenity: After 5 m/c enjoy this one, and we're here for you, but praying keeps me positive so yea def find something to keep you positive. But always tell yourself that this pregnancy will succeed, I'm rooting for ya!!

Lpjkp: CONGRATS AGAIN!!!! I'm sooo happy for you!!! And you 're having great Symptns already!! Like you I didn't have any Symptns with my first 2 pregnancies that ended In m/c but this one I had it all day everyday so def a great sign, stay positive Bc this bean has to stick!!'

Armymama: I'm going to call that post office if they don't get those test here Monday!!! My fingers are going numb from having them crossed for you!

HisGrace: Hi ma'am, GLAD AF HAS LEFT THE BUILTING, now what's the plans for this BFP?


Hi BabyBeeEm: tested yet?

Janelleybean: has "O" occurred yet?

GregPrincess....mmmnn has gone mia.

Hi to everyone else like Bama. Sorry if I left some out, I'm trying to remember.

O well, talk to you LaDies tommorrow

Littledunp: have you tried opks?
Yes I want to be secret bump buddies! I will be so mad if this isn't my lucky cycle Never hehe! I am determined :D
So glad that you are feeling better :hugs:
:wacko: ok can't do this anymore ladies....I'm going to bed....I dazed out for over 20 minutes just staring at nothing lol
Hey never, you ready for some TMI?!?! I'm not sure if I've ovulated yet. I don't use OPKs, but today I was having AF type cramping. I thought for sure I ovulated a few days ago.. I checked my cervix and it was high, soft, WET, and REALLY OPEN! I also had some crazy CM. Which I'm not too sure if it was EWCM or sperm, so I did the water test and it sunk, like I've heard it does. "Supposedly" sperm floats. Anyway, I was like that for a few days. Today it's more lotion like. Cervix is still high and open, but not as much as it was a few days ago. I've come to the conclusion I have no idea what the hell I'm doing when trying to conceive. So, to save myself the embarrassment, I'm just going to go with the flow and wing it! If I have ovulated, WHOOHOO... If not, well then damn... I guess I'm just gonna have to keep practicing making babies. If we don't conceive this month, at least we'll get some REALLY good practicing in. I know my husband doesn't mind all this sex, he actually seems to have that "bounce" back in his step that he had when we first got together. All his friend gave him the nick name "hot date dan". They knew when we were going to see each other (mostly on the weekends) because he would have this bounce in his step and a shit eating grin on his face. So they figured he must have a hot date. LOL

I went and got some low dose apirin this afternoon. Not too sure if it's too late to start the regimen, but I'm going for it. It can't hurt right? You'll be the first to know if I start getting pregnancy symptoms. I promise!

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