March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Morning lovely ladies!! Gosh, you've all been busy whilst I've been snuggling up all cosy and asleep at home!! Just thought I'd pop on here before I start working for the London paralympics today (Though I feel so tired that I'm not sure how I'll function for work right now!)

MnJ: YAY! It's lovely to see you back!! I hope you're doing well, how are you feeling now? Has it finally sunk in that you have a little bun in the oven?

Army: Boo for those silly digital tests!! There is nothing more disappointing than seeing that definitive "not pregnant" staring you in the face (I know, because I was taking them every month, and they always told me the same thing!)...I agree that they're much less sensitive though (They need a minimum HCG level of around 50 to detect your pregnant from what I've read). I took a look at your chart too, and from reading the TCOYF book, it's entirely possible that you ovulated on CD27 (The last day that you observed fertile CM), which would make it still too early, yet still plenty of time to get that BFP! You could always try an FRER in a few days...if there's a bun in the oven, they will be sure to detect it!

Sweetz: ARGH! You're only like a week away from second trimester you lucky lady!!!! I can't wait to hear all about your U/S on Thursday and see pictures (MUST SEE PICTURES!)...I'm absolutely positive everything is going great and can't wait for the update!! In terms of midwifes/OB, I think in the UK we just get assigned a midwife and get booked in for birth at a hospital near us...I'm not too bothered myself as long as they are friendly and preferably female so they understand the pain ladies have to go through!

Never: Thanks for being an absolutely fantastic and supportive lady...I don't think a lot of us ladies (Me included!) would still be going along this TTC journey so positively if it wasn't for your kind words and are truly amazing!
I'll definitely be doing a scrapbook for a nice keepsake (Especially with it being my first child), it would be fantastic to show it to them/give it to them at a special milestone in their life when they're older! I don't think I'd actually put the pee sticks in there though...I've been taking photos of my tests since they only just started turning BFP, so I'll put all those photos in and say "That's when you were still only a tiny eggiesperm!"

Lisalee: Gosh, your pregnancy is going fast!! How are you feeling now? You need to start getting a few of those magazines seeing as you're definitely, 100%, positively having a safe full-term pregnancy!x

BayBeeEm: Miss hearing from you already!! Hope you're doing well and you come back soon! xxx

Hisgrace: Good luck with the CBFM! I thought they were fantastic (Worked 2nd time for me!)...just remember not to tire yourself out too much and that you DON'T have to BD everytime it says high and peak...we only DTD last high and 2nd peak and caught that eggie! Excited to see if the CBFM gives you that same amazing luck!! I wouldn't worry too much about temping, because the CBFM is still extremely accurate and, in my experience, temping added too much stress to the stresses you've already got on the TTC journey! xxx

Storked: YAY for pre-seed!!! It didn't work for us, unfortunately (We got caught the one month we didn't use it...bummer!), but I only got it in the first place because so many couples claimed it worked first time for them! It definitely made BD feel a lot better though when BD'ing on demand!!! Though, I'm unsure how you'll have time to think about pre-seed with your many spontaneous quickies I keep reading about! Be careful with the softcups though...I must be the only woman that got a bad case of thrush "down there" from holding the little spermies in! haha!
I, too, am rooting for you this month!! I really admire you as a woman, because you seem so strong, selfless and positive and you're always cheering others's time to cheer yourself on too, because you WILL catch that eggie, I can feel it!xx

Aspe: Good luck with temping! I saw sweetz has explained all about it, so I'll just add a few more things from my experience...I never got a dip on the day of implantation (Just a clear rise the day after ovulation, which was confirmed by fertility friend a few days later), and I never got a fall in temperature before AF (My temp always dropped a couple of days into AF, which coincided with a heavier flow halfway through AF).. Just make sure you don't try and time BD around temping, because it won't tell you when you're going to ovulate, only when you keep using those OPKS...temping is a great way to learn more about how your body works and what your cycles are like for sure xx

Hopestruck: Missing hearing from you...I hope things are going as ok as they can be...thinking of you and hope to hear from you soon xx

Janelley: Ouch for your little boy's butt!! Glad you managed to soothe it for him a little, that's what fantastic mommies are for :) x

Krissy: Hello!! Sounds like you've been one busy mommy! Hope you get a chance to sit down and relax soon...and obviously keep updating us :p x

QUESTION FOR THE PREGNANT LADIES: Any bumps starting to appear yet? Need piccies when they do!

AFM: Still feeling great! After the initial nausea the other night, I've not been too bad since (For the preggo ladies, when did morning sickness properly start?)...the one thing I can note is how tired I always feel...I can't seem to get through the day without having a nap, I only closed my eyes yesterday afternoon and I was out for the count! I'm dreading going to work though and keeping it secret from everyone (Not sure how I can hide it because I'm soo bloody bloated!)...we told my family and DH family straight away though no matter what the outcome may be, and they are so cautiously excited!x
Sweetz- Totally makes sense that you're not getting an epidural. I'd rather be able to walk too. Maybe they can give you the gas/oxygen thing though.

LPJ- my MS kicked in around 6 weeks. My 1st symptoms were extreme exhaustion, constipation (which started before testing positive), and sore boobs later than normal in my cycle. Remember, I had the burning boobs at night at few weeks ago? LOL!

Current symptoms (or lack of symptoms)- no more sore boobs. Much less nausea & vomiting. I went 2 days without vomiting but vomited yesterday. I am still constipated. Starting to feel much more normal.

About baby bump- I think I'm starting to see the beginnings of a bump. Nothing noticeable yet. I am very thin. Just impatiently waiting.

Army- I saw your chart. Unfortunately, I don't know much about temping. I was secretly TTC and didn't want the hubby to know. So taking temp every morning was NOT AN OPTION b/c the beeping would wake him up. But it sounds like you still have a few more days to go. Hang in there! :flower:

Hisgrace- Glad AF is gone. Now time for you to make up on the BD!

Good morning to all the other ladies! :hi:
Never is an amazing lady! We all love you!

Hehe Lpjkp, I run after the pre-seed for those quickies since there is no foreplay to get me excited...and it sure beats spit! Muahahahahaha! I will do everything to catch that eggy! :happydance:
I promise to be careful with the cups, I knew another girl who got thrush too from em. I just had mine in for about 5 hours yesterday. Would have been longer but hubby was due home and I didn't want us to get romantic and me go "can we put this on hold while I take this cup out of my vagina? Thanks" (I was totally imagining it like that too lol)
He doesn't know that I have them and would probably eye me cautiously :D
Hi Ladies!!!!

We def have the best group Bc all yal are sooooooooooooo Darn Sweet, Understanding and AWESOME!!!!!! if we were closer to each other, I think I would have to set appts. to DTD with my DH Bc we would def be hanging out!!!! Thanks to the ladies for understanding I'm def trying my best to protect our feelings.....we are TTC women :winkwink: and we know how aggravating that process can get.

HisGrace: Hi ma'am, Glad everything is good. And I wished I used that CBFM instead of those opks, they'll drive you crazy. And Im just like you, I couldn't remember to temp and it does add stress so I didn't bother with that. So def don't worry about tempting, you'll get that BFP w/o it!!! And def no counting yourself out ma'am until AF shows!!!

Lpjkp: Hiii ma'am I'm sooo glad you're here to go on this journey with me and the rest of our wonderful women. I'm totally still happy for you,the excitement is trying to set in. And don't worry to much ab that m/s if it appeared earlier then it's probaly going to pop up again when you least expect it. My m/s showed around 7wks I think and just ending last week. And I think I have a bump, or probaly just fat but I'm claiming it's a bump. I will def put up a pic. We need some. So let's start!! Oh and no working's ok to walk around prego. And I def agree with you for telling someone, you need someone to lean on but never think it's going to fail!!! That bean in that belly of yours will be your sticky bean!!! Did you decide to go to the doc to do testing @ least for prgoesterone?

Armymama: Def don't stress about that Not pregnant sign, I agree with the other ladies it your hCG have to get high enough. They worked for me but I was either 11DPO or 12DPO and I had 2 more days until testing so I'm sure the hCG build itself up. Give it some more days, Bc you had that feeling and I know that feeling, sooo relax and let that hCG build up!!

Lisalee: Love my secret bump buddy!!! I know how you feel about getting tired. And def go get you some magazines and some fun baby books. They'll def keep your mind busy with all the info and def get you excited without regret of buying things to early. My OB gave me a folder full I haven't read through all them yet. And reading those books/magazine will tell others your secret while in public. I love it!! CONGRATS ON MAKING YOUR WKS GOOO BY!!!!

Sweetz: O my, I'm sooooo sorry that you have to make that kindve decision. But the birth of your baby will let you know you made the right decision when having him/her. As much as I would love a Midwife, my OB considered me High risk Bc of my (2) m/c's so she keeps her eye on me. I didn't know m/c's classify you as high risk but o well I'm just going with the flow. But I don't think I want to get an epidural but of course this is my first so only pain will tell.

Stork: Awwww I seriously love you girls more!!!! And hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...SPITTING ON IT was the funniest thing ever, my DH looked at me crazy when I cried laughing out loud. I Got the dry mouth before from spitting on it, and I had to get on really fast before it dries...ewwwww I know but the things we do! Yes ma'am I only inserted the pre-seed With the lights on but for future references I will take your advice if I try to keep it kinky with the lights out. And I agree quickies are the best time to use it. I haven't used soft cups was too scared Bc it was in the menstrual section.

BayBeeEm: Missing you already!!

MnJ: Thanks for understanding along with the apologies ma'am. I'm only all for my ladies here!! Welcome back, hopefully you'll stick around this time:winkwink:

Hopestruck: Missing you ma'am...I'm def getting worried! Pm is on it's way soon.

Aspe: When are you testing ma'am?

Kanicky; Hi ma'am. I love your sense of humor!!!

Shefali: Missing you ma'am

Krissy; How's everything going with packing?

Uggghh brain fart....Hi too all the others!!!

AFM: I'm 13wks today...I think I'm in 2nd Trimester now!!!! YAYYY!! So excited to be one step closer!
And Again, I can't say Thank You enough to all the ladies here who makes this thread SOO darn positive and a great place to be. It's only great Bc of yal, and especially Bc yal hang In here with us and experience everyones journey of TTC together, this is about everyone and for everyone. LOVING YOU GIRLS FROM FAR AWAY....Down South !!
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz , AngelSerenity and Lpjkp :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away. :baby: 1st HB: 169@ 8wks/ 2nd HB: 167@ 12wks

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013/ :baby: 1st HB: 130 @6wks/ 2nd HB: 162@7wks / 3rd HB: 161@12wks

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. :baby: 1st HB: 145@8 wks, 2nd HB 166@11 weeks

AUGUST BFP's Lovely Ladies:

Angelserenity: Tested Aug. 23: :bfp: :happydance: :baby: 1st HB:

Lpjkp: Tested Aug 24: :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: Sore boobs / :baby:1st HB:


BamaGurl: / Relaxed Approach TTC: No Tools/ TWW :coffee:

Garfie: CD 7/ waiting to "O" just :sex:

Gregprincess: M.I.A :shrug:

Shefali83: 12 DPO/ in TWW :coffee: Testing Date:


Storked: waiting to "O" Just :sex:

armymama2012: 6DPO /In TWW :coffee: /Testing: September 1st

BayBeeEm: CD1/ AF showed; Missing you :hugs:

Janelleybean: CD:7 / Waiting To "O" :coffee:

Krissy485: CD/ Not Trying until see Doc. :thumbup:

HisGrace: CD 7/ waiting to "O" Just :sex:

Hopestruck: taking a break :kiss:

Kanicky: CD1/ AF in town :growlmad: Test Date:

Aspe: CD/ Waiting to "O" :flower:
OMG ladies! You sure keep busy! lol Ummm I will try my best to go back & catch up on everyone, I just kinda skimmed I know it is horrible!

Congrats to you ladies who got your :bfp: :wohoo:

Never~ Congrats on 2nd tri!! :wohoo: such wonderful news!

Sweetz~ cannot wait to hear all about your appointment on Thursday! How exciting! Hope you can post a pic of your little one! Oh & the cookies look yummy!!! lol

Storked~ I love the enthusiasm you are having about this next cycle! So excited for you! I just know this is it!!! :dust:

So super excited for all you ladies who are preggers!

To all you ladies in the wait :dust:!!

BayBeeEm~ so sorry that af showed & can understand the needed break! :hugs: to you!

AFM~ umm nothing to tell still. Not sure if af should show this Friday or next, but not super worried about it! Will probably just wait till next Friday and if nothing happens then I may test that next Monday. Just trying not to obsess or think about it too much!

Hope all you ladies have a wonderful week! I just wanted to pop in! I think & send good thoughts to you all daily (even though I may not post all the time)
Oh Bama:Don't feel bad, when I miss to much I skim too :blush: I'm SOO happy you're still holding on in there. And relax at that. Bama, you've been here since the beginning with us, I'm just SOOO grateful and happy you're still ok and here! Thank you!!
Ok ladies…I am here for the moment lol…..oh and I only went back 10 pages this morning so sorry If I miss some stuff lol
Never- Honey I did not think you were rude at all!!! I like I said you are like our momma around here and sometimes momma gotta protect her youngin! Lol. Makes me so happy to see you doing so well and gives me hope! Oh and DH does know how lucky he is because I think he is seeing how my family supports us so much more than his own! Ok I am not saying that if it is a persons birthday that you have to give them a gift but I come a type of family that it is what you do. Well let me put it this way DH and I have been together for 7yrs and the only year that my parents did not buy him a gift for his bday was the one he had when we were only together for about 2 months after they saw he wasn’t going anywhere he has had one every year! His own family maybe 1 gift in the last 7 years it is sad….but now he is part of family that will put our needs before their own, give up space in their home and their lives to have us there and love us no matter what…my older brother even helps us out a lot when he can with our kids and money if need be while we are moving and he only has been back to Michigan for not even a year and he has seen my kids more than DH family has their whole lives…so yeah he sees what a real family is and he is trying to learn….and thanks for all the love as always :hugs: Happy 13 weeks!!! YAY!!!!!

Lpjkp- LOVELY BFP so happy for you hun!!!! :hugs:

MNJ- hi hun and congrats! :hi:

ASpe- I had a light period for three days with both ds so if it seems way different then normal the you are not out yet…stay away :witch:

OMG BAYBEEEM- :hi: :hi: miss you!

Storked- oh how I love reading your posts! You are always so happy and motivated in many ways lol….quickys are WONDERFUL :hugs:

Army- yay for high temps…sorry you cycle is wako! FX and yes I love those 88cent tests at Walmart! They work great and are soooo cheap! Also love getting OPK at dollar store for 1 dollar each is great saves tons of money and works just good! :hugs:

Kanicky- oh you know you wana get your groove on lol….but is hard you already got little ones to run after….right now I want to bd soooo freaking bad but dh says no till we talk to the dr…then I made the mistake and told him if we wait we would have 2 chances to have a july baby (his bday month) and he was like well now we have to wait till then lol Good luck on next cycle!!! :hugs:

Ok all this reading about cookies and other foods I think I should back some peanutbutter ones I got a lot of peanutbutter in the house!

Sweetz- really save a horse ride a cowboy love lol……sweetz whats that cookie recipe? OH OH US in 2 dAYS!!!! I cant wait to see pics and I see my dr on Thursday so FX I get good news! I have to do OB bc I have repeat csections..i couldn’t do a midwife anyways I have a low pain tolerance when it comes to contractions I would have to have pain killers lol…well don’t gotta worry about that now! :hugs:

Oh my Janelleybean I would never miss your BFP just because I might not have time to post doesn’t mean I don’t try to at least stalk yall lol…..i am so hoping this is your month!!! You make me laugh all th time I love it! And once you get that bfp you better stick around for mine! Looking like probably not till October or very early November though bc dh wants a july baby lol…um yeah who has to be as big as a house in that kind of heat???? Ok I so missed what was going on with little bubbas butt…whats wrong? Glad he is doing better! Too bad we didn’t live closer together for playdates!! :hugs:

Ok for this temping….do you have to have a special thermometer or will a normal one due?

Lisa-nice to see you lady! I know even though you don’t post as much you are always stalking lol…. :hugs:

Hope- honey how are you doing I hope you are still stalking us!!!! :hugs:

Hi BAMA!!!!! Glad to see you are still trying to go for the relaxed style you go girl!!!

Ok I have come to the end of the 10 pages lol if I missed someone sorry I still love ya!
AFM- Got oldest dS all set for kindergarten and he will actually be going to the same elementary as I did as a kid! We went for kindergarten round up yesterday and stopped by his kindergarten room and the principle was soooo nice!!! She took us a little tour very happy with her!!! As for dd and youner ds their preschool is up in the air….dd should still be able to get into preschool ds might have to go on waiting list…no big deal though he is has time and I could some alone time with him for a change… as for me and DH no bding…like I said I think I finally got out of him that he does want a july baby so um yeah I have no idea if he means no bding at all till it is in the time frame which would not be till after AF that would be due around Sept 30 as long as cycle stays on 28 days….what am I going to do for a month LMAO! Ok lots to get done today! Love my ladies!!!! PS. Over 1,000 words in this post!
Ok i see how it is i FINALLY get caught up and get to post and this is what happens all the chatter stops? i am hurt :cry: lol fine guess i will just have to check back in later....:winkwink:
Thanks. Well since today is 9 DPO then (guessing again if I ovulated 4 days later on cd 27) I think I had my implantation dip! I am slightly crampy, gassy, and nauseous. My temp went down by .4! Prayking it goes back up tomorrow and keeps climbing! How are you all doing?
good morning ladies!

Storked- I actually did tell him about the orgasm thing! He was all for it! Unfortunately for me it puts me on center stage to make it happen! Sometimes its no problem but when Im put on the spot, well not so much. Its like trying to pee when someone is standing right there ya know?

Sweetz- so excited for your US on Thursday. I always loved any opportunity to see my baby growing inside of me. It always set me at ease to see the hb and see it move. Just an fyi for all of you I found an at home doppler on Ebay for about 100 bucks. Its just like the one they use at the docs office. I would use it once a day just to make sure everything was ok. I loved it! Now any of my friends who are pregnant are always calling me asking if they can stop by and hear the hb!!!

Never- the scrapbook idea is awesome! I wish I had time to scrapbook. A friend of mine did it with her first baby. The entire TTC journey all the way through her first year. I either dont have the time or the patience!

Aspe- 80 hpts???? Holy cow! how are you going to fight the urge to poas with all those tests lying around?? I would drive myself absolutely mad with that many! I limit myself to 15 a month and that even sounds high to me LOL.

Janelly- oh crap I just know you asked me a question and now for the love of god I cant remember what it was. I tried to go back and find it and I cant. ugh

lisalee- I did do some research but I didnt really find much about the periods. I did have quite a few gals, even one of you girls I think tell me that the tww was hightened with symptoms while taking it. We do the every other day up until I get a surge on OPK then we do every day until it goes back to normal. I know I should really stop fussing and just enjoy it. Maybe thats really half my problem. Thats why this month I am just going to do my best to relax, BD and have fun!

Krissy- you I so do.........NOT! LOL Thank you you too dear!

Oh my goodness, am I am trying to type here and keep my thoughts my 2 year old is climbing through the arm on my office chair trying to get behind me. So Im gonna have to make this short. too late right?
Anyway, hoping everyone is having a great day. And any of you that are anywhere near the hurricane, please be safe!
I am such a procrastinator and have to go school shopping this week. I am dreading this so bad I cant even tell you. It doesnt help either that my dd has such a sassy mouth and is being so disrespectful lately. Anyone else still in need of school shopping? I am glad school starts next week though. Lots to do still. Need to close the pool for the year which dd is not happy about but we havent even swam in like 3 weeks. Such a waste but Im the one who has to keep up on the vacuuming and such and frankly im done! Bring on fall, thats my favorite time of year!
Ok well Im off to make some lunch, will check in later!
Only 1 page to catch up on and still took me a while lol!

Lp - pictures will be posted! No worries on that! I started showing a bump early. That is normal bc this is pregnancy #5. I have had 2 kids, and one of my mc was at 21 weeks. As for morning sickies....thought I was over them and BAM! Like a freight train it hit me again this morning. This is one symptom I can do without. Had to pay a bill this am and left the company a "present" in the parking lot. MY BAD!

*scrolls up*

Lisa - I will ask about the gas thing. I hate pain, but don't hate it enough to possibly not be able to walk again.

*scrolls again*

Storked - one again you crack me up with your honesty!! You are a nut!!

Never - it's a not so pleasant choice, but sometimes we gotta do things we don't want to for the good of the big picture :)

*and yet again I scroll...damn you short term memory loss*

Bama - heck yeah I'm posting a pic! I think Storked and Never would fly down and kick my butt if I didn't! ^_~ would you like the recipe too for the cookies? I will pm it to you.

*scrollin' scrollin' scrollin'*

Krissy - I will pm you the recipe. ^_^ I know your appointment will go wonderfully! Can't wait to hear the news! As for the needs to be a "basal body thermometer". You can get one at Walmart for under $10.

Armymama - good luck with the temping. I was horrible at it so I just gave up lol

*whew* got it all!!

AFM backache since yesterday. Calling doc today bc it's a pain (no pun intended lol) just feeling run down and tired so nothing new here lol
Hey girls sorry have been away :( Got my af this saturday.. very heavy :( cramping more like sudden tightening of the uterus.. 4th day today and still heavy. 4th day is always light for me. Guess 1st af was supposed to be like that. i am feeling very low and sad. the af is hitting me hard. i was not supposed to have my af ..i was supposed to be pg :( mc sucks big time. i am feeling so discouraged.. Will i ever become a mother ! doubting myself..

:( need hugsssss pls
Morning ladies! My little guys butt is a-ok! We put some Olive gold on it last night before he went to bed and it's completely healed. I love that stuff!

Kanicky- No worries. If I did ask you a question, I can't remember it either. :winkwink:

Krissy- happy to see you dropping in. I wish we did live closer, play days would be a must! No worries, if I get my BFP, I'm going to stick around and encourage all the other ladies. This really is a great group and I can't imagine walking away from it. I got pregnant with my son in October of 2009. He was born July 7th, 2010. It really wasn't that bad being pregnant. But then, it wasn't nearly that hot here that year. I think it bothered me more after we had him because I couldn't really find anything to wear that was comfortable. I seriously wanted to be pregnant in the winter so that I could wear hoodies. Doesn't look like that's going to happen though. Oh well.

Army- That sounds promising. Now you just have to wait a few more days and hopefully you'll get that BFP! :thumbup:

Sorry, I know I'm missing a lot of ladies, but I just can't focus right now. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm sure I'll touch bases with you all later in the day.

AFM- I'm exhausted. I never realized how much this time of year really erks me. With all the back to school and those going to burning man, it's impossible to go shopping. It seems like every year gets worse with burners. Well, I know it gets worse. I have a feeling I would be a raging bitch if I were pregnant. Hubby and I :sex: last night. I love thinking that we could have made a baby last night. Or the 12 nights before that... :cloud9:
Shefali- so sorry your period showed. I know how it feels to put so much effort into trying to become pregnant for it not to happen. It feels as though you put in all that work for nothing. But don't let it get you down! You'll get pregnant I'm sure of it. Just try to not think about it so much. Go with the flow and have fun! Sex should be fun, not a chore. =]
Shefali- so sorry your period showed. I know how it feels to put so much effort into trying to become pregnant for it not to happen. It feels as though you put in all that work for nothing. But don't let it get you down! You'll get pregnant I'm sure of it. Just try to not think about it so much. Go with the flow and have fun! Sex should be fun, not a chore. =]

thanks dear for the support. but honestly bd is just bd and has become a chore. i just want to get over with it. trying so often makes me so sore below. but i continue even in pain and hide it from dh. i just want a baby so bad now :cry::cry::cry: and i want the same one i lost :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Shefali so sorry the witch showed. I know it can be discouraging but your time will come! I just know it!! :)

Oh and Jane...I am that raging bitch lol even my dogs are scared of me haha!!
Shefali so sorry the witch showed. I know it can be discouraging but your time will come! I just know it!! :)

Oh and Jane...I am that raging bitch lol even my dogs are scared of me haha!!

Thanks sweetie i hope my time comes soon.. i cant wait again month after month. :nope:

How are you feeling? whats up with you dear
Sweetz! You're the one I missed. When I was pregnant with my son, for the first couple of weeks I was going to the pregnancy center and saw a new midwife every week. I had to go there for the first 12 weeks because they couldn't find the baby on US. Any who, all the midwives really gave me an uneasy feeling. I don't know what it was, they just kinda creeped me out. So, once my insurance kicked in, I found my OB/GYN through a friend of mine... blah blah blah... I really liked him. He was really down to earth and took the time to answer all of my questions. So fast foward to when I went into labor. I went to his office for a normal check up and started leaking all over his table, so he did a quick exam and told me to the hospital (which was across the street). So fast forward a bit more. 5 o'clock rolled around and he came in to the hospital and broke my water and LEFT. I thought for sure he was going to be there to deliver the baby, but the jackass LEFT!!! I was so pissed and confused, but I was prepared. I had made a birthing plan and copied it a ridiculous amount of times. Everyone that came into our room, got a copy of it. So, when it came time to start pushing, I guess I did really well, because the nurse got this look of "oh shit" on her face and told me to stop pushing. Well, I stopped pushing but my body didn't. She called some doctor on the phone and he rushed into the room just in time to catch the baby. It was kind of neat because I was able to watch my son be born and I didn't have to do a damn thing. The contractions just pushing him out on their own. So, the moral of the story is.. print out a birthing plan just in case someone has to fill the shoes of who you thought would be there to deliver your baby.
Feeling pretty good. Just a bit worn out.

My ob is ok...but I dunno. The midwife I would have is a sweeter older lady who helped me through my last mc. It's a toss up. I think my ob was standoffish bc DH was at last appointment and he is a bit grumpy looking haha!!

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