Morning ladies. I had to read 5 pages this morning!!
Shefali- I want to start with you. I was thinking back to when I was on BC--I had been on it since I was 13 because I had ovarian cysts. Anywho, while I was on it, I never really had a problem producing natural lubricant. I got turned on really easily and was good to go, in other words. When I stopped taking BC, I dried up. Had no lubrication what so ever. There was one time that my husband and I had sex and I tore. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I would not want that to happen to you. So, I spoke with my doctor at the time and he told me to get some KY Jelly and a couple times a day use it to lubricate my vagina. I'm no doctor, but I'm thinking if you're that dry and all you have is CM, your body may be "shutting down" because sex is painful or uncomfortable. I know your brain sends signals that something isn't right if you're experiencing painful sex. Sort of goes into defense mode. But, if you're having sex on a daily basis and you're dry, it's like opening a new wound every time. You can get a serious infection that way. Try putting some lube in your vagina a couple times a day and see if that helps to heal it a bit. I know you really want a baby, but this isn't the way to do it. You can PM if you want.
Krissy- That sort of happened to me with the insurance. We got a couple hundred dollar bill for a well check up for our son. Our insurance changed in February and they were trying to tell me his pediatrician wasn't covered. They kept telling me that she wasn't listed on the website for covered doctors, but in fact she was on there 3 times! So, I called and raised hell and talked to an agent and WALKED THEM THROUGH the website to see what I was seeing. The lady was a real bitch, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to have hundreds of dollars if I didn't have to. Can you call and request to speak to someone else?
Storked- I didn't think I had anything left to bride my husband with...until we went to Florida in February. Sex on the beach. He enjoyed it, I on the other hand was terrified we were going to get caught. I gotta say though, it was a trill. I'm sure you can think of something.

Be creative.
MnJ- I have a good feeling that this is it for you and your boyfran! I can't wait for your US.
Sweetz- I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait for the pictures.

Can you feel the baby moving yet? I remember I felt the baby move for the first time after having sex and it scared the shit out of me. I just imagined him sloshing around in my belly. I know "they" say you can't feel the baby move until your further along, but after your first pregnancy, I've heard you know what to feel for, so you feel the movement a lot earlier.
Army- I really hope you get pregnant this cycle, but try not to think about it so much or you might stress yourself out. I think I would lose my mind if my husband left for long periods of time over the weekend to go fishing. Especially if he said I couldn't go with him. Have you tried asking him if he wouldn't mind staying home and doing something with you the next weekend? Maybe you could have your parents watch your daughter and you two can get some alone time. Go on a dinner and movie date.. Or something fun like that. You said that you're strapped for cash, maybe you two can go on a picnic? As for him bitching about doing all the work, put your foot down. If he wants to have sex, he's going to have to put in some effort.
Where is Hopestuck? I miss you!!! To all the other ladies that I missed...

What does grapefruit juice do? I'm curious... Is it too late for me to start taking it?