March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Storked: you must have a one in a million guy if hes perfect! Haha! My guy isn't mr perfect, hes mr streaked with imperfections and a typical guy but a lovely guy all the same!! :) x
Afternoon everyone!! Hope you're all well! Yet again people have been chatterboxes while I've been gone so I'll do my best to catch up!

MnJ: Hey fellow pregnant lady! I’m officially 14dpo today and 2 days late for AF (AF was a definite no show and, since then, I feel “wet” down there a lot from the CM!)…I’ve been amazed by how quickly things happened for me because I only got the faintest line at 14dpo with my mc, yet this pregnancy I have a line darker than the control on FRER on 14dpo! Keeps me smiling until my doctor’s appointment! How many dpo are you today? How are you feeling?

Sweetz: I cannot contain my excitement that, in a couple of hours, we will all have a brand new US piccie to croon over!! Good luck with your appointment and hope your not-so-little bean will be bouncing around the screen saying “hi mommy!”

Angel: As difficult as it is, try your best not to overworry until you can get to the doctors...stress will not make your little bean very happy! At the minute, he/she is all snuggled in and happy and that’s what you should keep thinking! I definitely agree with Never that the best cream would be on prescription…if you’re too worried, could you not just schedule a blood test/explain your concerns to try and get an earlier appointment? Sending positive thoughts your way…this IS your miracle rainbow baby!!!!
Also, try not to worry about the “lack” of symptoms…right now, we should be enjoying these good days before the clouds roll in and we feel awful everyday! Sickness and vomit is just around the corner, so you’d better get ready!

Lisa: Loved reading your story about how you got pregnant…it’s so amazing yet frustrating isn’t it how you can try so hard and then, when you stop trying, it just seems to happen? I’d never have believed that myself until it happened to us, and now I wonder why we bothered making such an effort in the first place!
Never: Hi back! Luckily I’ve got the day off from work today, but it ramps up from tomorrow…I don’t know how I’ll cope, I feel like a walking zombie at the minute!! At least the Paralympics are only on for around 10-ish days so I’ll finish 9th September for a well-deserved rest!

Garfie: YAY for highs on CBFM!!! Remember your tips to me and you should be fine and knocked up in no time!! If you’ve just dusted it off, maybe it will be like my first month when it gave me 6 days of high to get used to me? Don’t tire yourself out, and your peak WILL come! Maybe your cycle is going to be a little longer this month (YAY if it is!!), or maybe your cycle won’t end at all and you’ll be preggo (DOUBLE YAY if it is!)?

Storked: Hmmmm…I get the whole DH not liking being tied up...but desperate times call for desperate measures!! And desperate measures resorts to bribery and promises to do whatever he wants if he lets you!! With my DH, it’s the promise that I’ll allow him to play video games/cook/clean for him etc…WAIT A MINUTE! I do that anyway! My DH is such a lazy man! Haha!

Kanicky: YAY for AF leaving the building!! Have your week or so of relaxation then ramp it up ready to catch that eggie!! This is your BFP month!

Shefali: I found pre-seed fantastic…I was having the problem where I felt like I was drier than Ghandi’s flip flop “down there”,and the pre-seed sorted it out so much! I’ve got to say though, when we decided this month to give up the TTC for a couple of months, my juices really started flowing again (I think we were so much more relaxed and DTD for fun rather than baby making), and that was the month I conceived!

Army: Sorry that the witch got you…stay positive, do something that you wouldn’t be able to do if you were pregnant, and gear yourself up ready for another attempt, because THIS MONTH IS YOUR MONTH! As hard as it is, try not to think about it being your “last month”…I found it hard to listen to people when they told me it’ll happen when you relax, and it took for me to get as frustrated, angry and upset as you are feeling right now to say “I’ve had enough, we’re taking a few months not TTC now”…and a couple of weeks later got my BFP…I’m convinced it’s because I finally let go of all that tension and unhappiness and really relaxed for once and just enjoyed that intimacy with my DH without thinking about babies. Good luck and fingers crossed for you!!x

Hello also to Janelley, Krissy, BayBeeEM/Hope/Bama (Miss you ladies!) and any other ladies I’ve not been thorough enough to remember!xxx

AS FOR THE POSITION I THINK I CONCEIVED IN (READING OTHER WOMEN’S POSTS): I’m almost certain we conceived doggie style!

AFM: Enjoying my day off today! Had my first day back at work yesterday and had to endure comments like “Hmm, there’s something different about you, but I can’t put my finger on it”…err, thanks! I just smiled sweetly, whilst instead, I was thinking oh gosh, don’t let me be sick in front of all these people!! Not vomited yet, but there’s times when I feel awful!! Breast soreness has decided to ramp it up with a vengeance (Was driving today and was thinking “OWCH!” with ever bump!) and tired like I’ve never been before in my life!! And I have accomplished my first pregnancy milestone…DTD WITH MY DH!! It sounds small, but I was so terrified to DTD because last time we did and I was pregnant, I miscarried just after…this time, I’m pleased to report, was uneventful and I didn’t bleed (Though it did feel a little uncomfortable!) Also had a chat with DH too, which I feel better about, and turns out my DH has been a little distant because he’s scared to get excited in case it all happens again…I think he’ll feel a little better soon, hopefully!
Not much else to report, really! Going to go lie down on the sofa for half hour and snuggle the doggies to try and save some of this energy I think!!x

Im tellin ya Im on to something here with the doggy style!! lol. Im 14dpo too!! I didnt O until cd17 tho so Im only 4w2d. I have been poas every morning still trying to reassure myself that the line will get darker, it was SO faint on Monday! Its somewhat darker after a few minutes but def not as dark as the control line. I just keep reminding myself that Im early. According to fertility friend af isnt even due til tomorrow. I'll feel a little better after follow b/w next week and see the numbers going up like they're supposed to. I'll feel even BETTER once I get the u/s she said would be scheduled once the #s reach a certain point. Assume 6 weekish?
Morning ladies (well nearly afternoon where is the time going?):winkwink:

Army - So sorry this isn't your month - not looking like it's going to be mine either :cry:

Lisalee - How are you feeling today hun any new symptoms for us?:flower:

Shefali - Aw hun I know what you mean about shrinking back into your shell - some mornings I don't want to get up, although I am pleased to say I am feeling less like that and more able to tackle the world - even when my best friend says shes pregnant and thanks for helping her work out her one cycle after coming of the BCP:dohh:

Sweetz - :happydance: can't wait to see that u/s pic of your beautiful baby:flower:

Never - :happydance: how are you feeling today glad you are glowing shame about the pimples:cry:

Angel - Hope you are feeling good today hun and your symptoms are progressing:happydance:

Baby - I agree with the other ladies - missing you :cry:

Greg - Where are you?:flower:

Bama - Loving your relaxed approach - wish I could do that but I'm to much of a control freak - I need to know:dohh:

Storked - Have you thought about using one of his ties - to tie him up much more fun than cuffs if he's scared:winkwink: so have you O yet or are you like me and don't know? - thought I had but my temps say otherwise:cry: If hubby won't play ball and put on his sexy lab coat buy one - Ebay :haha:

Janelley - :happydance: gorgeous pictures of your family they grow so quick so lovely to have these memories and so kind that you share them with us:flower:

Krissy - You are one busy mama - but yet you always seem to have time for others - I wish I could pop on here more often but between the kids (one who is autistic), 2 dogs a cat and a hamster plus avon ooops not forgetting hubby:haha: my days just go by in a blur:flower:

Hi to all the other ladies :flower:

AFM - I am on CD12 now - Monitor still on HIGH - maybe this month I won't get a PEAK will just be great to know I ovulate again:happydance:



Thanks dear for making me feel better... i know i will always feel sad about it. Its a life long thing now.. there is days i feel better as well.. i guess its too raw rightnow maybe :wacko:
Hi ladies just popping in quickly at lunchtime. I read 10 pages last night and was tired afterwards I couldnt even post :blush::haha::sleep:, so forgive me. I am reading and keeping up :winkwink:

Garfie, CD12 is still early so I'm sure you will ovulate this month :hugs:.

Sweetz, looking forward to seeing the US pic as well :happydance:

Never, how you doing lady? Thanks for always trying to keep us together and summarizing updates, you're an absolute star :kiss:

Lisalee, how's things today?

Shefali, :hugs:

Hopestruck, if you're lurking missing you< i hope you are recovering ok :hugs:

Army :hugs::hugs::hugs:, I think that's all I need to say for now

lisalee, I agree with your post 100%, I went through similar and I know loads of couples in the same boat. It's being able to find that relaxed approach. Army, I force myself to think of anything but babies when we :sex:, sounds mad but I think it helps!:wacko:

Janelly, Bama, Storked, Krissy and everybody else :hi:

AFM... I've been quite good the past two days, symptoms are not too bad which of course had me worried :growlmad:. But I've just made Thai soup and as much as I like it every mouthful is making me want to heave :sick:. Temps are still high so I'm semi-content for the moment. I looked into progesterone cream but after some research I've decided to avoid it until I see my RMC specialist on 6th Sept. I'm not sure if anybody uses it, or is thinking about it when you get your BFP but this article swayed me to wait - . I was panicking about progesteron as my GP won't prescribe it, but I dont even know if I need it :wacko:

Shefali, yay for doggie!
I use soft cups and find them very easy to get in there and get out. I actually really really like them and may get a Diva Cup for actual AF. Right when I get my shewee ;)

Army, boo to the witch getting you!

Garfie, no idea when I O this cycle. I am playing it relaxed and just getting in the sex :happydance:
I don't think I can tie him up with anything if he isn't willing- he is very strong with sexy muscly abs and arms... (heavy panting) :D
Yay for a high!

I am on my 5th day of af so very light bleeding. tried soft cup today for the first time. its quite comfy though yes.. its big :) I hope the removal would be easy as well. i am quite worried about that. i love ladycup. removal is lil painful for me though. I love the fact that it can be reused..
GM ladies; it's 9:03am over here.

Aspe: I def don't have any problem with you asking me; with all my Pregnancies I had IB on 8-10DPO. Which IB occurs around 6-10 DPO so they say. The IB lasted like 3 days only noticeable when I wipe which is a light pink color which can also be a brown coloring. With my pregnancies it was followed by slight cramping in my lower abdomen which felt like AF cramps. Once I got it I would test 3-4 days later resulting in my BFP. Some say IB means low progesterone levels but don't read to much into it, Bc I don't know how true that is. But I def hope that's what it is for you.

Garfie: Yayy always happy to hear from you. And woe yes ma'am your schedule is def taken up which is a great thing. I wish I could be that busy!! The CBFM: on high peak still?! I never used them but all those high days would def tire me out!

Shefali: Again I'm sorry, but you know we're always here for you! Bc we're all going through or went through the same thing. Head Up chin up!! And I hope that fertilaid tea works for you. You'll get it though. I just know you will.

Armymama: O my I mustve missed that post. I'm sorry AF showed up. I was sooo rooting for you. But as much as I know you wanted it this time, you still have one more chance that you know if to get it,dont give up, you never know what God can do for you!

Lisalee: o my, I enjoyed your story, how amazing that was to happen. I agree with you it can happen when we least expect it.

Sweets: Whenever you find energy I def want to hear that story. Again I'm sorry. BTW: YAYYY YOUR U/S is today!! I know it will go well. Have fun and ask lots of questions!!

AngelSerenity: I totally understand how you feel about catching up, heehee, at least you do post. Thank you. About the progesterone, the website that you retrieved it from wasn't as informative and helpful it seemed to be talking more about store bought progesterone and it really didn't underline the pros or cons from it. The ladies on here had a convo about this topic awhile ago on here some far pages ago. And honestly progesterone can't stop a m/c from happening if it's some underlining problems such as chromosomal abnormaltilities. I am on progesterone crinone gel 8% my doctor prescribed me and it's absolutely a saver for me. It helps women who suffered from m/c's, also in many other ways unknown to you or me. Now I wouldn't buy the store bought kind that the website that you referred to is talking about, the only promising kind is the ones you need a prescription for. Bc I'm on my iPhone it will take awhile to type you the accurate info that I recieved for progesterone. So I will pm you the info. I've been using it since I was 4wks and last week was my last week to use it and Angel honestly sweety I am sooo grateful for it, Bc it did help, a Woman's placenta isn't producing progesterone until 12wks prego but any time before that my progesterone could've dropped at any time evn though I tested high @ 4wks. Do more research about it, ask your doc about it before going with one website and saying No. I'm always rooting for you ma'am and ESP. For you to do whatever you can for this baby. <3 ya!

thanks sweetie.. love u! u rock :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Afternoon everyone!! Hope you're all well! Yet again people have been chatterboxes while I've been gone so I'll do my best to catch up!

MnJ: Hey fellow pregnant lady! I’m officially 14dpo today and 2 days late for AF (AF was a definite no show and, since then, I feel “wet” down there a lot from the CM!)…I’ve been amazed by how quickly things happened for me because I only got the faintest line at 14dpo with my mc, yet this pregnancy I have a line darker than the control on FRER on 14dpo! Keeps me smiling until my doctor’s appointment! How many dpo are you today? How are you feeling?

Sweetz: I cannot contain my excitement that, in a couple of hours, we will all have a brand new US piccie to croon over!! Good luck with your appointment and hope your not-so-little bean will be bouncing around the screen saying “hi mommy!”

Angel: As difficult as it is, try your best not to overworry until you can get to the doctors...stress will not make your little bean very happy! At the minute, he/she is all snuggled in and happy and that’s what you should keep thinking! I definitely agree with Never that the best cream would be on prescription…if you’re too worried, could you not just schedule a blood test/explain your concerns to try and get an earlier appointment? Sending positive thoughts your way…this IS your miracle rainbow baby!!!!
Also, try not to worry about the “lack” of symptoms…right now, we should be enjoying these good days before the clouds roll in and we feel awful everyday! Sickness and vomit is just around the corner, so you’d better get ready!

Lisa: Loved reading your story about how you got pregnant…it’s so amazing yet frustrating isn’t it how you can try so hard and then, when you stop trying, it just seems to happen? I’d never have believed that myself until it happened to us, and now I wonder why we bothered making such an effort in the first place!
Never: Hi back! Luckily I’ve got the day off from work today, but it ramps up from tomorrow…I don’t know how I’ll cope, I feel like a walking zombie at the minute!! At least the Paralympics are only on for around 10-ish days so I’ll finish 9th September for a well-deserved rest!

Garfie: YAY for highs on CBFM!!! Remember your tips to me and you should be fine and knocked up in no time!! If you’ve just dusted it off, maybe it will be like my first month when it gave me 6 days of high to get used to me? Don’t tire yourself out, and your peak WILL come! Maybe your cycle is going to be a little longer this month (YAY if it is!!), or maybe your cycle won’t end at all and you’ll be preggo (DOUBLE YAY if it is!)?

Storked: Hmmmm…I get the whole DH not liking being tied up...but desperate times call for desperate measures!! And desperate measures resorts to bribery and promises to do whatever he wants if he lets you!! With my DH, it’s the promise that I’ll allow him to play video games/cook/clean for him etc…WAIT A MINUTE! I do that anyway! My DH is such a lazy man! Haha!

Kanicky: YAY for AF leaving the building!! Have your week or so of relaxation then ramp it up ready to catch that eggie!! This is your BFP month!

Shefali: I found pre-seed fantastic…I was having the problem where I felt like I was drier than Ghandi’s flip flop “down there”,and the pre-seed sorted it out so much! I’ve got to say though, when we decided this month to give up the TTC for a couple of months, my juices really started flowing again (I think we were so much more relaxed and DTD for fun rather than baby making), and that was the month I conceived!

Army: Sorry that the witch got you…stay positive, do something that you wouldn’t be able to do if you were pregnant, and gear yourself up ready for another attempt, because THIS MONTH IS YOUR MONTH! As hard as it is, try not to think about it being your “last month”…I found it hard to listen to people when they told me it’ll happen when you relax, and it took for me to get as frustrated, angry and upset as you are feeling right now to say “I’ve had enough, we’re taking a few months not TTC now”…and a couple of weeks later got my BFP…I’m convinced it’s because I finally let go of all that tension and unhappiness and really relaxed for once and just enjoyed that intimacy with my DH without thinking about babies. Good luck and fingers crossed for you!!x

Hello also to Janelley, Krissy, BayBeeEM/Hope/Bama (Miss you ladies!) and any other ladies I’ve not been thorough enough to remember!xxx

AS FOR THE POSITION I THINK I CONCEIVED IN (READING OTHER WOMEN’S POSTS): I’m almost certain we conceived doggie style!

AFM: Enjoying my day off today! Had my first day back at work yesterday and had to endure comments like “Hmm, there’s something different about you, but I can’t put my finger on it”…err, thanks! I just smiled sweetly, whilst instead, I was thinking oh gosh, don’t let me be sick in front of all these people!! Not vomited yet, but there’s times when I feel awful!! Breast soreness has decided to ramp it up with a vengeance (Was driving today and was thinking “OWCH!” with ever bump!) and tired like I’ve never been before in my life!! And I have accomplished my first pregnancy milestone…DTD WITH MY DH!! It sounds small, but I was so terrified to DTD because last time we did and I was pregnant, I miscarried just after…this time, I’m pleased to report, was uneventful and I didn’t bleed (Though it did feel a little uncomfortable!) Also had a chat with DH too, which I feel better about, and turns out my DH has been a little distant because he’s scared to get excited in case it all happens again…I think he’ll feel a little better soon, hopefully!
Not much else to report, really! Going to go lie down on the sofa for half hour and snuggle the doggies to try and save some of this energy I think!!x

lucky u! i cant produce lube at all :cry:
Afternoon everyone!! Hope you're all well! Yet again people have been chatterboxes while I've been gone so I'll do my best to catch up!

MnJ: Hey fellow pregnant lady! I’m officially 14dpo today and 2 days late for AF (AF was a definite no show and, since then, I feel “wet” down there a lot from the CM!)…I’ve been amazed by how quickly things happened for me because I only got the faintest line at 14dpo with my mc, yet this pregnancy I have a line darker than the control on FRER on 14dpo! Keeps me smiling until my doctor’s appointment! How many dpo are you today? How are you feeling?

Sweetz: I cannot contain my excitement that, in a couple of hours, we will all have a brand new US piccie to croon over!! Good luck with your appointment and hope your not-so-little bean will be bouncing around the screen saying “hi mommy!”

Angel: As difficult as it is, try your best not to overworry until you can get to the doctors...stress will not make your little bean very happy! At the minute, he/she is all snuggled in and happy and that’s what you should keep thinking! I definitely agree with Never that the best cream would be on prescription…if you’re too worried, could you not just schedule a blood test/explain your concerns to try and get an earlier appointment? Sending positive thoughts your way…this IS your miracle rainbow baby!!!!
Also, try not to worry about the “lack” of symptoms…right now, we should be enjoying these good days before the clouds roll in and we feel awful everyday! Sickness and vomit is just around the corner, so you’d better get ready!

Lisa: Loved reading your story about how you got pregnant…it’s so amazing yet frustrating isn’t it how you can try so hard and then, when you stop trying, it just seems to happen? I’d never have believed that myself until it happened to us, and now I wonder why we bothered making such an effort in the first place!
Never: Hi back! Luckily I’ve got the day off from work today, but it ramps up from tomorrow…I don’t know how I’ll cope, I feel like a walking zombie at the minute!! At least the Paralympics are only on for around 10-ish days so I’ll finish 9th September for a well-deserved rest!

Garfie: YAY for highs on CBFM!!! Remember your tips to me and you should be fine and knocked up in no time!! If you’ve just dusted it off, maybe it will be like my first month when it gave me 6 days of high to get used to me? Don’t tire yourself out, and your peak WILL come! Maybe your cycle is going to be a little longer this month (YAY if it is!!), or maybe your cycle won’t end at all and you’ll be preggo (DOUBLE YAY if it is!)?

Storked: Hmmmm…I get the whole DH not liking being tied up...but desperate times call for desperate measures!! And desperate measures resorts to bribery and promises to do whatever he wants if he lets you!! With my DH, it’s the promise that I’ll allow him to play video games/cook/clean for him etc…WAIT A MINUTE! I do that anyway! My DH is such a lazy man! Haha!

Kanicky: YAY for AF leaving the building!! Have your week or so of relaxation then ramp it up ready to catch that eggie!! This is your BFP month!

Shefali: I found pre-seed fantastic…I was having the problem where I felt like I was drier than Ghandi’s flip flop “down there”,and the pre-seed sorted it out so much! I’ve got to say though, when we decided this month to give up the TTC for a couple of months, my juices really started flowing again (I think we were so much more relaxed and DTD for fun rather than baby making), and that was the month I conceived!

Army: Sorry that the witch got you…stay positive, do something that you wouldn’t be able to do if you were pregnant, and gear yourself up ready for another attempt, because THIS MONTH IS YOUR MONTH! As hard as it is, try not to think about it being your “last month”…I found it hard to listen to people when they told me it’ll happen when you relax, and it took for me to get as frustrated, angry and upset as you are feeling right now to say “I’ve had enough, we’re taking a few months not TTC now”…and a couple of weeks later got my BFP…I’m convinced it’s because I finally let go of all that tension and unhappiness and really relaxed for once and just enjoyed that intimacy with my DH without thinking about babies. Good luck and fingers crossed for you!!x

Hello also to Janelley, Krissy, BayBeeEM/Hope/Bama (Miss you ladies!) and any other ladies I’ve not been thorough enough to remember!xxx

AS FOR THE POSITION I THINK I CONCEIVED IN (READING OTHER WOMEN’S POSTS): I’m almost certain we conceived doggie style!

AFM: Enjoying my day off today! Had my first day back at work yesterday and had to endure comments like “Hmm, there’s something different about you, but I can’t put my finger on it”…err, thanks! I just smiled sweetly, whilst instead, I was thinking oh gosh, don’t let me be sick in front of all these people!! Not vomited yet, but there’s times when I feel awful!! Breast soreness has decided to ramp it up with a vengeance (Was driving today and was thinking “OWCH!” with ever bump!) and tired like I’ve never been before in my life!! And I have accomplished my first pregnancy milestone…DTD WITH MY DH!! It sounds small, but I was so terrified to DTD because last time we did and I was pregnant, I miscarried just after…this time, I’m pleased to report, was uneventful and I didn’t bleed (Though it did feel a little uncomfortable!) Also had a chat with DH too, which I feel better about, and turns out my DH has been a little distant because he’s scared to get excited in case it all happens again…I think he’ll feel a little better soon, hopefully!
Not much else to report, really! Going to go lie down on the sofa for half hour and snuggle the doggies to try and save some of this energy I think!!x

Im tellin ya Im on to something here with the doggy style!! lol. Im 14dpo too!! I didnt O until cd17 tho so Im only 4w2d. I have been poas every morning still trying to reassure myself that the line will get darker, it was SO faint on Monday! Its somewhat darker after a few minutes but def not as dark as the control line. I just keep reminding myself that Im early. According to fertility friend af isnt even due til tomorrow. I'll feel a little better after follow b/w next week and see the numbers going up like they're supposed to. I'll feel even BETTER once I get the u/s she said would be scheduled once the #s reach a certain point. Assume 6 weekish?

Congrats dear!!! Didnt get to wish you :happydance:
Shefali I haven't had trouble taking mine out! I just stick a finger in and hook it over the lip of the cup and pull it in out :) it is easy peasy
I hadn't heard of ladycup, just diva cup and moon cup :) I actually want the moon cup but don't think try sell in US. Not the UK one anyways. I did find something called a moon cup but looked more like a diva cup
Shefali I haven't had trouble taking mine out! I just stick a finger in and hook it over the lip of the cup and pull it in out :) it is easy peasy
I hadn't heard of ladycup, just diva cup and moon cup :) I actually want the moon cup but don't think try sell in US. Not the UK one anyways. I did find something called a moon cup but looked more like a diva cup

wish we could reuse softcup as well :winkwink:
Ladycup is same as diva and moon cup :)
I ordered online from their official site.
Shefali- thank u so much! Still scared to be totally excited... just hoping and praying!

Storked - MUAH!!! :kiss:
I'm back ladies!! little bean sure was saying Hi Mommy!! Very active little stinker. Flipped over onto their tummy, waved, sucked their thumb, scratched their head lol!! I'm in for it when I start feeling movement haha!!

We took a video and got pictures. Need to upload on laptop but they will be coming very soon! Baby is measuring almost 13 weeks so a bit ahead of schedule. Heart rate was 155.

It was such a surreal experience.
ARGH! sweetz! That sounds so amazing! That must have been an amazing feeling for you...cant wait to see the pics! I bet you're on cloud 9 right now! Its definitely time to put your feet up now and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy ready to meet healthy baby in a few months time!xx
Ok, this is a reply to all the people who said something to me: I am still going to use OPKs, temping, prenatals, and grapefruit juice (just from cd 14-22, instead of cd 5-13). I am a little stressed because DH leaves every weekend to go fishing for 5 hours when I want him here to help me pack but if I tell him he cant go then he gets angry and its even worse for me. Money is really tight seeing as we decided to get our dog neutered (sp?) this month. Also, found out our dog has fleas so we are giving him his flea bath tonight. If I ovulate around the usual time (cd 20-25) then we will have just enough time to BD during fertile week before he leaves for 3 weeks of training. I tried to get him to Doggie-style last month 3x but lately he has been saying that he really doesn't want to be the one "doing all the work". I had a drink last night and then ice cream and then just put on headphones and danced to my favorite music to relieve my anger. I am looking forward to spending 2 months with my parents. They pretty much spoil me and my daughter. DH doesn't put any pressure on me about having a baby or getting pregnant. he knows I want one but doesn't want to know what all I do to help get pregnant. He does see OPKs on the bathroom sick occasionally and he will yell down the stairs "It looks negative to me!" or the opposite. As far as my multiple streaks of positive OPKs every month, I have no clue. I think it is just stress.

I hope all you preggos arnt feeling too sick because we are living vicariously through you! I am excited for all of you who are thinking positive about this cycle and I cant wait to see some more BFPs! As for those that just got AF or just got over it, I am sorry but that means there is still hope for this month!
Armymama - I drank grapefruit juice from when the :witch: left until O the month I got my BFP:happydance:

So again this month I am trying it - can't hurt can it:winkwink: let's hope I O as all the grapefruit juice in the world won't work if I'm not Ovulating:cry:

Sweetz - :happydance: that sounds like it was a very active u/s - if I remember correctly my first was like that and yep god help you when you feel baby start to move (an elbow here, a leg up there etc under the ribs :winkwink:) My second one was very still - I had to keep prodding him to wake up Mr Lazy bones - and he was two weeks late:haha: so rest up while you can mama :coffee:



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