Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Sorry for not being very active! I've honestly been really wrapped up in wedding stuff (LOL). We are having a bit of a fiasco with my engagement ring. To make a long story short....we had it sized at the store we bought it from in the Yukon. It had some scratches on it when we picked it up but I figured that was normal. Well, taking it home and showing it to people, turns out it is NOT normal and they did a horrific job on the resize! So I emailed them to complain, and they said they would offer me a new setting or a refund. WELL, after a lot of thinking I've decided to go with the refund and to pick out a brand new ring from somewhere else

So, this is exciting, but it has honestly been driving me crazy! I'm so indecisive! So I've been doing a lot of research and I think I've finally decided that what I really want is a traditional round cut solitaire with a plain band. As IF it took me WEEKS to figure that out? haha. Anyway. (ETA: for your feasting eyes, my ring will be just like this! https://www.bluenile.ca/engagement-...ed-engagement-ring-details?ring_id=1437090104 although obviously a different diamond and probably 6 prong ring

Other things - I went to the Docs yesterday. My doc is out of town so I had his stand-in, another young doctor. We were talking about my situation and he looked at my file and noticed there were a couple of tests that my doctor didn't do (I swear he did them, but the results could not be found - so maybe we both missed it). Anyway, he wrote me a new requisition for more bloodwork to test for APS (antiphospholipid syndrome), and I also convinced him to test for lupus anticoagulant (something I've been reading about in my recurrent M/C scientific studies - which yes, I brought out at the appt!). He is also doing a clotting time test, and phenotyping (genetic testing) on both DF and I. HOPEFULLY this will give us some answers... either way he is referring me to a specialist in the city for additional testing/consultation.
In the meantime though, we've decided to take a break. Now that we have a wedding to plan for the spring, there's lots going on. I also have an exam coming up in October, and DF and I both agreed that if I experienced another M/C around that time, it would be detrimental to my success. So we're holding off for at least a few months, probably until November, maybe even later, depending on what happens with the blood tests & fertility clinic stuff. I'm also taking CoQ10 (shoutout to Storked! hehe) and my Royal Jelly to try and improve egg quality. Apparently it takes about 3 months to prepare an egg, so I'm hoping this time frame will work out for getting the information we need and the nutrition/quality/time/recovery my body needs for the next preg to be a success.
All that to say, I'm prob going to be spending a little bit less time on these boards. I will stop in here and there to see how you are all doing though!!
Some quick personal notes ---
Sweetz, LOVE the U/S pics! OMG!! What a little angel you have brewing in there! Amazing!!
Never, you are coming up to 13 weeks, into the 2nd tri! Yahoo! So glad things are going well. I hope you have a great weekend with your DH
Garfie, your story about the beach sex + 5 eyes watching made my jaw drop...hilarious...
AngelSerenity & LPJKP - so glad things are going well this time! LP, I was happy to see your dark test and a 2-3 in your profile pic. Yay! I'll continue to send you both healthy, loving, growing baby thoughts!
Storked - good luck with the move coming up soon!! Also, my books are set to be delivered next week and I will keep you posted on how it goes reading them

Yeaaaah book buddies!
Krissy & Janelley - you guys are soooo speedy, I have trouble catching up with all your posts! Love it though, nice to see happy, lighthearted conversations happening on here. Good luck with your upcoming O's and

- Also loved the wild/outdoor/weird location sex stories. Hilarious...
Army, sorry AF came this cycle

I'll be KMFX for you next time around before your DH heads off again!
Hello to MNJ and Shefali, KMP (?) and anyone else I may have missed!