Ok here we go ladies….
Janelley- soooo not funny for a minute I thought you were serious

I was like WTF this lady should know the whole story better than me lol….I just love sitting down with the kiddos for movie time and popcorn and we love the lorax! Took all the kidos to see it in the movie theater, first movie for my littlest guy to go see! And OMG oreo truffles are my fAVE my one thing my MIL can actually make right lol….well I guess other than dh but even then she didn’t have much to do with that now did she?..... oh I second the doggy style…must admit one of my faves…all though feet to shoulder is another fave for me and dh wont go into specifics
Mnj-yeah they should monitor your levels then once they hit over 6,000 or past 6 weeks is when they usually do the us wont see much till then…good luck FX :hug….ok too funny about the road hahaha omg the bj promise…dh SWEARS I promised 9months of bj after I got pregnant bc I said I wouldn’t wait baby juice either…ummm yeah so NEVER promised 9 straight months of bj lmao that line is for sure darker than before and looks great for how early you are…remember most don’t test till af is a week late!
Army- sorry about the

I was really praying for ya…just a question but why are you moving to your home town now vs when he is deployed….if you don’t want to share that is fine…but I understand
Kanicky- LMAO!!! My oldest was my poop monster as I like to call it. One night he pooped and instead of coming and getting me, he must of done it right after I layed him down and he was sleeping in a toddler bed at that point he was just past 2 yr, anyways he decided it would be fun to play in it and “paint” himself and the walls…seriously…when I went to check on him before I went to bed he was sound asleep caked in poop!!!! I had to wake him up and give him a bath it was so bad…not before I took a pic though…black mail when he gets older hehe…wish I had thought of your idea of the pjs though total genius!!!
Never-thanks hun and you are just as sweet!!!!
Sweetz- when we tried this last time I got pregnant we did doggy style and I also held my feet in the air….dh kept telling me not to let his donation out lol.. cant wait for that pic today!!! I will be stalking you for it lol …not on FB sorry!!! Maybe add it to JAnelley’s blog lol….yeah for the bump pics!!! Ok were you an outy before getting pregnant or has the baby already pushed your “booby” button as my son calls it out? Supper cute!!!! Oh and odd random person running? Did you see any cops?
Shefali-glad to see you are going right back at it! GL dust:

back yah un! Nice to see ya even if you are just able to pop in for a minute!
Garfie: we know how busy you are and I do try to get on as much as possible but there are days that I just cant do it like I want to…it is hard having young one…GL on that BD!
Hope-GREAT to hear from you! I am so glad that you are going to get more tests done and hopefully some good results! Congrats on the new ring. I actually got a second engagement ring, although for a different reason and I love it so much more than the first! GL with the wedding!!
Aspe-sounds like you might still have a chance! It sucks but at this point it is a wait and see game….also if it is a UTI that could be where the blood is from if it is only when you whipe and pee….so I don’t mean this to sound weird but are you sure the blood is coming from your vagina?
Storked- omg you make the funniest jokes lol are you sure you are Mormon? I am with Janelley on this one you are by far the coolest Mormon I have ever met!! You keep that pervy out there attitude it is so you!!!
Janelley are you sure were to tired for bd or is it really the stiff neck? Lol
Lpjkp-glad to hear your lines are darker and that you are so tired bc that means your body is hard at work…yay for getting past mark!!! Oh and about dh…I am sorry that he is acting that way but I can almost promise that it is because he is afraid that you will lose the baby again. My dh is the same way emotionally stunted and when he is scared and stress he takes it out on me….is it ok NO but I know he does it because he knows I will stay by him no matter what happens. In the end try and talk to him…with my dh texting is actually easier for him to communicate with me…sounds bad but if it works it works

and we ALL rant on here….

I think I do too often some times lol…happy he applogized to you!!! Men are such butt heads….yes I said butt heads! Lol
OMG NEVER going that long with out responding ever again lol and I still feel like I forgot people…sorry

AFM-I am much happier today! Talked with DH last night and he pretty much agreed with me that until him mom can treat us and our kids the same as she does everyone else we are done. We have no intentions of talking to her for a few weeks. What is sad is my youngest was born on her bday…so wish I could take that back now……as you’ll read my dr apt is not until NEXT Thursday now…stupid people at the office..grr lol…so no news on that…just still packing and moving stuff and getting kids situated with school. I gotta drop off my sons IEP today so that they can get his services going. My oldest Joshua, has been in speech therapy since he was 3, and now is in physical therapy and occupational therapy. HE has left side weakness, low muscle tone and strength through out his whole body. He is almost 6 but still has a hard time holding up his own head for long period of time without resting it on his shoulders…we have no diagnoses for him and so far all neurological tests have come back normal thank god! But anywho…will try and post later today gotta get but in gear!!! LOVE MY GIRLS!!!