March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi Everybody!! Had lots to read!

Angel - I'm 14dpo today. I'm still temping also! AND taking tests every morning urging that line to get darker and darker. I had b/w done on Monday (12dpo) when I got my bfp on hpt and my hcg was only 65. I was hoping for a higher # so I'd feel more secure but it was early, I know. Did you get a blood test done? I'm feeling pretty good, actually, which worries me. I should feel like crap, right?! I still have sore bb's but that's about it. I felt more the week before my bfp than I do now. My bb's were RIDICULOUS swollen and sore, they're not as bad now but still sore. Also had crazy bad cramps. Those are pretty much gone too. I still feel kinda tugging or like something's there when I move certain ways. Idk.. I want to FEEL pregnant!

Krissy - I'm with you on the roadhead deal!! I know they want that kind of service anytime anywhere but all I can think is please don't wreck, please don't wreck, please don't wreck lol

Janelley and Storked - I'm not too worried about the video getting into the wrong hands, its on his phone. He's not gonna let anybody see it and if some stranger somehow saw it I have no worries, it was doggy style remember... my face is nowhere in the video! HA!!!

Army and all the other girls - I forgot one more secret step to conceiving. My DB reminded me of it. I was reading through all the posts and cracking up laughing so had to explain what all was being said. He said well don't forget to tell them about the bj promise. HAHA! Totally forgot. He'd been whining for a bj and I was like we are NOT wasting baby juice!! I promised when I was on my period he'd get one. Lo and behold, I'm not gonna have a period for 9 months!!! (God willing) Hilarious! So, add that to the mix of doggy style and videos then POOF! BFP! hee hee

Garfie - you go girl! you totally win the confession stories!! I know I wouldn't have an audience. I am NOT pretty naked!! lol

Never - Thanks for adding me to the group list. I'm here to stay! :) I got my BFP on 8/27 and symptoms wise right now is just sore bb's. Hoping for more very soon!

Catchbaby - Hi!! So sorry about your m/c :( I hope you get your sticky bean very soon!

Lucky baby dust to everybody!!!! :dust:
Bump pictures! I forgot to post these earlier. I am quite *eh hem* big. They say the more kids, the faster you show...they weren't kidding.

2012-08-29 22.41.15.jpg

2012-08-29 22.42.12.jpg
Hi Everybody!! Had lots to read!

Angel - I'm 14dpo today. I'm still temping also! AND taking tests every morning urging that line to get darker and darker. I had b/w done on Monday (12dpo) when I got my bfp on hpt and my hcg was only 65. I was hoping for a higher # so I'd feel more secure but it was early, I know. Did you get a blood test done? I'm feeling pretty good, actually, which worries me. I should feel like crap, right?! I still have sore bb's but that's about it. I felt more the week before my bfp than I do now. My bb's were RIDICULOUS swollen and sore, they're not as bad now but still sore. Also had crazy bad cramps. Those are pretty much gone too. I still feel kinda tugging or like something's there when I move certain ways. Idk.. I want to FEEL pregnant!

Krissy - I'm with you on the roadhead deal!! I know they want that kind of service anytime anywhere but all I can think is please don't wreck, please don't wreck, please don't wreck lol

Janelley and Storked - I'm not too worried about the video getting into the wrong hands, its on his phone. He's not gonna let anybody see it and if some stranger somehow saw it I have no worries, it was doggy style remember... my face is nowhere in the video! HA!!!

Army and all the other girls - I forgot one more secret step to conceiving. My DB reminded me of it. I was reading through all the posts and cracking up laughing so had to explain what all was being said. He said well don't forget to tell them about the bj promise. HAHA! Totally forgot. He'd been whining for a bj and I was like we are NOT wasting baby juice!! I promised when I was on my period he'd get one. Lo and behold, I'm not gonna have a period for 9 months!!! (God willing) Hilarious! So, add that to the mix of doggy style and videos then POOF! BFP! hee hee

Garfie - you go girl! you totally win the confession stories!! I know I wouldn't have an audience. I am NOT pretty naked!! lol

Never - Thanks for adding me to the group list. I'm here to stay! :) I got my BFP on 8/27 and symptoms wise right now is just sore bb's. Hoping for more very soon!

Catchbaby - Hi!! So sorry about your m/c :( I hope you get your sticky bean very soon!

Lucky baby dust to everybody!!!! :dust:

Is the trick in the promise or actually delivering?
Janelley, totally Mormon. How did you know lol? The temple reference gave me away?
Oh and for my first marriage we didn't even go out and eat with people so yours doesn't sound redneck to me ;)

Sweetz, message me and I can give you my name for FB. I am a freak about lurkers knowing it too :)
Love the bump!

Hi Kanicky!

Aspe, dunno. The bleeding could still be from a UTI if it was severe enough. I had a UTI when pregnant and had no symptoms.

MnJ, LOL to no face!
Im sitting here minding my own business and what do I hear? Dogs going crazy so I look outside...some random person is booking it through my front yard, jumps over fence, runs through backyard, then over fence on opposite! Did I mention I live in the middle of nowhere?! TG I have a big ass deer hunting knife! Lol!
Yeah....DH just got home and he scanned the yard....he said he saw footprints (it just rained) creepy is right....
Was somebody masterbeasting to your belly bump? ;)
(don't throw a shoe at me for a joke!)
Storked- Born and raised. I gotta say, you are the coolest Mormon I have ever met. I'm never going to be able to look at one the same again. I'm going to be tempted to ask them, "do you do naked movie night too?" :winkwink:

Sweetz- You look so cute with your little bump. I wanna look that cute with a bump! Funny story, my hubby and I use to live next to a bank when we first got together, well people were ALWAYS running through our yard because they robbed the bank. It was almost normal. We were BBQing one day and some dude just wooshed on through, like no biggie. We just said good luck as he passed through.

MnJ- SO glad you're hear to stay. :happydance:

AFM- I'm tired. We were suppose to BD tonight, but I'm beat. I don't know when I ovulated or if I have yet, but I check my CP and it's super low, hard, and tightly closed. I know that's a sign of AF, but she just left.. so I don't know what the hell is going on, but I don't feel as guilty not BDing when my cervix is closed. Hubby went to bed. His neck is completely stiff he can't move it. I don't know what he did to it, but it's like having sex with Frankenstein. I don't like it. Alright, well I'm off to bed. See you ladies in the morning. :sleep:
Janelley, SEX WITH FRANKENSTEIN! Muahahahaha sounds jerky and hard ;) yep dot feel bad if closed!
Born and raised? Me too. Lived as an atheist for 3 years of my life so definitely not typical here. I watch what I want, listen to what I want (though DH would still mockingly point out that I have Saturday's Warrior album on my iPod), and really don't make friends at church. And I am pervy with a dark sense of humor.
And now you know why my hubby it's risqué- he is very Orthodox LDS. I was talking to some girls in the foyer at the singles ward once and was relaying a story in which I thoughtlessly used the word "cootch". He makes this choking noise and said "YOU JUST SAID COOTCH IN FRONT OF JOSEPH SMITH...I can't believe you". I glanced to the portrait of Joseph Smith, glanced at him and glanced at the girls and just started laughing hysterically. They thought it was awesome but he still flinches when I say that particular "C word" hehe.
But my parents converted from being Methodists so I was raised in a very God is love type of home that is pretty open. And we aren't modest either. :)
Morning ladies. I had to read 5 pages this morning!!

Shefali- I want to start with you. I was thinking back to when I was on BC--I had been on it since I was 13 because I had ovarian cysts. Anywho, while I was on it, I never really had a problem producing natural lubricant. I got turned on really easily and was good to go, in other words. When I stopped taking BC, I dried up. Had no lubrication what so ever. There was one time that my husband and I had sex and I tore. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I would not want that to happen to you. So, I spoke with my doctor at the time and he told me to get some KY Jelly and a couple times a day use it to lubricate my vagina. I'm no doctor, but I'm thinking if you're that dry and all you have is CM, your body may be "shutting down" because sex is painful or uncomfortable. I know your brain sends signals that something isn't right if you're experiencing painful sex. Sort of goes into defense mode. But, if you're having sex on a daily basis and you're dry, it's like opening a new wound every time. You can get a serious infection that way. Try putting some lube in your vagina a couple times a day and see if that helps to heal it a bit. I know you really want a baby, but this isn't the way to do it. You can PM if you want.

Krissy- That sort of happened to me with the insurance. We got a couple hundred dollar bill for a well check up for our son. Our insurance changed in February and they were trying to tell me his pediatrician wasn't covered. They kept telling me that she wasn't listed on the website for covered doctors, but in fact she was on there 3 times! So, I called and raised hell and talked to an agent and WALKED THEM THROUGH the website to see what I was seeing. The lady was a real bitch, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to have hundreds of dollars if I didn't have to. Can you call and request to speak to someone else?

Storked- I didn't think I had anything left to bride my husband with...until we went to Florida in February. Sex on the beach. He enjoyed it, I on the other hand was terrified we were going to get caught. I gotta say though, it was a trill. I'm sure you can think of something. :winkwink: Be creative.

MnJ- I have a good feeling that this is it for you and your boyfran! I can't wait for your US.:flower:

Sweetz- I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait for the pictures. :happydance:
Can you feel the baby moving yet? I remember I felt the baby move for the first time after having sex and it scared the shit out of me. I just imagined him sloshing around in my belly. I know "they" say you can't feel the baby move until your further along, but after your first pregnancy, I've heard you know what to feel for, so you feel the movement a lot earlier.

Army- I really hope you get pregnant this cycle, but try not to think about it so much or you might stress yourself out. I think I would lose my mind if my husband left for long periods of time over the weekend to go fishing. Especially if he said I couldn't go with him. Have you tried asking him if he wouldn't mind staying home and doing something with you the next weekend? Maybe you could have your parents watch your daughter and you two can get some alone time. Go on a dinner and movie date.. Or something fun like that. You said that you're strapped for cash, maybe you two can go on a picnic? As for him bitching about doing all the work, put your foot down. If he wants to have sex, he's going to have to put in some effort.

Where is Hopestuck? I miss you!!! To all the other ladies that I missed... :hi:Hello!!!

What does grapefruit juice do? I'm curious... Is it too late for me to start taking it?

I cant help being dry. its not about regular bd or stress. the gland that produces lube(bartholin gland) got infected years back(before marriage) and had to be removed so thats why i cant produce any lube anymore. Its not about trying.. its my destiny now...oh blah :cry: :wacko:
Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Sorry for not being very active! I've honestly been really wrapped up in wedding stuff (LOL). We are having a bit of a fiasco with my engagement ring. To make a long story short....we had it sized at the store we bought it from in the Yukon. It had some scratches on it when we picked it up but I figured that was normal. Well, taking it home and showing it to people, turns out it is NOT normal and they did a horrific job on the resize! So I emailed them to complain, and they said they would offer me a new setting or a refund. WELL, after a lot of thinking I've decided to go with the refund and to pick out a brand new ring from somewhere else :D So, this is exciting, but it has honestly been driving me crazy! I'm so indecisive! So I've been doing a lot of research and I think I've finally decided that what I really want is a traditional round cut solitaire with a plain band. As IF it took me WEEKS to figure that out? haha. Anyway. (ETA: for your feasting eyes, my ring will be just like this! although obviously a different diamond and probably 6 prong ring:))

Other things - I went to the Docs yesterday. My doc is out of town so I had his stand-in, another young doctor. We were talking about my situation and he looked at my file and noticed there were a couple of tests that my doctor didn't do (I swear he did them, but the results could not be found - so maybe we both missed it). Anyway, he wrote me a new requisition for more bloodwork to test for APS (antiphospholipid syndrome), and I also convinced him to test for lupus anticoagulant (something I've been reading about in my recurrent M/C scientific studies - which yes, I brought out at the appt!). He is also doing a clotting time test, and phenotyping (genetic testing) on both DF and I. HOPEFULLY this will give us some answers... either way he is referring me to a specialist in the city for additional testing/consultation.

In the meantime though, we've decided to take a break. Now that we have a wedding to plan for the spring, there's lots going on. I also have an exam coming up in October, and DF and I both agreed that if I experienced another M/C around that time, it would be detrimental to my success. So we're holding off for at least a few months, probably until November, maybe even later, depending on what happens with the blood tests & fertility clinic stuff. I'm also taking CoQ10 (shoutout to Storked! hehe) and my Royal Jelly to try and improve egg quality. Apparently it takes about 3 months to prepare an egg, so I'm hoping this time frame will work out for getting the information we need and the nutrition/quality/time/recovery my body needs for the next preg to be a success.

All that to say, I'm prob going to be spending a little bit less time on these boards. I will stop in here and there to see how you are all doing though!!

Some quick personal notes ---
Sweetz, LOVE the U/S pics! OMG!! What a little angel you have brewing in there! Amazing!!

Never, you are coming up to 13 weeks, into the 2nd tri! Yahoo! So glad things are going well. I hope you have a great weekend with your DH :)

Garfie, your story about the beach sex + 5 eyes watching made my jaw drop...hilarious...

AngelSerenity & LPJKP - so glad things are going well this time! LP, I was happy to see your dark test and a 2-3 in your profile pic. Yay! I'll continue to send you both healthy, loving, growing baby thoughts!

Storked - good luck with the move coming up soon!! Also, my books are set to be delivered next week and I will keep you posted on how it goes reading them :) Yeaaaah book buddies!

Krissy & Janelley - you guys are soooo speedy, I have trouble catching up with all your posts! Love it though, nice to see happy, lighthearted conversations happening on here. Good luck with your upcoming O's and :sex: :sex: :sex: - Also loved the wild/outdoor/weird location sex stories. Hilarious...

Army, sorry AF came this cycle :( I'll be KMFX for you next time around before your DH heads off again!

Hello to MNJ and Shefali, KMP (?) and anyone else I may have missed!

Hello sweety :hi:
It’s a good job I can read, otherwise I’d be pretty stuffed trying to keep up with all this conversation going on!!

Sorry it’s not a long post today, but I’ve woken up this morning feel pretty dragged. Feel really nauseous (Can’t even drink my hot chocolate this morning…what’s up with that?!), only one look at my prenatal makes me wanna hurl, and I’m so bloody tired…regardless of how I’m feeling, I’m glad that I’m “feeling” pregnant (And happy because I’ve never reached this point in pregnant before and mc last time at 4wk 5days!YAY!) and reassured that the test line on my FRER comes up now before the control line even thinks of appearing and ends up so dark…got a long shift later though (URGH!) standing on my feet all day and pretending like I feel fine to the rest of the world…it’s gonna take some practice!!

Hope: Glad to see you popping back! It’s not the same without you! Glad to hear that you’re undertaking the very stressful (But totally worth it!) task of planning your wedding! £12,000 dollars sounds like an amazing amount of money to me! We planned out wedding (Everything included) for just under £1,000 GBP and, even though it wasn’t a massively extravagant day, it was the perfect intimate day for us with our closest friends and family…you’ll have the wedding of your dreams for your budget I’m sure! X

Sweetz: ARGH! That is like a proper baby bump in the making!!!! It makes it so much more real that you have a little baby snuggled up in there, and the same baby that was waving at you on the US yesterday!! It makes me have bump envy for sure! What do you “feel” you’re having? Boy or girl?

Hello to all the other absolutely lovely ladies and sorry I don’t have more to say so far…I’ll try and pop in again later on…hope you all happy a lovely day/night’s sleep (Whatever the time zone is!) xxx DH is just a douchebag sometimes!!!

I feel like I need to rant..he just makes me so angry sometimes...I've just had him on the phone to his bank because of around a few unauthorised payments for around £50-00 have been taken out of his account by a company we both don't know...after searching online, I found on forums that a number of people were finding out it was for a porn website that they'd been on, but didn't realise it ended up with lots of money being taken out.

Long story short, I asked my DH if this could be true for him, and he very awkwardly said no. Ten minutes later he's flapping and finally admits to me that he had subscribed to a porn site not long back, which he thought only needed a £1.00 trial fee...I only said to him that I was disappointed that: 1) He'd gone on it in the first place, especially giving his details and not knowing if it was legit and 2) that he felt he had to lie to me..

...And then, HE lost his temper with ME!! WTH?! He's blaming it on MY hormones and stormed out of the house saying he won't be back for dinner because I'm always having a go at him lately and he doesn't want to be in the house at the same time that I am...I feel really hurt that he can be such a douchebag! He was so fantastic, caring, supportive and understanding with my first pregnancy and, this time round, he's just being a complete arse! I feel like reminding him that HE wanted this baby too, and that he's going to have to get used to those bloody hormones because they'll be around for a lot longer! He's such a dick sometimes!

Argh...sorry to rant ladies, but I needed to let it out somewhere :( DH is just a douchebag sometimes!!!

I feel like I need to rant..he just makes me so angry sometimes...I've just had him on the phone to his bank because of around a few unauthorised payments for around £50-00 have been taken out of his account by a company we both don't know...after searching online, I found on forums that a number of people were finding out it was for a porn website that they'd been on, but didn't realise it ended up with lots of money being taken out.

Long story short, I asked my DH if this could be true for him, and he very awkwardly said no. Ten minutes later he's flapping and finally admits to me that he had subscribed to a porn site not long back, which he thought only needed a £1.00 trial fee...I only said to him that I was disappointed that: 1) He'd gone on it in the first place, especially giving his details and not knowing if it was legit and 2) that he felt he had to lie to me..

...And then, HE lost his temper with ME!! WTH?! He's blaming it on MY hormones and stormed out of the house saying he won't be back for dinner because I'm always having a go at him lately and he doesn't want to be in the house at the same time that I am...I feel really hurt that he can be such a douchebag! He was so fantastic, caring, supportive and understanding with my first pregnancy and, this time round, he's just being a complete arse! I feel like reminding him that HE wanted this baby too, and that he's going to have to get used to those bloody hormones because they'll be around for a lot longer! He's such a dick sometimes!

Argh...sorry to rant ladies, but I needed to let it out somewhere :(

I dont know why men have to be so mean at times. wish they were a little more understanding at this stage.. only if they could become pg and give birth :winkwink:..lots of hugs for you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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