March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Yay, lots to reply to! Way easier when you are reading regularly, haha.

Storked - that sounds like exactly the ring I am talking about! It's soooo pretty :) I like the round cut as well. In the end I am leaning towards the plain band solitaire though, just cuz I think it suits me more overall - bit of a plain jane :)

Yep, $12,000 seems steep but apparently most weddings are like $27,000. Your wedding really sounds ideal! I would prefer an elopement and/or smaller style, but DF says his family would never forgive us. The $12,000 is covering dinner/banquet for 65 people (mostly family, believe it or not - DF's fam is super big and so is mine!), plus the costs for renting the ceremony venue, our flights to Toronto (we're planning on getting married in the province where most of our family lives), dress, any decor, hotel room, and all that other small stuff. But the biggest cost (~$7,000 is going to be for the reception). Ack! Another option we have been looking at is renting a vacation home on the water and just holding the whole thing there! That would probably be a lot cheaper as we could order local catering and supply an drinks ourselves. But, then you miss out on the whole dance floor bit, which my DF appears to be very big on. Haha. So we'll see.

In terms of dress shopping, it probably won't be for a while...can you believe there are no bridal stores in our town!? haha. We're going to the closest nearby larger city this weekend to check out other rings, so I might as DF if we can check out the bridal stores there as well. I am honestly thinking of oredering online though. The ones at are pretty nice (and I've heard good reviews) and are mostly under $300, which would be awesome.

Janelley - again with the elopement! Such a brilliant idea. It seems like more and more people I talk to have done that. It just seems like such a WASTE to spend so much $$ on a wedding, you know? That's so romantic that you eloped on a whim though. Hehe. It doesn't sound redneck at all, it sounds like it was all about YOU, which is what it should be!

Thanks for the well wishes on the BFP :) In the past we've been pretty fortunate to get pregnant pretty much right away, so I'll be KMFX that we get our *forever* BFP the next time. *sigh*

Sweetz - Your bump is SO precious! Eeeeeep! I love it. You are looking fantastic. So cute. Please keep posting more pics.

LPJKP - That's great that you're feeling nauseated! ;) Really good sign hun. And that's also super awesome that your FRER is really dark! That is also a super awesome sign. After 4 pregnancies...I would say I am somewhat of an expert on this matter..and I would say you have yourself a very sticky baby in there! :happydance:

I'm amazed that you were able to have your wedding for £1,000 GBP! Can I ask what you guys did/how many people? I would LOVE to be able to cut back while still keeping it, you know, elegant and fun. :)

OH, I am so sorry to hear that your DH is being a right up d*ck! That is SO not fair. He is just lashing out because he is embarrassed. I caught my Ex-bf with an online subscription to a video-sex website (YEAH) and confronted him about it... it was the same thing, he lashed out at me saying I invaded his privacy. Oh come on. Obviously there was good reason to do so. I think your DH definitely owes you an apology. And tell him to either drop the porn bit or be up front about it! Men...seriously. They are far too controlled by their penises.

MNJ - your tests look GREAT! Seriously! At 4-ish weeks you are doing perfect! The Wondfos/IC strips also take a LOT longer before the test line is darker than the control. In my experience, in my pregnancy with my healthy baby (whose heart stopped at 8 wks but was otherwise perfect), the test like was darker than the control on a FRER at about 5 weeks. I wasn't using ICs at that time but I imagine they would have also gotten darker at around 5-6 weeks. The hormones really do double up quickly once they get higher. AND, lots of other women will tell you that they didn't get dark dark lines until 6-7 weeks (and some women never do). So it really depends, but I honestly don't think you have any reason to worry.

From everything I have experienced and known, the only times you need to worry are if: (a) the line gets fainter, and (b) the line only gets marginally darker (like me in my last pregnancy) - my blog (I think its in my siggy below) has some pics of the images. At 5 weeks it was still pretty faint.

Krissy - thanks for the congrats!! And yes, I really hope we get some more results from the tests as well. I think I will go in and get them done today...sooner is better than later! That's awesome that you got a second ring too! hehe. Us ladies and our rings!

Really glad to hear that you had a productive talk with your DH last night. Your MIL seems like a wreck - you don't need that kind of negativity in your life! Sorry also to hear your little guy Joshua is having a tough time. Poor little guy. I really hope you get some answers :hugs: Has he been tested for muscular dystrophy? My mom's brother had it. The other thing that comes to mind is maybe celiac disease, as I've heard that it makes it almost impossible for babies/children with it/who develop it to thrive. Outside of that I have no idea but I do hope you find out. xoxox
Hopestruck, you know what ring suits you so go for it :D

No bridal stores in my tiny hometown either but I just borrowed my sister's dress hehe. Even if you order your gown online you can go to those stores and look at veils and the like! If you do a veil- I opted not to. :)
Sounds hectic. The vacay home does sound like a money saver but it is his wedding too and if he is set on dancing then you gotta have it right? :D
Lp...mine was the same way...seems to be getting a little better but it took seeing the are so weird...

Mnj STOP TEMPING!! My temp is all over the place. Somedays it is 96.1 others it is goes all over the place. The line looks darker to me from today.

Krissy - baby is pushing my booby button out. I'm very slender in the waist/stomach area...well WAS slender lol didn't see any cops but neighbors saw it too...weird.

Jane I hope it is a boy!

AFM feeling wonderful! First day in a long time woke up ms free.
Hello ladies!! Hope you all are having a wonderful day. Want to first spread baby dust to all those waiting for BFP's and some more for those of us just starting out cycles!

Sweetz- LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pics!!! I love looking at US pics!!! they make me happy! and love the belly pics, you are absolutely adorable!!!!! cant wait to see more as the bump grows!

Shefalia!! yes, yes, lets be buds! My cycles are usually 25 to 26 days, I know really short hey?? I O usually around day 10 or 11. Im pretty regular and I guess thats why I think I might have been a little nuts to mess with soy but I was and am feeling a little desperate. Had a visit with my sister in law today who informed me she is pregnant. She is about 8 weeks. I tried really hard to put on a happy face...............I think she bought it......

mnj- those lines def look to be getting darker. I agree, with my chemical they kept getting lighter until they fanished all together so for sure a good sign for you. Remember my OB told me its not necessarily the number of the hcg its that it doubles or increases thats important.

Krissy- oh my lord!!! he had himself a down right poop party in there!!!! yes the pj's backwards I have to admit was one of my better ideas!! When I am backed into a corner I can be pretty resourceful. Now if I could mass produce them and sell them, muahhhhahaha! jk someone already has a patent, I looked. LOL

Nothing exciting to report here. No ewcm yet, no positive OPk's. Did bd last night though. We always start the day after AF leaves. My dh actually sat and had a TTC discussion with me last night about how important it is that when we "hit the work bench" as he calls it. He needs to make sure he isnt sending my soldiers down the drain in the shower. I told him he will be relieved every other day and during the tww he can do whatever the heck he wants! He seemed ok with that. I also but the kabash on his energy drinks last month too so he is feeling some restrictions too. Oh well!
Heading to the store in about a half hour, have a good afternoon gals ttyl.
Storked - Silly me forgot to post to busy reading and advising:dohh:

CD13 and PEAK :happydance: hubby said a strange thing last night "last night of HIGHS so we best get :sex: to make sure we catch the eggie".

How did he know? lucky guess? co incidence? I've not told him about this cycle at all we just had :sex: when we felt like it (of course I'm aware and turn on my lady charms) but how the hell did he know? Anyway have sent him a text telling him we have the egg and he's like you're in for it tonight lady! - :haha: in for what I wonder?:blush:

Have you Ovulated yet hun? - I'm hoping I get to O this month and it's not a false start:cry:



LMAO, I love that he said you're in for it. Lately my DH wants me to do all the work and half the time he is too tired to want sex at all. This week that is fine since I am dealing with AF until Sunday. I cant tell him about positive OPKs or ovulation because he stresses.
Storked- I dont understand the obsession with them. Frankly I think Redbull tastes like Nyquil!!! icky!
Krissy-Long story short: Some friends jipped us out of $350. We are way behind on bills. Barely affording gas to get DH to work every week. So DH decided that we are going to cut the lease short in November so we can use the $900 to get our bills current. And he knows how much my mom wants some more time with me and the baby so this was his way of giving her that gift.
Hey ladies. Well, I talked to hubby and he is still Frankenstein. So, I talked him into going to a chiropractor tomorrow. I called and verified that our insurance will cover it. They will cover 25 visits a year! I LOVE our insurance. When I'm pregnant they cover everything 100% like medicaid. It's so nice. My little guy goes to the dentist tomorrow for the first time. This should be interesting, I can barely get my fingers in his mouth before he tries to bite them off. Looks like tomorrow is going to be a pretty busy day, so I wont be on here too much. I just hope they fix my husband, I hate seeing him in pain. Personally, I am too chicken to go to a chiropractor. It just freaks me out. Does anyone have any success stories with one?
Kanicky, my husband drinks all kinds and most taste terrible! He'll actually say "oh I like that one- tastes like Benadryl"...who likes that?!

Janelley, your boy sounds like me. It looks like I need to have a tooth looked at and I am scared :D
I LOVE my chiropractor....omg YES! Crack my back baby...realign that spine *drool*


I suffer from degenerative spine disorder so I see one often to realign my spine. Haven't gone recently and I am in pain, but can't do it while pregnant...
Hopestuck- The MAIN reason my husband and I decided to elope is because I needed to get on his health insurance. I would have been fine not ever getting married. It's pretty interesting seeing the look on peoples faces when we tell them that. Jokingly I tell them I married him for his insurance, and he tells people he did it for the tax break. Instead of calling each other by name I would call him boyfriend and he would call me girlfriend. We still do that. We had a dinner celebration with all of our close friends and no family at the end of the night and we made everyone pay for their own meal. The cool thing was everyone pitched in more money than was needed and told us we could pocket the rest. So, we gave it to our son.

This is our only wedding picture. Yes, I wore black to my wedding. LOL


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Army- i understand what you mean!!!!

Janelley- good luck on the dentist! my kids love the dentist lol...and thanks for makeing me laugh so much!!!!

Hope-we still dont know but in the end what matters is he gets his therapies that will help make him better

Ok ladies....sorry about the short reply but i gotta vent yet again!!!

ok so BIL that i watch his kid for has been fight for custody of her and got the friend of the court recomendation that it be 50/50. he is mad bc they never called his witnesses blah blah blah...anyways he wants an evidentry hearing and he said they he thinks they call witnesses to testify. i told him i wont do it i dont want my character judged...he goes oh no they wont do that the will only ask you about what you wrote, bc i turned in a few statements about a phone call and what not, i told him no that her lawyer would try and discredit me and i wont have that, its not my kid and frankly what is so wrong with 50/50 he puts her in child care for 50+hours a week anyways.....then he goes on to tell me that she stated that his kid has more bruises on her since i started watching her...WTF!!! i have watched countless kids and have 3 of my own and never has this been said of me!!! i will admit that i do smack hands or spank butts but NEVER have left a mark. usually she goes to the play pen for time out cuz she never stops crying!!! I mean honestly i cant remember the last time i spanked my holdest or my middle child...anyways....i told him that right there i want nothing to do with it bc what they will take it further and call cps on me???

I know I know more thank likely nothing will come of especially since nothing has so far and i mean come on i think she has had maybe 4 bruises that i know of in the last almost 4 months...thanks not bad for a 1 1/2 yr old...but yeah of course i am the worry type...just happy i am moving away from here and i told dh that after tomorrow, my last day to watch BIL kid, i am done with his family for a while and if they try and make me testify i am done with them forever...he just told me not to worry and try to call face is till red

but come ladies if that was said about you, when the whole time you have been trying to be nice and help out the family member who never pays you like they said...who you feel used and pissed the F*** off???:growlmad::cry::cry::growlmad::cry:
Janelley- LOVED the pic!!! we got married at the justice of the peace with our parents and my aunt and uncle and oh 3 kids!! we just got married on april 9th my 27th bday..we thought about a wedding but we have been together for 7yrs through so much that why spend money that we could use on ourselves and celebrate in our own way. afterwards we went out for a dinner w/ my parents had a nice steak dinner and smashed cake in our faces it was great!!!:haha:
Krissy- My son is 2 and the front of his legs are always bruised. I have never laid a finger on my son, it's because he is a boy and likes to play rough! Is the child's mother a bad mom? I think the biggest pet peeve of mine is parents that take a child away from the other parent out of spite. I just think that is so mean. 2 of my friends are going through that right now. They have both been served with papers to sign over their rights and it's sad because neither have the money to pay to fight. I grew up never knowing my biological dad, I was always told he was just a sperm donor and never gave a crap about me or my brother and sister. So when I had my son, I was determined to find him. Well, turns out he is not a POS, he is a really nice man and my mom made it so that he could never see us. He would send us birthday and Christmas presents and my mom would send them back! I never knew this until I met him, but that is one thing she would always say, "he's never even sent you a birthday card or Christmas present" So, this year on my birthday I went to get the mail and there was only one card in the mail box... from him. I don't know if he was a POS when we were kids, but he's a down right decent man now and I am SO thankful that I made the choice to find him and he is part of my son's life. We're going fishing on Monday. :happydance: I still have yet to catch a fish..

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