Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA. I've been feeling like shit lately. My nose is so stuffed, but so dry at the same time. It's really annoying. I have a lingering headache and I'm exhausted after this weekend.
Krissy- I'm here, but I wont be as active today as I've usually been. I hope that after your doctors appointment, you can get back in the game and make a baby! I'm cheering you on!
LP- if it were me, I would find another doctor if at all possible. It's not right for him to say things like that to you. I didn't have morning sickness with my son, and I had US from weeks 1-6 every week. Then I switched doctors and had one at 16 weeks and 20 weeks. Don't let him scare you.
Storked- Spaghetti? Really? Are you sure you're not pregnant already?
Shefali- Your test strip looks positive to me, get to bedding and remember to use lube through out the day to help your self heal. I hope this is an easy cycle for you and just remember to have fun.
Angel- Try not to get too discouraged. Remember that your hcg levels have a pretty wide window in numbers the first few weeks. You could have also tested at levels for the end of 3 weeks and actually be 4 weeks. I wouldn't trust digital tests. In the end, it still says your pregnant right? That's all that matters. Also, I had brown discharge all the way up until I hit my 3rd trimester. Try to relax. Drink plenty of fluids and if you can, curl up in bed with a good book and take a lazy day.

Kanicky- I can't even afford a car payment right now with all that's been going on with remodeling our house. Hopefully next year we can look into buying a new car. I don't think you screwed your self not taking the soy this month. I know a lot of people that were taking all sorts for things trying to get pregnant and it's when they stopped everything that it actually happened. Best of luck to you, and keep us posted.
Never- How are you? I just wanting to tell you that I plan on testing on the 13th so that you could update your post.
Sweetz- How are you feeling? I've read to keep crackers next to your bed and to eat a few before you get up in the morning, that is suppose to help with morning sickness. I read your story about miscarrying at 21 weeks. That is so upsetting. I could not even imagine what you went through. I'm just thankful that you got out of that situation and he got help with his anger. You are one amazing woman! Your daughter is lucky to have you as a mother, that's all I gotta say!
Bama- How are you feeling as well? I saw that you got a BFP, though it's early... I things are going smoothly for you and that sweet little bean.
Hisgrace- Did you have any lucky with those brownies I sent you? Hopefully they weren't a total bust.
Aspe- Any word yet? I hope you get a BFP soon, if you haven't already.
Garfie and Lisalee- How are you ladies doing? Good I hope.
Sorry if I'm missed anyone. I had so many pages to look back at and I've forgotten what everyone said.
AFM- We got our trashcan drawer made and I can't help but laugh. This whole kitchen remodel has been nothing but trial and error for us. So far all of our mistakes have been easy to fix... I just hope it stays that way. There is a show on DIY about people that start projects on their own and have no idea what they are doing.. That is us!!