Angel...keep your head up. Your test was a +...we all saw it!! *sends good vibes your way*
Storked....yeah I was thinking you are already having weird cravings haha
AFM...My sanity right now is hanging on by a thread.
Landlord being a *bleep*. This is the last month with this god awful prop. management so they are being absolutely unbearable. I let my hormones do the talking and I cussed them out and became a Masshole lol. Stupid lady....grrrrr

She didn't know what to say or do bc I am normally very nice and docile. I think they know now that I am pissed the *bleep* off.
Then I spoke with new company and they are giving me a problem with my service dog bc of her breed. UGH! I was like um, under federal law I don't need to provide you with any paperwork at all. They said bc of insurance reasons, and her breed I do. SONOVA........ So now I need to talk to my doctors, have one write a letter saying "medically necessary", get all legal/state laws put together, get her shot records, and since she is self trained I need to drive an hour away so someone can check her "behavior" even though she is strictly and "at home" service animal. I am sure they are going to still give me an issue as my disability is not a noticeable one (well most of the time it isn't lol)
If that wasn't enough, I realized I missed an important doctor's appointment...that was August 2nd. LOL!! Wow...that's pretty bad now that I look at it typed out haha

They were cool and said "it happens".
THEN (yes there is more) The Dept.of EDU lost ALL my paperwork on where my loan was discharged so I need to start that whole long and tedious process AGAIN! It took me 2 flipping years to get it done last time!!