March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Janelley, how can I be pregnant woman! Omg about side boob- I have boob to y freakig armpits!
Storked- That's because you're pregnant. :winkwink: My breasts are tender as well. More from side boob than anything though and they only hurt when I touch them. Yea for sore boobies!

Sweetz- You're new name is peachy keen. I LOVE PEACH JUICE!!!!!!!!! Speaking of which we picked up some peaches the other day from the farmers market and they are so freakin' delicious, I think I might just juice them tomorrow morning for breakfast. I had a coworker that would eat apple cinnamon oatmeal in the morning in my office and I loved the way it smelled. Mmmm. Oatmeal is a great source of fiber too...and we all know pregnant women need that. :winkwink: I have some apple cinnamon tea that I drink in the mornings. I love the way it fills my house with goodness.

Army- that's great! Does that mean you two talked it out and you're going for it? I'm so excited for you.:happydance: I hope this is your month. I'm sure I ovulated early this month and now I'm just waiting, but I'm not going to test early, I'm going to act like I ovulated later.. and just test when AF is due.

We are working things out. He says I got things all confused. He WANTS another baby but he is afraid that he isn't ready. We always say "Just when you say you're not ready is when God says you are". So hopefully that means this is the month!
Storked- That's because you're pregnant. :winkwink: My breasts are tender as well. More from side boob than anything though and they only hurt when I touch them. Yea for sore boobies!

Sweetz- You're new name is peachy keen. I LOVE PEACH JUICE!!!!!!!!! Speaking of which we picked up some peaches the other day from the farmers market and they are so freakin' delicious, I think I might just juice them tomorrow morning for breakfast. I had a coworker that would eat apple cinnamon oatmeal in the morning in my office and I loved the way it smelled. Mmmm. Oatmeal is a great source of fiber too...and we all know pregnant women need that. :winkwink: I have some apple cinnamon tea that I drink in the mornings. I love the way it fills my house with goodness.

Army- that's great! Does that mean you two talked it out and you're going for it? I'm so excited for you.:happydance: I hope this is your month. I'm sure I ovulated early this month and now I'm just waiting, but I'm not going to test early, I'm going to act like I ovulated later.. and just test when AF is due.

We are working things out. He says I got things all confused. He WANTS another baby but he is afraid that he isn't ready. We always say "Just when you say you're not ready is when God says you are". So hopefully that means this is the month!

Fingers crossed for you dear :dust::dust::dust:
Krissy - too funny!!

Shefalia - I had + opk cd16 am & pm then am on cd17. I had temp spike on cd18 so FF marked cd 17 as O day. I would say first day of - for ur O day. Im no expert but hope that helps!

Oh i thought so too :dohh: thanks that helps :hugs:
Hi girls sorry for the selfish post. I think my omen was right this morning, I've started having some brown staining and those tell tale cramps.


I'll update tomorrow xo

i've heard a lot about brown staining being normal.. i would suggest you to stay off your feet as much as you rest rest till it vanishes :hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies, can I firstly say another huge thank you for supporting and reassuring me during my freak out yesterday :flower:. I'll catch up with everybody's posts after I update you, so I can get it out of my system :winkwink:.

I can thankfully say that the brown staining last night has so far come to nothing, in fact on reflection the staining was not a lot and it only lasted an hour and didnt even fill a panty liner. I do have some very mild cramps and backache with a little tinged CM this morning but being positive it is wee bubs just burrowing and making themselves at home :shrug:? I also feel quite tender in my uterus this morning after the episode, has anybody else had this tenderness type feeling?

So I reckon yesterday was either bubs burrowing, just one of those pregnancy things, a little warning sign after my digi freak out in the morning, or (and hopefully not) one of those signs none of us want to think about.

Either way, I'm shattered after the drama of yesterday so I'm working from home today to try and rest up and recover.

I'm only on LDA at the moment, I think somebody had asked. My appointment with the RMC specialist is tomorrow morning and I'm going all guns blazing in the hope to get progesterone and a plan of action. My thinking is surely trying the progesterone is better than not trying it, right?

My temperature has been sitting at around 37 - 37.1 and today it even rose to 37.2, so again another bit of reassurance.

And, as for those bloody digis, the battery on the one I used yesterday was already gone this morning so that has also helped reassure me about their uselessness:growlmad:. NEVER BEING USED AGAIN.

And crazy as we all are, I did an IC this morning to try and put my mind at rest. The following pic shows the top IC at 16DPO, the next at 19DPO and the bottom at 29DPO.
IMG_1084 by Angel Hug, on Flickr
Yayy i use the same internet cheapies 10 miu ones.. I am so looking forward to the tww now :) i really hope we get our sticky bfps :)

i didnt have much ewcm this cycle even though i started with fertilecm supplement last week for the 1st time.. Anyways we used lot of preseed so it should be ok..

weird isnt it? our cycles really are an amazing thing. Who knows though maybe thats because this is both of our months!!!!! :thumbup:

yeah very weird :D
it better be our month! :happydance::thumbup::hugs:
Fingers as well as toes crossed for both of us :dust:
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA. I've been feeling like shit lately. My nose is so stuffed, but so dry at the same time. It's really annoying. I have a lingering headache and I'm exhausted after this weekend.

Krissy- I'm here, but I wont be as active today as I've usually been. I hope that after your doctors appointment, you can get back in the game and make a baby! I'm cheering you on!

LP- if it were me, I would find another doctor if at all possible. It's not right for him to say things like that to you. I didn't have morning sickness with my son, and I had US from weeks 1-6 every week. Then I switched doctors and had one at 16 weeks and 20 weeks. Don't let him scare you.

Storked- Spaghetti? Really? Are you sure you're not pregnant already? :haha:

Shefali- Your test strip looks positive to me, get to bedding and remember to use lube through out the day to help your self heal. I hope this is an easy cycle for you and just remember to have fun. :hugs:

Angel- Try not to get too discouraged. Remember that your hcg levels have a pretty wide window in numbers the first few weeks. You could have also tested at levels for the end of 3 weeks and actually be 4 weeks. I wouldn't trust digital tests. In the end, it still says your pregnant right? That's all that matters. Also, I had brown discharge all the way up until I hit my 3rd trimester. Try to relax. Drink plenty of fluids and if you can, curl up in bed with a good book and take a lazy day. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Kanicky- I can't even afford a car payment right now with all that's been going on with remodeling our house. Hopefully next year we can look into buying a new car. I don't think you screwed your self not taking the soy this month. I know a lot of people that were taking all sorts for things trying to get pregnant and it's when they stopped everything that it actually happened. Best of luck to you, and keep us posted.

Never- How are you? I just wanting to tell you that I plan on testing on the 13th so that you could update your post.

Sweetz- How are you feeling? I've read to keep crackers next to your bed and to eat a few before you get up in the morning, that is suppose to help with morning sickness. I read your story about miscarrying at 21 weeks. That is so upsetting. I could not even imagine what you went through. I'm just thankful that you got out of that situation and he got help with his anger. You are one amazing woman! Your daughter is lucky to have you as a mother, that's all I gotta say!

Bama- How are you feeling as well? I saw that you got a BFP, though it's early... I things are going smoothly for you and that sweet little bean.

Hisgrace- Did you have any lucky with those brownies I sent you? Hopefully they weren't a total bust. :winkwink:

Aspe- Any word yet? I hope you get a BFP soon, if you haven't already.

Garfie and Lisalee- How are you ladies doing? Good I hope.

Sorry if I'm missed anyone. I had so many pages to look back at and I've forgotten what everyone said.

AFM- We got our trashcan drawer made and I can't help but laugh. This whole kitchen remodel has been nothing but trial and error for us. So far all of our mistakes have been easy to fix... I just hope it stays that way. There is a show on DIY about people that start projects on their own and have no idea what they are doing.. That is us!!

Thanks sweetie :flower: am using it like crazy :haha: :thumbup: :flower:
hey girls, jumping on quick to ask a quick question and then I will be back on later. So today I took another OPK this afternoon. The line was darker than yesterday but no where near as dark as the control line. So Im assuming ok, we are getting there right???
Well Im sitting at work and all of a sudden I feel something leak out sorry if tmi, so I go to the bathroom and there is really watery discharge, so I wipe and its pink............ok wth is this??? Egg breaking through follicle??? but the OPK says I didnt O yet???? I dont know what this is at all, super confused. Any ideas???

I have had it but i think only because we BDed the night before. Happened twice with me.. very little. I hope its not there anymore :hugs:
Kanicky- Sounds like a great approach. Loving your husband's laid back attitude :)

Shefali- Looks just about positive to me. Good luck this month!!! So excited about your TWW. :thumbup:

Sweetz- Chips & Salsa sounds so good right now!!! I need to get that as my snack for work! Great idea!

Krissy- I hope your Dr. appt goes well on Thursday and you're able to get some answers.

Bama- I don't know about the tests. I don't usually test after I get the 1st 2 or 3 positives. Because I usually test pretty early on, my test line is never darker than the control line. I haven't tested since 11 DPO this time around. Are you having any symptoms yet?

Angel- Try to hang in there. Will keep you in my prayers. :flower:

AFM- I'm need to find a way to EAT MORE FOOD while at work. I need some good snack ideas. Will definitely get the chips & salsa. Can't wait for that!

yayy :happydance::happydance: i am sooo excited!! love you all for the positivity :hugs: :flower:
Hi ladies, can I firstly say another huge thank you for supporting and reassuring me during my freak out yesterday :flower:. I'll catch up with everybody's posts after I update you, so I can get it out of my system :winkwink:.

I can thankfully say that the brown staining last night has so far come to nothing, in fact on reflection the staining was not a lot and it only lasted an hour and didnt even fill a panty liner. I do have some very mild cramps and backache with a little tinged CM this morning but being positive it is wee bubs just burrowing and making themselves at home :shrug:? I also feel quite tender in my uterus this morning after the episode, has anybody else had this tenderness type feeling?

So I reckon yesterday was either bubs burrowing, just one of those pregnancy things, a little warning sign after my digi freak out in the morning, or (and hopefully not) one of those signs none of us want to think about.

Either way, I'm shattered after the drama of yesterday so I'm working from home today to try and rest up and recover.

I'm only on LDA at the moment, I think somebody had asked. My appointment with the RMC specialist is tomorrow morning and I'm going all guns blazing in the hope to get progesterone and a plan of action. My thinking is surely trying the progesterone is better than not trying it, right?

My temperature has been sitting at around 37 - 37.1 and today it even rose to 37.2, so again another bit of reassurance.

And, as for those bloody digis, the battery on the one I used yesterday was already gone this morning so that has also helped reassure me about their uselessness:growlmad:. NEVER BEING USED AGAIN.

And crazy as we all are, I did an IC this morning to try and put my mind at rest. The following pic shows the top IC at 16DPO, the next at 19DPO and the bottom at 29DPO.
IMG_1084 by Angel Hug, on Flickr

:happydance::happydance: great news.. the lines are getting darker nicely :happydance:

Do ask for progesterone and take it. it helps to ease spotting as well.. no harm at all in taking progesterone. You should totally go for it :thumbup:
And please rest and take it easy :hugs::hugs::hugs: Waiting for an update :)
AFM - Day 12..I got a second positive opk today :happydance: darker than yesterday.. Very lil ewcm this cycle though :shrug: i think i am hardly drinking any water :wacko:
MnJ... how's the tiredness and boobs? My boobs were really sore last week, but I've had a couple of good days this week. Cool reading by the way MnJ, sounds like your DS is going to be a nice handful early on :winkwink:

Krissy.... goodness you have had a loooooooooong month. Yeah for AF appearing though!

Shefali.... I hope you are up to loads of :sex: :winkwink:

Storked... spaghetti for breakfast???????? :wacko:, you mad woman.

Aspe.... any news yet, been thinking about you.

Kanicky.... how's those OPKs coming along?

Garfie.... how's things?

Janellybean... how's the kitchen coming along? Forget that, I've just seen the pics, it looks AMAZING :thumbup:. Jealous here lol. And so love the pic of your DS in the sink :winkwink:.

Sweetz.... :hugs::hugs:, I hope things have improved today? I didnt know you had a service dog, what type is she?

yoyojojo... congratulations honey! :happydance:

HisGrace.... thank you for the prayers, how are you?

Bamagirl, I think I did say congrats but just in case CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:cloud9::cloud9::happydance::happydance:

Lisalee, thanks, how are you feeling?

Army... how are ya lady? Good luck for this month, I'm glad you and DH have now talked:flower:

Never... where and how are you as well?

If I've missed anybody apologies!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo
MnJ... how's the tiredness and boobs? My boobs were really sore last week, but I've had a couple of good days this week. Cool reading by the way MnJ, sounds like your DS is going to be a nice handful early on :winkwink:

Krissy.... goodness you have had a loooooooooong month. Yeah for AF appearing though!

Shefali.... I hope you are up to loads of :sex: :winkwink:

Storked... spaghetti for breakfast???????? :wacko:, you mad woman.

Aspe.... any news yet, been thinking about you.

Kanicky.... how's those OPKs coming along?

Garfie.... how's things?

Janellybean... how's the kitchen coming along? Forget that, I've just seen the pics, it looks AMAZING :thumbup:. Jealous here lol. And so love the pic of your DS in the sink :winkwink:.

Sweetz.... :hugs::hugs:, I hope things have improved today? I didnt know you had a service dog, what type is she?

yoyojojo... congratulations honey! :happydance:

HisGrace.... thank you for the prayers, how are you?

Bamagirl, I think I did say congrats but just in case CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:cloud9::cloud9::happydance::happydance:

Lisalee, thanks, how are you feeling?

Army... how are ya lady? Good luck for this month, I'm glad you and DH have now talked:flower:

Never... where and how are you as well?

If I've missed anybody apologies!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

yes yes :sex::sex::sex::spermy: since cd9. will continue till fri/sat :thumbup::winkwink:
Angel, glad to hear the bleeding was just temporary. Just take it easy today and hopefully it'll completely clear up.

Janelly, Bama, and Sweetz- THANKS for the great snack ideas!!!! I need to go shopping today!!! :)

Shefali- Sounds like today is your O day. So tomorrow would be 1 DPO. Good luck!

Hope everyone is doing well. Feeling mostly normal right now. But then again, I haven't gotten out of bed yet :shrug:
Angel - hiiiiii!!! :) Im so so glad ur feeling better and keeping ur chin up! :hugs: Im still soooo tired everyday and my boobs are killing me! Like u said I had a couple days where they were still swollen but not too bad pain wise. Well on both of my middle of the night pee trips (no wonder we're so tired! lol) I had to hold my big watermelons on the walk to the bathroom cuz any movement was torture! More swollen today. So ur last ic test was 29dpo... is that what u are today? I am 21 dpo today. Have u been to dr or when will u go? Keep that serenity thats in ur name, girl!! Power of positive thinking!! :)
Lpjkp - where are u?? Wondering how ur doing...
Prayers Army and :dust:
Angel, lie down and take it real easy today if you can :)
The lines are lovely!
As for spaghetti- I am regretting the cereal I had for breakfast today. Not sick or anything but spaghetti does sound tasty again :D

Shefali, yay for your O! You are about to join me in TWW? *:D
As for have the pre-seed? Insert some. You may also squirt it into softcup before insertion. That is what I do!
I think I'm going back to bed. Still tired. I will wake up for A Baby Story ;)

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