March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz , AngelSerenity, Lpjkp, MnJ, Bamagurl and MizzPodd :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away. :baby: 1st HB: 169@ 8wks/ 2nd HB: 167@ 12wks

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013/ :baby: 1st HB: 130 @6wks/ 2nd HB: 162@7wks / 3rd HB: 161@12wks

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. :baby: 1st HB: 145@8 wks, 2nd HB 166@11 weeks /3rd HB 155@12wks

AUGUST BFP's Lovely Ladies:

Angelserenity: Tested Aug. 23: :bfp: :happydance: :baby: 1st HB:

Lpjkp: Tested Aug 24th: :bfp: :happydance: / Symptoms: Sore boobs / :baby: 1st HB:

MnJ: Tested Aug. 27th :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns: / :baby:1st HB:

BamaGurl: Tested August 31st :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns: sore boobs,nausea, tired, & witchy attitude / :baby: 1st HB:

September BFP's Lovely Ladies:

MizzPodd: Tested September 7th :bfp: :happydance:/ Symptns: MizzPodd: Tested September 7 / Symptns:fatigue, heartburn, headaches, slight nausea, pinching in left ovary on and off, sudden cravings, increased appetite / 1st HB/:baby: 1st HB


Storked: DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing : September 18th

Garfie: 6 DPO / IN TWW :coffee:

Janelleybean: DPO / IN TWW :coffee: Testing Date: September 13/14th

Krissy485: CD/ Not Trying until AF leaves :thumbup:

HisGrace: 6 DPO / IN TWW :coffee:

Hopestruck: taking a break :flower:

Kanicky: 4 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Test Date: September 12th

Aspe: DPO/ TWW

Shefali83: 4 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing September 13th

armymama2012: CD9/ waiting to "O" :coffee: Testing: September 28th"

Soon October BFP's Lovely Ladies:

CatchBabyDust:6 DPO/ Testing
Oh nooooo! Angel!!!! Big :hug:

I'm a bit stressed today...remember how I told all you ladies I was a surrogate. Well it was a private thing, with a friend. I spoke with the lawyer today and apparently she isn't doing squat on her end to get all the paperwork done. The child is now 6, and as far as I know not even in school yet. Everything legally is still under my name!! I was shocked to say the least!! This "friend" won't return my emails either!! So basically I legally have a child in another state... That as far as the lawyer and I know, has no medical insurance, not in school, and is with someone that doesn't even have legal guardianship (let alone adoption) paperwork saying the child can legally be with her!! *twitch* The lawyer is just as irritated as me. She said I will not be held responsible God forbid anything happens (tg) but...if she keeps slacking and not following thru she is going to say that this adoption is NOT a good idea and that the child should be placed back with me. I do love the little stinker, don't get me wrong, but she is 6...and all she has ever know was me as "auntie". It would be emotionally detrimental for her if this chic doesn't get on the ball! Ugh....I thought this was all taken care of already! :growlmad:
Well FF wont confirm O but my temp is slowly going back up. I put my temp in my signature if you want to take a look.

Aww...Angel, I'm so sorry. I will pray that that isn't true.

I'm sorry your friend isn't doing her part Sweetz. It's not good if that kid isn't getting schooling yet.
Not at all! She is a very smart little girl...I feel bad...

As for the temps woohoo! I pray they keep rising and stay up!!

*does the :dust: dance for all my girls in the tww*
Morning ladies. I had a pretty emotional night last night. Hubby and I went to a party at his parents house which is usually always really fun, but there was this young "fox" that walked in. I didn't think anything of it until I saw my husbands reaction. I swear you could have seen his dick twitch from across the room. He perked right up. Well, I just brushed it off and thought whatever, but then later on in the night he was BLUNTLY checking out her ass. It really made me uncomfortable because she was playing with our son. I know it's natural for men to look at other women, but it really made me emotional because I couldn't help but think that he never looks at me that way. When we first got together I was rail skinny and when I got pregnant I gained A LOT of weight. I lost most of it, but I'm still not at my goal weight. So, it's really hard when I see him drooling over other women. I didn't mention it though because I didn't want to call him out in front of his parents and their friends, but I'm sure they all saw it too, he wasn't hiding it at all. When we got in the car to go home I mentioned it and he just put his head down and said sorry. I wasn't mad or angry, I was just really sad. So I stared out the window and tried my damnedest to fight back tears. When we got home, I just went to bed. I woke up this morning because I dreamt about the zombie apocalypse and was terrified, when I rolled over to cuddle, my husband wasn't there, he slept on the couch! JERK! Ugh. He woke me up this morning to tell me that he loved me before he left for work. So that made me feel a little better. Do any of you other ladies get butt hurt when you catch your man eying another woman, or is it just me?

Angel- I am so sorry. :hugs:

Sweetz- That's got to be so frustrating. Especially for the child. Why wouldn't she put her in school? If she ends up with you, I don't think that would be a bad thing. It may be emotional for the little girl, but you have to think, it might also be in the best interest for her as well. Best of luck and I hope this all gets sorted out and goes smoothly.

Garfie- You have such patience. That is amazing. Your son is so lucky to have you as a mother, as you are lucky to have him as a son. Sorry you tested negative. Maybe it's still too early?

HisGrace- I plan on testing either the 13th or 14th... I'm surprised I've held off testing this long.. I usually start testing at 10DPO which would be today.

Other than the drama that happened last night, this morning at 4:30 I woke up having to pee soooo bad, so I went and went back to bed. I woke up at 8:30 this morning and went again and saw some brown on the tissue so I checked my CP and sure enough it's high and hard and there was brown tinged CM. No idea what this could mean. According to my fertility calendar implantation was yesterday. I've never had IB before, so this would be a first if that is indeed what it was. Could be AF getting ready to show as well. I've been taking the LD aspirin in hopes that might help a bit. Still not feeling pregnant, so I guess I'm just going to play the waiting game. I hope all you ladies are enjoying your Monday so far. Sorry for the rant.. I just really needed to unload. I feel much better though.:flower:
Morning ladies. I had a pretty emotional night last night. Hubby and I went to a party at his parents house which is usually always really fun, but there was this young "fox" that walked in. I didn't think anything of it until I saw my husbands reaction. I swear you could have seen his dick twitch from across the room. He perked right up. Well, I just brushed it off and thought whatever, but then later on in the night he was BLUNTLY checking out her ass. It really made me uncomfortable because she was playing with our son. I know it's natural for men to look at other women, but it really made me emotional because I couldn't help but think that he never looks at me that way. When we first got together I was rail skinny and when I got pregnant I gained A LOT of weight. I lost most of it, but I'm still not at my goal weight. So, it's really hard when I see him drooling over other women. I didn't mention it though because I didn't want to call him out in front of his parents and their friends, but I'm sure they all saw it too, he wasn't hiding it at all. When we got in the car to go home I mentioned it and he just put his head down and said sorry. I wasn't mad or angry, I was just really sad. So I stared out the window and tried my damnedest to fight back tears. When we got home, I just went to bed. I woke up this morning because I dreamt about the zombie apocalypse and was terrified, when I rolled over to cuddle, my husband wasn't there, he slept on the couch! JERK! Ugh. He woke me up this morning to tell me that he loved me before he left for work. So that made me feel a little better. Do any of you other ladies get butt hurt when you catch your man eying another woman, or is it just me?

Angel- I am so sorry. :hugs:

Sweetz- That's got to be so frustrating. Especially for the child. Why wouldn't she put her in school? If she ends up with you, I don't think that would be a bad thing. It may be emotional for the little girl, but you have to think, it might also be in the best interest for her as well. Best of luck and I hope this all gets sorted out and goes smoothly.

Garfie- You have such patience. That is amazing. Your son is so lucky to have you as a mother, as you are lucky to have him as a son. Sorry you tested negative. Maybe it's still too early?

HisGrace- I plan on testing either the 13th or 14th... I'm surprised I've held off testing this long.. I usually start testing at 10DPO which would be today.

Other than the drama that happened last night, this morning at 4:30 I woke up having to pee soooo bad, so I went and went back to bed. I woke up at 8:30 this morning and went again and saw some brown on the tissue so I checked my CP and sure enough it's high and hard and there was brown tinged CM. No idea what this could mean. According to my fertility calendar implantation was yesterday. I've never had IB before, so this would be a first if that is indeed what it was. Could be AF getting ready to show as well. I've been taking the LD aspirin in hopes that might help a bit. Still not feeling pregnant, so I guess I'm just going to play the waiting game. I hope all you ladies are enjoying your Monday so far. Sorry for the rant.. I just really needed to unload. I feel much better though.:flower:

I have had times exactly like that Janelley. I know how you feel. Usually my DH will say "I do look at you like that but I'm behind you so you don't notice". There have been times when I have been so mad I was going to sleep on the couch, because I know he wouldn't even if I asked him to. He told me if he ever woke up to find me on the couch, that he would take the couch and move it outside.
Oh I am soooooo right here with you janelleybean!! I am a big girl and have been cheated on in past relationships so I don't have the best self esteem or confidence. I get SO hurt when my DB is ogling women. It breaks my heart. I know they say it's human nature and everybody looks but I am content and satisfied with my partner and don't feel the need to look at other men. I really don't notice who's around when we're in public as I don't really care. I'm with who I want to be with. He's gotten much better about it. Well he's gotten better at hiding it probably! I think ur hubby has some making up to do! Just my opinion. Other women have no problem with their men drooling. I, personally, think it's disrespectful. Ok, off my soapbox... sore subject for me if u couldn't tell! LOL
I caught my DH doing it, so the bitch that I am, I did it right back! I commented on how sexy some dude was he got all pissed off. I was like hey you were drooling over that chics ass...I figure what is good for the goose is also good for the gander! He shut up after that bc he has nothing to say to that....
Thanks ladies. You've made me feel better to know that my husband isn't the only one. I called and spoke with my friend about it and she made me feel a lot better too. She told me that her sister and her husband were playing golf one day and he was checking out the instructor so she hit him with the golf club! Way to call your husband out, but a little too violent for me. :haha: I think I'm just going to call my husband at work and talk it out. Then I have to get cleaning this house. Ugh... I really hate cleaning, but family is coming into town.
Angel- I am so sorry hun!!! I just went through what you are just keep your head up and try to think good thoughts!!!

Janelley- Yeah guys are pigs plan and simple even the great ones one thing i learned from my parents was point out the hot ones for each other lol...seriously my mom will go say to my dad did you see the set of boobs on that one or her ass and it is funny...the first time they did that in front of my dh was the first time we had dinner together and dh could not believe it he fell in love with my parents right there lol...we do that to but yeah there are still times where i want to back hand him for looking at others...but in the end they still love us and we still love i always say there are times when i do not like my dh at all but i will always love him....

Sweetz- hope you get that figured out soon!

Storked- good luck and i know what you mean about getting bitter and for me is the fact that before it was so easy for me to get pregnant and have a friends even made jokes about how all dh had to do was look at me and i was pregnant...people say that when you have 3 kinds in less than 3 years....but now over a year of trying and only 2 mc to show for it breaks my heart and i am happy for all my friends and family members who are pregnant or recently had babies but in the end yeah the bitter feeling is still there but like i said i think it is more towards myself.

afm- got everything moved thank god! but still a crap load to do!!!! dh for now def seems happier...he actually has not hooked up his ps3 yet! took the little ones out on the quad today and now went fishing for a bit....oh and weird switch of rolls last night...when we were finishing up at our old apartment he did all the cleaning and i packed the car....up side in the last 2 weeks i have lost 8lbs yay!! i am hoping to lose another 10 this month before we start ttc next unless we get a nice surprise this month we are not preventing and not trying but after next af which is due on october 1st game is on!!!! oh i am CD 7 and af left the building on saturday CD5...ok off to do stuff!!! LOVE YA
Hi lovely ladies!!
Went to hospital to take the "hospital test to confirm what I already knew... lol Well I had some blood tests at my 6 week check to make sure I didn't have a blood disorder, and doc said I was fine and don't have to take medicine for this pregnancy. I am very relieved... Of course I will feel apprehensive in the 2nd tri, but for now I am staying optimistic, and eating pretty good and exercising regularly. I am determined to stay busy so my mind will not wonder to negative thoughts.... Oh and I am enjoying my non morning sickness while it lasts... Mine always kicks in full force at the 6 week mark, so I have 2 more weeks :) lol

I hope everyone else is doing as good as you can. Remember, we are never given anything that we can't handle... We are strong women, and can get through the toughest times. Please keep your head up! *hugs*
Well ladies I'm officially back to CD1 and am surprisingly ok :saywhat:. I reckon after the stress of last week when I probably deep down knew things were failing it's a relief for it to happen and just get it over with, rather than going on for another few weeks hoping and praying. I must say I am a little relieved as I knew from Thursday when the sac was so early that I was in a losing battle.

Hopefully with things measuring so small all will happen quickly and easily, I have a regular light flow already and don't even have any cramps or backache! This was the same with my only other early loss so I'm mentally going to treat it as a late period.

I have a couple of questions, as a few of you know I just started Cyclogest on Friday and today Clexane injections. I've already posted this elsewhere on the RMC thread but thought I'd try here as well, although I don't think many are on any meds?

Should I continue to take the Cyclogest? Or stop it until AF has stopped and recommence? I'm seeing gynae again on the 20th but am keen to get a protocol up and running to help stregthen my body asap.

And re the Clexane, I know there is not really any point taking this now but I was thinking of taking it for a couple of days to help 'move things along'. What do you think?

The only other thing I can think of asking is if any of you are noticing that your RMCs are happening earlier? I normally MC between 8-10 weeks, nearer the 10 week mark, the last one at Easter was at 8 weeks and this one is at 7 weeks 1 day. Could there be any significance to this?

I am 38 so presuming age may be a factor now :growlmad:.

Ladies, I love ya all and I'll be back to full posting and commenting after a day or two. Keep positive and keep well! xo
Sweetz, ugh you gave your friend a wonderful gift and she won't even return your calls. I'd be so peeved.
As for commenting on how sexy other men are...I do that often lol! Doesn't bother my husband though. I balance out the comments though. I'll say "did you see that guy at the pool? He is so pretty I could die! But then when he stepped out of the water I noticed how bony he was. Ick, dude shouldn't let his face do all the work." so that my husband can take the chance to flex his muscles ;)

Janelley, sorry your man was being a hound. But hey, he said he was sorry and that he loved you. I hate that he slept on the couch though. I made my husband swear before we married that he would never ever do that. It is a..thing of mine.
You are beautiful though and your man better realize it and appreciate it! Point it out to him and how lucky he is to have snagged a sexy, intelligent mama like you. I always do that do my spouse :)
Re: implantation bleeding- totally no help here lol. I get the brown stuff before AF. I wish I got IB!

MnJ, I have been cheated on too. Makes me a little confrontational lol.

Krissy, my family makes comments like that too because I got pregnant immediately. I even told one of them that I was using softcups this cycle and they were like "why?"
They just want to make us feel confident, like it is so easy. The way we used to feel. Still chafes though.
And GO YOU on weight loss! :happydance:

MizzPodd, you are doing the best that you can and that is all you can do, right? Enjoy that rainbow :)

Angel, :cry: we love you and are here for you
I'm not sure about the progesterone. I can't find anything online that says :-/
Ok argh...

Angel no idea on progesterone as i never used it...sorry.

Mnj...I too have been cheated on...the night I gave birth to dd, my ex celebrated by sleeping with some other of course I will always have my concerns.

I arghed bc I'm so tired of these fricken hormones!! I'm forgetful as heck. I went into the bedroom, then like 5 minutes later I realized I dazed out and forgot why I went in there. I'm on an emotional roller coaster! Cry, angry, mellow, giddy....all within minutes. I swear if it wasn't for you ladies in here....*sigh* my doc said they should regulate a bit soon.
Sweetz, ugh you gave your friend a wonderful gift and she won't even return your calls. I'd be so peeved.
As for commenting on how sexy other men are...I do that often lol! Doesn't bother my husband though. I balance out the comments though. I'll say "did you see that guy at the pool? He is so pretty I could die! But then when he stepped out of the water I noticed how bony he was. Ick, dude shouldn't let his face do all the work." so that my husband can take the chance to flex his muscles ;)

Janelley, sorry your man was being a hound. But hey, he said he was sorry and that he loved you. I hate that he slept on the couch though. I made my husband swear before we married that he would never ever do that. It is a..thing of mine.
You are beautiful though and your man better realize it and appreciate it! Point it out to him and how lucky he is to have snagged a sexy, intelligent mama like you. I always do that do my spouse :)
Re: implantation bleeding- totally no help here lol. I get the brown stuff before AF. I wish I got IB!

MnJ, I have been cheated on too. Makes me a little confrontational lol.

Krissy, my family makes comments like that too because I got pregnant immediately. I even told one of them that I was using softcups this cycle and they were like "why?"
They just want to make us feel confident, like it is so easy. The way we used to feel. Still chafes though.
And GO YOU on weight loss! :happydance:

MizzPodd, you are doing the best that you can and that is all you can do, right? Enjoy that rainbow :)

Angel, :cry: we love you and are here for you
I'm not sure about the progesterone. I can't find anything online that says :-/

A little confrontational lol. One way to describe not taking any bs or falling for any crap! Lmao
Ok argh...

Angel no idea on progesterone as i never used it...sorry.

Mnj...I too have been cheated on...the night I gave birth to dd, my ex celebrated by sleeping with some other of course I will always have my concerns.

I arghed bc I'm so tired of these fricken hormones!! I'm forgetful as heck. I went into the bedroom, then like 5 minutes later I realized I dazed out and forgot why I went in there. I'm on an emotional roller coaster! Cry, angry, mellow, giddy....all within minutes. I swear if it wasn't for you ladies in here....*sigh* my doc said they should regulate a bit soon.

Wow! That's lower than low! Men and their penises, I swear...

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