Hi ladies,
Janelley sorry ab DH staring. B4 I married mine i told him, I Do believe in Divorce at any cost. But I guess I was talking to myself Bc he haven't given me a reason to ever worry ab anything. He is my knight and shining armor. ~in love~
O ab my prego friend, she only had nausea so far and we call and talk to each other everyday about our pregnancies! It is fun. Bc all our friends know about both of us being prego. But I'm worried that the ones who aren't are probaly feeling uncomfortable Bc their trying to...I think.
Stork: I agree with Sweetz, it just maybe IB, I had it with all 3 pregnancies an on the 6-9 day too. Don't count yourself out yet, Bc mine never mad it to my undergarments either, only the tp. I SO HOPE THIS IS IT!!
MnJ: Im a bigger girl too Bc of all my m/c's, depression had sunk in but the size of my body never determined anything in my life. I keep see you saying you're a big girl and you sortve downplay it, girl love your weight, stop referring to yourself as a big girl but instead as a beautiful lady which I bet you are, Bc every woman is beautiful inside an out. I love my weight gain, Bc it's me. And now since you're prego the last thing you need to be calling yourself is big but a Soon to Be mommy!!
Garfie: I hope that HPt show two lines soon, you deserve it....come on, come on!!
Lpjkp: Where are you, we need some updates...Hope everything is ok
Angel~: I'm sorry that you m/c again, I can't imagine the pain from the loss of 6. I am hugging you virtually

I have no idea about the medicines that you speak of, only ab progesterone. I do hope you heal with time. And that you get your sticky baby soon.
Hi to all the ladies!!!!
Not as much talking as before...hmmmmm, must be lots of

going on!
AFM: Yeast Imfection and Monistat is sooo messy. I will be so happy for the yeast infection to go away. So I called my OB and asked could I come in for an early U/S Bc I want to see my baby, but they told me I couldn't ugghhh, and then I was questionable myself about how I'm moving so fast Bc they had claimed I was further along. WELL, the OB who told me I was further along was actually the new OB and it was her first day!!! So she had me confused somehow, and put me ahead a wk. My OB informed me that I'm only 15wks today!!! Uggghhh, I was sortve upset Bc the new OB gave me false joy and now when I schedule my appts. I do not want to see her, I prefer to meet with my old OB. So ladies my ticker is correct, I'm 15wks. Now time is going slow a-g-a-a-I-I-n