Hemorrhoids? I got them at exactly 20 weeks pregnant with DD. They never gave me any trouble. I only noticed they were there in the shower. Even after she was born they were never troublesome. So ever since, they've been super small I couldn't really even feel anything. EXCEPT FOR TODAY. I noticed late morning/early afternoon, something was really itchy but I was at work and not really where I could examine.

So after I got home from work, I checked, and HOLY MOLY. It's bigger than it's ever been and it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to think of something to compare it to size-wise and failing. Maybe a marble? Ugh. I haven't been constipated or straining or sitting more than usual or anything. But I can't really seeing it being a symptom of anything good at this point. I know pregnant women get them but not this soon, especially when constipation is not an issue.