March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

12dpo feeling crampy, nose bleeds, feel full of flu, sore bbs ? still too scared to test! x
mowat: That cycle needs to retire already! Hope it ends soon

eyemom: Still in it to win it!!

Tricia: Getting more sleep?

ttcmoon: Sorry AF got you!!

lexieeruth23: Welcome. Sorry for your loss. FX for you!!

Starry: I see you are getting along. Hey!!!

Pink: Glad you had a nice shower!!! I definitely left all the movement of gifts into the nursery and rearrangement of the furniture to DH! Your little girl is almost here. OMG. So crazy!!!

Sweetz33: OMG! Congrats!!!

never: Lol you are something else. I can just see you and your DH now :)

LEft wonderin: Hope your 3d scan went well!!!

Unexpected 12: Hey and welcome. I don't think i said hello to you when you came on. I have been busy recovering from back to back illnesses. I am just about back to 100 percent though. Anyways, TTC can be all consuming. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to have a baby so you can love on him or her. Getting pregnant after a loss is scary, but like Pink said above, you will really wonder where all the time went. Granted, it was slow in some patches and rather rough emotionally in others, I got through it and you can too!!!

ESwemba84: I cannot say I wholy relate to what you are feeling and going through, but I do know what it means to not be fulfilled in the way you want to be, when it seems everyone else around you is realizing their dreams, goals, desires, etc. I hate to read that you are in such pain. It's definitelly not fair, the lot you have been handed. I am still rooting for you. I know that sounds cheesy as hell, but I really do hope there is a silver lining, somewhere..sometime soon.

Kat s: :(

GrGirl: You can only do what you are able to Gr. TTC puts you on a schedule so that BD'ing does become a chore, so I personally think taking a break is good. It allows the sperm to build up.

florence_: FX!

AFM: Finally feeling better!! I was able to get a good night's sleep last night. It was the first night in almost a week I have been able to sleep for several hours. The first night I was sick from the cold I was up ALL night!!
ES- The other ladies spoke so eloquently and I'm not the best with words. But reading your story made my heart ache for you. Sometimes we don't understand everything in life. But I pray that this surgery revives you and makes you feel new again! Maybe then, TTC will be easier on you. All of us here will keep you in our thoughts. :hugs: :hugs:

Mamatex- Glad you're feeling better and got some much needed sleep last night.

Florence- 12 dpo! I'm getting giddy for you!

AFM- Today was finally the big day- Ultrasound day! I didn't know what to expect after the rough start to the beginning of this pregnancy and my MC in Sept. However, much to my amazement, I'm measuring almost 9 weeks and the baby had a HB of 171! So I'm still in shock but very happy. Thank you ladies for your support through the rough times. :)
Florence- good luck hopefully this is you month

Mama- glad to hear you are feeling better!

Es- hopefully things get better for you!

Everyone else hi!

Afm- doing well, am sleeping better which is fantastic! But it is never enough lol.. It will all be worth it.

I am always reading and thinking of you guys, I hope you all get your miracles.

I am always afraid to post too much about my pregnancy here, I don't want to make anyone feel bad.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Mamatex! Good to see you! I nearly died of cuteness overload from seeing your avatar picture! Happy to hear you are feeling better. :)

lisa, that's wonderful news, thanks for the update. YAY!

AFM, nothing much to report. Ever since the nipple soreness subsided, I've had some very mild, barely detectable (but there) side boob soreness. I'm only probably 6 dpo though so I can't really put much thought into it. These things are familiar but haven't had it in a while so I wonder if the Fertilaid is kicking my hormones into gear. I don't know, just wild speculation.
O Lisa, that's so GREAT TO HEAR( smiling from ear to ear) Your story is so awesome and reassurring to hear to know that we can bleed and still be fine and our baby is ok. Thinking of you and keeping u in my prayers always!!

Bamagurl: It's always great to see you lurking and great to hear from you!!! I'm so ready for the holidays to take pics of DS first Christmas!! And those dreams are signs Bama!!!! Or are you in the what if boat with me but not letting it get out of hand.....a girl can dream!???

ES: Soo sooo sorry to hear of your pain and the emotional pain you're going through. I do hope it gets better with the surgery and one day you get your rainbow. I'm praying for ya and keeping my FX! And you can always vent here. We're hear to listen bc everyone story is different and no one won't know how you feel unless u tell them :hugs:

Kat a; Sorry it's been hard For you but don't give up or rather just enjoy your DH.

Florence: TEST!!! Ok ok don't test but I sooo can't wait til u do!

Unexpected: We are here for each other sand rooting for you!!

Pink: Gosh a couple more weeks, just wait until u actually get to hold your rainbow it's so surreal! You're going to be an awesome mom!!

Eyemom: O I hope it's a BFP coming soon all those symptons.

MamaTex: I bet how u picture us is exactly how we are Lol!! glad you're feeling better!

Tricia: Glad everything is going good. Try to get all the sleep u can bc I'm jealous of people who sleep these days while I'm walking around with 5 hrs of sleep and bags under my eyes to where my son can actually fit into. We're all here for each other.
Ahhh I missed stuff while I was working on the reply!

Tricia, HI! Glad you're sleeping better! Don't you just wish you could stockpile on sleep??? I can only speak for myself, but I'm always happy to see good news from you. :)

Hi Never!
Eyemom: Lol I did too!!! I just went bk and added it in my comment so ladies you might have to read it again....:blush:

Grgirl: Hi :hi: I still feel like I'm missing some people so forgive me of it's you.

Sorry ladies, I didn't realize how long this thread has been going and that so many of you were here at the beginning too with stork until I went bk to see the statuses of some of the old ladies. Y'all ladies are awesome. This journey definitely isn't easy and it seems so hard bc our bodies know we want this, but please I'm asking don't give up, I know mine took a year but to me it seemed forever but I wasn't giving up bc I knew my miracle baby was waiting for me and I know each one of yours is waiting too :hugs:
Hi everyone! I've been away for 5 days and it seems I have a lot to catch up on!

The good news for me---finally got AF! So exciting. Now counting down to ovulation and some serious bedding. Feel like I've been waiting forever (the last miscarriage was only in July and surgery at the end of AUgust). Wondering if I'll ovulate when I should (for a 28 day cycle), or if I should plan for a crazy long cycle again? Hmmm.

Hope everyone is well!
Hi Mowat :hi: GLAD u made it bk safe!! And hope you enjoyed your free time away from us addicts :haha: Yayyyy for AF returning, I know that feeling to be so happy to see her bc it's definitely a fresh start to a new beginning so we're thinking positive too so FX that Ovulation will follow!!
Hello ladies, how you all are doing.I could not check babyandbump for sometime and this thread has really grown very fast.I had a great weekend at my sister in law's place with kids.It was Diwali celebration here, bursted crackers with kiddo's, watched movies and spent quality time with family.
Today is CD7 and went for scan.I have 4 growing follicles (around 10.5/11), so IUI will be on next week I guess.I will go for a scan on thursday again.Keeping fingers crossed for all of us.I would respond to each of you once I go through the thread where I left.
I hope all are doing great!
urghhhh im so full of cold/flu I cant leave the house to buy a PG test!! mums coming over to bring me paracetamol and fresh juice etc, she asked if there was anything else I needed, really wanted to say yeah a pg test lol but didn't, and now that means ill have to wait to test till thurs which will be cd 15!! due on tomorrow maybe I wont need a test lol x
Ok loads has happened again! As soon as I turn my back....

Mowat so pleased your cycle is finally over and hopefully this one will be normal.

Mama glad to see your feeling better, it must be super hard work being ill with a lo.

Lisa so glad the scan went well its smooth sailing from here I'm sure!

And 2 more replies as I'm writing this lol ttc glad you had a nice weekend and were able to chill a bit.

Sorry your poorly flo I totally get that you wouldn't want to ask your mum for a test, I always kept well stocked up I still have about a million tests now and a whole bunch of opk's do they go out of date? Will I ever need them again??????

Urm I'm sure I've missed a load of people sorry love ya!

Nothing to report here another pain filled night I barely slept at all, the pain was so bad at one point I wondered if it was labour but nope just crappy SPD pain, still I'm sorta looking forward to my sweep next wed weird huh but I guess it makes me feel like I'm in control a bit more, I'm pretty sure one sweep won't do anything but it's still scary to think she could in theory arrive next week!
Never- I totally forgot to say CONGRATS TO STORKED!!!! So happy for her! I know that she started this journey with us and got discouraged along the way and had to take a step back. In the end, I'm glad it worked out for her!
I actually looked her up a few weeks ago and saw that she was 30+ weeks pregnant. I meant to send a PM, but never did. :shrug:

Also, I believe the girl from India is preggo too now! (Can't remember her name but it will come to me later).
waaaaaaaaaaaa ive got the itch to test!! I may go and buy some but testing this late in the day (13:22) it wont show will it ahhhhgggg I need strength, I cud buy two do one now and do a proper one in the morning , do u think its daft to test in the afternoon? xx
oh god oh god go my god!! so I caved and bought cheap early tests not frist response they were £3 from the bargain shop just to get my poas fix, so im sick so ive been drinking loads of fluids to get rid of my cold and its half past two in the afternoon but ive got a faint line, it could be an evap so im not getting excited (yes I frikkin am) ive got another that I will be sensible and use with tomorrows FMU oh my god!! xx

ok so u really have o squint like but its better thank nothing! x
From the first omg I knew what was coming and got excited!

I really hope it's not an evap and that in the morning it's a big fat line!!!
after 20mins its a strong line! I know u shouldn't read after 15mins but how does the test know the difference of five mins, its only a cheapy so im being cautiously excited!! ill always be on the cautious sign after mc at 6 weeks, it doesn't feel real so ill c what tomorrows fmu brings, I don't think ill tell hubby about this till I get a proper test like a frer tomorrow and take it thurs x
I don't blame you for being cautious at all I think we all are or have been, I did a hundred tests just to be sure and in the first few weeks I did at least one test a week to make sure it was still there and getting darker I would keep them to compare and it really annoyed my oh lol

My positive first showed on an opk, I don't know what possessed me to use an opk I was well past ovulation but not quite at the testing stage I think I just needed to pee on something when a line showed I didn't know what to think, was it a surge but it was the wrong time, I was totally confused I knew I couldn't be pregnant we'd only dtd once during my fertile week anyway I did a test anyway and low and behold there it was, I did about 4 inc a digi, my point is that it is what it is and if it's there then it's there, congrats, I believe it's real, you did it!

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