mowat: That cycle needs to retire already! Hope it ends soon
eyemom: Still in it to win it!!
Tricia: Getting more sleep?
ttcmoon: Sorry AF got you!!
lexieeruth23: Welcome. Sorry for your loss. FX for you!!
Starry: I see you are getting along. Hey!!!
Pink: Glad you had a nice shower!!! I definitely left all the movement of gifts into the nursery and rearrangement of the furniture to DH! Your little girl is almost here. OMG. So crazy!!!
Sweetz33: OMG! Congrats!!!
never: Lol you are something else. I can just see you and your DH now
LEft wonderin: Hope your 3d scan went well!!!
Unexpected 12: Hey and welcome. I don't think i said hello to you when you came on. I have been busy recovering from back to back illnesses. I am just about back to 100 percent though. Anyways, TTC can be all consuming. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to have a baby so you can love on him or her. Getting pregnant after a loss is scary, but like Pink said above, you will really wonder where all the time went. Granted, it was slow in some patches and rather rough emotionally in others, I got through it and you can too!!!
ESwemba84: I cannot say I wholy relate to what you are feeling and going through, but I do know what it means to not be fulfilled in the way you want to be, when it seems everyone else around you is realizing their dreams, goals, desires, etc. I hate to read that you are in such pain. It's definitelly not fair, the lot you have been handed. I am still rooting for you. I know that sounds cheesy as hell, but I really do hope there is a silver lining, somewhere..sometime soon.
Kat s:
GrGirl: You can only do what you are able to Gr. TTC puts you on a schedule so that BD'ing does become a chore, so I personally think taking a break is good. It allows the sperm to build up.
florence_: FX!
AFM: Finally feeling better!! I was able to get a good night's sleep last night. It was the first night in almost a week I have been able to sleep for several hours. The first night I was sick from the cold I was up ALL night!!