March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Oh and ps I've started taking raspberry leaf tablets and have some tea on order anyone know if it actually works, I hear it can help shorten labour but that it doesn't actually 'bring on' labour.
I also ate a load of pineapple last night, I'm trying to get things moving I know I'm only 35 weeks but I really wanna jiggle her along lol
Oh and ps I've started taking raspberry leaf tablets and have some tea on order anyone know if it actually works, I hear it can help shorten labour but that it doesn't actually 'bring on' labour.
I also ate a load of pineapple last night, I'm trying to get things moving I know I'm only 35 weeks but I really wanna jiggle her along lol

One of my friends took them and had a short labour. I think it softens your cervix making it easier to dilate and quicker? Or I might have made that up but I think that's what I read
ooooh now im getting the itch to test!!! well I cant get one today and im working 12hrs tomorrow maybe ill pick one up tomorrow night for tues morning, a day in advance isn't guna hurt is it, urrrr y do our bodies mess r heads and hearts up!! and in this day and age why do we have to wait all this time, surely research should let us know earlier!! xx babydust to all xx
I had cramps starting at 10 dpo and at 14dpo I was sure the witch was gonna get me bc it felt like period cramps. Fx'd!
Yep thanks ladies. It's not so much the symptom thing that had me discouraged. I know it's too soon to symptom spot. It was the possibility of missing the window that had me down. I *thought* I had ovulated, but I still wasn't even 100% sure about that...or if I had ovulated earlier before we started BD. If there was no sex >1 week or maybe up to 2 weeks before ovulating, my chances are pretty much zero no matter what! So that's why I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief about my cross hairs.

Good luck unexpected.

florence, I'm echoing the others that say the cramps can be a pg thing too. When I was first pg with dd I would have sworn AF was at my door step. I've heard it's the feeling of your uterus growing.

Pink, hope the raspberry leaf tablets help!
Hello everyone :) SWEETZ I just knew it by your chart :) yahoo I'm delighted for you xxxxx

Pink your baby shower sounds wonderful , not long to hang in there girl and you will get to meet your little girl :)

I'm sorry my personals are crap today , I can't remember what I've just read lol . Forgive me had a late night last night and has given me terrible baby brain today . AFM I'm feeling
good , although waking up in the morning with a sore upper back , think my boobs and the weight of them is causing it !! Had big boobs before being pg now ever bigger . I should prob try sleeping in a bra but I hate doing that :(

I'm excited though going for a 3d scan tommrow for my birthday as part of my present from oh :) I can't wait . Very excited and a little nervous though :)
hey girls im 11dpo now af due in 3, im feeling kinda out as no major symptoms have been spotted, this eve I have like intermittent kidney pain if u get me, in my lower back it moves from one side to the other, I went to a football game today though and was stood in the cold for a few hours but its like at the top of my hips but in my back! no othr kidney infection signs what do we think? x
Sweetz- OMG! I KNEW it! With those symptoms, it was undeniable that something was going on. So excited for you! :happydance:

Eyemom- OOH! Pink/brown spotting! I've heard that it could be implantation. You HAVE to test in 3 days! :)

Lexie- If you think there's a possibility of being pregnant again, you should test. It can definitely be the case especially since you started bleeding on Sept 29th. It's been a full month and some people's cycles return to normal immediately after a MC. My fingers are crossed for you! :)

Never- I know you're going to feel the urge to get started on the baby making but remember to do what's best for you and your family. I'm pretty sure that me and Sweetz are just a little older than you so you have a little more time on your side. :)

Florence and Unexpected- Hoping for the best for you ladies.

Mamatex, Pink, - Hi ladies!
Eyemom- OOH! Pink/brown spotting! I've heard that it could be implantation. You HAVE to test in 3 days! :)
Hahahah <3 I hope you're right! I've been hopeful about this in the past, but unfortunately this has happened many times with no BFP. I still keep hoping though! If ff is right though and that was 4 dpo, that would be pretty early for implantation.
Hi ladies a quick pop in I hope.

Pink: Glad I can make u laugh, and I never tried the raspberry leaf tea, wish I would've I probably wouldn't had to have a cesarean:shrug:

Eyemom: I totally understand!! That would worry me too but Yayyyy for crosshairs that's definitely a great start to something promising!!! FX

Lexi: I agree with the other ladies, after a loss our body really goes wacky so it's hard to tell BUT after me hug levels down and did fell pregnant right away but it was in a 3-5 week window after the bleeding stopped....But FX for you

Leftwondering: Ooohhhh that's going to be soo exciting!!!!! Happy early Birthday! That's an awesome birthday gift!!!

Florence: Only test if you can handle..........a BFP and keep your composure:hugs:

SWEETZ: Hi PREGO LADY!! What's the stats ma'am is it still sinking in?

Lisalee: Yes ma'am I agree, as broody as I am I will wait til DH is ready....I guess( My lip is poked out by the way). Hopefully yal won't be on baby # 3 when my DH is finally ready an I'm finished school. :haha:

Garfie: What's the news ma'am?

Mackjess, Bama, mama, Tricia :hi: To all and all I missed :hi:

SN: I don't know if anyone here other then SWEETZ , Garfie, Pink , Bama, Lisa and a few others remembers "Storked" aka: Bethany. She begin here with us and here in the beginning of this thread and I just saw that she delivered her baby girl 4 days ago. And she is beautiful!! After a year of trying and m/c's she never gave up and her prize is Soooo precious:kiss: I wish her the best as she embark on her journey of motherhood. It's so refreshing to know that even after losses and a hard struggle we still can win just don't accept defeat. We're destined to be mothers. CONGRATS STORKED:hugs:

Have a Great Day ladies!
Oh storked that's wonderful news, I've seen her about on other threads but didnt realise she'd popped that's wonderful she sooo deserves all the happiness!

So I've just been to the hospital to talk to the consultant about induction at 40 weeks, she went through it all it sounds awful and I'm really not sure I want it anymore the induction that is not the baby lol
So I'm going to go to my mw next week at 37 wks for a stretch and sweep even though they (apparently) don't do them before 40 weeks :shrug: then again at 38 then back to the hospital at 39 to see how I'm going, I'm really hoping she'll come on her own before induction is a possibility.

Oh also I mentioned the raspberry leaf tablets and the dr said the tea works but the tablets don't, I'm going to take them anyway as I have them and I have tea on order I hope it arrives soon.
When I read the literature on induction it makes me cry I don't know if it's because it sounds so awful or because I suddenly realise that she is only weeks away, I could go into labour next week after my sweep that's insane to me, it feels like only a few weeks ago that we started ttc.
So to all of you trying that feel like it's been forever with bfn's month after month, don't panic one day soon you will be here thinking omg where did the time go.
Thanks so much for all the good luck wishes ladies :) seems like a really friendly lot of ladies here.

I just feel so desperate to be pregnant I don't want it to take over my life. Then if I get pregnant I know I'll be terrified of anything happening again.

Sometimes I feel like I can't emotionally handle it at all.
Congrats Sweetz. :flower:

I remember Storked. I actually joined this forum over a year ago. I can't believe it has been that long.

Ok, this might be kinda long and ranty, so if you want to stop here and not read my novel, I completely understand.

I'm in a lot of pain. A LOT of pain. Every day starts with pain and ends with more pain. And I wake up most nights because of pain. I'm 29 and just too young to be crippled by pain. And when pain becomes the center focus of your life, the days get long and lonely. I completely understand why friends start to keep their distance, because I sound like my Grandma every time I have a conversation. "This hurts, that aches.......I'm tired." Ain't nobody got time to listen to that all the time. But I can't help it. This is my day to day life. And it's painful.

And it's not just the physical pain that bothers me. It's the emotional shit that hurts too. 6 years we've been trying, and in those 6 years I've witnessed people around me get pregnant and have their kids.....a couple times. It sucks to want something so badly and watch someone else's joy while you try to stuff your anger and jealousy down enough to pretend you're happy for them. And to have this deep burning ache right in the center of your chest because you almost had that, and it got taken away from you. It is definitely a silent pain, because I get tired of trying to describe how I feel about the infertility issue, and well-meaning friends unknowingly offering words or advice that makes it worse. It's not fair, and that's the the bottom line.

So I meet with my back surgeon tomorrow to tell him I want the lumbar fusion, which will put fertility treatments on hold for several months. And when your egg supply is aging twice as fast as any other 29 year old and menopause will plague you in the next 5 years, several months is precious wasted time.

I almost feel better after typing all of that out. Thanks for listening, or at least letting me get it out.
ES, I also feel the same ache and loneliness. You are not alone. I don't know why we haven't been one of the lucky ones yet. It just all seem so unfair. And everywhere I turn it's babies babies babies. There's even a couple experiencing infertility on the show American Horror Story. OK, that just made me laugh. Yes, my infertility is my American Horror Story. Christmas is coming. I should have a 3 month old baby girl right now. I should be thinking about what her Christmas dress will look like and planning her first Christmas. Instead, I'm still just not pregnant, and not likely to be since we've walked away from fertility treatments. Only people like you and I understand how painful just turning on the tv and watching a Cheerios commercial is.

I'm so sorry you have to take a break for surgery, but I think it's the right decision. I can't imagine being pregnant and being in that kind of pain. You have to do this for your sanity. Then once you are recovered and feel better, you can start to try again. I hope you get your miracle next year, Hon.
Es, I cry for you, I'm sorry I'll not say I know how you feel cos I blatantly don't I was one of the lucky ones, yes I lost a lo but I got pregnant again I can't imagine 6 years of trying, so ill not spout off a load of platitudes that mean nothing just rant away and feel free to hate people like me, but know that when it comes it'll be so worth it.
ES :hugs: Thanks for venting to us. Sometimes you just have to vent, and we are listening ears here. :hugs: I won't pretend to know anything about chronic pain as I haven't experienced it myself. But there are some people very close to me who deal with it, and it seems like when you hurt ALL the time, every other aspect of life seems even worse. So I know it's hard to take the step because maybe it feels like you're closing one door to open another. But I agree it's the right decision. I think feeling better will be an amazing step in finding peace and joy in the rest of your life.

It probably doesn't mean a lot coming from me because I do have one DD. But I have experienced the heartache and longing for another child that intensifies after a loss. I can't imagine 6 years. I keep hoping that maybe after your body feels better it'll find itself a better home for a little bean. I don't know how you feel about prayer, but as there's not much else I can do, I will be praying so hard that you can get your rainbow, and you'll be able to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest because you'll feel so much better with minimal aches and pains.

I hope it's not the case that your friends are keeping distance because of your pain. It sounds wrong to say this but hopefully it's an unfortunate coincidence. Your friends are meant to support you and love you through whatever it is you're going through. But I think at least fertility stuff, they just don't know what to say.

Wish there was something I could do to help, but I'll just send you lots and lots of virtual hugs and hope and pray you feel like a new woman after this procedure. There's just no way around that it completely sucks and it IS so unfair. :( But still hoping and believing for a happy ending for you. Hope it's not tacky to ask: even if it's months before you can proceed with fertility treatments, could you keep trying the old fashioned way in the meantime (I imagine there's some recovery involved, just didn't know how much)?

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I know waiting feels like wasted time, but being in horrible pain all the time at age 29 isn't a great way to spend your young adulthood either if it can be helped. Do what you gotta do to feel better. <3 <3
Sweetz~ Congrats! So excited for you!! That is wonderful news!

So super happy for storked!I bet her baby girl is just gorgeous!

AFM~ not much here to tell really! Getting geared up for the holidays coming up! I keep having strange dreams about being pregnant which is kinda freaking me out lol. Not exactly sure what all that is about, but hope you all are doing well! I may not post a lot, but constantly thinking & praying for you ladies!
:cry: ES - my heart aches for you. I can't even imagine what you're going through and at so young an age. Like pink said, feel free to hate people like me. Rant away, this is the place for it. We won't hold it against you.:hugs: And I really, really hope the surgery can fix your back pain.

Kat - your story makes me sad too. And I can relate to the sadness of Christmas time. I now have two Christmas angels and a loss anniversary all within days of each other. It is such a sad time of year. I really hope you and ES can get your happy endings. :hugs:

Unexpected - it's hard not to get obsessed with TTC...especially after a loss. It can drive one bonkers. :wacko: That's why that after this pregnancy, whether it end happily or not, DH and I have agreed to walk away and count our blessings in DS. I feel like my TTC journey has turned me into an ugly person. I'm not who I was when I first got married. I do have people turning against me so I know the problem must be me.

Right now, if you want to TTC again, all you can do is buckle down and take it one day at a time. And take moments, days, whatever you need to just be sad and let it out. Sometimes I watch a movie that I know will make me cry just so I can get it out. Other times I have to take a mental break and distract myself. This summer DH and I went on a mini-vacation and that was a spectacular 'reset' button.

This journey for our rainbows can be long, painful and ugly. I'm just glad there are places like this where we can vent with other ladies who understand.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

And Stork was still around when I first joined. I'm so glad she had her baby!! Congrats!!
ES- I won't pretend I know what you're going through at all with TTC, but I know a bit about living with chronic pain. When I was in high school I was in a car accident and spent about 4-5 years in constant pain with shooting sciatica pains down my legs. They couldn't pinpoint it and I basically spent all my "fun college years" plus Sr year of high school in pain/on pain pills. It turned me into a very different person for a while, and drained me. I know how hard that part can be and I'm hoping the surgery will give you some relief. (they never did figure out what it was, other than generic "nerve damage" and it got better until now, 15 years later, it's mostly gone, but I still get the stinging and twisting pain in my hip/lower back).

Which brings me to:

Starry- I know I haven't been TTC as long as a lot of you (just about 5 cycles) but I can already relate. I've had 2 losses. TTC has made me much more depressive and withdrawn overall. I know I'm not as happy or positive of a person as I used to be and I can't even imagine how I'll be if this goes on for years. Fiance and I have decided we'll give it 2 years (so til June 2015) and if it's not resulted in a healthy baby by then, I'm getting an IUD in until he gets a V and we're done. We'll just have DS. I don't want that outcome, but I'm already at 2 losses. The thought of 5, 6, 7 just makes me scared. I don't want to be that bitter woman and I don't want DS to be an only child (I was and HATED it), but TTC has changed me and I don't like how I am now. I hate being anxious and stressed and sad and aching for something that I'm increasingly wondering if I'll get to have ever again.

Eyemom- FX it'll be your month!

AFM, got + OPKs yesterday and today so the BD Marathon is in full swing still. Getting sick of it, so hoping I can get a break here soon. Not feeling particularly positive or hopeful today at all about this cycle. :(

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