Hi ladies, I have been reading through your posts and I feel like this is the right thread for me, if you'll have me. I got my BFP this Monday and I am currently about 5 weeks. This has been a very long road for me and my DH. We have been trying for just over 3 years. After year one DH was diagnosed with Varicose Veins and told he was running too hot. He had surgery to correct the issue and I had my first pregnancy two months later. I lost that pregnancy only two days after getting my BFP. It was considered a blighted ovum. Since then we had no luck getting pregnant again even after three IUI's, it was very stressful since the only diagnosis the doctors could give me was "unknown infertility". We were just about to start planning for the IVF when I decided to try acupuncture first. The acupuncturist diagnosed me with "Cold Uterus" in other words my body temp was too low to incubate properly. At the same time DH saw a new doctor that felt he was still running too hot. So while I worked to heat myself up, he worked to keep himself cool. After only two visits with the acupuncturist I got my BFP! I want to be super excited about this but I can't seem to allow myself to accept that it is real or that it will last after all that we have been through. DH is super excited and has already told his parents and most of his coworkers. I told one friend that has been my go to through out this whole process and of course the acupuncturist but I am afraid if I tell anyone else it will all just go away again. At the same time I have reached out to so many people for support over these last three years I don't know if I'll be able to keep it quiet for too long. I have my first scan and Ob appointment on September 2nd, I will be about 8 weeks by then. I have had a mix of pregnancy symptoms but the biggest one is that I am "extremely stupid" LOL. It took me 15 minutes to figure out that I took the Parmesan Cheese from the fridge and put it in the cupboard rather than on the counter when I was making lunch today. I know pregnancy brain is a real thing but I didn't think it hit this early. Is anyone else experiencing this symptom?