March/April Spring Rainbows

I'm desparate to start buying things now!! I've got lots of clothes because I can't help myself! But we'll probably wait till December or after Christmas for the bigger things. DH and my FIL will be decorating the nursery after Christmas so that'll be a good time to get all the furniture etc. Plus, I'm hoping that a couple of things might be in the sales then.
Just got caught up, I've been absent for a few days.

I like the scan pic Mrs. Unicorn!

I don't plan on buying a single thing until I am in the third trimester, but second trimester is my trouble time so that is why. Otherwise I probably already would have.

I start my weekly monitoring and weekly progesterone shots on Monday so I'll be going to 2 different doctors twice a week for at least the next 12 weeks. Really hoping that this trimester goes fast and things hold steady with my cervix.
Hey ladies, how is everyone doing? I had my first cervical check yesterday and it went pretty well. My length was a 3.2 which in my book isn't stellar, but it still falls in the normal range. That is basically the baseline length, the next couple of lengths will be what show how my cervix is holding up. Hopeful that it will stay the same. Also, found out I'm having another girl!! So excited about that. I really hope this is a successful pregnancy I would love to add a sister for my daughter to complete our family :) Also had my first progesterone shot. I didn't find it as bad as some people have said. It was more painful than a regular shot and it was stinging on and off all night, but not too bad.
Aaahhhhh congratulations on another girl!!

Glad your first appointment/cervical check went well. Fx it continues to be just as good each time. How often do you have to have the progesterone shots? Did you say every couple of weeks?

Afm - I'm loving being in the second tri! Feeling pretty normal most days. I've started going back to the gym a bit, it kinda wipes me out for the next day though! But I'm trying!
Thanks, I really felt like it was a girl and was hoping for another little girl so I'm very happy. I'll be getting the progesterone shots weekly through 36 weeks! So 2 doctors appointments a day on Mondays for me for the next several weeks. Fine by me really, I'd go to the doctor for monitoring every day if they'd let me haha.

I definitely have days of feeling much better now too. I still have some off days where I'm really tired here and there though. On those days I don't end up doing much.

SweetV-I missed saying Congrats on your girl earlier!! 2 girls in this thread so far, very exciting!
Congrats on the girl!!

My ms is much better but still feel sick after I eat. I did go back to the gym today for the first time in forever and it feels good to exercise. My round ligament pain is incredibly painful. But 2nd tri is a good place to be. I'm becoming comfortable telling people im pregnat and really getting excited!!
I'm still having trouble with feeling the second tri burst of energy. Most days are dragging and today I almost passed out in line at the grocery store (super embarrassing). Maybe that's the difference with a girl pregnancy (I've had 3 boys so far!)

Klabro - congrats on team pink! The weekly check ups can be a little intimidating but it's really nice to confirm that things are progressing the way they should on a regular basis. Hopefully that cervix stays around the same for you every week.
Kazy-glad you are starting to feel better and feeling more comfortable sharing the news!

Sweetv-I've almost passed out at the store twice in this pregnancy. I was able to get it under control by drinking tons of water and having a few deep breaths, but it would have been so embarrassing if I actually fainted. The weekly appointments make me nervous, but honestly I wouldn't want it any other way. I feel like I need them to keep my sanity.
It is nerve wracking especially knowing that it is a specialized clinic but I actually can't wait to start going every week. This time they are confident that it's not my cervix so I don't know that I will be going as often in the second tri as I won't need the checks. They do know that my placenta failed for both of my last pregnancies so I think I'll be going more frequently later on. I talk to the specialist next week (I saw his partner last time, who wasn't willing to commit to a schedule without talking to my doctor) and we will take it from there.

Hope everybody is well!
Hey girls! I've been doing ok. My blood pressure has been running on the high side already. We are monitoring it at home but it's still been high. My weight has been doing good. I actually lost 2lbs according to the scales at the doctor's office. My next appointment isn't til the 27th. We haven't bought anything yet. I'm still trying to get my husband to paint the nursery before we start getting a bunch of things.
raine - i hope your blood pressure stays within a manageable range. We haven't bought anything either and last time painting was the very last thing we did as something always seemed to come up. We never did finish putting the wall decals up as baby was a few weeks early.
Sweetv-I am so glad you do not have to worry about cervical issues, its just stressful and to be frank it sucks. I really hope the progesterone is enough to keep my cervix the same length.
Raine-fingers crossed your blood pressure stays manageable. I'm bad, I didn't do a nursery for my daughter and I don't plan on doing one this time either (The only thing I really keep in the baby's room is clothes) My daughter slept in our room because I just got so much more sleep that way with nursing haha. I can imagine it is going to be a lot of work for you guys, but it will get done!
klabro - I was being treated as though I had IC for my last pregnancy so I fully know where you are coming from. Having the stress every week of knowing that this may be the week of an emergency stitch or admitted to the hospital for bedrest is totally nerve wracking. This time I get the stress of wondering if my placenta is still doing its job or if baby is being deprived of nutrients/blood flow which can also be a precursor of preterm labour. The first time it stopped working at 24 weeks and last time at 36 so hopefully this time I can make it to the late 3rd trimester as well.
SweetV-I'm hoping you are good through third trimester too! I don't care what kind of high risk you are, it is stressful and takes away some of the joy of pregnancy. I find I'm having a hard time really connecting this time because I had just started to connect when I had the loss last time. I'm hoping that if I'm able to make it through all of this second trimester stress that I will connect more. I especially have a hard time with my daughter being excited about the pregnancy.
The weekly scans helped me to find that connection. I had the same problem with my older son that really wanted a sibling but kept asking if this baby was going to die too. It was heartbreaking!
It really is heartbreaking. My daughter was old enough to understand that I was pregnant and she was getting a brother and sister and then wasn't. This time she is definitely aware and excited and I'm worried about her little feelings on top of everything else.

I had my second shot and second cervical length check today. I got a little freaked out because the tech checks in on baby through abdominal ultrasound and looks at cervix that way before doing the transvaginal length check...anyways when she checked my cervix on abdominal she said "I'm going to have to step out and let you relax for a few minutes because you are having a braxton hicks contraction right now" so then she just left and I had to lay there for 10 minutes having no idea what she had just seen. It was VERY reminiscent of when the tech left to get the doctor after she found my short cervix with the twins so needless to say it was very hard for me to relax. Anyways, my cervix ended up being 3.1 (was 3.2 last week) which they said wasn't a big enough change to really count as a change as it could just be a difference between the techs measuring. So my question is, do you think I should be concerned that I had a braxton hicks contraction that I didn't even feel? I've been having some cramps/pains/lower back ache the last couple days, but it appears that it could just be normal second tri/third pregnancy pains. The baby was laying facedown in the ultrasound and we could see that she was kicking my bladder so that explains that part of the pain at least.
I don't think braxton hicks are anything to be worried about. it is quite normal even later in pregnancy to have them and not feel them at all. Do you see a MFM as well? I would bring it up to the Dr. in charge if it is upsetting to you in any way. You deserve reassurance!
My cervix use to change measurements slightly at every appointment and I was told the same, that it was matter of technician error and nothing to be concerned about.
I am under the care of MFM and regular OB. My weekly checks are followed with MFM consultations so I usually ask them. I did call about the Braxton Hicks and was told it's nothing to worry about as long as they aren't painful and I'm not noticing any regularity in them if I do feel them.
hey ladies, how is everyone?

Klabro - have you had another check up since you last posted (I have been keeping up to date but I don't feel I can help with any advice being a FTM :hugs: ) Really hope all is looking good for you.

AFM - things are pretty quiet at the moment. Feeling good most of the time. Getting really excited about buying baby things, still trying to hold off on the bigger items till around christmas time though. I'm thinking I MIGHT be feeling baby move a bit. I'm not 100% sure though. It's right where baby is (I know exactly where they are because of the Doppler) it's like lots of tiny bubbles popping. Wish I knew for sure though, it hasn't been very regular yet. Seeing my mw on Wednesday for my 16 weeks appointment, I'll be seeing just her throughout my pregnancy so hopefully that'll go well.

Hope everyone is doing
Hi ladies. I just had another cervical length scan today. My cervix increased from 3.1-4.2 so one more week down with positive news. I just hope this continues to be the case through 28 weeks! I had the first part of my anatomy scan this week and everything looks good so far, they'll finish up the scan at my next 2 cervical length checks.

Besides the obvious anxiety I am feeling pretty good overall. She is right on my bladder so i do get painful movement already and pressure on and off. She usually switches positions every couple days, right now she happens to have her butt right on my bladder so I keep getting weird sharp pains. All bearable as long as my cervix stays long!

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