So I got a reading from Tania to see if anything would be different now that I got the BFP... Waaay different than the others...
When I connect with your energy, I feel your aura is mainly white at this time. Your aura is the energy center that makes up who you are in a sense, and can give a lot of insight into what your personality is like, or anything that is going on in your life. White symbolizes truth, innocence, and purity. It reflects other energy and a pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities. This is the color that most will see in people when they are close to becoming pregnant. It usually indicates pregnancy is to occur very soon, or that the person is pregnant at this time.
When it comes to your baby that you're pregnant with, I am being shown a baby wrapped in blue, so i do feel that this little one you're carrying is a boy. With this, they indicate that the number 14 is significant which can be your baby's date of birth, the time, or the number of hours you labor. Numbers are never anything that they can accurately give me with significance, but keep those in mind. I also see the letter "M" Associated with this baby's name, so that may be something to think about.
With timing of your next baby, I am being shown the month of April as being significant to this baby. All of us do not have cycles that begin and end in one month, so anything relating to your cycle of conception (conception, or BFP) can definitely be tied to that month that I see. It can also be birth timing. Please note that my predictions usually are for the current year, or next. I see the number 18 associated with this, which can be that you will ovulate, or find out you're pregnant on this date, or it can be the number of cycles before you’re pregnant. I know that seems like a wide range of things, but numbers are just that-numbers, so it is hard to pinpoint significance with how it will come into play. I do feel you will have another little boy.
All of my other readings have said girl, so now I really don't know what to think... Lol