march lambs 2010 come on ladies

HC- Happy birthday :hugs:

We do a combo of the feeding too. i gave El a tiny bit of cheese today (are they allowed cheese?) She really like it :)
Cocoa- one antibiotic can make the world 0of difference! I would suggest to finish the course just to be on the safe side.

I',m real worried about ella chewing off a chunk sized bit of food too. She did with a bit of apple so i havnt given it to her since!

Sorry about the double posts, i just had more to add. Spose i couldve just combined. hmm. oh well!
Rosy Well done hun for b/f until 6months you have done so so well!! It is sad but you know yourself when it's time to stop hun and you have no need to feel guilty xxx

MM I've only done one lesson of the baby massage but i really enjoyed it. Even though Chase was being a monkey and squirming around i felt it was nice for the both of us and i think he liked it too. Also i've done it twice at home too and all 3 times he's had a massage he's slept 13 hours! We go again on Thursday, we learnt the legs last week not sure what we're doing this week, we'll do the legs again then arms or body i think.

Love the tutu's hun! What measurements would you need to make one? My friends little girl is 2 soon and she would love one, but i'd like it to be a suprise so don't want to ask her to measure her :haha: How much are they with postage to here hun UK?

Chase grabbed my cheese butty the other day and was loving it.

BLK Thats so weird for your sister hun, hope she is ok. Ahh poor Mika, lets hope he gets better soon x

CocoaOne Ooh i copied your idea of rice cakes and philly, Chase seemed to like it and he actually ate some and not just sucked which suprised me! Glad your feeling better hun. Ahh i'll have to see if Chase like Waybaloo, he loves In The Night Garden.

Hive Hope you had a great birthday!! Wow Ronan has a fab appetite i can't wait until Chase is more interesed in feeding himself.

GL I too am so scared Chase will choke! Chase doesn't have any teeth yet but he chews with his gums hun.

Vegas That's great Charlotte had a good time with the baby sitter and fab you got an evening out. We hardly get anyone coming knocking for halloween here. In fact last year i think it was 2 so me and hubby had to eat all the sweets we had bought, such a shame haha.

Julchen What fab pics hun! Love the one of him watching the cars.

Will post later about me and Chase as he's only just woken up, its 10am! and we need to go and meet my friend, rush rush rush..................
JJ - I find that rice cakes are the gift that just keeps giving - M seems to keep finding little bits in her mouth for a while after she's finished eating!
i haven't given Wren any finger foods but I am going to get some rice cakes today for her.

We had a great weekend this weekend, Wren was so chilled and happy, I can't tell you how nice it was to see her enjoying herself! She was OK yesterday so I am hoping we are turning a corner. She also slept a bit better, she went down at 7 and although she woke a few times the first time I had to nurse her was 12.50am which is a record, she then woke at 2 and took the pacifier and then I had to nruser her at 4 and 6 so not too bad as far as things have been going.

MM-I love those tutus-super cute!

Julchen-those are lovely pics, your little man looks so grown up!

Cocoa-glad you are better

HC-happy birthday!

Wren is waking for a record breakin nap..1.5hrs!!! She has never napped for this long!
Emskins - I'm glad you managed to enjoy Wren a bit more! It makes such a difference when they are in a good mood.

M's sleep seems to have got worse again. Bed at 7:30, fed at 11:30, 3 and 5:30 - then awake for the day. I'm hoping it's the 6 month growth spurt....
yes MM they are allowed cheese lol just watch any cheese spreads for salt levels, EJ loves dairylea on his toast lol,

Lyn - I know you said you de-seed the tomatoes before giving them to EJ, is there a reason for it? I gave M kiwi yesterday and she had LOADS of the black pips in her nappy this morning and I wondered if I was supposed to de-seed it?
I didnt take the seeds out at first and he just drooled them out mostly and it was really messy so taking the seeds out means less mess for me lol

EJ is still really enjoying the door bouncer alot he loves his exersize time bouncing in it happily for ages lol.
Ooh, now you ladies have me wanting to try out rice cakes.
Quick sneak peak exclusive just for you ladies on BnB - Gabriel's Halloween Costume:


  • monkeyboy_sm.jpg
    56.6 KB · Views: 9
awwww cute

i love rice cakes i dont bother with the baby ones though just buy salt free or low salt organic adult size ones lol
MM: I have no idea what babies should have or not have. I pretty much feed Charlotte everything I eat with the exception of nut products (like peanut butter), honey, and things that are too salty (though I have given her French Fries aka chips). Not sure when we are clear to give them everything.

Em: Glad things are getting better with Wren. I know how you feel. Charlotte used to be such a handful that I would get so frustrated and cry. Now she is so content and easy. Don't know what changed, but it did and all has been great since. Looks like you are headed in the same direction.

Seity: Soooooo cute. Love the feet on that costume.
It's a little too big because they didn't have it in 3-6 size, just 6-12, but since he's not walking it shouldn't be a problem.
Gabriel looks adorable! A proper cheeky monkey!

I bought the baby rice cakes but found M struggled with them because they are too small. I eventually tracked down some low salt normal sized ones and either break them in half or cut them into 3 long bits.
M got a big bit stuck on the roof of her mouth at lunch and started gagging trying to get it out and eventually she was sick - happy as Larry afterwards though!

I think M has definitely transitioned to only needing 2 naps. The only problem is that they aren't long enough! She can only really go maximum 3 hours between naps, so she's up at 7, naps 10-11, naps again 1:45 - 2:45, but then can't make it to 7pm and I doubt she'd sleep at 6. But if I let her catnap for 30 mins from 4:30-5 she wakes up early (like this morning). PITA! She woke from her last nap nearly 3.5 hours ago but is laying in her cot refusing to sleep. Grrrrr. I swear this baby's sleep behaviour will be the death of me :rofl:
lol well my boys slept in this morning so naps went haywire here too we are all having cottage pie for dinner though which should be fun for ej lol his first non finger fed or spoon fed meal lol
Seity and Julchen - such SWEET photos of Sam and Gabriel in their halloween costumes! Its not really that big over here or in Oz. Although we do like to carve a pumpkin for the fun.

MM/Julchen I do TW and a bit of BLW too. I am just starting out really so I'm still learning. I was also wondering about whether you needed to do separate portions of everything without salt, spices, marinades etc etc but it sounds like you all are giving them pretty much anything, which is good news. Flora had some roasted parsnip today which she sucked on like mad. A bit broke off so she may have swallowed some as well. I have sent DH to go find some rice cakes at Saisnburys, but I have adult ones in the cupboard anyway :dohh:

Cocoa - glad you are feeling better. Sorry about M's sleeping - I'm with you there. Flora might be going thru the 6 month growth spurt because she's having long naps (over an hour which is long for her) but waking lots in the night. The whole sleeping through just seems like a fantasy right now. I also have a bit of a cold so I feel a bit rubbish today on the whole.

Em - so glad Wren seems to be turning a corner, I hope she is. You never know the osteopath might have helped.

RWhite - I forgot to say before that you should be really proud of yourself for BFing for 6 months, and no shame at all in stopping. How is it going now on formula? Flora has started pulling my hair a lot and she smacks me as well, but it doesn't sound as bad as Lachie's antics :hugs: naughty babies!

Guys re water, Flora is OK with water diluted with a little bit of orange juice - tell me thats OK? I know citrus can be a bit acidy and wondered if it was OK.

HC - happy birthday!
GL - I've given him an orange wedge to eat, so I would think OJ would be fine seeing as direct from an orange is ok.
Cocoa - Sorry to hear about the sleep. Gabriel's sleep has been all over the map. We never know what his nap or night sleep schedule is going to be like from one day to the next. He's been fighting it a lot more too.
Lynn - Good luck with the cottage pie. I hope EJ likes it.
GL - I think the 'rules' regarding juice are dilute it, not too much each day and not from a bottle (all the time) so I'm sure it's fine.

Right, M is asleep (for now..) so I'm off to start my new project - I'm making a Mei Tai.

And hopefully M will sleep nicely tonight as I've got my first training session to be a BF peer supporter tomorrow, so she needs to behave herself while we are there!
we i decided to give ej the cottage pie from a spoon since he didnt show much interest when i just stuck it in front of him, anyway he didnt eat alot and instead gobbled down his fruit for pudding lol
Ahh finally a minute to get back on, we've had a busy day! Well Chase has started sleeping in the last 4-5 days until 10am, he will wake for a feed about 6 or 7ish then after that he's flat out, he is going to get a shock when i'm back in work and i've got to drop him off for 8am, funny thing is he might wake a few times through the night or sometimes he'll go right through but he's still tired after the 6/7o'clock feed, you would think if he'd slept through he wouldn't want any longer . Hoping he has a good sleep tonight as i have a cold and i feel pants, he slept last night until 5.30, then 7.10 until 10 so that would do nicely. Butl like Seity has mentioned Chase's sleep is all over the place too, Saturday night was awful, he was still up at 2am yet previous to that he'd slept through until 6, i feel the same like i just never know how long he'll go.
Ahh he's started rolling over boths ways now, but sometimes he struggles when he is on his back to get onto his front so he grabs the leg of his trousers to help pull himself up, its so funny, his sleepsuits are best as when he's got jeans or pants on they ride up when he is pulling on them :haha: Now he's rolling both ways he doesn't half move, he just rolls to where he wants to go.
Ooh and he's really starting to find his voice, he's not sayin any proper words but its like he's talking now rather than just babbling, if that makes sense.
Ha he chewed his first bit of food last week and now he keeps chewing (even when he has no food) and going, nom nom nom nom. When he's swallowed some new food he makes this funny face, he like screws his face up and shakes his head, but he is getting there so we kinda do tw and blw too but more tw for the moment. He is starting to notice our food too, he grabbed my hand when i was eating a bacon butty and shoved it in his mouth, he had a real good suck, he didn't eat any bacon but he had bread and he did the same with a cheese butty i was eating.
Right off to bed for me for hopefully a good nights sleep and that i feel better in the morning. Ooh bit of good work news before i go, i asked if i could use some of my holidays 1 day a week for a bit when i first go back, so its a bit easier on Chase and they have agreed! So i'll only be doing 3 days for a bit, ease me back in :happydance: they phoned me this afternoon after taking a week to think about it, i really thought they would say no so made up they said yes. Nighty night xx
ETA Good look tomorrow CocoaOne x
JJ - M does that too - screws her face up and then kind of shudders! So funny :rofl:
That's some good sleeping from Chase

I haven't tried M with anything sloppy like cottage pie yet. I think she'd just play with it!
Going to keep it short since the monkey hasn't been sleeping great this past week so I need what precious sleep I can get, but a belated thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Hubby got me a shiny new Kindle (so now he gets my perfectly fine but not brand new anymore Kindle). Very cunning of him!

Seity, I have a monkey costume for Ronan for Halloween too! I haven't tried it on him yet, though. Hopefully it fits at the rate that he's been growing lately.

I can't remember who asked but as far as the weaning stuff, I really don't worry about Ronan choking. Obviously I'm attentive and mindful of it, but the chance is always there, regardless of how your LO is weaned. I took a first aid/CPR course and otherwise just let him get on with it. I let him play with a soft, gel-like rubbery spoon well before he was ever given food and I'm pretty sure that that really helped him safely figure his gag reflex out so by the we started weaning he has only very occasionally gagged on food.

As for spices etc. I give him anything pretty much except for salt/sodium. If I think the heat of things like curries or chili might be too much for him I cut it with some yogurt or cream.

It's interesting seeing how he improvises with having no teeth. He will hold the food in his mouth and use his finger to tear it in his mouth like teeth. Hopefully he doesn't bite himself too often once he actually does have teeth! :haha:

Anyway, speaking of cunning...I had an awesome cunning hat made for the monkey! :mrgreen:

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