march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Seity - bummer about the fridge :-( How are you going to cope without a fridge for 3 weeks? I dot suppose it's cold enough there yet to leave things outside?
And 1 nap?! I'd be doing my nut! Like you say though, at least he's not having a meltdown every day through tiredness.

GL & Lyn - I can make you MT's, not sure how cheap it would work out with fabric & postage etc? You'd need 2 meters of a very strong fabric (cotton twill or canvas is best, I prefer look of twill) for the straps and main body of the carrier, then 1 meter of the fancy fabric which can be anything really, but cotton best for breathability etc.

GL - blimmin expensive tickets! It's crazy how much they can charge. It will be lovely for them all to finally meet Flora properly, and she'll be a livewive by then too!

MM - :wave:

M's sleep has definitely regressed to back when she was 3-4 months old - awake every hour after we put her down and then screaming and we can't comfort her at all. I gave up at 10:30 after resettling her 4 times and just took her to sleep in our bed. She slept well the rest of the night. Presumably she's having a development leap or something which is disturbing her sleep. I wish I had that wonder weeks book!
GL im jealous im not getting to leave ye old england till the end of the blooming winter and your skipping out for a summer christmas ive been missing that for 5 nearly 6 chirstmases now,

Seity sorry to hear about your fridge hunni, i would be a mess if something happend to mine as we dont have a seperate freezer or space for one either

Well last night we were back in the same room altogether as part of the effort to get everything done it was ok 7.30 wakeup from EJ which i can deal with on a normal day but DH was out on Street pastors last night so getting in after 4am and he forgot the front door key so i had to sleep on the sofa till then so he could call me and i could open the door for him and let him up so im gonna need a nap as i started watching xfactor at 1am while waiting for him so only got about an hours kip on the sofa before he got home :coffee:
My last christmas at home was in 2000 so I'm well excited to say the least! Best thing is we arrive on Christmas eve so we get to wake up there on Christmas morning.

Lynn - you must be tired, try to get some sleep in during the day.

Seity - not much fun not having a fridge! They are very expensive. Just curious, do most americans have the big double door fridges (which we call 'american-style' over here?) I'd love to have enough room for one of those! (and enough cash)

Cocoa - I'd feel bad about asking you to do that I'm sure it would take up too much of your time. How long did it take you to make btw?
GL Not quite sure when they drop feeds but my hv and a few of my friends have just commented that by 8 months their babies were only on milk morning and night, Chase still has a lot of milk so i can't see how it's going to work :shrug: so will see what my b/f support worker says as when i go back in Nov i'll only be able to do morning and night feeds so i need to sort my supply out before hand so i don't end up getting mastitis again.

CocoaOne If you were able to find out what it would cost you to make the Mai Tei's plus postage and adding on a cost for making them i would be v interested, i've had a look on e-bay but really i want a plain black one but there all fancy patters, which just isn't me . You would have to be making something from it though hun or i would feel too guilty though. You should make them and sell them on e-bay! Yours is a lovely one much nicer than the ones i've seen. Mind you hun i doubt you would have time to make and sell them these babies take up a lot of time.
Not really sure how long it took TBH - I did bits here and there as she was napping/sleeping over a few days, so maybe 4 or 5 hours altogether?

JJ - I'll send you a PM, not sure if it's allowed to discuss that sort of thing over the forums? :shrug: I don't think I'd be able to sell enough to buy the fabric in bulk to make it viable, even if I did have the time!

I can't even imagine M dropping feeds to only a couple a day - She still feeds 6-7 times in the day and 1-3 times overnight!
oo0o beki im off to check for fabric , will have to pop into the fabric shop in town on tuesday when i meet up with my friend
GL That is a heck of a lot for tickets! Super exciting though you will have a fab christmas.

Seity Thats a pain you have no fridge, ours i think will be on its way out soon, we just can't afford to replace it just yet but the seal is starting to go around the freezer door and its about 8 years old, though i've no idea how long they usually go for?

Lynn Oh no whats your hubby like forgetting his key :dohh: Hope you can get a sleep this afternoon.

We're having a lazy day today but think we'll go for a walk later as its lovely out :thumbup: Chase was a monkey again last night he woke an hour after he'd gone to bed, hubby went up to him and he said when he picked him out the cot he was smiling and wanted to play, so he put him back in the cot after a cuddle then stayed by the door so Chase could still see him, he whinged for a bit then went to sleep. Then he woke at 2.30, 5.30 then 8.50 so it wasn't too bad.

Ooh UK mums how are you enjoying x-factor, who do you think will go? I can't stand the faces that Cher pulls! I really like Rebecca and Aiden. I think that Wagner or John might go, wasn't keen on them.
I missed half of x-factor as M was being a pickle. I've recorded it but not sure I'll have time to watch it before the results tonight. I wasn't too impressed with what I saw TBH! I liked Mat and Mary, Rebecca was good too. But all their song choices were odd! I really don't like Cher - something about the way she talks - like she talks out of the side of her mouth or something? Annoys the hell out of me! Didn't see Wagner, but John was ok - but dull as dishwater.
no chance for sleep today got to finish the house and got to scrub the shower as well as taking care of the boys and cooking etc.... and DH has a mate coming over tonight too
Ugh my nesting drive is in overdrive at the moment and I'm not even pregnant, and i don't even have time for it during the days with Ronan! Hubby has an appraiser coming on tuesday to appraise the house as we're refinancing the mortgage, and i am driving myself nuts trying to reorganize the kitchen and sort storage, and then I still have to do the bathrooms and bedrooms and help tidy the living and dining room. :wacko:

She's not even going to care since it's just a valuation appraisal and we're not looking to sell so she only cares about the basic structure and outlay, but I've just got it in my head that everything has to be just so.
Hive - take a chill pill - go and put the kettle on, have a cuppa (tea, but I know you yanks like coffee :winkwink:) and put your feet up.

Lyn - you too!
well once DH got home from the dump and shops then i did get a short nap on the sofa while EJ was napping but it was short, still got bits to do and the boys have been busy filling my nappy bucket so got a wash to do tonight as well as a couple of loads of clothes not the best impression for our flatmates to arrive back to a house full of drying laundry but as it is now we dont have room in our room for the airers although i might be tempted to throw them up on our bed in front of the windows with the windows open in the day tomorrow see what we can get dry.
I do have a bit of time off from everything planned though and im hopeing DH will cook for me that night to im leaving the boys with him on Tuesday afternoon and going out with a friend whos ditching her boys on her husband as well for some window shopping n coffee or a movie... hmm will have to talk to her about what shes wanting to see hehehe...
I am gonna have to start being really good about keeping things in order and making sure that we all eat right i need to up my calories ( with good things ) to help me lose weight caus im certain im not eating enough and thats why my milk supply and weight are suffering as a result
Hive - take a chill pill - go and put the kettle on, have a cuppa (tea, but I know you yanks like coffee :winkwink:) and put your feet up.

Lyn - you too!

:rofl: I'm an aussie and very much enjoy my tea! Ronan has forced me into a timeout because he's not happy playing in one spot so i have to keep an eye on him as he crawls everywhere he shouldn't be. Not exactly a restful timeout, mind you!
Of course you are - I totally forgot :dohh:

But at least time out with Ronan is better than cleaning! Lol
Well I'm a full blooded American and I prefer tea. I've learned to tolerate coffee, but given the choice, I'll pick tea every time.
We're lucky we've a second fridge in the basement that we use to lager beer, so we can keep some things in that while we wait.
GL - I'm not sure what you mean by big double door ones, there are about 4 different style fridges in all different sizes. The current one was a smaller (22 cu) side by side style (which I hate). The new one will have the freezer on the bottom, but still be 22 cu because it's built into the cabinets, so it can't be any bigger and still fit.
Seity: Sorry about the fridge. Glad you have another you can use in the meantime.

Lynn: Sorry you didn't get much sleep last night, but happy to hear you got in a nap. Have fun on your day out Tuesday.

Hive: Good luck with the appraisal. I'm sure it will go great and you will have a super clean house too.

Charlotte did very well yesterday while we were gone. She has picked up a new skill that I believe will soon lead to her crawling properly. She has been sort of humping the floor (sorry don't know how else to describe it) and I think as soon as she learns to move one leg in front of the other she'll have crawling down. Oh boy! In the meantime it is hilarious and my DH is very disturbed by her new skill. Oh, and for the record, I prefer tea too. On the rare occasion I will drink coffee, but more times that not it is tea. Also, and I'm sure this makes me super American and typically southern, I actually prefer to get my caffeine from either Diet Coke or iced tea.
Heh, i actually cut out caffeine other than an occasional cup of tea when we were ttc. The most i have now is still only a cup of tea or two most days. I'm kind of glad i kicked it when i did because i can't imagine how much more tired I'd be having to get my caffeine fix on top of a sleepless night, especially when bfing!
I'm going to stop with my stereotypes now :haha:

I actually prefer coffee, but stopped drinking it in pregnancy and can't drink too much now because I'm BF, so generally just stick with tea. I make a mean cuppa though!

So tired this morning - M's sleep has regressed massively and she was awake for hours last night just crying. She'd start drifting and then wake herself up crying - not quite a pain cry, but not an attention one. Hoping it's the development thing and she snaps out of it soon - I'm exhausted.

I just read through ALL i have missed! Wow you ladies have been busy!

Seity- thanks for the video it was really interesting! :thumbup:

Cocoa- LOVE the mei tei! i want one!

I Looooove my coffee! i have way too many than i should seeing as I am breastfeeding, but atleast she doesn't seem to mind it :)

To be honest there's not much to update on! had some really nice weather here, except for these past two rainy days. Went to my sisters 21st bbq on friday night. Had Ella up about 2 hours past her bedtime and she did really well!!

One order completed for my tutus :dance: The buyer was very happy! Although it was actually was for her dog :haha:

Here is my facebook page if any of you don't have it...!/pages/Christchurch/Lil-Miss-Muffet/123729287681256

How many of our babies DON'T have teethies yet?

I hope all are having a good day/night! xx
well got a bit of sleep last night, really happy this morning as i pumped 15oz which is more than ive gotten for days so thats great, my period has left too so thats made me happy, lol what hasnt made me so happy is the rest of the house i have to clean up tonight oh and the fact that Nate has just made a horrible stink so got to deal with that before putting EJ down for his nap

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