march lambs 2010 come on ladies

lol i only do it caus thats the pattern that works for us to give him ebm at night and BF in the day
Cocoa: I'm sure it's just a phase and M will be sleeping better soon.

MM: Congrats on the tutu sale. Still no teeth here. For some reason I though she would have a whole mouth full by now (especially since she has had teething symptoms for like four months), but not a single tooth yet and she is almost eight months old.

Lynn: 15oz is incredible! I have to ask: Is BFing easier with the second child? I am really hoping to be able to do it longer the next time, but my supply was so bad the first time around. Just hoping my body will have a better understanding of what it is supposed to do.

OK gotta go, sounds like someone is ready to get up for the day. I think we will go for a nice walk after she has had her breakfast since it is so nice and cool out. When I get home I need to call the babysitter since I think she took my husband's keys with her (we gave them to her so she could take Charlotte for a walk and I am guessing she put them in her purse and forgot). Thankfully he has spares.
id say it is caus im more sure in what im doing and i know where to go for help although i didnt bf Nate for long,
im sure second time around if you start out pumping a bit as well as BF then you will have better luck with your supply
MM - Way to go on the sale even if it was for a dog. I'm not getting enough sleep to give up my caffeine, no matter what form I get it in.
Lynn - Holy 15 oz! I gave up pumping because I could only ever get 2 oz and the frustration and negative feelings it caused me weren't worth it.

If I have to have a second child (aka an oops baby), I'll try BF again. I'm hoping to get more milk and not have to combo feed. I'm not sure if it'll be physically possible, but if I take fenugreek and lecithin right from the start for more milk and hopefully prevent the constant blocked ducts, which probably didn't help the supply either.
Today we get to go to the hardware store and buy a water supply line kit to replace the one that used to go to the fridge. The one that's there can't be shut off all the way, so it's got a constant slow drip. We collected a bucket full of water overnight.
MM - is she going to send you a pic of the dog wearing it?! I bet that's so cute!

Lyn - 15oz is impressive! The most I managed was 8oz one morning when M had only woke once in the night for the first time.

Seity - just what you need! At least you know it's broken though, imagine if you didn't know and your kitchen got majorly flooded.

MM - you were right - I should have taken those antibiotics anyway. My tonsillitis is back :-(. Just taken an antibiotic and will finish them this time! I think a bit of the bug was still lurking and where I'm knackered and stressed with M's sleep and crying, I must be run down so the bug has taken hold again. Grrrr.
Lynn: I think you are right about knowing what you are doing and being more confident the second time around. I think if I has spent less time freaking out then the whole process would have been more enjoyable and my supply would have probably been better.

Seity: Glad you caught the leak before someone slipped or your kitchen flooded.

Cocoa: Sorry your tonsillitis is back. Hope you get better soon.
Hello Ladies

May I join in?? I've just found you all :)
Ben was born on the 16 March 2010! xxx
of course you can join us hun
hows ben doing?

well from day one i taught my boobs to produce double quantity overnight by pumping whatever side i didnt feed so my body is sitll doing it even with EJ having slept through the night for months now i have routinely instructed my body to make another feeds worth after he goes to bed and pump it off and then the double feed ( 7-8oz each breast ) for the morning. its annoying to wake up with rocks on my chest every morning im dying to sleep on my stomach but everytime i do i get too sore and have to turn over and end up with a wet bed anyway
MM Ahh thats great you got your first sale, ha ha and for her dog how cute. My little dog has little jumpers for the winter but only becuase she shivers she gets so cold, but i wouldn't put a tutu on her.

CocoaOne Hope M has a better night for you and you get a good sleep, especially with you not being well, hope your antibiotics kick in quick.

Vegas Did you get your keys back? No teeth here either but he's been teething for ages too :wacko:

Chase "humps" when he is swimming, so funny.

Wow i can't believe it is 9.15 already, not stopped all day.

Went on a pramwalk this morning with a playgroup and my friends then went home and had some luch, it was a lovely day today so me and my friend decided to walk in to town and had some retail therapy, Chase ended up in the sling for the walk home but the buggy was handy for my shopping and he actually had two little naps today, some days he gets up at 8/10 and doesn't have a single sleep all day! Then when we got home it was tea for us both, then a b/f for Chase then tidying up for me until now, phew.

After me mentioning about when they drop feeds weirdly Chase had one less b/f today, he would usually have one about 4 (his last one being at 1.30) but we were out and he never seemed bothered, then when we got home i did his tea as he was already 30 mins late having it and he had some water with his tea then didn't have his b/f until 6.30, i feel really guilty like he's not had enough milk but he wasn't bothered, yet he'd gone 5 hours?

Well i'm gonna have a chill and watch some tv and have some rice pudding, mmm i was addicted to rice pudding when i was pregnant! Going to have an earlyish night though as knackered. If Chase doesn't have a good sleep tonight after all the fresh air we've had today then he never will. He was really whinging when i put him down but i was really strong and i left him in his cot, left his room to get his teething stuff from our room and when i returned his whinging was hardly at all so i just waited and he fell asleep, hopefully all night......I'm sure he is teething at the mo he is dribbling tons, chewing his hands and his water bottle and last night his cheeks were all pink, but then i get unsure as when we go into his room and he's woke crying he immediately stops if we pick him up, if his teeth were hurting wouldn't he carry on crying? Right off for my pud, hope everyone is ok x
MrsT- Welcome :hi:My girl was born the 16th of March too :dance:

Yes there is a piccy of the dog on my lil miss muffet page :) She got it in christmas colours for xmas day.

Cocoa- Sorry your tonsilitis came back :hugs: Atl;east you still got the antibs.

Looks like I might be meeting up with Lynn in March. So excited! Wish i could meet more of you ladies!!

It's lunchtime here but me and El only just got up :haha: we a lazy bunch :dohh:
Between work and Connor, I haven't had much time to catch up on all the posts so sorry if I miss anyone.
MM- congrats on selling a tutu!
Cocoa- sorry your not feeling well. Hope you start getting better soon
Seity- It sucks to be tight on money and lose s major appliance. We are still paying off all the appliances we bought a year ago.
MrsT- Wecome :hi:
Vegas- Maybe some time next month Connor and will come up to Orlando to spend the day with you and Charlotte!

I need some reassuance, my mom and grandma really disagree with me feeding Connor "real" food. I normally brush off the comments about him choking, but tonight they had me in tears. My mom called me up (she was at my grandmas) and asked what we were doing. I said having dinner. I mentioned how much Connor loved his pasta with a little ground beef and some cheese sauce. Then they tore into me. How dare I feed him pasta and beef. They think his tummy isn't ready for that kind of food. They believe I have no idea what I'm doing or how to parent. I heard my grandma in the background say "she is killing that child" I just hung up and started crying. I don't normally take to heart what people say about me, but having two people close to me question my parenting skills really hurt.
Sorry for the rant it has just been an emotional night for me.
Ah Kel :hugs: Can you print off some information about BLW or the fact that at 6 months most babies are ready for finger foods? I'm sure the idea is so different to what they are used to (they probably started weaning at 12 or 16 weeks) that they just don't understand.

MM - I wish M would give me a lie in until lunch! I wish she didn't wake up at 5:30am more than anything!

JJ - I hope chase had a good night. M is crying in the night, but doesn't stop when we pick her up. No sign of teeth yet though :dohh:

Hi MrsT&Ben! :wave:

Our night was slightly better- only 4 wakings and one period of crying (30mins). She only came in with us at 5:30am and had snoozy cuddles with me until 7 when we got up. I'm still poorly but nowhere near as bad as I was last week.
I've got my BF peer supporter training today and OH is off so having M. I've been trying to express a few oz just in case M wants feeding, but it's like my body will not respond to the pump :grr: I pumped for 15 minutes last night and got 0.5oz! Pumped before I fed M this morning and barely got 2 - usually I can get at least 4oz without a problem, but I haven't expressed in ages because she won't take a bottle. This BF thing isn't bloody easy! :rofl:
Kel :hugs: i agree with what Cocoa said.

Cocoa- have fun at your training. that sounds so exciting make sure to tell us all about it :thumbup:

Well, Ella and OH in bed. i am about to sit down with a mocha, candy floss and a scary movie. night all :hi:

Kel Ahh hugs hun :hugs: like Cocoa said could you print something off for them to read? Things have changed so much and some people just don't get it. I've seen baby jars that have beef in them and pasta and chicken etc and everything you read says from 6 months they can have basically what we eat with the exception of some things like runny eggs and blue cheese and some others so to say you are killing him hun is so ott. He's allowed that stuff now. Your doing a great job hun i can' wait until Chase has pasta, he's only just starting to feed himself and accept non smooth thing but we'll be trying pasta soon xx

CocoaOne Hope M is good for your oh. Chase has only been left with my hubby for 2 hours max as i'm just always here, should be fun for both of them when i go back to work. Ahh i've never got along with a pump found hand expressing works so much better.

So we had an alright sleep in the end, he woke at 11 and i fed him then he woke 10 mins after going back down, picked him up gave him a hug and put him back down, again he woke after 10 mins so i got him up again and gave him a quick b/f and then he finally went down at 12 and slept until 6.30, strangely hubby was wide awake so he got up with him and left me so sleep until 8, he's back in bed now though as he's in work later until tonight.

Chase is going to need a nap today after getting up so early, it's just so hard to get him to have one and we're going to my friends for lunch so he'll probably be too nosy to sleep there.

Another lovely day here, bit chilly but its so sunny.
JJ - this will be the 3rd time OH has had M (while she's awake) but it will only be for a couple of hours.
I went into town yesterday & fabric shop was just, just been back down and they only had 1.5m of black twill :dohh: So I've ordered it online and hopefully it'll be here by end of the week.

My friend found out that she's having a boy, so I think I'm going to make her a Mei Tai as her baby shower pressie. I'm so excited- we don't know enough baby boys, they are all girls!
MrsT&Ben: Welcome!

JJ: Yes, I got the keys back. Texted the sitter and she told me to look in the bottom of the stroller. Sure enough they were there under a bunch of other junk. Sounds like Chase has a pretty good night's sleep. Nice that your DH watched him while you slept a bit.

MM: The dog looks so cute in the tutu, but somehow I expected a smaller dog. Now that I think about it my dog has a collar that is made of tulle (that he wears for Mardi Gras). You could do a whole line of dog collars in the tulle if you wanted to expand your product line.

Kel: Sorry your mom and grandma upset you. Have they seen Conner eating or are they just assuming it is dangerous? Let them know that you don't take your eyes off him and babies gag reflex protects him. Until I tried BLW I was skeptical, but it is so great, the only drawback is that it can be messy.

I'd love to meet you and Conner. I was actually hoping to come to Tampa this weekend, but it looks like those plans have fallen through. My BIL was going to come to Orlando and then he and DH were going to go to the Saints/Bucs game. I was going to be the designated driver and Charlotte and I were going to hang out in Tampa while they watched the game. Well, BIL couldn't find a cheap flight so it's not gonna happen.

Cocoa: Good luck with your training. You will have to share with us how the new mei tai turns out, the last one was adorable.
Hi MrsT
Kel - Don't listen to your mom and gram, they probably just don't understand BLW. Connor is doing so fantastic with it. Gabriel is barely touching anything still. I don't even bother offering him food most of the time.
Cocoa - Good luck with the training and I hope the sleep continues to improve.
MM - My idea of a lie in is 9 am and that's only possible on the weekend when I'm not working.
Gabriel seems to have decided to give up napping during the day all together. Last night he slept 8-midnight, but then he was up for 2.5 hours. I'm pretty sure his theoretical future teeth were bothering him again. I really wish they'd make an appearance soon because this 1.5 months of teething pain is getting old. At least the previous months he was just drooling and gnawing on everything, now he's drooling, gnawing on everything, and in pain, he's even moaning in his sleep at times.
CocoaOne Ahh thats a fab idea for your friend, none of my friends wore slings but now after seeing mine all want to try one with their second babies, i am so excited to try mine, who eve thought i'd get so excited over a sling. Ha we're the opposite all my friends bar 2 have girls, so in our group there is 7 boys an 2 girls, that is soon to change though as two of my friends are pregnant and one is a girl, we'll have to wait an see what flavour the other one is though.

Vegas Ahh glad you got your keys hun. Yeah it was quite a good sleep in the end a nice 6 hour block.

Thats a good idea for MM to maybe expand, people just love buying stuff for their pooches, know i do.

Seity Totally agree on the teething!!!

Well today has been cry cry and more crying. Definately teeth to blame, mil and fil came round this morning and everytime they held Chase he was screaming, even when hubby took him, it was bad, seriously you would think someone had chopped his leg off, then as soon as he came to me he stopped. He was exactly the same at my friends and when we were in the car, screaming! I've just put some Ambesol on his gums and can feel sharpness at the top, i swear it wasn't there this morning? Surely they can't be long now......Not looking forward to tonight, going to give him calpol and put Ambesol on his gums before his bed time feed. His Ambesol must be working because he's sat in his bouncer, not crying :thumbup:

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