march lambs 2010 come on ladies

yeah i just make sure the boys get plenty of sunlight and that gives them their vit-d
Eleanor did also have the Vitamin K injection at birth, the drops are just on top of it.
The Vitamin D is indeed only if you're breastfeeding as it's already added into formula. Moo gets a fair bit of sunlight when we're out though, so hopefully that + the extra vitamins I'm taking will be enough. Will keep a close eye on her eyes turning yellow or anything that can show a Vit D deficiency.

GL, glad Flora is at least getting rid of gas ... that on it's own must help her feel a little better already. Hopefully the rest will follow soon.
Vit-D defincanty isnt common in spring/summer babies as both mums and babies get plenty of sunlight ( doesnt have to even be direct light ) its more for fall/winter babies that you need to watch for jaundice type symptoms,
hi ladies :flower: havent been on in a few days - it was mybirthday on saturday sowas crazily running around tryingto prepare for my party lol . was alot of fun- had a bit too many to drink though lol . oh n my parents were looking after jesse for the night and OF COURSE he slept from 6-3o-5.30am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11hrs!!!! he has NEVER done that for us, n they said they didnt do anything different to what we do or what they usually do. i couldnt believe it!
i also got my tattoo coloured in yesterday finally (i found out i was preg the day it was meant to be coloured) it looks soooo good lol
GL- i hope she poos soon
Cocoa - very cute pic :)
Tiger- let's see your tattoo! I can't wait til I stop BF so I cab get another one

I think M is still going through her growth spurt, she is napping loads, but only 20-30 mins at a time, but she seems to be eating less too though - more often but only 5-6 minutes at a time. She's really fussy too but I think that's overtiredness.

I got paid today so we're heading to Primark to get me some summer clothes that actually fit. Probably after I've watched Lost though....
Good morning! I'm pleased to announce the arrival of a seriously enormous poonami!!!! Oh my well I had her in the position you described cocoa, on the bed (white duvet cover) and she was smiling and cooing, then started to look like she was concentrating so I quickly shoved a muslin under her bum, lucky I did because it did squirt out one side! It was the right colour, thicker than usual but still runny, I assume because it was 5 days worth it just got thicker. Seriously it was like runny peanut butter! :shock: But I'm so relieved (no pun intended!).

So I tried the thermometer trick last night and have been regularly massaging her tummy and legs... maybe good tips for next time or if it happens to anyone else!

Happy birthday Tiger! Hope you had a great time.

Cocoa - maybe the short feeds are to quench her thrist in the heat. I'm sure the heat makes them a bit fussy only because it hasn't been hot yet so they're not used to it. Enjoy you're shopping today!! My hubby is off today so we're going to spend the day in the garden, get a bit of sun, do some more work on the veggie patch. I am in a great mood for a Monday! :flower:
hi ladies :flower: havent been on in a few days - it was mybirthday on saturday sowas crazily running around tryingto prepare for my party lol . was alot of fun- had a bit too many to drink though lol . oh n my parents were looking after jesse for the night and OF COURSE he slept from 6-3o-5.30am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11hrs!!!! he has NEVER done that for us, n they said they didnt do anything different to what we do or what they usually do. i couldnt believe it!
i also got my tattoo coloured in yesterday finally (i found out i was preg the day it was meant to be coloured) it looks soooo good lol
GL- i hope she poos soon
Cocoa - very cute pic :)

Happy birthday!!!!

Yay for getting your tattoo done! i take it u have stopped expressing then?

Did your sil end up having her baby yet?
okay here it is --- still got about an hour left to put some shading in the petals n leaves though
GL- YAY FOR POO :dance:
cocoaone- you can geta tattoo while ur breastfeeding, i asked around at a few places. because its not going into ur bloodstream - only thing u need to worry about is hep b (which u would anyway lol)
MM - thankyou :) <3
yes i have i was only getting 50-60ml out a day n it would go off by the time i could use it unless i freezed it but really it wasnt worth half an hour of pumping for 10ml :mope: quite upset but i will be fine- hes healthy thats the main thing
and no she hasnt yet! her baby is teasing her lol
Tiger, belated Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good day and enjoyed it =) ... Love your tattoo, even without the shading.

GL - Yay!!! I bet Flora feels sooo much better now. Hopefully it won't happen again
CocoaOne - It could indeed be caused by the heat. Eleanor is refusing to sleep much through out the day and she's drinking every hour or so, else she gets massively cranky. At the moment she's not sleeping through the night properly either (it's 27C in our room during the night), about 7 hours instead of 9 and then every hour and a half instead of 3 hours. Be it heat or growth spurt, I hope your little one will grow out of the short naps and frequent drinks soon.

I'm looking forward to this afternoon, we've bought Eleanor a bunch of stuff and we'll finally get to go pick it up!! In England we've got nothing for her apart from the travel cot and the toy bar that came with that. I'll be very happy to have a bouncer again to put her in for short breaks when she wants to sit up - it gets tiring having to hold her on your lap the whole time.

We've ordered to pick up...
- Rainforest Bouncer
- Rainforest 1-2-3 Musical Gym
- Rainforest Jumperoo

and to add up to 2 orders of just over £100 so we could get 2 lots of £10 off instead of just one we also added:
- 6 Pack of Johnson's Wipes
- Huggies size 3 Value Box (she's in size 2 now)

She'll be one spoiled little girl, and I'll try my very best not to get her anything until Christmas now as this has pretty much drained our bank account :nope: At least it should be enough to tie her over for a while and keep her entertained through out different age levels in the first 9 months.

Anyone else have any of the items above? If so, how does your child like them?
wow its been busy on here!

GL glad Flora has been she must feel loads better.

CocoaOne i think the heat is defo making Chase more thirsty. The last two nights the longest he's gone down for is 2 hours, he's been waking every hour but then not feeding for as long as he normally would as he's only been feeding for 10-15 mins at night. I'm shattered! :sleep:

Ahh Erised i bet Eleanor will love her new things. It's so much fun buying them bits isn't it.

Happy belated birthday tiger :cake: love the tattoo.

Phew it's a bit cooler here today, still really warm when the sun comes out but it's cloudy today so it keeps hiding :haha:

We've got some different medication for Chase's thrush so fingers crossed that works but he's taken a swab to be sent off in case it doesn't so they know what type of strain they are dealing with.
Hmm not sure what to do today, hubby's gone into work early so we're on our own all day until 10:30pm.
the heat is making EJ restless hes sleeping much lighter in the day than he would normally but his feeding is unaffected, we brought his last feed forward by an hour last night and had it not been for my alarm for Lost this morning then he would have slept till 6 im sure so that would be 9pm bed -6am wake up which is great for me if he wants to do that lol gives me a chance at an evening and still getting to bed before midnight myself lol,

EJ had a Urology appointment today caus of a refferal at birth due to having a hodded foreskin and it appears he has a branched urethra so the end is split and he has 2 openings in the end of his penis, i know both work as ive seen it myself lol , he will need an operation when hes about a year old for it and has to have his kidneys scanned as a precaution, so along with his Hipscan next week he has another one for his kidneys at some point and we have an appointment in 6months to talk about his Operation
Lynn: Sorry your boy will need an operation. Our girl had to go to the urologist when she was just a few weeks old because our ped couldn't find her opening, but we knew the girl could pee just fine. Funny enough she proved that she was in fine working order when she peed all over the exam table in front of the doctor. He said everything looked good to him and no need to worry about the kidneys. So hopefully since your son can pee just fine then his kidneys should be working fine too. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. We also had a hipscan (due to breech birth) that turned out OK :thumbup:. Seems like you are seeing the same type of specialists we had to see. Great fun isn't it?

GL: Happy to hear that there are dirty diapers in your house once again.

Tiger: Happy belated birthday.

We are back from our mini trip to the beach. It was a bit too hot and sunny for Charlotte so we hung out more at the shaded kiddie pool than at the beach. Our room got upgraded to a suite :happydance: so Charlotte got her own room (of course she still slept in the pack-n-play, but it was nice to have the extra bed for all of her stuff and as a changing area). Below are a few photos of her first vacation.


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lynn- sorryabout EJ neding an op but imsure all will go fine :hugs:
vegasbaby- shesgorjuz! does hsesit up by herself now?
thankseveryone for the birthday wishes lol
well i have to go to the hospital when my mum comes round soon as jesse has hissots about 4-3o yesterday arvo n ALLLLL of last night he wouldnt go to sleep - i have been up since 1am (its now 7.40am) im absolutely wrecked! n hes been screaming all morningn n night n not really eating n i have just checked his temp 3 times in 15min - 37.9degrees 38.2degrees n 38.1degrees (really high) n i rang our health line n they said go to the hospital not the doctors :(
i knew something would happen :nope: i had a funny feeling for weeks but everyone convinced me to get it done (i know its for the best )
but from now on im trusting my instinct. will update later
GOOdluck Tiger. i hope your wee man feels better soon!!!

Lynn- That's scary about EJ having an op but as Tiger said I'm sure he will be fine :hugs:
Vegasbaby-Charlotte in the water is adorable!

Lynn-Hopefully his operation is simple!

Tiger-hope he's feeling better soon!

jj-hope his thrush is better with this new medication

Erised-I'm sure Eleanor will love the new stuff. I love the rainforest line, we have the bouncer, playmat, and swing. I really want a jumperoo but we are incredibly broke right now, hopefully we can get one soon though.
Mika has been in a funny mood today, can't really decide if he is in a good one or not, but he's eating a lot and sleeping a lot too, so maybe another growth spurt? Surely not?

For soome reason over the past few days he has stopped being very talkative, which makes me sad because I love hearing him chatter!
Vegas - great pics!

Tiger - how is he now? Hope he's back to normal x

Blonde - I think there is (yet another...) growth spurt at 12 weeks, so maybe Mika is having one.

I'm a bit concerned girls :-( I just weighed M as I do every Tuesday, and she hasn't put on any weight at all since last week. I'm not massively concerned because she's still a good weight (11lb 14oz) but surely she should have put something on, even 1oz!

She's definitely been eating less this week- I time feeds on my iPhone app and the average feed is now 5/6 mins instead of 9/10. She's also crying at the breast alot, which I put down to growth spurt but it's obviously not! She's been sucking on her fist a lot too, so I offer her the breast but she pulls off after 2-3 mins and cries and then won't go back on so I end up giving her the dummy which settles her.

Going to try and get her to drink more somehow. I did wonder if she was having problems with her mouth hurting due to thrush or some reflux issues or something, but she feeds fine at night while we co-sleep
I checked Nathaniel (caus i was curious ) when i changed him after getting back from the hospital with EJ and it would appear he has the same thing:dohh: but the pediatrican didnt spot it when he was born which is odd since he was in NeoNatal for a week , his foreskin is incomplete too but not as hooded as EJ's so i think they just didnt spot it with him so will have to make an appointment with the GP for him to get a refferal to see about him too, arrrgh, :growlmad: it hasnt caused him any problems in his 2 years so im not worried about it but its just another hassle, and the Op they might now both need sounded simple enough when i spoke to the Pediatric Urologist but he didnt go into alot of detail i'll have a look when the info arrives about it and consider getting a second opinion.
I havent recieved EJ's appointment letter for his jabs and hes 8 wks 4days now so will call the GP and make the appointment ( my docts are hopeless getting appointment letters done )
The rest of Yesterday went ok for me in the afternoon, we did get very hot in the car waiting for DH to finish work when we went to pick him up and when i went out in the evening then EJ fussed a bit for DH before going to bed i think he had a bit of heat stroke so we gave him half a dose of Calpol and some water after his bottle and he took the water after refusing the last oz's of his bottle, odd child hehehe,

GL, odd to say it but im glad you have poopey diapers again in your house lol ( the things we get excited about as mums:haha: )
Tiger, hope he feels better today,
Blonde, it could be a growth spurt or if its been hot there then they often have massive changes in mood with changes of weather,
Vegas, sounds like you had fun, great photos :thumbup:
Cocoa, it could well be heat, EJ's been doing the same thing with his bottles and he doesnt have thrush, he left nearly 3 oz last night of his bottle but still slept 8 1/2 hours
JJ, when my husband has a long day then i tend to go to the playground during part of the day with the boys to just break up the day a bit so i dont get so bored, but in this heat i have to go early to be back before it gets too hot as after about 11 then its too hot to have them outside

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