march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Happy 3 months to Zander today!
I have no idea where the time has gone!

I do have a question though: are any of yalls LOs kind of snotty? Like they have a stuffy nose but not sick iykwim?? Zander has always been like this since day one but the boogers are never cloudy or green etc and he never seems to be bothered by it... so is it just him "getting used to the world" ???

Everyone's LO's are sooo precious though! I'm loving all the new pics! :D
Vegas: congrats to your BIL!
EJ always seems to have a snotty nose lol but has gotten over his cold lol
Cocoa - just because I've lived away from my family for over 10 years and I said before moving here that I wanted to have my children in Oz, I've been wanting to go back for years but as DH is English we agreed to buy a place here first, we've done that now and nearly finished doing it up, had a baby and so really we're ready now. I have a huge extended family and Flora will have cousins her own age, DHs family is a bit split up and not all that close. Plus the climate of course :haha:

So, um, Flora hasn't been eating very much today?? I swear she only has about 5-10 minutes on the boob then starts to get annoyed with it! I think I have been trying to feed her more often than she needs because I'm all a bit confused about her eating habits after last weeks growth spurt. She's a bit whingy and moany and I mistake it for hunger when sometimes it isn't. I dunno, does anyone else just sometimes feel like you're making it up as you go along? I don't know what she wants half the time. I'm gradually figuring things out but I wouldn't say I've got it totally sussed yet.

However I think she's still gaining well as I put her on the kitchen scales (in a big tupperware) and it said 4.496 kg, which I make to be 9lbs 14.5ozs!! So just a smidge under 10 lbs. Last week she was 9lb 6oz.
GL- Yet again, our LOs are identical! Lol. M has stopped feeding every 3 hours- her feeds are all over the place at the moment and I've got no idea what's going on. I too thought I was feeding her when she wasn't hungry, but presumably they wouldn't eat if they didn't want it? M has been having short feeds and then crying but still sucking her fist. I think I've been too quick to give her the dummy too.

I really enjoyed the lifestyle in Oz- it was much more outdoors based and everyone seemed more active. Hopefully F will be less likely to be obese growing up in Oz than here, so easy for them to sit indoors and watch TV all winter/autumn in the UK.

Need your thoughts ladies.... for a few days I've thought I was getting vaginal thrush. You know at the beginning of it your vajayjay feels sore and a bit burny? Well mine has been feeling like that, but no itching or burning when I pee. And everytime I've had thrush before (years ago I had it nearly every month) I got very thick discharge (TMI!), but at the mo my discharge is white and a bit thicker, but not what I'd class as thrush.
Anyway, I thought I'd have a delve to see if my discharge is a bit thicker inside, and it's not- just a bit stringy like EWCM but there was fresh red blood too. Pretty sure it's not the start of my period. I'm worried that my cervix is bleeding. Is that normal after childbirth? A week or so ago I had some fresh red blood too but put it down to postnatal bleeding even though I'd thought that had stopped by then. I had some issues with smear tests a few years ago, so any unusual bleeding freaks me out!
Yep short feed, come off crying, suck fist, dummy in, happy baby. I guess she just wants to suck but doesn't want the milk? I of course then get worried that she isn't getting enough but perhaps I should just chill about it, shell let me know when she's properly hungry.

Yeah the lifestyle for children and families especially is really nice. I have never wanted to raise children in London. I mean don't get me wrong its a great place and plenty of well adjusted wonderful clever children grow up here, but as I have a choice I'd rather be near my family (and the beach), and its so family-oriented and there is just less stress and danger on the whole (apart from venomous creepy crawlies and death rays from the sun :haha:)

Sorry no idea about your vjj problem! Have you started back on the mini pill or something? Also I was told by the midwife that pp bleeding can stop for a while, just when you think its over it comes back, so it could just be that? Have you had sex recently? It's probably nothing but i guess you could go to the GP if you're worried.
lol you dont have to work hard to convince me on the better lifestyle for a family in NZ and Oz, we have managed to secure a place to live rent free from the end of July ( its dh's cousins place and they are working in Europe ) so we can save a couple of hundred £'s each month allowing us to quickly pay for the passports and NZ citizenship for the boys and my british citizenship then save for the tickets and to have some money when we go out there, we will be heading to Brisbane to live with my parents at first then work there for a while ( free childcare from mum yay ) while we save for our own place and then will buy in either NZ or Australia depending on DH's work situation at the time as i have family in Christchuch in NZ and DH's Dad and step mum and brothers are there but my parents and unlce and his family are in Queensland so it will be a choice based on DH's best work opportunity.
Wow loving all the pics everyone is putting up its lovely to see how there all growing and changing, i need to sort some recent ones onto the computer.

CocoaOne i would speak to your gp hun just to put your mind at ease. Ooh you have jogged my memory i need to book my smear! :thumbup: Will do tomorrow when i take Chase to weighed.

PineappleHead Chase is always a bit nasal, he sneezes too a lot, i wondered if he takes after me and has allergies? or maybe its like you say them getting used to the world.

Well Chase has just had the biggest (don't really know what to call it) screaming fit ever. I was taking a bath trying to unblock a duct and he was in his bouncer. I could tell he was getting ready to cry so i grt out, he starts crying so still half wet and naked i grab him, well he starts crying even more, really sobbing and upset:shrug: managed to calm him down by hugging him tight and talkng to him and he is now feeding. No idea what that was all about?????

MM yes we are defo going to be trying soon, not sure when though. I hsve to go back to work and i'm worried what they will say if it happens too soon. Hubby would try now if i agreed. I do want them close though, although not relishing the labour part again. Everyone said to me you forget, but i haven't yet.
Oh I was dreading you all saying that. My new GP is a bit of a fitty! I don't mind horrid old men poking around down there, but it's a different story when it comes to good looking young men!
I've got the health visitor tomorrow so I might ask her opinion. She's a bit rubbish though. When I saw the nurse for my 6 week check up she told me to book my smear in another 5-6 weeks (so 12 weeks post birth) as there's a higher chance of innacurate results before then.
No hun i can see why you wouldn't want to see your male doctor. We have a male and female doctor at oue practise and although the male doctor is my doctor i can see the female one no problem, which is what i did about my thrush on my boob :blush:

My right boob is not happy at all, not sure if its the thrush or if i've caused it. I was massaging it quit vigirousely (sp) in the bath as i knew i wouldn't have long and now theres is a red raised uo bit, probably the size of a 50p maybe a bit bigger and its all lumpy, like little lumps? If its still sore tomorrow i wonder if the doctor will see me as she is usually there for the baby clinic or wonder if i'll have to make an appointment. It is proper throbbing and painful.
All the bubs r sooo cute :)
jesses cradle cap has come back with a venegence! its horrible it looks so ugly n i have to put olive oil in his hair n its smells lol :haha: anyway the crustiness cracked n he now has cuts on his head that r bleeding! i feel so horrible for him :nope:
jj-rabbit - jesse had one of those tis morning!!! he just screamed n screamed n i had to hug him soooo tight n bounce up n down otherwise he just started wailing again, it was odd.
also jesse has taken to sucking non stop on his fingers, if his dummy falls out his just shoves his fist in there lol without fail
MM- we r also WTT JANUARY 2011!! lol
Connor has Cradle Cap too, and nothing I don seems to get rid of it. He has sooo much hair that most people don't notice it.

So I found out today that I have to go on a business trip, and will have to leave my baby for 2 and half days :( My mom wil take him for the first day, then he will be with DH the rest of the time. DH is nervous, because it wil be the longest he has taken care of Connor by himself.

Hivechild- I noticed that you are in Bostan, MA. Thats where i'm going for my business trip. I have never been there before.
Ella's got a wee bit of cradle cap. I didnt even know coz its not flaky, but its just a tinge of yellow skin along her hair line and her eyebrows. So it's very mild.
All the bubs r sooo cute :)
jesses cradle cap has come back with a venegence! its horrible it looks so ugly n i have to put olive oil in his hair n its smells lol :haha: anyway the crustiness cracked n he now has cuts on his head that r bleeding! i feel so horrible for him :nope:
jj-rabbit - jesse had one of those tis morning!!! he just screamed n screamed n i had to hug him soooo tight n bounce up n down otherwise he just started wailing again, it was odd.
also jesse has taken to sucking non stop on his fingers, if his dummy falls out his just shoves his fist in there lol without fail
MM- we r also WTT JANUARY 2011!! lol

I thought it was april lol. it's funny tiger- we both had dangerous traumatic births and yet we are going to go back so soon and do it all again LOL
Connor has Cradle Cap too, and nothing I don seems to get rid of it. He has sooo much hair that most people don't notice it.

So I found out today that I have to go on a business trip, and will have to leave my baby for 2 and half days :( My mom wil take him for the first day, then he will be with DH the rest of the time. DH is nervous, because it wil be the longest he has taken care of Connor by himself.

Hivechild- I noticed that you are in Bostan, MA. Thats where i'm going for my business trip. I have never been there before.

Zander has cradle cap as well.
What are y'all doing to treat it? I just put lotion on his head :shrug: he has hair but not much at all (takes after me like that)
I use olive oil on Mika's cradle cap, but tbh it's not doing much good. The only thing that has really helped has been a liberal application of vaseline. I let it set overnight and in the morning comb out all the flakes and icky gunk. Unfortunately he has such long hair that it is a nightmare to get clean and Vaseline doesn't wash out well, lol.

As far as another baby...I was ready to start TTC again about 4 days after I had Mika! Unfortunately I can't yet because I have to do my practicum for school next year and we really just don't have the money. I really wanted my kids to be close together but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Tbh, my labor was kind of traumatic but I can't wait to do it again. Looking back it was an amazing experience.
Connor has Cradle Cap too, and nothing I don seems to get rid of it. He has sooo much hair that most people don't notice it.

So I found out today that I have to go on a business trip, and will have to leave my baby for 2 and half days :( My mom wil take him for the first day, then he will be with DH the rest of the time. DH is nervous, because it wil be the longest he has taken care of Connor by himself.

Hivechild- I noticed that you are in Bostan, MA. Thats where i'm going for my business trip. I have never been there before.

Yep! Whereabouts will you be? Will you have much free time to do your own thing? PM me if you want any suggestions on things to do/places to go & eat etc.! I'm actually south of Boston (no one but the insanely rich, or homeless, actually lives IN Boston), but before becoming a mummy I worked in Boston and went out there quite a bit.

Since we're all sharing pics of our LO's, here's a few quick pics of Ronan before I get off to bed. Can't believe he's 14 1/2 weeks already! He's only about 13 1/2 lbs by my bathroom scales but he's long.

If you couldn't guess, we had him modeling his new hats in most of them (that don't fit yet). :mrgreen: He was incredibly patient.


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hivechild- hes socute :)
mm- we were but i want another one! lol , i know, we must be sick for wanting to go through all that again lol! :haha: altho ive been told its best for me to have an elective c-section for my next because of my pelvis :nope: n they said it would be at 38weeks most likely , so no going overdue for me! :dance:
i have been using olive oil n then i wash it out the next day n do it agsin but its coming n going n bleeding, looks like their is a small chunk taken out :(
hivechild- hes socute :)
mm- we were but i want another one! lol , i know, we must be sick for wanting to go through all that again lol! :haha: altho ive been told its best for me to have an elective c-section for my next because of my pelvis :nope: n they said it would be at 38weeks most likely , so no going overdue for me! :dance:
i have been using olive oil n then i wash it out the next day n do it agsin but its coming n going n bleeding, looks like their is a small chunk taken out :(

I have a good case for an elective too, but i don't know if i will take it. obviously if there is a high chance of baby getting stuck again and putting in danger then i will take the c-sect, otherwise i will give labour another chance xx
lovely pics of your little ones! They are indeed grwoing soo fast!

I was hoping to TTC next March when Wren is one as it took us 6 months to get preggo but now we qare getting married next summer I am going to wait until then I think. I can't decide wether to start trying a month or so before the wedding or just hold off completely so that I can have a damn good time!

Took Wren for her hip scan yesterday and we have to go back in 2 weeks as the doctor is concerned that she has hip dysplasia. She called her hips 'tricky hips' as from the ultra sound they look OK but from a physical exam there is an issue. I am trying not to worry too much and wait until the next appointemnt and hope that everything is OK. Fingers crossed.

Wren doesn't have craddle cap but she is getting a little bald spot at the back of her head, I think it is beacause she is in her pram soo much as I taker her out for hours everyday. Anyone elses have the same and anyway to avoid it?
Hivechild - ronan is gorgeous and will probably grow into those hats really quickly!
JJ - I hope you're sore boob isn't anything to worry about but definitely get it checked.
Cocoa - You made me laugh and I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to go to the GP - I would much rather a woman than a man even an old ugly one! In fact they're probably worse!
Emskins - sorry about Wren's hips, I'll keep my figers crossed for you too. Also if I were you I would wait until the honeymoon! You can have an awesome time trying then and still have been able to drink etc at the wedding. But then it depends on your priorities! Any thoughtss where you'll go for honeymoon? I still remember mine so well it was the most amazing holiday of my life! We went to Tobago.

And OK so I'm gonna share another pic of Flora, my mum has emailed saying she looks like she's got red in her eyebrows.. I don't think she'll be properly ginger but maybe slightly strawberry.

Oh and still no poo since Monday! :dohh:


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