march lambs 2010 come on ladies

On the weekends, when we are at home Connor will only sleep in his swing. He comes to work with me during the week, and sleeps well in his pack n' play. He takes one 3 hour nap in the morning, then an hour nap in the afternoon, than a short 30 minute nap in the swing in the early evening when we get home.
He also looks like he is about to outgrow his swing. The pack n' play had a changing station on the top, but we had to remove it because he outgrew sleeping on just one side.
Well as soon as I said something about Mika's nap schedule he changed his mind. He's been catnapping all day and getting super cranky! I think his reflux is acting up though because he has vomited a couple times and is arching his back and crying. I feel bad for him but I can't fix it! :(
Had no luck what so ever putting her down for a nap this afternoon. She kept screaming the place down as soon as I put her down so after a while I ended up taking her back downstairs and just sat with her. Didn't manage to get her to sleep at 21:00 either, but she went out for the count at 21:30. Half an hour later than I had hoped, and we had started with her bedtime routine 30 minutes earlier than I had expected (started at 20:00)... but we got there, eventually.

Hope tomorrow will go smoother!
BnK, Ronan has been crappy with naps the last few days too and his reflux has been really bothering him too. Poor monkey has been spitting up a lot more than usual. He normally has at least one good 3+ hour nap in the afternoon along with 1-2 hours in the morning and a couple other 30-45 min naps but that's all gone to pot.

Erised, it took weeks to bring Ronan's sleep time forward but we pretty much followed his lead on it, bringing it forward a half hour earlier perhaps once a week or so and giving him time to adjust as well as to see how it affected any night time waking for feeds. He used to go down between 9:30-10:30 but now he's usually asleep between 7:30-8. Getting in that last nap of the day can be rough sometimes though! Fingers crossed for you that tomorrow goes much better!
Wren has been hard to get down at night this week as well as being particularily cranky in the day BUT she sleeps well at night thank goodness.

Her daddy had to take her out last night as I thought I was going to lose it, I feel soo guilty when I feel like that, it has been a tough week, thank goodness it is Friday and a long weekend here...
yesterday both the boys naps were messed up in the afternoon but today EJ was up for a feed at 7 then got another feed ( or most of it ) at 9 then we went to toddlers and he slept most of that apart from me transfereing him from the pram to Aunty Murtyle's arms then he slept on her for most of the session then napped on the walk home in the pushchair after waking up for singing time, hes had his bottle and is awake now but i hope he will drift off for 45mn or so before his 3pm feed so i can get some stuff done, got to get Nathaniel into bed as soon as hes eaten his lunch.

going from 11 -7 though ment i pumped 16 oz this morning 8 off each breast:shhh: DH just had to crack a joke about me turning into a milk cow so i've got rights to be a total cow to him when he gets home :happydance: :rofl: hes going to regret that one lol
Blimey it's been quiet in here today!

Had an ok couple of days with M. Naps and night times are still a bit hit and miss, but we're not suffering to much! She's started giving me massive, open-mouthed smiles all the time which I love. Trying in vain to get a good picture of it.

GL- not sure if you'll see this, but how is your thrush? I'm worried I might have the beginnings of it. BUT - the only symptom I've got is a slight shooting/stabbing pain in my boobs inbetween feeds every so often (not toe-curling pain) so it might be something else? M hadn't got any white patches, my nipples are fine and pain free, not been on abx or anything. How did yours start?

Had my 6 week check and GP px me the mini pill. Got to go back in 6 weeks for a smear as I was due one in Oct but missed it as I was pregnant.
Heading to the beach tomorrow to celebrate my hubby's b-day. Can't wait to see how Charlotte will react to the pool. I will not let my DH take her into the Ocean though. I just hope she doesn't burn. I am pretty fair myself so we will try to keep to the shade as much as possible. The good news is this is only a one night getaway so even if it is bad we can get back to our normal routine the next day.

Have a great weekend all!
ooo the beach sounds fun, vegas! I wish I could be at the beach right now.
Zander already tans better than I do. I had him in the sun (with SPF 50 on him) on wednesday and he's already darker than me! lol.

we're starting to get a nice routine down though. Eat, bath, book then in bed by 8. The first few nights I tried this he didn't sleep all the way through the night but last night he slept from 8 until 6:30! :D I was in heaven. lol. So we're getting there, slowly.
I think for breastfed babies the weight gain is in fits and starts so a lot one week and not much the next is OK.

Flora is now 4.26 kgs which is 9lbs6. I can't believe you guys are on 6-9 month stuff, I haven't even got to 0-3 yet!!!

ella is exactly the same she was weighed the other day and is now 9lb 10oz i find it crazy that she is 8 weeks old and still so tiny her brother was 9lb 12 when he was born lol x
Cocoa - thanks its still there but feeling a lot better. I don't think the medication has worked 100% so I might go back to the docs but its loads better and although my nipples hurt and I occasionally get the deep breast pain its nowhere near as bad as it was a week ago.

I think you can get thrush and not have all the symptoms, but if you haven't been on abx then I don't think it's as easy to get so its probably not.. it might just be let down pain? or when you're milk starts filling up or something..? I don't know, but keep an eye on it, if you see any of the other signs just jump on it straight away and do probiotic tablets etc in the meantime.

Well I had a right old stroppy madam yesterday who point blank refused to have a middle of the day nap, so by 2 ish she was massively overtired and this continued for the rest of the day. COnsequently my night wasn't great either, she only did 7:30-10:30 (went till 1 the night before) had a bottle of EBM with daddy (4oz) and only slept another three hours, then woke up 1.5 hours after that twice. I endeed up just having her in bed with me from about 4:30 ish.

Today we are hosting our NCT class reunion so bbqs in the garden should be fun, eight couples and eight crying babies!!
Hello!!! I finally made it across here! I've missed you lot, is that weird?
How IS everyone?!

I went to The Baby Show yesterday with some of the mums from the Natural Parenting section and there were loads of pregnant ladies, made me all nostalgic! :D
I'm so broody for another one already, though guess time will tell!

I've been trying to add some of you on Facebook as I find it easier to keep up to date on there - add me if you want - Enola Stevenson!

Ooh for the front page thing - Daniel James born 19th March (due 20th) weighing 8lb 6oz :flower:
Hi Enola! You are crazy being broody already! Lol. I'm still adament that I never want to experience labour ever again!

GL - glad the pain has eased up a bit. I'm sure it's not thrush but that was the only answer google was offering up! Will keep an eye on it but you're right, could be something to do with boobs filling up or something. I still get quite strong letdown 'tingling' so I know it's not that.

Vegas - have fun at the beach! It's cooler here today but I'm determined to take M to the beach this summer - we've got 9 blue flag beaches to choose from within a 5 minute walk to a 15 minute drive away, but I never make the most of them
this week has been a busy one for me, from the BCG for the boys on Monday to the HV not showing up on tuesday, Picnic with DH on Wed, meeting up with some Young mums from another site on Thursday morning and yesterday taking both boys to Toddlers for the first time since EJ was born, today DH is out but we are going to an early movie together tonight before his evening shift so Nathaniels Godmother is babysitting
OMG its boiling here today, we live right by the beach but its horrible, though we can drive to a nicer one :thumbup: We've just been for a lovely 2 1/2 hour walk and bought lots of barbecue stuff,mmmm. Chase is just in his nappy its that hot.

Well Chase's thrush is no better :nope: his tongue is covered, he has it on the roof of his mouth and a patch on each cheek, we'll have to go back to the doctors again on Monday. I want to start expressing and freezing but i can't until its cleared up.

CocoaOne you might not have thrush but like GL said you can have it without you or LO having all symptoms, also i wasn't taking antibiotics. The thrush at first was really hard to see in Chase's mouth, it was in the bottom of his cheek down by his gum, since he's been on medication its actually got worse!

Enjoy the pics tonight Lynn, what you going to see? I want to go and watch Robin Hood.
we are going to see robin hood,
its realy hot here too, ive got the fan on and all the windows open and EJ is sleeping in his bassinett in the shade, ive been preping dinner and trying to keep hydrated
ok i got on the scales this morning and decided i want to lose 1st 11lbs to take me back down to my goal weight of 10st, dont know if its possible ive not been 10st that i know of since i was 15 lol, but im going to start with improving my diet ( should do that anyway since im breastfeeding ) and go for walks with the boys every day that i can now i have figured out that the old double i have works and is ok then i'll make use of it
morning all, lynn what was robin hood like?? not that i'll get to go the cinema just curious.

F hasn't done a poo since wednesday and its starting to worry me. i know its normal for BF babies to a while between poos but i think its bothering her, shes having trouble napping and fed loads last night but only little bits each time. She also goes a bit red in the face when crying. ANY TIPS ON HOW TO GET HER TO POO? ITS GOING TO BE GINORMOUS WHEN SHE DOES!!! oops sorry caps lock! one haded typing!
GL - Hmmm I'm not sure. In FF babies they say to add a bit more water to their bottles, but I know you shouldn't give water to BF babies as they don't need it. Could it be something else? M is still going through her growth spurt I think - eating little and often and sometimes fussing at the breast - could it still be that?

Lynn - I'm sure it'll drop off in no time, especially with 2 boys to run around after (not that EJ is running, but you catch my drift!)
Yeah maybe its part of an entended growth spurt. Its just really upsetting because she's obviously uncomfortable, finds it hard to settle and goes all red in the face. I am praying for a big poo!! I'm not sure how long is long enough to worry about it

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