march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Ooh i've got one unhappy lil man on my hands! I think it may be his thrush, it started when he woke for his 12.30 feed. He had one boob but then was still hungry so i offered him the other and he was just crying and crying also at feeds earlier in the day he was being really fussy, clamping and pulling on my nipple :wacko: managed to get him back to bed at 3. Then this morning he's been really really whingy and crying, the only thing i can do is stand with him and rock him, also the way i usually test his hunger is to put my little finger near his mouth and he always always sucks it, this morning he just screamed. The doctor asked on Monday if he was feeding okay as he said any irritation in the mouth and babies will usuallly not want to feed, but he's been fine, until now. I'm worrying as its bank hol so won't be able to take him docs until Tuesday.
I got the results of his swab and she just said thrush confirmed, erm well we know that. Feeling guilty that i didn't take him the doctors yesterday, but the Daktarin had cleared it from his cheeks so thought i would persevere with it. The thrush in my right boob has also gone painful again and getting the shooting pains again from last night. Going to be a fun weekend in our house.

CocoaOne i think it was about 2 weeks after i started the mini pill and i had light bleeding for a few days.

GL poor you, i dread Chase having an explosive one when were out! It's unbelievable how it gets everywhere isn't it and i just hate it when your faced a pooey vest that you have to get off them. Well done though for not getting any on her face, and in the car too not the easiest place.

Lynn hope you have recovered from the dentist hun, i hate it too. Got an appointment in August and last time i went she said she thought i needed a crown but she couldn't x-ray me as i was pregnant, totally dreading it so scared. Thats better you will be put under wish i could be.

Chase has just dropped off to sleep :thumbup: but i really need a bath and to get dressed, don't think i dare move him though. Hope he is ok when he wakes up else i don't know what to do?
JJ sorry to hear the thrush has flared up again, and I hope Chase feeds better over the weekend. Do you still have daktarin you can give him? make sure you change your bra every day and your breast pads every feed, and wipe em with a bit of vinegar, etc etc, just do whatever home remedies you can basically until you can get to the docs.

I have just finished a course of fluconzole for my thrush, the deep breast pain I was getting has pretty much gone but I still have pink sore nipples. Actually only one hurts now but they're both pink. And Flora's mouth looks fine but she does still get a bit fussy at the breast, that could be other things though. Thrush is so annoying! Hope you get it sorted :hugs:
JJ sorry to hear the thrush has flared up again, and I hope Chase feeds better over the weekend. Do you still have daktarin you can give him? make sure you change your bra every day and your breast pads every feed, and wipe em with a bit of vinegar, etc etc, just do whatever home remedies you can basically until you can get to the docs.

I have just finished a course of fluconzole for my thrush, the deep breast pain I was getting has pretty much gone but I still have pink sore nipples. Actually only one hurts now but they're both pink. And Flora's mouth looks fine but she does still get a bit fussy at the breast, that could be other things though. Thrush is so annoying! Hope you get it sorted :hugs:

I didn't realise thrush could be so stubborn. Yeah me and Chase have both still got Daktarin to take and i've just sent hubby out for some white distilled vinegar and some of those biotic tablets from Holland & Barrett, determined to beat it! Also after lots of reading up on Daktarin i'm now giving Chase less but 4 times a day instead of 2. I've seen a home remedy for Chase of baking soda and water and you put it on the tongue and cheeks after a feed, do you think it will be ok for him? Just wary of giving him things i don't really know about.

Glad your deep breast pain has gone hun, i actually put probiotic natural yoghurt on my nipple last night and it actually relieved it a lot, stopped me from needing to take paracetamol, messy though! x
Yeah I used bicarb soda in warm water to douche floras bum when she had bad nappy rash from the thrush and it worked really well. I also made a paste out of it to put on my nipples, which was quite messy too! I keep forgetting to do these things as well but I might try to do that later as well. or maybe a yoghurt/bicarb soda/vinegar combo :haha: not sure about putting it in babies mouth though..? Yeah I think it'd probably be OK?
There you all are!! Goodness I didn't realize you guys are here. How is everybody doing? Getting any sleep (missmuffet do not respond to this question lol)
Ah poor chase :-(

GL - glad you're on the mend

Just went to the loo and I'm properly bleeding with a couple of tiny clots - think it's my first AF. Really thought I'd get away without having one for months as I'm exclusively BFing, but at least I know I'm not pregnant!
Cocoa: Your first AF. Hope it is light and passes quickly. I have not had one since May of last year! Of course the four straight weeks of bleeding after the birth made up for it. Now that I am back on the pill I should get it in about three weeks. Funny enough they did not give me a pregnancy test before they put me back on the pill. We've been careful, but you never know.

So it has been a week since I last breastfed and at first there was no pain or feeling of fullness, but all of a sudden the right boob really hurts and is hard. The left one is fine. Wondering how long this will last? As I mentioned before I wasn't producing all that much anyway (hence stopping BF completely). But here I am with a big sore boob (and one normal boob, ha).
I hope it goes quickly Hun. I really suffered with engorgement when my milk was coming in - it made me feel really flu-y and shivery, definitely not looking forward to giving up BF if it happens again. Not sure how long it'll last, but they say it takes your boobs 1-2 days to realise it needs to produce more milk, so you'd think it would be the same for them to realise you don't need any? :shrug:

it's a good job I am on AF now, just took my pill 3.5 hours late! Oops. It's the pill that needs to be taken within 3 hours of the normal time. So we need to be careful for 7 days now. Grrrrr. I think Cerazette can be taken up to 12 hours late so I might get the GP to swap me to that one...
GL when the thrush had gone into your milk ducts what was the pain like? Only my right boob is so so so sore. It absolutely kills all of the time, its like it feels bruised and just throbs all the time, if i touch it really gently it hurts so much and when Chase is feeding and i get my let down :cry: wow the pain then. Proper have to wince it out and my boob goes really hard. Doesn't help that Chase keeps pulling my nipple!

Edit - after Chase has fed it actually relieves the pressure a bit (although it still feels bruised and hurts to the slightest touch) so i'm not sure if its thrush or an infection? Either way its hurts beyond belief. I know poor you GL have had both which would you say this sounds like?
Sorry to hear about you girls suffering with thrush and all the rest of the unfun postpartum aches and pains. :hugs: Knock on wood, I've been lucky so far.

Ronan has been a clever little monkey today. While he'd rolled front to back twice before when he was wee, I think it was a fluke but today he very intentionally rolled back to front all on his own! :happydance: Of course, he then started to cry because he was stuck face down and didn't want to be. :rolleyes:

His other latest trick is to pop off the boob mid-feed to suck on his thumb for a few seconds before going back to feeding. :shrug: Explain that one!


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Thrush sounds horrible. I feel very fortunate that I have never had it. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Connor slept in his own room for the first time last because he finally outgrew his bassinet/moses basket. He did well slept from 8:30-6, had a quick feed then went back down till 9am.

Hivechild- I am flying into Boston, but will be staying in Bedford. How far away is that from you? I fly in Thurs night. I Will be in a confrence from 8-5 on Friday, but don't know what to do Friday night. I fly out on Saturday around 11am.
I haven't been on plane in over 10 years now so I'm excited, but will miss my baby sooo much.
Thrush sounds horrible. I feel very fortunate that I have never had it. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Connor slept in his own room for the first time last because he finally outgrew his bassinet/moses basket. He did well slept from 8:30-6, had a quick feed then went back down till 9am.

Hivechild- I am flying into Boston, but will be staying in Bedford. How far away is that from you? I fly in Thurs night. I Will be in a confrence from 8-5 on Friday, but don't know what to do Friday night. I fly out on Saturday around 11am.
I haven't been on plane in over 10 years now so I'm excited, but will miss my baby sooo much.

Great news on Connor's sleep now that he's a big boy in his own room!

Bedford is about a 50 minute drive from where I live (without traffic). Is the conference in Bedford or Boston (I'm guessing Bedford), and will you have your own transportation? I can imagine how excited you'll be to fly again (and just how much you'll miss your LO at the same time)!
I think Cerazette can be taken up to 12 hours late so I might get the GP to swap me to that one...

This is what i'm on hun and i'm positive it is 12 hours, its definately quite long anyway, which is a good job as i've forgotten and taken it quite late a few times! Will check the ack for you once Chase has stopped feeding.

GL a combo sounds good! :haha:

Hey lanaross, well typically i don't get too much sleep and Chase has no pattern to his sleeping habits at all, he can be brill for one night, or even a few nights (this is the worst as i get my hopes up he is forming a routine)then he just goes back to up every hour :dohh: or every few hours, how about you hun? x
GL when the thrush had gone into your milk ducts what was the pain like? Only my right boob is so so so sore. It absolutely kills all of the time, its like it feels bruised and just throbs all the time, if i touch it really gently it hurts so much and when Chase is feeding and i get my let down :cry: wow the pain then. Proper have to wince it out and my boob goes really hard. Doesn't help that Chase keeps pulling my nipple!

Edit - after Chase has fed it actually relieves the pressure a bit (although it still feels bruised and hurts to the slightest touch) so i'm not sure if its thrush or an infection? Either way its hurts beyond belief. I know poor you GL have had both which would you say this sounds like?

Actually I'd say that sounds more like and infection of some kind. |The thrush pain was worst after feeding and it was like a stabbing/burning pain that went right from the nipples through the breast, and round the sides even to my back.?! The initial latch was a killer too but yeah mainly after feeding for up to an hour. But my boobs weren't hard and sore to the touch really. So I would definitely get that one checked out hun. Do you have a hot red patch? If its just one boob as well sounds more like mastitis, when I had mastitis it was one sore hard boob. I mean it could be some other infection but either way doesn't sound like the thrush that I had. . Or maybe its a combo!

Poor you! :hugs: It totally sux to be in so much pain when all you want to do is provide food for your baby. I hope you get it sorted soon hun! Keep us posted!
Hive: Looks like Ronan has also discovered his toes. Fun!

Cocoa: Just read your post and realized I forgot my pill yesterday. Oops. I still have to use backup bc in the first month anyway.

Kel: Congrats on Conner sleeping in his own room. He did a great job in his first night. I hope you slept as well as he did.

DH is off playing golf today so I think Charlotte and I will garden a bit. For some reason she is more content outside. DH weighed her last night and she appears to be about 16lbs! I hope it's ok that she is this big. She's long as well. Don't see the doctor again until June 22 so I will ask him about it then.
[/QUOTE] Actually I'd say that sounds more like and infection of some kind. |The thrush pain was worst after feeding and it was like a stabbing/burning pain that went right from the nipples through the breast, and round the sides even to my back.?! The initial latch was a killer too but yeah mainly after feeding for up to an hour. But my boobs weren't hard and sore to the touch really. So I would definitely get that one checked out hun. Do you have a hot red patch? If its just one boob as well sounds more like mastitis, when I had mastitis it was one sore hard boob. I mean it could be some other infection but either way doesn't sound like the thrush that I had. . Or maybe its a combo!

Poor you! :hugs: It totally sux to be in so much pain when all you want to do is provide food for your baby. I hope you get it sorted soon hun! Keep us posted![/QUOTE]

Yeah i think its definatley an infection and there is a hot red patch! I've had 3 baths today which have relieved it quite a bit and i'm feeding Chase on that side as much as possible, but he's really fussy on that side. Like you say it so horrid when all you want to do is feed them and all these obsticles keep appearing! x
JJ - keep on feeding from that side and just keep an eye out for flu-like symptoms. Hope it improves :hugs:

Well I had another poo today! :thumbup: So only 2 days between poos this time (it was 5 then 4). It was still mahoosive though, and unfortunately I had just put her in a cloth nappy (I am just starting on them) and it went all over the inner and outer bits!

What does a slightly greenish mucousy poo mean again? she did a tiny bit of that this afternoon.
Vegasbaby - yeah he is starting to show a lot more interest in his feet these days.

GL - it can mean a lot of different things but generally, it's just from a bit of an upset tummy. When Ronan has gone a day or so and then drops the motherload, his next few little poos afterward are often greenish/mucusy. Unless he seems off in other ways I don't bother over it.
Hi girls, sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been around but so slack! Sorry!! :hugs:

lanaross - Hi hun :wave: Lachlan normally goes down anywhere between 9.30 and 11.30pm and sleeps until between 5.30 and 8am :)

cocoa - That does sound like it may be your first AF hun, I got mine at around 6 weeks. Isn't it a pain when you thought you'd be free of it for awhile from BFing?! I was like what /is/ this!! :lol: Oh I've been shocking with my mini pill too, it's such a pain having to take it at pretty much exact same time every day. Which one are you on? I'm on noriday

I'll do an update on my self in a second, just going to play with Lachlan cause he's in a lovely mood :lol: Better make the most of it before he wants boobie again! :D xxx

hivechild - That picture of Ronan is gorgeous! So clever that he is rolling from back to front, he must be so strong to be able to do that already! Well done Ronan! :) That's funny that he was unimpressed to find himself face down, Lachlan would be exactly the same! He doesn't particularly enjoy tummy time after a short period...

Kel - Wow that's some great sleep from Connor, congrats :kiss: I've heard they do sleep alot better in their cribs for some reason. We're still working on getting little man to bed at a decent time here!! How do you all do it! Earliest he's ever slept (apart from early early newborn days) is 9.20. That was recently cause I've been chipping away at getting his bedtime down to an earlier time as opposed to 11 like he prefers!
Have fun on your trip btw! :D

vegasbaby - 16lbs is a good weight hun! They all grow at their own speeds :) What size clothes does Charlotte fit now?

jj-rabbit - I agree hun, that does sound like mastitis! I hope it clears up for you soon, I've heard the antibiotics work pretty quickly, but like has been said just feed feed feed off that side :hugs: Big hugs x

greenlady - :lol: Figures that she would do it in her cloth nappy doesn't it! I was freaking out first time (and only time so far) I put Lachlan in one because I didn't want him to poo, as didn't like to think of the mess it would make, runny poo and all...we're going to start on cloth when he starts having solids. He's taken to having one poo every few days too, aren't they HUGE when they do them though? :rofl: He explodes out of his nappy nearly every time he does one now...
I might be wrong, but I think the green poos are due to them drinking more foremilk than hindmilk? Is it kinda frothy too? That or she may just have a dodgy tummy.

I'll update on myself and Lachlan soon, just going to feed him again! :hugs: x

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