I feel like I'm starting to get prepared.. Been stocking up on newborn and 0-3 month clothing, and newborn cloth diapers. We're going to look at a mini van today as our current vehicle can't fit 3 car seats. We've already fully decided on a name (Alison Elle). And slowly starting to clean out our extra room to turn into her nursery. Though we've got to rip down wallpaper and re-paint which will be a lot of work.
I feel like I'm starting to get more noticeable now too.. most of my coworkers know. Yet I look so small in pictures considering she's my 3rd. 19 weeks today.

I feel like I'm starting to get prepared.. Been stocking up on newborn and 0-3 month clothing, and newborn cloth diapers. We're going to look at a mini van today as our current vehicle can't fit 3 car seats. We've already fully decided on a name (Alison Elle). And slowly starting to clean out our extra room to turn into her nursery. Though we've got to rip down wallpaper and re-paint which will be a lot of work.
I feel like I'm starting to get more noticeable now too.. most of my coworkers know. Yet I look so small in pictures considering she's my 3rd. 19 weeks today.

View attachment 1072260

I feel hugeeee im 21wks tmorro

Oh wow. Haven’t been on for ages!

Little catch up on me. 20+2 today. Still getting the odd morning of sickness. Started getting migrains too!! We found out the gender on sunday. We had all our family and friends around us and we had confetti cannons to find out. My mom was the only person that knew Friday to the sunday. So we are having a little BOY!! Im so so so happy. I had convinced myself that it was a girl. But ive always wanted a boy for along as i can remember. I had gotten to the point in pregnancy where i really didnt mind and would be happy with either but finding out its a boy it just seems so surreal! Like how did i get that lucky! Hasn’t sunk in fully yet for me lol.

We have just had our last little bit of main work done on the house. So we have fresh brand new carpets down on the stairs and landing. Onto the nursery now. But its already painted and carpeted. Just need to buy furniture. So not a huge rush. We have a swinging chair thing that my mom got us but other than that we haven’t brought anything really. Family members are starting to buy bits for us or ask what they can buy.

Hope everyone is okay. Xxxxx
Bundles of nerves tonight. 20 week scan is tomorrow. I just want to know that baby is healthy. This scan always has my anxiety in overdrive until we know everything is ok. Very excited as well. Hoping we can find out the gender. The first few months deep down I thought it was a boy. Then I changed my mind to girl. Not sure if I think girl just because we have two already or if genuinely have a gut feeling. I thought DD1 was a boy right up until she was in my arms so I don't think my gut works lol. Anyway, scan's at 11:30. I'll get back on here as soon as I can to let you all know how it went.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
:blue: It's a BOY!!! :blue: We are shocked but so so so happy and excited. After two girls this is going to be such a change and I can't wait to meet him! Everything else looked perfect. We've a detailed heart scan for him in 4 weeks due to my history but they were happy with how his heart looked today. Now we've to try keep this a secret from family until he arrives. Eeeeek!

20 week scan pick 1.jpg 20 week scan pick 2.jpg
:blue: It's a BOY!!! :blue: We are shocked but so so so happy and excited. After two girls this is going to be such a change and I can't wait to meet him! Everything else looked perfect. We've a detailed heart scan for him in 4 weeks due to my history but they were happy with how his heart looked today. Now we've to try keep this a secret from family until he arrives. Eeeeek!

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:blue: It's a BOY!!! :blue: We are shocked but so so so happy and excited. After two girls this is going to be such a change and I can't wait to meet him! Everything else looked perfect. We've a detailed heart scan for him in 4 weeks due to my history but they were happy with how his heart looked today. Now we've to try keep this a secret from family until he arrives. Eeeeek!

View attachment 1072554 View attachment 1072556
Congratulations xx
Awww hopeful you are like me with 2 x girls and a boy!

I had my 20 week scan last week and all ok, hours before I had some spotting so that scared the heck out of me, they think it’s from all the coughing I had been doing, then I got a sickness bug and has 2 days of lots Braxton hicks! Think it was due to dehydration.

Ive been signed off work too, I only have 5 weeks to go as I’ve got 2 weeks holiday before starting my my mat leave first week of Jan, so going to try just get signed off the rest of the time I’ve had enough and it’s a hard job physically.

Name wise I really like Maximilian (Max)! Not sure if family will think it’s insane, both the girls have long classic names.
Awww hopeful you are like me with 2 x girls and a boy!

I had my 20 week scan last week and all ok, hours before I had some spotting so that scared the heck out of me, they think it’s from all the coughing I had been doing, then I got a sickness bug and has 2 days of lots Braxton hicks! Think it was due to dehydration.

Ive been signed off work too, I only have 5 weeks to go as I’ve got 2 weeks holiday before starting my my mat leave first week of Jan, so going to try just get signed off the rest of the time I’ve had enough and it’s a hard job physically.

Name wise I really like Maximilian (Max)! Not sure if family will think it’s insane, both the girls have long classic names.
Hope you start to feel better. X
As for me im feeling totally overwhelmed at the moment. I found out that 2 out of 3 of my best friends are now pregnant which is absolutely amazing and im so happy! Its just very emotional but in a good way. I feel like im gaining too much weight and thats making me feel flumpy and ugly. Im not bothered about the size of my bump but its my arms and face! I have such round face anyways with big chubby cheeks i just feel they are getting bigger! I think im going to start swimming a couple of times a week next week with my 1 friend that’s pregnant too as she lives right by me so we can go together. There 15 weeks between us.

Anyone else concerned with weight?? Im 22 weeks today so i still have a way to go xx

im good been busy with work mostly lol. 23 weeks pregnant this week tho! Times flying in! Shes moving about alot more which im loving! But im now starting to struggle with constant heartburn :/ ive gt midwife on monday so will maybe ask her about it but i knw frm when i had my boy nothing worked :/ & i cnt stand the peppermint taste... i take orange rennies atm. My skin is soo itchy aswell which she knws about but driving me insane now. Got cream from doctor to try sooth it but doesnt really work. I dont get a full nights sleep anymore either so im constant tired lol

as for size im alot bigger early on this time round but im not too worried yet anyway. Im just hoping i dnt get hugeee to point i cant drive as it will make things difficult work wise
Am good. Also feeling so bloated. My fave is so swollen looking photos don’t look like me anymore! That coupled with spots and hormones! Am trying not to worry about it though as was like this the last time. Put on 4 stone but within 9 months was back to normal. Am planning on giving myself as long to get back to myself afterwards again as will be having c section and realistically your body goes through so much it’s not realistic for me to expect it to snap back earlier. Am 22 weeks and also not sleeping great either as well as working full time and having my daughter to run around after. Still it means it’s going in quickly. Luckily I can work from home sometimes as I hear you about not fitting behind the wheel of the car! Xx
I had my birth choices app at the hospital today and they were really supportive of me having a waterbirth again (last baby was a C-sec due to being breech) so that’s made me feel really optimistic, well apart from the fact he’s still transverse and is definitely more head up than head down, so I’m hoping he won’t be another breech baby!
Hi! Haven't been here in a while. 25 weeks this week and so far managing to not want to find out baby's gender. I'm still getting a lot of stick from EVERYONE about it though haha.

Hips are getting worse, Im exhausted and still on cariban (very small dose now) but I tried to do away with it and didnt manage. I don't know how I will end up in March though, I can't stop eating!!!! And only every want sweets or junk food! It's so bad!

I have my next antenatal appointment next week and my diabetes test on the 17th. I hope it's negative or Christmas won't be the same!
And this was bump on Sunday.


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