March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Crowned they are stunning- something i wish i had done with e.

wt - oh gosh by 8am .. you are one amazing mama

loo - glad to have you back have missed your posts

mitch - we got married in a humanist cermony and are doing the same for e .. Same celebrant . we can hold it anywhere in scotland so either the beach or a rose garden near us
Evening lads...
Crowned GORGEOUS!! What a little stunner. Must get some pics done...
Loo been to Asda yet?! X
WT omg wonder woman. I'm lucky if I'm dressed by 10am!!!
Lozza refusing cakes!?!? I think I'm eating your share!!! Any signs of improvement?
Mousey bah to the gluten thing, love all things gluten here :( xx
L&L vid is soo cute...n loves a muslin too!
Ft/cupcake - good luck with the cake decorating! Love the icing baby (ft do they do icing swans?? Or is that cheating??!)
Vitfa hope you've had a good day :hugs:
Mitch odd you ask about play, at NCT meet up today we talked about play... N plays for half an hour to an hour after / before each feed and one girl pretty much has a curriculum for her baby!!! Books, toys, tummy time, singing...made me feel rather inadequate with his playmat/rocker chair with a toy/book!!! might make a bit more effort but her LO is very clingy whereas I like that N can play batting toys for half an hour whilst I Hoover etc...going to pop to ELC and have a look at some more toys tomorrow!
Emera love the idea of enforced bath time, hope someone didn't come knocking with a "hungry" baby?!
Missy you ok?? Hope builders not knocked down your house by accident xx
Sorry to those I've missed but :hi: and :hugs: to those in need xxx
EDIT food porn alert... Had a warm chicken, bacon and melted Brie ciabatta with curly fries and a hot chocolate and hazelnut gelato sundae at the wonder pub. Yum yum yum xxx
Waula - unfair mention of Brie and ice cream there, thanks! Not noticed an improvement yet. He had a fab 3 hr nap as was so tired after swimming but after crashing after his bath tonight lasted. 40 mins! Woke exactly as our plates hit the table. I swear he's psychic, that's two nights in a row!

I think I might buy Z a couple more toys, stuff he can grab rather than just bat. Got some books out the library but he wasn't that fussed.
sorry Lozza... :hugs: it tasted horrible i promise... xxx
Ooooh waula that lunch sounds amazing:thumbup:. I went out last week and had a bit of a splurge in mothercare...a wrap around the cotside/pram toy thing but also a book called Animals which has fur on.the pages for the sheeps body, smooth surfaces for.shiny beaks for ducks etc....she likes it and i.rub her hand against the page but dont think shesl has caught on at all. Also got a pack of.4 plastic toys things that double as teething toys prepared.

I am happy i am not neglecting my baby then:happydance:

Geeeeeeeesssss just got back from being waxed...ouchy...first time since 38 weeks pregnant. Went for my usual brazilian and an eyebrow waxing. Unfortunately i forgot it was with the lady who isnt that gentle.....she rips off big sections!!!! The other girl does it in smaller areas...far better. Bet i get a rash now....but at least i have less hair...might make me more inclined to.dtd this weekend:happydance:
Ouch Mitch!!! brave girl!!!! Necessary evil (waxing that is, not DTD!!! :haha:)
Any c-sec lads been waxed down there??? seems a bit close to my scar...bit scared to go just yet as I can't imagine anything worse than having a scar waxed eeeeep!!
fleeting visit but had to say crowned LOVE THEM! I adore the one of her in bed!!!! and the resting on hands one!! Amazing!!!

OH is putting O to bed, taken him an hour so far and he's only just gone to actually get her to sleep!! Normaly it's about 30/45 minutes for bath, story, bottle, cuddle and then deep sleep in mosses basket, I doubt he'll be back for another 15 mins atleast as i can hear crying. I know i shouldn't moan, He's helping atleast, but is it really helping? Where was the chocolate.....???
Crowned, lovely pictures she's adorable! :)

L+L I always think that, "He's helping, but is it really helping?" about everything OH does. I'm not going to complain if he shows willing though! I worry if i bitch at him too much he might just totally stop helping, that would be worse! :haha:

Boobs are feeling really floppy tonight, but i don't think F has fed more than normal?!? Weirdness! :shrug:

Oh and Mitch, waxing! :shock: I know loads of people are in to that, but i've had it done once and it was really horrible, not the actual waxing, but all the growing back after, i just had disgusting spots in a huge rash everywhere and it was agony!!! Even with alot of exfoliating it didn't stop it happening, and then once i had the rash i exfoliated and it just bled and was all scabby! Ok, TMI maybe, but i'm fully assuming that doesn't happen to everyone? And if it does, why do it?!?! Anyway, needless to say i just leave it all au natural! :haha:
Ouch Emera...Ouch. That's not happened to me but I did once attempt an at-home waxing job down there and ended up in a right pickle as I wasn't brave enough to rip it off!!! Ended up in the bath pulling it off really really slowly... it was then I decided it definitely couldn't be left to me to do the job!!! :haha:
Waula:haha: scaredy cat!!! Tbh i have waxed down there a few between tidy up job...never would i l attempt a brazilian. wonder you are put off for life...sounds like a bad waxer for sure. I have never had that happen...although this woman who i dont normally go to was more heavy handed.....i could have a mild rash but it will clear soon enough. I do feel better for it

Ok girls...get the violins out....the end is near for the sad music....fanfares please...i will be stopping bf'ing in a matter of days:cry:.....M is certainly not getting what she needs....she is definately thrashing around, sucking for much much longer and still hungry after. My poor baby..even did a quick bottle top.up this afternoon:nope:. I.can.tell supply is low as the letdown was much.slower to.come and i.didnt 'hear' as much coming out. So sad really but this is what do and i feel ok about it. I am happy that i gave her a good start and am so proud of myself cos i got ff....all me...from 6lb 3oz to 11lb 6oz in 9 weeks!!!!! Thats gotta be good going i.reckon.

I may just have a few tears now...damn hormones
Oh Mitch, it was always going to be emotional but you and M have been brilliant at BFing, duck to water and all that and so you should both be proud and enjoy wearing non-baggy tops, nursing bras and breast pads!!!! Big hugs and even bigger well done xxx

Lads... I had a very weird gag thing when I was pregnant whenever I brushed my teeth...and...tonight...I gagged when I brushed my teeth. Somewhat panicked. I mean really, we've DTD 1.5 times. And only the .5 was NTNP. Surely not. Cripes.
I love the fact that you have dtd 1/2 a Erm watch Scrubs? Fiction i know but JD got a girl pregnant when.they hadnt even had sex!!!! I am sure you are fine...was the gagging early on in pregnancy?

Thanks for you kind words on me and bf'ing....sort of makes me wonder if such a natural why am i stopping???!! I.suppose there are reasons....i do.actually want my boobs back i.guess.:haha:....and its not like i.havent done good by M. Love her x she was cheekily sucking and bursting out in smiles and giggles even though.she wasnt getting a good was like she was saying 'its ok mum...i loved your booby juice but ready too'
Y'all shouldn't give me credit for anything until I'm actually able to pull it off. :haha: It is quite possible that I'll end up in a heap of tears in the middle of my living room at 10:00 still frantically trying to get the boys ready. If that doesn't happen and I am able to make it to work at a reasonable time, it will be because DH pulls his fair share of the load. So nothing wonderous involved. But thanks for making me feel so awesome! I love you guys!!!!

Waxing... I've planned my first post-baby wax for next weekend since DH will be coming home on the 26th. Of course, I'm not sure why it matters. I'll still insist on DTD in the dark with a t-shirt on. :rofl:

Emera- the reaction you had to the wax sounds awful! I don't blame you for not wanting to do it again. For me, it's not a big deal and I feel so comfortable and clean when it's finished. (Let me remind you I'm Greek and very hairy. :wacko:)

Waula- I would be so fat (and happy) if I lived near your pub.
Aw Mitch that's cute about the smile! You've done a fab, I remember you were dead set on ff from the start so I'm amazed you ended up bf for so long! Its funny but I assumed people who bf did it pretty exclusively but I think I'm one of the few out of antenatal that isn't on a mix of formula/bf. it's only because I'm too lazy to keep sterilising! Every so often I express, stick it in the fridge and then have to bin it cos I've not got round to sterilising a bottle (or if I have then I can't wait to warm it up! :dohh:

Ff is definitely not an easy option for a naturally disorganised person like me!!

WT - even if you only make it out by 10 that's still amazing with 2. 3 if you include your ds! I'm lucky to make it out by 10 just with Z!
Aww Mitch. I know it feels emotional even when it's completely your own decision. It was that way for me too. It wasn't that I felt like a bad mama or that I worried about what anyone would think, but rather I felt a little sad about not having the feeding power. When you BF, you always have the trump card of being the great provider to your little one. However, in the end, that trump card has some costs too, and it was very liberating for me to wean.
L&L - love the video of O....super cute :kiss:

Mitch - it is emotional stopping BF but I am sure in a week or so you will feel fine about it :winkwink: J takes anywhere between 4-6oz per feed, it just depends really....mostly 5-6oz but on the odd occasion just 4oz :shrug: he's still putting on a steady 7oz per week :thumbup:

Waula :shock:

Well we were all geared up for taking J swimming tomorrow evening and lo and behold my period arrived today :roll: so that's my post-natal check cancelled tomorrow as well. Might actually get my 6 week check by around 12 weeks RUBBISH!!!

By the way forgot to mention other day Bambino Direct had the reusable swim nappies in all sizes boys and girls for £2-2.50 which is cheap as sure they are around £8 in boots. If you like them on FB you get a 5% discount code. Delivery is £2.95 but still worth it really especially if you buy something else.

On a completely pointless note: I was sorting through my jewellery box the other day and there was allsorts of rubbish tangled up in the bottom so I decided to take all the old gold I had and got £147 for it :happydance:
Sure sure, I go to work today and this feed explodes!

Cupcake - that baby decoration is so adorable. I didn't know you could order such things on ebay.

Mitch - My hubby is "spiritual" but not "religious" (I'm not either) but does go to a church, they did a nice little dedication ceremony welcome him in to the community and to god. It was nice as I personally don't like the idea of baptism.

Mouse - Have you tried rice noodles? They're tasty and as a bonus they cook real fast!

L&L - That video is so stinking cute!

Lozza - Eliott tried to suck his thumb and feed at the same time. He gives me hungry signs, sticks his thumb in his mouth, yells when I take it out, then notices the nipple and "shark attack"s it. It cracks me up.

Mitch - I play on and off. When I notice that he's looking at me I'll talk to him and smile and offer toys. Once or twice a day for a few minutes I'll put him in his crib or on a play mat for some kicking around time, I start with back time but move to tummy time if it goes well. When he passes out I'll put him in the pack and play. If he's awake and I have to do something by myself (like poo) I'll put him in the swing. but I haven't put him in front of any TV though I did notice that he was watching the youtube video I was watching yesterday. He likes faces, any kind of faces, human, animal, cartoon, he doesn't care.

Crowned - I missed your pictures!

Waula - I don't eat chicken or bacon but your lunch still sounds delicous.

Emera - I get a huge scabby ingrown hair mess after waxing too. I shave instead, as long as I do it reguarly it doesn't scab.

Mitch - You did a great job, Eliott hasn't gained that much WITH formula top offs. If switching to ff makes you both happier it is better for you in the long run.

Lozza - I put bottles in the dishwasher, it's hot enough to sterilize. Right now I'm waiting for my pump parts to finish so I can use them... Going to work makes so many dishes... As for warming up, I usually just warm it in my hands, Eliott doesn't have an issue with cool milk as long as the chill is off it.

Glow - Sorry about your period. I tried my diva cup, it was sore the first time I put it in but ok after that.

I got my ERGO carrier today. It's real! I compared it to all the "how to spot a fake" sites and it passed! :happydance: It's packaged for international shipping so they probably got it cheap from another country. I haven't had the chance to try it out yet because Eliott was in bed before I took it out of the package. I don't have the infant insert, I hope if he needs a boost I can do it with a blanket.

Tonight Hubby was trying to soothe Eliott while I ate my dinner. Except he was talking to his friends a room away. So he was yelling. Everytime he would say something Eliott would cry. "Umm Babe, you're yelling, he doesn't like it" So he gave him some smiles and happy talk. Then continued to yell to his friends. :dohh:
waula - pregnant!!!! aaah, good or bad?! maybe it was just a fluke gag?

kym - yay for for real ergo!

we had a lovely anniversary, went out for a meal at a new turkish restaurant - it was delicious! leaving R with my mum went well and didnt even wake up so ebm not needed. i think my mum was a bit gutted really as she didnt get cuddles!

and to top it off R slept from 7pm to 10.30 then fed and then slept to 5.30am! woo hoo!
Kymied, I had a fake Ergo. I'm glad yours is kosha. Mine was a verryyy good fake but Ergo Baby were helpful in confirming it counterfiet and I got my money back. Still dithering over a Rose and Rebellion one.

I have a diva cup too....have you bought a different size or do you have the same one?

Legs, hah, mine are like a forest and I really need to sort it. Waxing is a possibility but a stupid question, what do you do with the baby when you go for a wax?

Glow, where are you taking J swimming? I don't think I can do the full class thing but I'd like to take her somewhere.

A saner night here, 8-11 for a long feed, 11:45-5, 5:45-8:20. I feel like a new woman.....not quite the desired 11 hours but it'll do. I have 4 hours of training today. Leaving E with a friend and two bottles of EBM. Quite anxious about it all really.
Gab. Bad night. D's not been at her best. Tough as I am trying to make everything as stress free and good at the moment as I can.

Fat camp this morning.

And I really ought to go to Asda's.

Crowned, I missed the pics!

L%L, gorgeous vid!

Mitch, I love that about Mia's smile. Gorgeous!

I'll second WT becoming wonder woman. Hero material, you are.

Lots of other stuff. Brain malfunctioning something something......

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