March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Loo, enjoy your nght out, its really important to get some time out! I always think, I'd rather be tired and having fun than well rested and fed up!

Cupcake I hope your shopping trip today bares fruit!

Skadi sounds like a great trip :)

Lozza ouchie!! :wacko:

Glow, boo for gettng caught in the rain, but yay for a nice lunch with the lads! :)

Mouse, your dog is so cheeky! ;)

Hmph, don't know what to do today...
Just tried F on a bottle again and she took it perfectly. Yay! :dance: Assuming OH gets the night off its date night on tuesday! :)
Go Freyrah!!! :yipee:

Not got out of bed yet. Al has been at work since 10, so me and D just enjoying snuggles in bed :cloud9:
Aren't snuggles in bed the best?

We do that every morning while OH is on night shift and sleeping on the couch. So lovely. :)
Well, blow me! I put F down after feeding and winding her. Popped her in her cot with her lightshow on, and she was grumbling away, but I had to put Roh to bed. Tucked Roh in, talked about our day and had a cuddle, then went back to get F to settle her and feed her a bit more, and she was fast asleep!! :shock: bless. Super! Who knows how long it will last, but I'm chilling with a diddy glass of wine and some dark choc truffles I made. Yum! :) hmm, might soak my feet and watch a trashy movie! :)
Thay sounds like a relaxing night Emera, you must be relieved to have both of them co-operate!

OH is currently getting Keira's name tattoed. He's been talking about doing it since she was born.
well todays shopping trip went as expected - totally disappointing and very expensive!

i am officially between a size 10 and 12, 10 too tight and 12 too loose. i tried on hundreds of outfits and only one outfit actually fitted but all in its £300!




im undecided as it is a bit expensive really, so came home only with clothes for R (baby gap have a sale on...) and nothing for me! so now ive got to go shopping again! help

good luck FT for tomorrow!
Cuppie, I love the dress - it's beautiful!

We went to the lake today. I'm proud of myself, because we spent 4 hours there and I managed to keep A sunburn-free and happy as a clam :) She got sprinkled a bit at the splash pad, and we swished her feet around in the lake, and she was so good about it all! I did manage to burn myself quite badly though - spent too much time worrying about her skin and sunscreening her and keeping her in the shade and everything that I forgot about my own skin. Ooops. Shoulders, back, chest, arms and thighs are all bright, lobster red now, and hurting quite a lot. Ugh. Hope it turns into a nice tan later.
We went to a a picnic at my friend's house and there were six! babies from 2-5 months! It's awesome to see them with different amounts of hair and mobility and alertness. Eliott is smaller than some of the babies his age but REALLY alert compared to some of them. It was amazing that there were only a few short periods of crying from any of the babies.

I'm proud of Eliott. We left at 7:30 (a half hour past his usual bed time) and arrived home at 9 and I fed him and put him to bed with only a little fussiness.
Any of you c section ladies get annoyed about people referring to it as a lesser way of birthing?? It's like the BF/FF debate.. Just because people choose to FF doesn't make them a lesser mother and just because I had a c section doesnt mean I'm shit at givin birth!!

Rant over...
Crowned, ouch! :hugs: hope the burn calms down today!

Kymied, you can see how bright and alert (and little :cloud9:) E is from his pictures, adorable! :)

Wouldluv, I haven't had a c-sec, but I can understand anger and frustration at people criticising mum's who have them! What would people prefer? Maybe that you and/or your child had died in childbirth like they used to before modern medicine???! Idiots! Ignore anyone who has anything negative to say about c-sections, because their opinions are irrelevant due to their ignorance! If I'd needed one at any point I'd have been fine with it, because at the end of the day being a good parent is way more important than how my baby came into the world, and how they are fed. People should be waay more interested in whether children are clean, well fed, dry, happy, loved and stimulated, and that they came into the world safely, than the mechanics of how that happens!

Oops, you set me off! Sorry! :blush:

Talking about being a good parent, F is sat in a poonami, and I bet its leaking! Bad Mummy!! :haha:
Wouldluv, I don't think c-sections are any easier, unless perhaps its been a celebrity elective one with liposuction after. Most emergency c sections mean you have the worst of both worlds, you've been in labour for hours and then have a massive recovery time. For me early labour is the harder part of labour, the actual popping out but doesn't seem that bad afterwards and at least you recover quick. Even elective sections mean you cant do so much for weeks after which is tough and emotionally harder I would
Have thought (like ft now being able to push the pram for weeks). Ignore them anyway!

I think I'm now approaching exhaustion at night, no more than 3 hours sleep in a row in 12 weeks is starting to catch up with me. Having to walk round the room at 2am was hard. Thank god I've got a holiday in a week, definitely taking the pump and getting DH to do a whole night (though in a one bed apt I'll still wake up im sure!)

Happy fathers day everyone, DH liked his bowl!
wouldluv - i don't think c-sections are easier, in fact i think they are harder because of the long recovery period and possible on going problems. anyone who thinks its a lesser way of birthing is nuts. and anyway, like emera said, it doesnt matter how they come into the world as long as they arrive safely!

crowned - better get the aftersun out!! ouch. day at the lake sounds lovely though.

lozza - im not surprised your exhausted! glad dh liked his bowl.

my hub liked the spot the dog book, he is so sweet, although he knew it was fathers day we were so busy organising stuff for our dads he forgot that he was a father too and was quite surprised to get a present and card!! lol
Aww, just gave OH his card mug and bowl, and a fry-up in bed, he was very happy, mostly I suspect at not being woken up until 10am!

Lozza, :hugs: it really does accumulate doesn't it? :sleep: I was getting waaay more sleep at this point with Roh, he was doing 8 hours+ every night. Like you, this time, I'm lucky if F does 4-5 hours in a block, and although I'm getting some good 3 hour blocks of sleep here and there, its still not really cutting it! I'm shattered! :wacko:
Thanks ladies.. I completely agree with you!! I just hate it when people say horrible things about c sections and frown upon them.. Unless they are the ones going through the labour and giving birth to that particular baby they have no right to comment!! Just read an article that really pi$$ed me off.. All about how it's not good to choose a birth plan of going with the flow and if you choose to basically you will end up having a c section which is the worst thing you can do for your child!! Really rubbed me the wrong way!
Oh and I'm buggerd from all the broken sleep too... B just has no pattern at all!! Some nights it's 1 wake up others it's 3!!

Happy fathers day to all the daddies out there.. Not fathers day in Australia till later!!
I found this the other day: A love letter to c-section moms

Hubby loves his mug. He said "That's going to go right on my desk at work" and "Are your feet really that big? Oh I guess they are with monkey toes and all!"
Wouldluv, I'm so sorry about the comments. My SIL had an emergency c-section first and a vbac for her second child. She struggled with feelings of inadequacy after the c-section which was so sad anyway. I think if anyone had piled on the comments to her it would have been a disaster. C-sections are there for a good reason, to deliver a child safely and that IS all that really matters. I have every bit of admiration for someone looking after a tiny baby after a c-section.

For anyone looking for a cheap buggy for their holidays I can highly recommend the Red Kite Urban Jogger - Mum got it for E when we're down here and it's brilliant for a cheapie buggy.

I finally bought an Rose and Rebellion carrier, in the Jolly Roger design. It's the rebel in me.....and from a distance it looks like an innocent Laura Ashley print. Heh.

Huge :hugs: to the sleep deprived mamas.

Hope you had a good time out Loo! Did you sing anything?
MrsC sounds lovely - need to see a piccy.

WL - defo not inadequate for c seaction - you still had your baby and went through the same as the rest -

Happy Fathers Day to all the daddies - hubby loved his presents and his baby sensory daddy day session

E has had 30mins nap all day - took her out in the car as i knew she needed to sleep and was the only place she would finally fall asleep - she is currently still sleeping in car seat while ill tip toe around ......

Hope everyone is having a good weekend - well good as can be with this horrible weather we are having

L x
Hi Lads...

Hope you've all had fun weekend - FT hope you had a fab time at G-unit's Christening! Bet he looked adorable! Cuppie is R's next weekend? :baby:

Lozza - interesting you think the diet thing is having possibly some effect...fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Lads I'm with you on the sleepy front - I get 3-4hrs between feeds at night, maybe a 5hr stint if I'm lucky. And yes, my face is taking the brunt of it. Gah. This too shall pass, this too shall pass...repeat...:sleep:

Re C-secs lads - I was a bit miffed I had one - far from the natural pool birth I'd envisaged and prepared for - I try not to think about it too much as I could feel a bit rubbish about it...I know it was the right thing to do and don't regret anything about our decision but there's a part of me that knows I'll never get the chance to give birth naturally (my uterus ripped during the c-sec so 1:100 chance it'll rupture spontaneously in labour next time), to know what giving birth naturally that feels like (I know I know...painful right!???!) and to feel the rush of love/achievement you can feel (that took a long while to kick in for me) and that can make me a bit sad. And I think people can bog off if they think an emergency c-sec is an "easy" time. Grrr. No one has quite dared to say too posh to push to me yet. But watch out if they do. On the other hand I am a fairly pragmatic person and in a way quite like the idea that I can get given a "date" if/when there's a next time and don't have to deal with the 70hr labour. Swings and roundabouts!!! :thumbup:

Love all the footprint gifts been given today! DH loved his but I think preferred the other present...the enormous Domino's feast we've just had (so much food he's had to go for a lie down!!!!). YUM. My pizza had sunblush tomatoes, baby spinach, feta cheese and chicken :munch: oh and Lozza it was horrid. you would have hated it. :hugs:

Hope the sunburn calms down Crowned - I got a lovely tan a few weeks back and it all rubbed off in the shower tonight - yuk! :nope:

Loo how was your night out??? Hope you had a lovely time! :hugs:

NW lads I am excited about Friday :happydance: :dance: :dance:

Well, the weekend away at the inlaws went ok - N was fairly unsettled on the first night and took a while to settle between feeds in the travel cot and the second night seemed to add in an extra feed at 4am blurgh... but the lovely thing was on Sat morning DH got up at 7am when N had fed and took him so I could lie in and I slept through til 10am! Woo! First lie in in 3months. Yeah!!! Legged it back today in one stint whilst N slept (took 3hrs) and then slobbed round in PJs and eaten pizza. and garlic bread. and wedges. naughty. diet starts tomorrow!!! :haha:

Right...time for the footy! xxx

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