March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

MsC, can't wait to see your R&R carrier! Oh yes, I sung! monkey Wrench, Highway to Hell, I love Rock n Roll, 9-5, don't stop me now, and unfortunately countless others. Why when you've had a few do you think you are an amazing singer *sigh*. Thank goodness it was a private pod! I hope it all goes well tomorrow. xxx

Vita, huzzah for naps, no matter how short in length! D will only nap on me. I find it so frustrating!

Would luv, that article made my blood boil too. C sections are there for a reason, and there should be no stigma attached. Plus, that woman gets a bit preachy for my liking. Must be hard being so bloody perfects :winkwink:

Happy Fathers Day baby daddies!

Well I had a great night last night with my sil and her friends. Felt good to let my hair down after an incredibly tough week. I'd sorted milk out until lunchtime today, so I just pumped and dumped at my normal feeding times, and I fed her from me from 2pm, she seems quite unperturbed by the whole thing.

I hope everyone else has had a good day? xxxxx
Mmmmmmmm. Waula, feed 4 for £20??????? Yea right!!!! I'm excited too!

Forgot to sat that I hope Diggs Christening went well, and you are all full of christening cake and happy memories :)
sounds like a good night loo!

yes, R's christening is next weekend. i've got a busy week of prep ahead. started decorating the cake today as it always takes longer than i expect it to.

got to start the shopping too and buy my outfit. having real trouble finding white shoes for R to wear.

looking forward to hearing how it went for FT today
By the way has anyone heard from Missy recently??? Hope she and T are ok... X

Cuppie...don't envy you on the shopping front...but thought the dress looked gorgeous...know what you mean about expensive but it is a big day!!! And you def deserve it!!!

Ha Loo...indeed feed four??? Or two really hungry ones... Gluttonous. X
Good evening ladies

Crap weekend for me. I've got 3 massive ulcers all right next to each other and they have now become infected and the whole side of my face from my eye down to my jaw is throbbing :cry: I can't eat or talk but then maybe that's not such a bad thing :winkwink: OH has has bad hay fever all day so this afternoon he had a 2 hour nap :growlmad: He didn't come to bed til 1 this morning because he was playing games and yet he thinks it's ok to go to sleep in the afternoon and leave me dealing with both kiddies. Grrr I'm so mad!

Loo - glad you enjoyed your night out

Waula - that pizza sounds immense, might have to find myself one of them!

Lozza - hope you start getting more sleep soon. When I had to cut dairy from my diet I found it took a good couple of weeks before I saw any major difference
Ugh Sambles that sounds crap! Get dosed up on super strength bongela and get your DH to order pizza. Naughty DH. I think us mums are amazing, and you lads with two are even more so with more than one kiddie...:hugs:
Thanks Waula. I bought some bongela today so hopefully be tomorrow it will feel a lot better. It's so bad that I can't eat properly so just going to have soup tonight so will have the pizza one day in the week :thumbup:

And I know OH doesn't mean to be such an arse but he just doesn't think. Like most men I reckon

My Sister's Keeper is on at 9 so think I might watch that and have a good old cry. Has anyone seen it?
Sambles - its good but the book is soooo much better ... worth watching though.

Jealous of you ladies meeting - am i the only scottish girl on the mamas ????

L x
this afternoon he had a 2 hour nap :growlmad: He didn't come to bed til 1 this morning because he was playing games and yet he thinks it's ok to go to sleep in the afternoon and leave me dealing with both kiddies.

Its quite possible our OH's are clones!!! This sounds spookily familiar! Hope your evil ulcers feel better soon! :hugs:

Pizza people, shhh, stop it, i have tuna salad and oatcakes! :cry:

Loo, sounds like a good night! ;)

Cuppie, i hope you are going to splash out on that outfit, its lovely and its a special day, you'll have pictures of it for the read of your life, so you might as well look yummy, Mummy!! ;)

Missy, hope all is well! :hugs:

Waula, lie in, hurrah, slobbing about, hurrah, extra feed, boo!

Mixed day here, gave OH a lie in as its fathers day, but feel knackered from it! Took the kids to the zoo this afternoon and did some practicing with Roh walking on his lead next to the buggy (yes, its sooo like training a dog! :haha:) which went really well, only a few minor paddies! Tiring though! Also very good, he did 2 wees in the potty this evening! :dance: I think painting the skull and crossbones on the front and calling it the "pirate potty" has really helped! :haha:
Less good is Roh tried to throw F off my lap and nearly succeeded, and then when i wouldn't put her down (i was feeding her) he came and sat next to me and dug his fingernails into my arm until it bled. :( I told him off and showed him how much it had hurt me, he was then really upset. I sent him out of the room, which i've never done before. Argh, i can't having him starting with hurting me or F, or anyone for that matter! :nope: He did come and sit with me after and stroke my arm and then kissed my arm, as i always kiss it better if he bangs himself. He was saying that he "did Mummy's owie, oh dear." and seemed sorry, so hoping he realizes it was the wrong thing to do. Difficult parenting day basically!
Emera, that sounds so tough, but sounds like you dealt with it well. :hugs: Tough day. x

Cuppie, did I miss a dress picture? I want to see!!!

Vitfa, I think you are the only scottish mama amoungst us, but I guess that just makes you the most Northerly of the Northern lads! :haha:

Waula, did Missy go on holiday to Cornwall? I think she should be back by now though. By the way, I had a dream about a cake you said you had made when you were pregnant that had me drooling, but couldn't remember exactly what it was. Carrot and passionfruit? Oh no, I think it was a passionfruit and lime cheese cake??? I dont remember, but I just remembering that I HAD to try it. Help me out please!

Al's gone out to get a KFC. Think my diet is up the swanny this weekend, but hey. I just cant even begin to think about making food!
Vita - thanks for that I might watch the film then read the book

Emera - I'm glad it's not just me. Before I had T he used to come to bed at 2 on a fri and sat night and get up at 10 in the morning. I used to get up with Sam at 6.30 and then worked 12-10.30pm sat and all day sun. And yet he used to moan that he was tired :dohh:

Well done to Roh for 2 wees on the potty :thumbup:
Right catch up time...hi to.all ladies

Emera...that does sound like a tough day:hugs:

Loo....your night out soubds like fun...glad you had a blast...its great to.let your hair down every so.often x x sounds yum...we just had really nice steaks....medium rae (actually more rare)....yummy. Missed that while pregnant

Sambles...hope your ulcers clear up soon

Cupcake...i agree with wauls...lovely outfit...treat yourself...its a special day x x:kiss:

What else have i missed off!? Hope G's christening.went well FT x

Nice weekend here...went to stay with sones friends who live in.Earlsfield...not that far away but travellibg into the London.area always sucks. They have a boy 6 weeks older hsn M....she had her last night in moses basket.up there and slept through again so pleased x I have lost my voice is the other news...thought i.had hayfever but they its a but of the snuffles and M may have it...poor baby so was expecting a wake up. She was a bit grouchy tonight...not as esy to.settle espec when woken by the ice cream van entering our road nit happy at all....could have gone out there and given hima right earfull!!!!! Lots of fist chewing here...and drooling...coupled with grouchiness i.hope its not teething already :-(

Hubby loved his footprint mug....i.thought it looked a bit crap...could have done a much.better job if the woman been more bloody helpful.

Think.i am popping.into my work tomorrow.....feel quite nervous about it...dont.know why...hope M is on good form for everyone

Right melt in the middle Belgian choc desserts are callibg (i have heard that they taste horrible lozza;-)) xx

Oh and M in cotbed tonight...was way at the top of moses basket...not sure she realises ha ha
Loo- I am glad it made you mad too and I wasn't just over reacting!! It's was such a shit one sided view of giving birth and made people who chose to go with the flow sound like un educated idiots who would ultimately have to have a c section!! Bahh!!! And yes I find that woman a little preachy sometimes too.. I mean fantastic if you had a plan and it went well and you were happy.. Doesnt make you an expert.. Not everyone's plans go accordingly.. And they shouldn't be made fell crap if thy don't!!

Anyways I'm off to change this nappy and hopefully B will get some better sleep and me too! His been waking so often tonight and crying in his sleep :( so I'm hoping this poo was the problem!!
sambles - sounds very ouchy!

im watching 'my sisters keeper' too and agree that the book is much better. the film is def a weepy though!

going to bite the bullet and go shopping tomorrow and if i cant find anything better then im going to go back for the Coast dress

link for whoever missed it:
Good luck.with the shopping cupcake....that dress is lovely x I had to.get a dress recently for a wedding...i hate i can therefore recommend House of Fraser if you have one...some good concessions so loads of choice in one place without traipsing.around. I.ended up.getting a lovely dress in Wallis...they are pretty good for dresses and tailored stuff......weirdly it is a concession in our local BHS. Worth a try though x x

US open is on.til 3am and its pretty close and exciting....however i.would be mad to stay.up for the end :wacko:
Ergh, my tough day isn't set to end and got grosser, Roh is vomming, upset stomach of some sort, seems to have a bit of a temp so probably some viral bug thingy I'm guessing (it always bloody is!!). Argh I'm so tired, but I'll have to sit up with Roh until he's not being sick anymore. OH is working at 6am tomorrow so no chance of a lie in! Also have F's jabs tomorrow. Phew, its all fun with 2! :wacko:
Yikes! I'm sorry to all of you having a tough time.

Happy Father's Day to everyone :) (I managed to get that in with 14 minutes to go!)

Cupcake, the dress is lovely and I think the outfit works brilliantly.

I've been away this weekend and although I've read it all, I've missed loads of things out that I was going to say... Sorry!

C-section issues: I had a c-section 5 days after my waters broke and 20 hours into syntocin induction. There's no way in the world anyone has the right to say that I didn't work hard to get my baby here. I was totally determined to make myself well again afterwards that I ignored all the advice I was given and was out walking with the pram after 4 days. It really pisses me off that anyone would dare to say anything like that to anyone - they don't know and they don't understand. End of. I love my daughter but it took me a long time to be overcome with the love I feel for her. I felt at 4 weeks that I could walk away from her because she wasn't really mine. I still cry when I think about that and about what happened in those 5 days. It was all so different from what I wanted (home water birth) and it's made more complicated because i don't really understand what happened, other than the fact that my body just failed to go into labour properly. I still feel depressed about it, I hate the scar because it feels weird and looks horrendous (it had to be extended twice) and I'm scared to think about it all happening again although I really want a HWBAC. I feel like my journey as a mummy started as a failure and it's given me an obsession with BFing because I sort of feel like I'm making it up to my daughter all the time. And... I know that this is all rubbish because all that matters is that she's happy and healthy and thriving and I suppose at some point in the future I'll be able to accept that for me a c-section was the difference between life and death for both her and me. It certainly wasn't an easy option.

That's turned into a right essay. Sorry, I've never written that down before and I didn't realise it still felt like that. :\

On another note... NW lads... Where are you meeting on Friday? Could I come too?

Laura, :hugs: sometimes its good to get everything out, its cathartic :hugs: I may not have had a c-sec but I found my labour with Roh really traumatic not because it was long but because it was very short, sudden and he was early and had the cord round his neck so his heartbeat kept stopping. Anyway, everyone said "oh a fast labour weren't you lucky!". Not so much, it took me a long time to get over how it all happened. My stepmum had an elective c-sec and said it was a great experience, so they can be positive just as "natural" births can be traumatic. At the end of the day, we've all had a birth experience, some good and some traumatic/difficult/dissappointing. Anyone who thinks they can just forget about it is wrong, as with any major experience iin life we have to proccess our emotions about them before they can become the past, untl then we hold events with us in the present. I found talking about it and writing everything down really helpful. I suggest anyone who had a difficult birth should write the whole thing out. Not for anyone to read, but to get it out their system. Delete it, burn it, show the world, whatever works, but getting it out of your head and on paper helps a lot! :)

I'm rambling because I'm tired, but Laura, :hugs: and to any mamas here who's birth wasn't ideal, :hugs: too. Remember, its what were do from here on in that really counts! :hugs:
OH loved his PS3 (Duh) and had it together and playing on it within about 2 minutes.

Keira is talking more and more everyday. I was woken up by her having a conversation with herself which was just adorable. She also likes to cry to get me to come see her so she can "tell me things". Generally this has been happening at bed time and its just so cute.

I can't believe how much I love her.
:hugs: Laura. I totally understand a lot of what you wrote and agree with Emera that the residual feelings really matter. I hope writing it out and posting helped? I still struggle with the danger E was in and though it was a vbac, my love for her grew gently over many weeks and was never an initial rush.

Hope you can make Friday....been hoping to meet you since March!

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