March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Word for today, clingy. I love her so much my heart could burst, but sometime you NEED to put them down! She is sat on my lap now whilst I express. Apparently lying on the bed next to me was too far away...
Awww that is sweet though Loo!

I'm about to take Keira to my parents for her first swim. Its so muggy out right now but I guess that is better than having the sun beat down on her since I have not found any baby sunscreen for under 6 months.
Skadi, i can't find sunscreen for really young babies either, but wanted to take A to the lake, so I bought the Aveeno sunscreen that says "mild as water" on the outside (still only for under 6 months though) and put it on her. She didn't have a reaction, so I think we're safe. I wanted to get one that was as mild as possible so it wouldn't hurt her skin.
With sunscreen we just used children's ones that was mild and O was fine, Test some on a small area first maybe to see if she's ok??

The OH has gone to a gig so wont be back till late (probably with some sort of injury) so we have the place to ourselves!
i use this cream for R, do you have this over where you are? its suitable from 3 months although i used it at 2 weeks without any adverse effect
Righty ho..M is down for the night i hope and we have had dinner...time to catch up properly. I am sure she knows when i log onto bnb and demands attention grrrrr:haha:

Laura...looked on fb searching by name and email but couldnt find. I am Michelle N ormington if you find me

Ft...gorgeous christening photos....G looked.fab in both his outfits and you looked like a real yummy mummy:kiss:

Loo...hilarious karaoke pics on fb...looks like you had a blast. I had to come back on here just to.check your signature where you state how much weight you aiming to lose cos you looked amazing:happydance:

Waula.....:haha: for your hungry lad x

Emera...hope Roh is feeling better and you havent picked up a bug:hugs:

Wt....bless your boys missing you....M isnt too bad but i.took her into my office today and she kept wanting me in her sight when being passed around:kiss:. Sorry about your crap.night

Oh.dear...i.have run out of memory.....oooh yes

Cupcake...glad you got your dress...i.agree jacket probably not required...if its a bit nippy a pashmina/wrap would be fine....doubles as extra muslin:haha:

Sorry to.everyone who i.havent mentioned.....

I am worried that M may be reaching teething time as she is chewing alot on hand.and drooling but not sure. Maybe she is just trying to.find her thumb which she has taken to.sucking before going to.sleep...helps.her.settle herself in themiddle of night :hugs:...just gonna keep an eye on that...dont want a thumb sucker ha ha.

She cried.and.screamed for ages tthis afternoon just before her naked time....totally unlike.her....couldnt tell.what was.wrong so i promptly burst into tears...i am just not used to her being unhappy...what a crap mum i am...i didnt have a clue what could be wrong with her.....nappy was fine, fed i tried to.burp her but she was cryijg so much i have no idea if anything came out...i couldnt hear. 15 minuyes later back to.normal. Weird!!!!!!. Babies.are.certainly a challenge:wacko:
If you think she's teething Mitch the crying could be gum pains or just the fact that she feels a little pooey. We get it to when nothing seems wrong and it ends as suddenly as it begins and I've put it down to teething. I tried the calpoly jel stuff today which stopped her crying quite quickly and the powder stuff which does also seem to help (though i got both of these from mums at our mummies and babies group today so haven't used them much) but holding her against me and letting her gum on my shoulder calms her down to or just gumming my fingers. It's horrible as they sound like they're in pain but it isn't you being a crap mummy :kiss:

O is tucked up as well, though she was asleep and is now stirring.She drunk a whole 3oz more than normal tonight though so fingers crossed she goes all night, she hasn't in such a long time!!!
You know its going to be a real shock to the system when M stops going through....i know it aill happen at some point...teething pain and weaning time i.guess.

Forgot and M are now.totally on ff as from yesterday...i have mixed feelings about it to be honest but i think weaning her off with gradually introducing additional.ff really.helped rather than going cold.turkey. My boobs feel engorgement or leakage which is a they are already back to.near on their normal.size. I had my last bf with M yesterday afternoon and did what wt said and took in every moment....i made sure M wasnt starvijg therefore likely to be thrashing and not.getting enough....she was great....we shared some smiles....she fed for.15 minutes and that was that. I feel a bit teary but she has taken so well to.the bottle.and seems satisfied.that it makes it all alright.

L&L...another formula question...i am making up 6oz per.feed and making a note at the moment of what she is i make up the powder formula....6oz is 180ml of.water but when i.add the powder it goes up to 7oz pretty much. If she then feeds and leaves 2oz (60ml) does that mean she has taken 4 or 5 oz!!???? To make things easy i have been writing down mls she takes:haha:. So she seems to be taking pretty much the whole 6oz for first 2 feeds of the day then usually around 120-160mls for the remaining 3. Difficult 5 feeds in she iz sleeping so long at night...thinking of.switching to 4. How many does O take? Are you still demand feeding?
I count the bottle as 6oz even though it's gone up to near 7, so for example if she leaves 1oz i say she has drunk 5oz, i have no idea if this is right though.
I make up 6oz and she will normally drink 5 times each day (but she has been waking up at half 5ish recently) then in the afternoon in-between feeds i give her a 4oz bottle just to top her up. Today though she didn't have her first bottle till half 6 and has actually only had 3 6oz bottles and then a 9oz one tonight, so less than she is meant to have, but she just didn't want any more, i tried to give her an extra bottle and she refused it. She's done this before though and still slept till 7 so :shrug: she'd obviously had enough.
I tried to feed O every 3-3 and a half hours unless she demands it before hand, but she will just refuse a bottle sometimes and i just have to wait till she is ready. The way i see it is she will tell me if she's not getting enough, she doesn't actually have a bottle in the night just wakes up and is putting on weight fine so I just let her decide how much she wants really.
I did actually write it all down last week as i was trying to get a nap routine in place so wrote down how when and how much she had each time which really helped to sort of work out when she needs it, so keep writing it all down and after a few days look back at it and you might see a routine in place already, it's what happened with O and why i started adding in the top up feed.
Just go with M and if it doesn't work one day try something different the next.

EDIT - that last BF sounds lovely by the way!! :hugs: I'm glad it all went ok for you both
Aw Mitch I was going to ask how the swap over to FF was glad it's gone smoothly for you both and you had a lovely last feed! N has had a couple of screamy episodes over past couple of days and I have no idea what his problem is, bit of boob seems to always! Good news your boobs have returned to normal too...there's hope!!!! N started thumb sucking, used to hate the idea but it is VERY cute!!! X

Had N facing out in the babybjorn today and he LOVED it!!!! Kicking and chattering away. Cute!

Cupcake I think you've made right decision re dress, did you find R some shoes??

Teething - N chomping in his hands/fists/toys but not very dribbly or red cheeked and I can certainly wait for teeth!! Poor nips have only just gotten over the first few weeks!! Nephew is 12months and has been teething for ages and still nothing!!!

Separation anxiety...erm...not noticed anything yet (but also not spent a lot of time away from him!!!) oops! Maybe I should be leaving him more....ah well.

Hmmm earl grey with stem ginger Biscuits...
My word for the day is bongela. It is officially the best thing since... Well it's the best thing ever!
Oh no, NW lads, I think I'm jinxed when it come to seeing you. My mum just called to say she's coming early to her visit this weekend. It's As christening but she's decided to come a day early to help me get ready. Lovely but means I'll need to be home for 3 and it's an hours drive. :(
Laura & Mrs C and L&L and everyone else who has struggled with emotions over the kind of birth they had :hugs:
I had an emergency forceps with my first and struggled to bond because the whole experience was shocking and scary.
I can tell you all this though....everyone of my labours have ALL been different and also different emotions with each one. Saying that though, all my babies have been different too :winkwink:

I never did get that 'rush' of emotion that people talk about with DD1 and I thought maybe I was abnormal but I do think it has something to do with the kind of birth experience you have.
DD2 - wow massive rush of emotion...then I knew what people where talking about.
J - rush of emotion but different to DD2, more relief that he was OK because I had no testing and because of my age it had been a constant worry through the whole pregnancy.

I suppose it's easy to say it doesn't matter how you give birth but I can totally understand why it does matter to some people. I think you have a vision of this beautiful experience and when it doesn't happen like that it's a shock.

Anyway, I hope you all get the birth you want next time, for me this was my last time :nope: I suppose I should count myself lucky that at age 41 1/2 I have 3 healthy children :baby: Even though I was a moaning cow while I was pregnant I will miss never being able to do it all again :winkwink:

Lozza - meant to say earlier - slack dolly :haha: gooooooooooooo Z!!!!

Loo - good night for D too, hopefully it makes up for the clingy day :winkwink:
Oh and Loo i know there was talk of shoe socks and i found these & Child&utm_campaign=113121
Thanks L& M is only up for 11-12 hours per day i.have been trying ff every 3 hours or so to.ensure she gets enough...may eventually.push to.nearer 4 hours and 4 feeds with larger volumes when she gets more used She is typically taking 2 nwar on full 6 oz feeds at 7-7:30 and 10:30am...then probably around 5-6oz at 1:30 ish...have been giving her around 4oz at 4:30pm to make sure she will take some only 2 hours later before bed...she is sooo tired but i want to get something down her...that is usually 3-4oz before she passes out. So.i guess she is getting average 25oz per day ish which is good (i think

Waula....switch over was great....i.feel good about it and pleased M is happy with.the new milk....pays gradually for sure and get them.used to.bottles early just so.its not a massive shock.for them. I.will miss bf'ing...i love that fact that for the first 9weeks ....then partially for another was totally me giving everything my little girl needed and she thrived:kiss:
waula we had R fcing outwards in his carrier at the weekend which he loved but as usual he started falling asleep so we turned him around so he could snooze.

i did get some white baby shoes but hub doesnt like them as they are a bit trainer like so they are going back

i cant remember who said that the shoe-socks were in tkmaxx but i saw some in there today for £5. they were cute but i decided R didnt need them.

i hate to go on about my dress again but i think im going off it, i think it might not fit that well and hub is no good. he just says everything looks 'nice'. going over to my mums tomorrow to get another opinion.

we must arrange our ikea meet sw girls!
Glow - thanks but looks like we're back to normal tinight! Two hours down and just stirred crying with stomach pain again. Held him through it do hope he's back down for a while again!

Laura - nooooooooooo!!! Well have a nice weekend and we'll make sure you can do next time!
which Ikea is this?

Ladies with cats...can you over feed a kitten? Our wont stop eating but i don't not want to give it to him in case he is hungry. Not sure if he's just used to having to eat everything so quickly as he had brothers and sisters to fight for it before. He tries to eat our food every time as well and meows over his bowl when it's empty bless him.
Cupcake -my OH is like that as well if I ask him what he thinks of what I'm wearing. It drives me insane. Hope your mum is more helpful
Ok so iv'e added Loo, Lozza and L&L - mitch (Thanks girls) iv'e sent you a friend request. Its lovely to see everyones faces as I missed out on all the picture sharing at the start.

L&L - Has your new kitten been wormed ? Although they can be greedy little buggers so he may just be trying his luck !! We have 5 cats and 2 dogs (madness!!!) and one of the cats is constantly on the scrounge (he's been like it since he was a kitten too !!)

Well after praying that Noah wouldn't get the chicken pox he has broken out in spots this evening. GUTTED !! I guess it was going to happen though just annoying that as Olivia gets over it, he starts getting it !! Ahhhh well I have my nieces again tomorrow so this should be fun !

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