March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Wow some amazing sleeping babies ladies

Wish i could join in - but after our 1st amazing night ( only up three times) last night was awful (7times).

I have found what looks like an ulcer on Es gums ??? anyone know if they can get them so young - doesnt look like a tooth - although she has been physically stuffing her hands in her mouth to chew them.

Have a great meet today ladies - jealous of the food chat - yummy
Emera - hope you are feeling better and roh too

L x
NW lads... sent FB msg but slightly concerned N coming down with something... he was up 2-5am and is pretty snuffly this morning, no temp but v clingy and not feeding... :( don't want to infect everyone if it is something nasty but also I have an enormous cheesecake to serve 12 people...and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all...:cry: what do we reckon??? xxx

come! I've had a cold so could secretly infect everyone :wacko: sure he will be fine. i know it's a long way but i want my cheesecake and my wee :rofl:
WT, I would be livid! Granted, A eats every 1.5-2 hours, so 5 is insanely long, but I definitely offer whether she screams or not, when I feel like it's time. It's important that they get enough in them in the course of the day, whether they demand it or not! Totally justifiable reaction, luv! xxxxx

Loving the weaning chat, as I haven't really thought about it for A at all!

Can't wait to see pics of your meet-up, ladies!
Yay for the big fabulous nights to those who had them! :happydance: And boo for the rest of us. :shrug:

As predicted, mine were up every 3 hours to eat (and generally not the same 3 hours :dohh:) P-10:30, K-11:30, P/K-2:30, P-5:30, K-7:30. I know it could be worse. (7 times, Vitfa?!?! I'm so sorry. :hugs:) But my boys have been doing a great job of only eating once per night. So I'm still pissy thinking about the 5+ hour stretches of sleeping/not eating they did between noon and 6 yesterday. Hopefully today will be better. I tried to stress to MIL that there are THREE awake adults to feed them during the day and only ONE sleepy me to take care of them at night, so it is important that they wake the babies up if they sleep more than 3.5 hours. I don't want the babies to be force fed, but a bottle should at least be offered to them. Unfortunately, there's a language barrier so there is no telling what she actually understood from it. :dohh:

L&L- If you want to start with rice cereal (which is traditional but very boring as Emera points out), then you can mix it with formula rather than water. That way it at least has a little flavor. I agree with Emera. If you wait long enough for their immune systems to develop, then why not start with something a little more fun!! :)

FT- Glad G did so well in his big bed. It sounds like he just needed to get used to it. I suspect the wakings will go away once he's fully comfy in his new place.
Wt...i.totally agree with you over the length of time between.feeding....they shouldnt be forced but at least be offered. Typically M wants a bottle every 3-3.5hours at the momrnt depending if its topping.up in the morning from long sleep or afternoon. Today she has had her immunisations and is sleeping a little more than usual...not excessive but went over an hour passed her 2nd morning feed and although they say you should never wake a sleepinng baby i.was just there when she stirred (otherwise she would go.back off)....and she drank 6oz bottle faster than i have ever seen:haha:...been awake for 2 hours and then crashed out again. I imagine she may want another bottle around 3 but if not will offer anyway.....i want to make sure she eats enough to.sleep.well again.tonight. If i can get 4 good bottles into her during her 11hours awake time thats good enough for me.

Vitfa....sorry about your rough night. Does E sleep during.the day much? Whats the time between.feeds? I know you are still bf'ing is she getting enough? My friends daughter is a bit of a lazy feeder and wadnt getting enough to.go.long time between feeds...she now expresses for last feed of night and gives about 150ml....this way she knows muxch she is getting and it makes her go longer at night. Just an idea x x good luck for tonight
So jealous of the NW lads right now! This will only be soothed by nice group pictures! Hoe your all having fun

:hugs:vitfa what a tough night. I hope E has a better sleep tonight. And I'm not to sure on the ulcer thing :shrug: O's gums are white and kinda breaking away a little where we're assuming the tooth is coming through. I just tried to open her mouth while she slept to take a picture but not happening. Maybe one of the Mummies who have had teething before could help?

WT forgot to say that i would have been livid if someone let O sleep for that long. hopefully you got through to her today.
And i'm now rethinking the first weaning attempts, Think we might do actual food and see how we get on. Might be asking for more tips in a few weeks when it actually comes to it :rofl:

Mitch - I'm glad M is doing ok after her nasty jabs, O seems to sleep hers off as well. The first time we could hardly get her to eat anything and that was one of our first STTN's so hopefully M will be her normal amazing self and still sleep through no matter what!
L&L...i have signed up for a weaning workshop through our local surestart centre....its 1 1/2 hours and free....maybe they do them in yours? M will be slightly too young when i attend but next one wasnt til Sept so am doing it in preparation for when shes case its early. I also got a couple of books off called Weaning Made Easy which talks through traditional and BLW and how you.can work them in combination. Cant rate how good it is yet....will have a read this weekend. Must say although i think weaning is exciting....i am slightly scared of it...doing it too early, too late, wrong foods, wrong time of day etc etc. Sure i will learn :happydance:

Very jealous of the NW ladies too...hope they are having a lovely afternoon stuffing their faces with scrummy food and cheesecake:happydance:
I'm surprised at all the information out there. I guess I thought giving food to babies was going to be relatively simple. Is it really that important how we wean our babies? I just figured as long as A can't choke on it, I'll try all kinds of things and see what she likes. She'll figure out how to eat food eventually one way or the other, right? I didn't know it was something I had to research. How careful do we have to be? (emera? Sambles? Other mums who've done this before?)
L+L/Vitfa - sounds a lot like a tooth coming through to me, looks a little like an ulcer, but you can feel the hardness of the tooth underneath. Once its through the gum heals round it and it pretty much stops hurting. It will take almost a month for the tooth to be all the way out though once its cut. ;)
Crowned- There are some basics to weaning that you should keep in mind, but they don't need to be overly complicated. Generally, you should start with a single ingredient food (except that you can add breast milk/formula to any of it). That way, if there is an allergic reaction, you'll know exactly what caused it. For the same reason, you should stick to the same food for a few days before introducing something new since sometimes it takes a few days for an allergy to present.

Also, there are certain foods which are known to be more allergenic than others. For this reason, physicians often recommend you start with things that have a low incidence of allergies (such as rice cereal). I think the longer that you wait to wean, the less worrisome that is.

When I started DS1 on foods, I started with rice cereal, then I moved to some basic veggies. I saved fruits until after he'd tolerated several veggies since I didn't want to spoil him on the sweet taste before he'd learned to love the veggies too.
Crowned, it is relatively simple to wean babies! ;) there is also a lot of info and research about it out there. Its important not to get too bogged down in all the info overload. Just inform yourself so you feel confident and get going. I did post a basic guide, which I'll either find the page of or I can message people as they wish. To start with though, get a carrot, cut into a few sticks, boil or steam them. Then either just put them infront of your baby and see what happens, or blend them with a couple of drops of milk and start shovelling! :haha: to start with they only have a couple of teaspoons max, and if you are going for blw then expect lots of mushed food and not much eating! :haha:
Timing-wise, personally I felt (certainly with Roh) that 4 months was way too early, and I'm of the school of thought that there is no need to rush and starting around 5-6 months is quite early enough, plus after 6 months you can go straight to a much bigger variety of foods which makes it more fun :) also a lot easier as they can eat your food rather than just steamed fruit and veg :) However, I'd never think to judge anyone else by the standards I apply to myself, so if you want to wean at 4 months or so, then go nuts and have fun! :)
A MONTH! I was thinking a week maximum :dohh:. My poor munchkin. And then we have the rest if the little bugers to come through.

Thanks mitch about the sure start never thought to ask about a class, I'm there on Monday so will see then. I brought a book called 'weaning' (very original) annabel karmel but have only read the first tastes bit so far, and have nothing to compare it to so might get a book from the library to see. This one seems pretty good though and talks about ways to wean and has recipes and things Alot of it is on her website though.

Crowned there are different ways to wean but there's no right way to do it. I started my research :)rofl:) here
Emera also did an amazing post a while back with loads of info on it which i will try to go back and find for you.
Thanks lads! I did see Emera's big post on it a while back and read through it too. I guess I have a very 'go-with-the-flow' attitude about it, and am not too worried about time of day, etc. I figure she'll get all she needs from me, so food's just for fun once we start with that. Plus I'm not planning to even try solids for some time yet (only 3 months now), so I have some time to go. Thanks for the assurance that it's easy though - I get scared when people bring up all kinds of different research and opinions and warnings, and it makes me think I was taking it too lightly or something.
L+L didn't mean to freak you. Its only the breaking through part that hurts, in fact, once the tooth has cut through the skin, all the painful bit is done. It just takes about a month after for the tooth to get to full length, that part doesn't hurt them though ;). I only say it because when Roh's first tooth came through, for some reason I expected it to pop through fully formed and full length straight away! But then it wasn't until my first 20 week u/s with Roh that I realised that the placenta wasn't attached to the inside of my belly button! :rofl: I was pretty clueless! :D
Oh, in other news, I'm definitely on the mend! :dance: as is Roh :)
Wt/emera...thanks for that info. I had heard about veggie stuff first not to spoil baby with sweet things which they will typically take better i guess. Interesting about the few days between.foods and dont ensure no allergic reaction. Didnt know that was the reason....thought it was just a getting use to them thing:haha: wrong...i.just wanted some tips to get not things...i.just like reading up.on stuff like this.

Success...though a little close to.bedtime...M is napping and i didnt have to rock.her...saw the signs...laid her down...thumb in mouth (not so.happy about that bit) and gone:happydance:. Just going to let her have a power nap...she'll up in 20-30 mins anyway. ....Just in time for naked play, bath, feed.and bed x
What ever you do DON'T GO ON THE WEANING BOARDS! It's like a cage fight there! It's even worse than the cat fights in the 2nd tri pregnancy boards! I only went to take a peek as we were talking about it and ended up feeling like i had to stick up for some women who everyone was attacking for feeding her baby rice at 3 months, which is early yes, but people where just being down right nasty! 'I really hope you haven't damaged your baby for life' and things along those lines where all being thrown at her :(.
Not going back there again! Will stick with you lovely ladies.

Emera - how awesome would it have been if they really were attached to our belly button? We would feel it being pulled around and all sorts!
Another tooth question - once it's broken through what do i do about brushing it?
L&L thanks for the heads up on the weaning boards....some people are so judgemental thats why i love all you guys cos you are sooo not. Just to say.that advice and guidelines change all the time...mums know and certainly.3 months is young but maybe.the hv/doc recommended.....hopefully she had justified reasons. My.mum had me and my bro on baby rice/ cereal in bottle from something like 8 weeks...not saying thats right didnt do us any harm. However i shall not be leaving my mum in charge of M's feeding without supervision:haha:
Worse than the cat wars? That's scary.

Emera- Glad to hear you're on the mend! Now what shall we eat since we're missing out on cheesecake? :)
Worse than the cat wars? That's scary.

Emera- Glad to hear you're on the mend! Now what shall we eat since we're missing out on cheesecake? :)

I am making emeras muffins tomorrow and those NW laddies are getting NONE!!!!:haha: glad you are both on the mend x

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