March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Lozza - G has been a tiny bit sick after most feeds this week and never usually brings anything up.... so maybe thats why xxx

Mitch - last night i could hear this weird little 'popping' sound on the monitor... i went up... and G was smacking his lips :) ffirst time he has done it. doing it this morning too. How weird after we aspoke about little M doing it yesterday :hugs:

MsC - YAY FOR STTN! go E!!!!! :dance:

Waula / L&L - major :hugs: ... hope you get some zzzz today :hugs:

Anyone else feeling a touch depressed with this weather? I really hope it cheers up soon and certainly before our Centre Parcs holiday in a couple of weeks:thumbup:

Going out for a walk around Virginia Water lake with nct girls otherwise i will go crazy. I.feel like i should he be doing more housework and.job.around the house but seem to.spend my morning (when M napping) tidying up frok the night before...cups, loading dishwasher and general clearing stuff away then dont have time or inclination to do anything else. Hubbies clean washing has been sat in.basket for.nearly.2 weeks ans need him to put away....drives me crazy!!!!!:shrug:

Success of the day is that M has gone down for her second morning nap in carrycot attachment for pram...its on sofa in living room with tv on so noise around her but pleased she is safer if i leave her....propped on sofa will become dangerous soon i am sure. Next move is to try and put down for first morning nap back in cot in sleeping bag. They are only 30-45 min naps.

No sign of.a regression or teething issues here yet....M still putting in 6:20pm - 7:15am sleeps at night....dont want to go.backwards but am.expecting it.

Went to.weaning workshop yesterday....pretty useless...knew most of the stuff but got some more leaflets and info sheets. Going to give it another couple of weeks then start cookinjg and freezing icecube trays of stuff....anyone done that yet...l&l think you have? They last for 6 months anyway i think

Whats everyone else up to today? Hubby and i are doing an Atkins push for 7-10 days to shift a few pounds. Bought a new tankini for me....should have gone for size jelly belly hangs out a little from the 10's :nope:
Oh no I'm worried!! I just weighed B at home (he has his 4month check tomorrow) and his slipped down to the 10th pencentile :(. At one point he was at the 95th :(
Wouldluv - sure your scales are accurate? There seems to be very little between the %s so may be your scales are a bit off? If not then fingers crossed his weigh in tomorrow goes well, maybe he's just normalising? :hugs:

Happy 4th July US lads!

Mitch - I get naff all done round the house most days except unloading/loading the dishwasher and maybe hanging a wash out. I don't feel guilty though!

Swimming went well today as he wasn't tired or hungry for a change. We did an underwater swim where the instructor let go and he had to swim to me, wasn't expecting it so watched him heading to the bottom befor I grabbed him!
Bonkers swimming Lozza!! Glad him and D love it. We've started swimming lessons at a local baby pool, n loves it but hard to have him awake and not hungry!!

Wouldluv please don't worry, get him weighed tomorrow as your scales might be a bit out...:hugs:

Afm instead of having a nap I've just attacked the garden with shears in the pouring rain. Very therapeutic!!

Also booked in for cranial osteopathy on Tuesday - if it can help his sickyness in anyway then I'd be VERY happy. Two massive voms already today. Makes me want to cry because I know he'll need another feed and tomorrow I'll be as engorged as hell :(

Mitch if this weather doesn't improve I'm going to go mad too.

Right off to try baby yoga. Watch this space for sick splatter!!!! :haha:

Mitch - im still very much a size 12, but im ok with that... i just want to tone! whats the atkins diet? is it the one where u eat mostly carbs?

lozza - im jealous of the swimming!
Poor Waula :( I hope your breasts recover from the vom demand.

Skadi, I don't know what the left boob rejection is about but no reflux. It just started and so I hope, it will just be a phase and stop. However with Emera and Loo experiencing the same I wonder if it has to do with the angle being unpleasant for a teething spot?

Wouldluv, please don't believe the home scales, I'm sure it won't be such a you have a local baby clinic for weigh ins?

Lozza, Dropbox is ace. I have it installed on our phones so I back up every photo and video we take of E via our wifi network and I also upload the SLR and compact images. I do them in a folder for each month. My friend had her iPhone nicked which had all her baby photos on...I just can't face that happening hence the Dropbox account. Yes, you can make a folder accessible by others so you could have family seeing photos too. I also use it for documents...

Mitch, we had a weening session at the local postnatal class but like you didn't learn much. Seems if you take an active interest in baby development etc, you probably know it.

Cupcake, E usually wakes for a 4:30am feed and goes through till 7am and it works for us. Certainly not expecting Miss Overtime to put in another shift today.

On the other hand, it's her third set of shots today so who knows what this afternoon brings.

Yay, 4th July, the day we got married again, for fun, at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas 6 years ago.
swimming sounds cool lozza.

im so bored today, don't know what to do...

im just desperately wishing someone wants to buy my house so i can buy the one i want, im paranoid that someone else will get there before we do!! aaah

im a size 12 too, which is ok but want to get back to my 10 asap. not sure the jelly bely will ever go though...

wouldluv - maybe the scales are out? i tried to weigh R at home once and i was a whole 1lb out!

mitch - yay for napping in the carrycot

i just put some apple on the stove to slowly cook on lowest heat, fed R, and now there is smoke in every room and the apple is burnt black to the bottom of the pan. i think the pan is a write off. i wonder why the smoke alarm didnt go off?
Thanks ladies but I weighed him at the inlaws and at home. He was 6.2kgs there and 6.6kgs at home but he had just had a big feed before weighing at home. I know Their growth slows a lot as they get older but I'm so worried. I feel like a bad mum! :(

I have the appointment with the health nurse tomorrow so will talk to her. Will ask what she thinks I should do with feeding. Boobs still sore here.. (well the nips actually) considering the pain and the fact I haven't 'loved' breastfeeding I've been thinking about making the switch to formula. But all of a sudden I fell selfish for it.. No idea why as I don't have a problem with formula. Bahh.. I actually think its because of my mum.. She's very pro breastfeeding.. But I did want to feed till 6 months so hopefully I can hold out..
Wouldluv, I'm so sorry you're finding it a struggle. Did you manage to find a lactation consultant to talk these issues through with?

Bummer about the apple Cupcake, that must have been a loooong feed. Best waft something under each alarm to check them out.
Skadi, what is the relation with fussiness and reflux? The only reason I ask is all of a sudden D has started being sick after feeds (since yesterday). Id associated it with all the drool coming up mixed with milk as it is very stringy, but it could be reflux I guess. The fussiness also seemed to get worse from yesterday.
we've had loads of sick as well! what is it with the sick, O's also been really fussy since the weekend and i was just putting it down to teeth but now I'm not to sure :shrug:

Wouldluvabub - Do what ever is best for you and B. You wont be let anyone down if you switch to formula if that's what you think is best. I only breastfeed for a week but knew that i wasn't coping and knew it would be best for O to have a happy mum rather than a stressed depressed one. I had a lot, and still get a lot, of snide remarks from my in laws every time O sniffs of loses weight, or gains weight blah blah blah, but i don't care any more and you shouldn't care what other people think either. What works for them isn't always going to be best for you! and only you know what is best! You've done bloody amazing with it especially as it's been so hard and if you make it to 6 months or 9 months or if you stop it next week you're not being at all selfish! :hugs:
just had a big look at reflux...sounds exactly like N and 40% is due to underlying dairy intolerance. does this mean a two week Lozza style break from milk? sob. I'm willing to try anything. x

MsC hope the jabs go ok...N got his on Friday. Joy.
Waula - as skeptical as I am the osteopath might help. Have you been on the reflux website? It's pretty good. Can't remember the site but it's something like The osteo agreed it wasn't dairy for us, when I went back on it there was no change to his skin (?!) or poo so she agreed with me it wasn't that. Might be worth a shot, 2 weeks off isn't that bad!!!
Lads, unless you have proffessionally balanced gram measurement digital scales at home then , STOP WEIGHING YOUR BABIES!!! You are only freaking yourselves out unneccessarily! :hugs: even weighing on 2 different pro-level scales can change %tile lines by up to 2 lines!! Always weigh your babies at the same weighing clinic and discount any other weight measurement!!!

Waula, all possetting/spiitting up is considered reflux, even if its only a little bit now and then. The reflux site is good for tips and things to do to reduce the volumes coming back up. It really depends how much sick you are getting as to what you should do about it. Is N sick after every feed? How long after a feed is he sick for, and is it multiple times? Are some days nearly sick free? Is he gaining weight well? Is he obviously comfort feeding beyond hunger needs? There is options like baby gaviscon etcm. But not everyone finds them helpful. Also, not all reflux is caused by dairy intolerance, but an exclusion diet might be worth a try. Don't change anything else you are doing though if you cut out dairy. For example, don't cut out dairy AND see an osteopath at the same time, otherwise you won't know what has helped. Good news is, sicky babies tend to really improve when tyhey start on solids. :). Also I think N and F are in vom sync as every time you say you are having a sicky day, we are too!! :shrug:

Wouldluv, :hugs: sorry you're having a tough time. I don't know what would be the best decision for you, but both bf and ff have their plus and minus points. You need to make a list of why you'd want to use either method, and make sure that you won't feel badly either way. How ever you feed your baby, the important thing is you are happy! So don't be bf as you feel you should and be miserable, but equally don't start ff and then beat yourself up constantly about the choice. :hugs:

MsC, I think you might be right that maybe the left side position is hitting an uncomfortable spot, because I suspect its not the actual boob, seeing as F was ok when I fed her rugby ball hold. :shrug: to be honest though, she's been generally fussy during the bout of teething. And kack, just remembered I forgot to get more powders when I was out earlier! :dohh:
Happy Vegas anniversary too! ;)

Ergh, just bought isposable nappies! :( seriously, they are expensive, you lads must all be broke!! I think we've spent £500 on nappies, and that's done both children! I know our electricty bill is likely higher too with the extra washing, but I think its gone up less than £100 a year. So that's about £800 outlay for 2 children, birth to potty... And of course another child will only cost the £200 for 2 years of electricity (approximately). Its just cost me £20 to buy nappies and wipes for my two, and I reckon I got a weeks worth. That's like £500 per year per child! :shock: in my mind that makes it worth all the poo handling I've had to do over the last couple of years! :haha:
Gaah cute overload! Roh and F are playing a game!! He keeps putting her dummy in for her and then she grins and fires it out again, they both giggle, then he runs and gets it and puts it back in, shouting" oh no again Frayrah!" They've been going on about 5 mins now! They are both finding it hilarious. :haha:
Emera we have never had a sick free day, it varies from proper milk coming up in a torrent to watery spit up when he's on his back to multiple mouthfuls of cottage cheese type when he burps and he gets very screamy with that. He's on the 75th %ile and steady on it so not affecting growth...would prefer not to medicate tbh and I do the physical things like keep him upright/raise mattress but he's quite resistant to burping which doesn't help. He doesn't really do comfort sucking, feeds in 10 mins... obv very glad it hasn't affected his weight but I hate him vomming, makes me sad. He only gets upset with the cottage cheese stuff though. Will see what osteopath says first then try knocking out dairy...
Re nappies I always search out the offers and (naughty) I use super dry ones so prob use 4/24hrs...just load up on barrier over night! Still works out 50p per day though!!! We don't have tumble dryer so not sure we'd have ever got nappies dry this summer!!
we dont have a tumble dryer either so wud have been a nightmare. also i got kiddicare nappies on a deal and they were £20 for a months worth! i got enough for up to september heehee

just baked supcakes for SILs bday but not impressed so im about to make mitchs cookies instead lol x
I forgot about bulk buying and nappy offers etc. Still, i reckon its a saving with reusables and multiple children. Its a real pain all this rain, I'd normally hang everything out, but its too wet, and too warm for the heating to dry on racks. Grrr, all this tumble drying! :dohh:

Waula, as bad as it sounds if N is gaining well, then he's obviously not sicking up whole feeds or anything, and if he's not totally miserable all the time, then its probably best not to medicate and to just ride it out. I know its not fun, what you've described is just how F is really, but we do have some days when its a bit better. Never sick free though! My inclination personally is to plod on with a sicky child and hope that weaning starts to improve it in a couple of months. :shrug: I'm not really prepared to alter my diet, as it doesn't really contain large amounts of dairy as it is, so I can't see that being the problem for us. I guess I could try an osteopath, but to be honest apart from occassional bouts of wind and like you described Waula some screamy sessions with yucky burps F is generally very contented, gaining well and so I think I'll just put up with washng a lot of muslins all the time!

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