March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Ha ha as if I'd stop posting! You ladies were the first to know I was in labor after my lovely eggplant dinner!! I love the advice and support on here! Sorry ladies but your stuck with me.. Even if I don't post a lot :)
Oh and I ment to send my love to you firsttimer.. Sorry about your crappy week..

O looks so much more advanced then B l&l. She's only a day older but B is so not up to her level!

ETA- and Skadi, 6 months... WHAT!! That's crazy!!

And ms.crow.. Not sure who's online during the day..
wouldluv i bet O stops soon, she'll get to a certain point in development and just not go any further for ages. You wait, B will be walking and talking months before O haha.

O has been on the early side for most things :( i don't see her as a little baby most of the time anymore. It's lovely seeing all these 'firsts' but each one makes her that little bit older :cry:
FT, I'm so sorry to hear about your crap week :hugs::hugs: what a terrible thing for your friend to come to terms with. :cry:

L&L, weaning? :ignore: :rofl:

Anyway, D can't possibly be ready...she's wearing a 'tiny baby' up to 6lb romper suit today (from MsC's E!) today. Just too cute!

Lost 3.5lb this week at phat camp. Huzzah! We also took D swimming. She loved it for 20 minutes then screamed (and I mean SCREAMED) until we took her out. Fun!
FT, I'm so sorry hon :hugs: xxxx Hope your weekend is better.

L&l, I love your avatar! What a cutie :flower:

Lads, what's a beaker? Here we use it to refer to the big containers used in chemistry labs, but I'd never let A drink out of one of those! Is it like a sippy cup?

I think the time is still pretty different for wouldluv from me. Usually it's morning for me and afternoon for the UK lads... It's 9:30 am right now, if that helps.
FT- :hugs: Sorry about your bad week.

L&L- I wouldn't be surprised if O keeps developing at this rate. Girls almost always develop faster than boys.... especially when it comes to talking! Surely none of us are surprised that the boys are a bit lazy. :haha:

Loo-3.5 lbs? Way to go!

Cuppie- I love those sleepy cuddles. I think they are much more important than any washing or cleaning that needs to be done. :flower:

AFM... our 4th of July was good. We had some family over for a cookout. DH grilled every variety of meat imaginable, and I made apple pie, served with vanilla ice cream. We pigged out and then collapsed on the sofa in front of the TV. Very American of us. :haha:
Loo - :happydance: woo on the weight loss! You are amazing! And yay on the good part of swiming but boo on the end part! She'll get there in the end!

Crowned - A beaker is a sippy cup! This to be exact, it's an early one that wont leak, she has to still suck to get it out, but it comes much quicker than a normal bottle and she can hold it herself.
When she first realised how to get the milk out she did choke and spit the milk back out but after a couple of tries she worked out to take little sips and take the bottle out of her mouth to drink it, she smiles like she's so proud of herself everytime. Love her!
And thanks about the picture, it's one of a couple i took myself that i am very proud of haha.

Speaking of those picture. we get them printed out yesterday and ended up with 10 copies of each instead of the 4 we ordered and paid for! Thank you Tesco's. The printed mucked up and she was going to just bin them but i made a little bit of a fuss about not wanting her to bin pictures of my daughter so she just gave them to us :)

WT sounds like a very good day! any Apple pie left? :rofl:
Crowned - a beaker is also what you'd find in a chemistry lab too!

Wt - sounds like a heavenly day. Less than 6 months til Christmas which is the next official pig out day over here i guess!

I actually feel like Z has gone backwards since the final osteo appt, might give it a couple of days and let her know. He's being sick again and struggling to poop again, plus he's now having a really wide awake patch early morning, 4am the night before last and 3am
And 5am this morning, not good!

Ordered the blw books today off amazon, know its still a couple of months away but I like reading!

Inlaws visiting on Sunday, booooooo.
Hi all...been awol for a little while and wont remember everything but have been read:thumbup:

Ft...sorry for your crappy week....terrible news:hugs:

L& the pics on fb of O with her sippy cup....sweet:kiss:

Wt...glad you had a great 4th july....any excuse to pig out is great:happydance:

I am officially day 2 of sucks but a great way of quickly shedding a few pounds before holiday....i will only do for 7-10 days and if i am strict will lose 6-7lbs:happydance:....happy days.

Lovely weather here today but its just sooo unpredictable and

Anyway...M has awoken from her nap so need to.entertain her for a while so she doesnt go to sleep again....yet!!!

Sorry for fleeting visit x x
mitch, do you know if it's safe to do atkins while bf? I'd love to lose a few lbs before vacation...
Oooh i am not sure crowned. I am no longer bf so didnt think about it. Its not the most healthy of diets tbh and i am only doing it to shift last few lbs as i know it works. Phase one is less than 20g of carbs per day which is nothing....i suppose it could affect your milk supply so probably not recommended. As an alternative i have previously just cut out complex carbs like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes....have carried on with plenty of fruit and veg etc.

I would probably recommend weight watcher or slimming world type plan for weight loss if bf'ing just to be on safe side
Thanks mitch. I really only have 6 lb to lose to get back to pre-baby weight, and can't seem to shift it by willpower alone :haha:, but would like to lose another 10 to get to my ideal weight. I think my body is hanging onto those lbs for bfing or something...
Anyway, I know Atkins works, so very tempted, but will hold off until A is weaned.
Some people have recommended the Dukan diet too....similar to Atkins but less fatty foods....more oat meal etc

Dont know.much about it tbh and whether its compatible with bf'ing.

I am only 4-5 lbs off.pre pregnancy weight....and lots of situps off getting rid of jelly belly ha ha
Hmm i seem to have just got myself into doing a 26 mile walk on the 12 August (the day after a hen party) :dohh:
It's from Winchester cathedral to Salisbury cathedral and all for The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (FSID) and in memory of my cousins little boy who would have been 5 on the 11th but sadly died of sudden infant death at just 2 months old. So an amazing cause but but but i think I;m crazyfor thinking i can do it haha! I've done no exercise since falling pregnant and the night before will be the first time i'd gone out drinking since then as well.
Actually i have a wedding to go to this month so maybe i will just get really drunk there to get me a little more used to it again and get OH to look after O?
I must also start walking more! long walks this weekend i think!
Lozza, sorry I never saw your post re the Ramones T-Shirt but I see Loo has answered...they did have a cool KISS one though :winkwink:

FT - sorry you have had a really rubbish week :nope::hugs:

Can't remember everything now :wacko:

Tried J on his tummy again today....ROADKILL springs to mind :rofl:
Glowie :rofl: at poor J!!!!!!!!!!! :haha: surely you can't have a wobbly headed one???!!!!! :rofl: he'll get there...N has only JUST grown a neck so finding tummy time a tiny bit more bearable.

FT sorry you've had a crap day to go. Get plenty of Gunit cuddles... x

Lads dieting. I seem to have stalled with 1/2 - 1stone to go. I think its going to be exercise that shifts it rather than dieting - I looooove food too much!

Lozza - hope Z settles back down for you and sorry for the vomming. I know how crap it is. Sleepy thoughts from here to him xx

L&L O is very advanced...N has only just realised he can control his head!!! :dohh: these boys are a bit behind aren't they!!! :haha:

Just tried the Medela swing pump. Do you think boobs get better at pumping?? Don't seem to be able to get more than 2oz out of a fresh boob...hmmm...meant to be going out next Friday night for a girly night so this could be a week full of pumping to give me insurance against mega-vom. Really looking forward to a night out though!! DH going to have a couple of practice runs doing bedtime this week...could be interesting!!!

Hope everyone is ok and babies are settled and sleeping!!
Glow - that actually made me LOL!! T is exactly the same and just lays there like a beached whale making no attempt to do anything

Ft - sorry for a rubbish couple of days :hugs:

L&l - sorry to hear about your cousins little boy but I think you're great for doing the walk especially the day after a hen party

Mitch - good luck with atkins. I've tried it before but it made me feel ill because I missed my carbs too much

Lozza - we seem to be going backwards with T as well. The sickness is getting worse, the wind is getting worse and he has been waking every 2 hours for the past 2 weeks and only napping for half hour or so during the day. I keep telling myself that it will get better though

I've got sam's induction morning at playgroup tomorrow. He won't be starting til September but it's just a taster of what it's like. My little boy is growing up :cry: I've then got my friend and her little girl coming round for lunch. I actually met her on here on a TTC thread we both used to post in and she became a really good friend

Anyway that's enough from me!
Yep Waula J is a bobble head :haha: to be fair he's not bad sitting on your knee etc with head control and the likes but is utter shite at being on his front.....not sure weather it's his massive head or popeye arms but he just lies like a pancake :roll:
I was talking to my friend earlier (her little boy is 2) and she said he was really slow at everything and he was a big fatty not sure if it's weight or boys :shrug: I do remember the girls being quicker at a lot of things when I had friends with boys the same age years ago.

Yay for having a girly night out :thumbup:

I think I'm about 4lbs lighter than I was before I had J...not sure how but I haven't dieted at all :shrug: mind you when I BF Emily I ended up half a stone lighter after 4 was around 7lbs 11oz and I'm 5ft 6" so way too skinny. Don't think my stomach will ever be completely flat again and my belly button moves/sags lower with every baby I have. Good job I'm not having anymore as OH might get confused with 'holes' :rofl: :rofl:
If you've still got your birthing balls lads then try tummy time on top of that. I stick Z on the top on his belly, hold his hands and roll him round, he loves it and has to hold his head up as there's nowhere else for it to go! First time we did it DH held his body from behind for more support. He looked a bit confused & shocked at first then grinned away!

Sambles - must be worse for you with 2!

I've just been reading te next wonder week chapter, although its week 19 the fussiness tends to start weeks 14-17 and can go on for anything from 1-6 weeks! I'm putting Z's general fussiness the last couple of days down to that now!!
Lozza - I'm very lucky that Sam is so good and doesn't mind that I have to give T so much attention. I literally haven't been able to put him down today. I knew he needed a poo but he didn't do one til 7pm so he has been crying all day. I gave him a bath at 7.30 then got him dry and dressed and he was sick everywhere. All over me,him, the sofa and the carpet. I could've cried! He's asleep now but I'm sure we're in for another rubbish night. Hopefully he will be an easy toddler like his brother

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