March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Lozza - just got my copy of wonder week through today and I'm sat here on the sofa reading mine!! Bizarre. Sounds like a massive fussy period :wacko:
evening lads - knackered! had a busy day

R's development - he also doesnt do much during tummy time and pretty much just lies there. he is quite good when held in the air and sitting on my lap. he much prefers playing on his back though.

weight loss - i also have a stubborn 7lbs or so to lose and prob 14lbs to be my ideal weight. not doing anything to help myself though!

got 3 viewings booked in...
Lol at J bobble head glow...bless him x x

aaaaw forgot to say there were two 5 week old babies at mum and baby group today...soooo tiny. And a mum with an 8 day old.....she was 6lb 6 at birth...cant bloody believe M was smaller than that...she was teeny tiny. Lying up on her mums chest....i miss that. M doesnt tend to lie like that rarely sleeps on me so much:cry:. I have been trying to put her down to nap and self settle a bit more.but i feeel like i dont.get as many sleepy cuddles....its sad. Am i the I want my newborn back!!!!! Although M is so close to giggling its soooo sweet...:kiss:big massive smiles for mum and dad so its a great time

Feeling like they are growing.up too quick
totally agree that they are growing up too quickly...

i very rarely get sleepy cuddles which is why i savour them when i can!

he is just so big, i cant even really remember him as a newborn in my arms now (sad...)
FT, sorry about your hard week. Awful for your friend. :(

G pulled a modified Dolly! 10-6. Longest night ever... Then she basically stayed in bed until noon, with feeds at 9:30 and 11:30.then at 2pm was basically begging for a nap! Sleepy girl! Now she's happily swinging away. Super gurgly and drooly... Stay away, teeth!
Goes so fast doesn't it! :cry:

At my Mum's for the weekend, having a nice time so far :)

Roh was sick in the car on the way here though. Seems lik e he gets travel sick! :dohh: Anyone ever had that, do you know if there is anything i can do to help with it?

F has only just settled down, she's so fussy at the moment, and not feeding brilliantly. It does fit with the whole wonder week theory. I seem to remember Roh being the same at this point!

Tired, going to collapse in bed, will post properly tomorrow i hope!

sorry i have to start with.... GLOW... you were 7lb 11oz when you had breastfed for 4 months? geeez. that IS skinny!!! :haha: :winkwink: sorry, couldnt help myself :hugs: weve been talking baby weights too much clearly.

Mitch - i think if the atkins works for you for 7-10days then thats great, but as a long term thing it sounds miserable doesnt it LOL x will u put it back on when u reintroduce carbs do you think? or does it not work like that? im clueless about atkins so intrigued. I couldnt do it myself tho as if i try to restrict ANYTHING i crave it like crazy. lol.

also a 5 day old baby came to babyclub last friday. man did i leave broody. i wanted to be pregnant there and then.

cuppie - yay for 4 viewings :dance:

L&L - you will do fine on that walk hunni. :hugs:

crowned - yup i dont think we can restrict any food groups when BFeeding....x

sambles - its a good thing that your little boy is growing up - think of all the new exciting things ahead :hugs: there is so much to look forward to! xxx

so i just finished zumba and im KNACKERED. im going to pass out doing 2 hours straight i think. :haha:

Hope the STTN fairy visits us all tonight, im sure there are enough fairies to go around :)

PS. do you know what i love about this thread? (amongst other things) That were not rabbiting on about that 50 shades book thingy.... everywhere i look and go lately that seems to be all anyone is talking about :shrug: even if i wanted to read it, i wouldnt have the time :rofl:

NIGHT LADS XXXXX sickness...well apart from tablets which sure are not great for LOs...they do have these strips that hang off the bottom of cars at back and 'ground' the motion/vibrations or something similar

ft...was very broody too aaaaw. I dont tend to put the weight back on.after a crash atkins weight has always been very stable fluctuating a couple of pounds either this is a way of getting.back.down to about 9st 10 ish....then eat normally again (no preggers eating though ha ha)

Right bed for me.....

Cupcake...good luck.with viewings

mouse....woop for modified dolly and your lazy girl :haha:

Hope all of you get visited by the sttn fairies x x
The fairy's already flown past my house without stopping :cry:

Ft - I had no idea what that book was, or that it was a book til I saw someone reading it yesterday. She said it was the worst book she'd ever read and was only finishing the trilogy to prove to herself she knew exactly what was going to happen :shrug:

Cuppie - woo for viewings!

Dieting - no thanks, I'm rubbish at it and jut hope the weight will come off when I start running again. Not getting enough sleep to have energy for running though. Scary to think I basically have a whole Z to lose as he now weighs about a stone!!

Mitch - I get sleepy cuddles but would rather he self settled, getting back ache from needing to rock him to sleep for naps and at night if he doesn't feed to sleep instead!
I hope the STTN fairy visits us all tonight! Well done G on the modified dolly!

I've read back the 20 pages I missed when I was away :shock: but can't remember much.

L&L I hope your days got better

FT - go you! Brilliant idea about the zumbathon but don't hurt yourself doing it in that heat!

Wouldluv - good news you have a supportive HV. Mine scared the cr*p out of me the first time I went so I've only been a couple of times. I have to admit that I have no idea what A weighs because I haven't had her weighed in 7 weeks... :blush: Firstly because I want DH to go with me so they don't bully me (again) and he's not always available and secondly because my clinic is on a Thursday and loads has been happening on Thursdays recently!

Emera - Roh and F sound so cute together! As for travel sickness. I was horribly travel sick as a child (literally every journey) and my mum made up a story for me that there was a cure if I looked out of the window that would make me feel better. I don't remember what it was but the thing it is worked. It took me until I was about 15 to realise that there was nothing special out there at all but she basically pavlovian trained me out of my travel sickness (provided I could look out of the window!)

Please don't talk to me about broody - I literally would love to be pregnant again now but I'm not sure work would be too happy!

Anyway, a little bit of self-indulgence from me, if you'll excuse me...

So, my big boss had her baby on Tuesday. He's scrummy. It was all natural in the hospital and used a pool. Pretty much exactly what I wanted (although I wanted to be at home, I would have LOVED to have had so little intervention in the end). Anyway, I immediately felt really jealous of her experience and it made me sad all over again for what happened when A was born. So, it got me thinking that I should really ask for a debrief of what happened because I'm still feeling really down about it and about myself. I know that it wasn't my fault but I keep wondering if there was anything I could have done...

Anyway, I found out this evening that her little boy in in SCBU with a chest infection and now I feel so bad. I picked up Astrid and had a little cry because I'm just so glad she's here and she's healthy despite all the possible risks and I know that my c-sec was the right decision at the time. God, sometimes I feel so selfish.

In other news, Astrid, it seems, likes sleeping on her side (where she can fart in peace without it waking her up!) I put a rolled up towel in front of her so she can't roll onto her front and usually roll her onto her back when she's properly asleep but do you think it's ok to let her sleep this way? Her rolling is still pretty hit and miss but the couple of times I've accidentally fallen asleep before putting her on her back she's ended up there anyway...
Oh yes, good luck with the viewings!

50 Shades of Grey :yawn:

Dieting :help: I'm running a 10k in september but other than a couple of runs I've not been doing anything to lose weight and I'm getting a bit depressed about my flabby tummy. Those of you and your size 10s... I dream of being a size 10. I'm a size 12 even when I'm running 100 miles a week!
Lozza ...was the same here until a couple of weeks ago....pretty much 9 times out of 10 for daytime naps i would have to rock.her to.send her off hence very often i would keep holding her for cuddles. Bedtime feed she pretty much feeds to sleep and i lift her into cot. It was killing my standing up, lifting her and doing airplanes it killing :haha:my back ha ha
Laura, G sleeps on her side in the mornings, after we feed in bed. I use rolled up towels and keep really close watch on the monitor and also make sure the fan is going (to circulate air around her nose). She seems to like it and it eases my flat head worries a bit.

FT, Gah! Like if I had time to read for fun I'd want to read about sex! :rofl: have the audiobook of Outlander and am so fed up with them always jumping into bed (and people beating other people).

Speaking of sex, anyone else not actively back in the swing of things? DH and I had a little romantic interlude the other night except I was tired and it felt weird (emotionally) and I ended up crying. :dohh:

I think I started thinking about how my whole existence is made up of "doing" and not of "being". I spend my whole day on a hamster wheel and by the end of it I sometimes don't feel like a real person, just a wind-up toy.

Anyway... I feel bad for DH because he hasn't gotten any in ages. :haha:
City... it's been six months now and our sex life still isn't back to normal! I mean we just went over a month until just the other day without and I barely even noticed! Eeep!

Keira fed in the afternoon and immediately got thrown into my parents pool for a swim by my sister! Big mistake Aunty :) She then proceeded to have at least 4 projectile vomiting episodes. After the first I was sure her belly must be empty but NOPE! Far from it! Must have been the awful heat + the swim. Poor girl. That reminds me to upload the pictures to FB. (Of the swim.. not the aftermath!)
Laura - nice to have you back, I've not been s size 10 in years either! Amazed you can find the energy to run, the only time I could go is evenings and I'm knackered by then!
Oh, and Z sleeps on his side every night and has doge for a couple of weeks, it's the only way we can put him into the carrycot. As for your birth, :hugs: probably worth chatting it through with the hospital if youre able to.

I think I'm going to call the osteo tomorrow and ask what she's done, he's def worse, last eek he was able to shift some wind himself, the last few days/nights not s chance. I can't do these nights for much longer. The gaps get progressively shorter as the night goes on.

Mouse - we've still not DTD, I really need to sort contraception out!
Skadi - vomit in the pool sounds lovely! :haha:
Lozza - Thankfully she kept the vomit for after the pool! I hope things get better for you and poor Z!

Aww Just realised that this day (The 6th) last year I got my BFP! I can't believe it has been a year already!
Laura, :hugs: nothing selfish about wanting to reconcile your feelings about your birth experience. It can be a difficult and frightening experience, and even if it isn't, we have such plans and wishes and emotional investment in the process that when it happens differently and we find we aren't in control of events and there are safety issues it can become very traumatic. Its always important to work through a traumatic experience afterwards, so your feeling that you want to talk it through is natural and healthy and not even slightly selfish! :hugs:

Skadi, oops on the vomming! But those pictures on FB are absolutely adorable!!! :cloud9:

Sex- hah, no definitely not back to "normal" but at the least its not painful anymopre and is actually happening from time to time! I have zero drive though due to the bf, so I guess I'm. Sort of doing my duty! :rofl: I don't find it unpleasant, but I'd definitely plump for a bar of chocolate instead given the choice! :haha:

Roh slept really well bless him and seems a lot less peaky than yesterday. F is a total snot back this morning! :dohh: we didn't sleep quite as well sadly, but definitely slept some! :wacko:
Cute cute cute photos skadi.x x

Mouse...havent dtd since her arrival:wacko:.Within 10 days of getting contraception.sorted and being effective i.started my period....its been on and off a little since very weird and i am not a big fan of that if you know what i mean:haha:...sooo waiting and waiting. Tbh like emera.dont really have the drive. Hoping this weekend is it ....once we will hopefully be back to.normal soon....
Ditto here on not DTD at the moment, mainly because I haven't sorted contraception, and I haven't done that because I'm too busy and partly, I can't be bothered, BF does mess with it all. That's terrible. Poor MrC.

Laura, I agree with everyone, you have every right and need to discuss and review what happened at your birth. There are times I wish I could afford a good therapist to do the rewind technique with E's birth to let go of some of the emotions associated with her getting stuck. Can you talk to your quack or the midwife at your local practice to see if there's a useful conversation you can arrange?

I think Cupcake mentioned fear of flathead. I saw a baby with one at the surgery when getting E's shots. Too much time in a car seat, bouncer and a not properly flat pram/buggy. The mother looked really self conscious about it, and it was really sad. I realise how much I carry E about, in her carrier, on my arm etc, or have her on my lap, so my HV said there was no danger of E developing it.

Strange night, she slept 8pm to 12:30am, 1am to 5am and then 5:30am to 7am. She missed her 5pm feed yesterday as I was at a meeting and she refused the bottle.....for the second time this week, so I'm really worried about her having EBM in a bottle. What do I do? Can babies just go off a bottle?
Morning lads.

Better night for us, one wake up at 3am but she just needed Cuddles and then awake at 6. She napping again now as well.

Emera you can get the bands for travel sickness but I'm not sure how well they work as never tried them. From about 5 I always took children's travel sickness tablets :shrug:

DTD - it's still quite uncomfortable for me. I'm sure some practise would make it better I just don't ever feel like it. The poor march mama dad's :rofl:

O is only on her back during the night and while playing on the floor so I'm not to worried about a flat head
And she only naps in my arms during the day , she just won't lay down in the day r
Time :shrug:

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