March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

oh ladies :hugs: sorry for the rubbish nights!

but yay WT on the baby laughter

crowned i'd say leave the house how it is untill you catch up on some sleep!
mitch - thats eciting hun!

sorry for all the shabby nights x

l&l - no idea on oral thrush but hope u get it sorted soon hunni

im watching the f1 practise whish is happening just up the road from us at silverstone. SO WET. yuk. glad i didnt go haha

also i unofficially weighed g at baby club and pretty sure he has followed 50% line this week nicely.... so not worried about official weigh in on tues now. yay xxx

loo- i lost 2 pounds this week so can join u in feeling good about that. but im having chips for dinner lol........
Hey ladies

Just checking in - Reading back but mind numb

We are having a good run at good nights - 5 in a row of 2/3 wake up - which is amazing for us

E napping better aswell but im taking her out tons so napping in pram but seems to be enjoying getting out

Baby weight - i have 1 stone 5 lbs to go - depressing - some weeks im soooooooooooo good and other weeks (this week ) im super naughty - although it did take me 3 years to get to my target weight - im a bridesmaid in October and would love to be back at pre preg weight then

Hope you ladies are well and tonight is better for all
l x
WT and Crowned, your nights make me want to weep for you. Crowned, forget cleaning! Rest!

FT, amazing weight loss!! I've fallen off the wagon a bit last night and today. Must sort myself out again in time to pull it back before next Wed!

L&L, I'm really not sure about thrush. I hope your fil can help. xx

Before you all think I'm some sex fiend, I'm not! :blush: it's probably just more fun at the mo because we have to do it on the sofa, back room (NOT a euphemism) etc once Dharma has gone to bed. I'm sure we will settle back down to once in a blue moon soon!
i wrote a long post but B&B ate it....

so short version:

lemon cake - yay
bad nights - boo
oral thrush - don't know


we ahd giant poonami out and about today, bad mummy didnt have spare clothes or vest so R came home in just his nappy. at least it was a cool fluffy one!

bought some cool Babble Bibs today and great grandma bought R some amazing solid wooden bricks and building blocks. they came in a cool storage crate.

sorry for short post but i had written loads and now its gone
Cuppie - it's amazing what you need to remember to take out with you, that's reminded me to restock my bag after emptying it of nappies and spare outfit over lunch!

Z was awake all through lunch as I held him to sleep 10-12 in the end, then passed out in the car on the way back and had almost 2 hrs in his car seat. Trying to feed to sleep now. At least he behaved beautifully in the pub u like my friends toddler who's a right pain in the backside. food porn I had burger and chips followed by chocolate fudge cake which was delicious - huge layer of fudge running through the middle, I could have eaten it twice and probably should have done as I forgot to buy any dinner for myself tonight and DH out on a stag do. We've not been shopping since holiday so cupboards are upsettingly bare.

Vitfa - so pleased things are improving!!
Crowned/WT, feel your pain, let's hope tonight is better!

Osteo replies to my email - suggested dairy (again), growth spurt or vaccinations but will check him between appts on Tuesday if no improvement over weekend. Meanwhile I might book a visit to gp as I'm convinced something isn't right.
Oh Lozza, trust your gut! If your instincts tell you something isn't right, then it isn't. I am SO glad I trusted mine when A got ill - never would have thought it was as severe as it was, but I knew something wasn't right, and got it checked out. You know your baby best, so trust yourself and get things checked out :hugs:
I have completely random observation, lads. I was just typing a response to a thread in the multiples forum and I was describing K's sleeping style as "jerky and [spazzy]" Except that I didn't say "spazzy", I said the more correct version of that word. Anyway... the preview of the post changed the word to all asterisks. :shrug: I thought that was really odd and random, so I looked it up on Wikipedia and just learned that word is pejorative in the UK. I had NO idea! I feel a bit embarrassed actually because I use that word to describe K all the time. In the US, it is innocent and merely refers to being easily startled or jumpy. :dohh: I think I'll stick to "jumpy" from now on just to be safe.
So O has oral thrush :( it's not hurting her though so we're just keeping an eye on it and if it doesn't improve/gets worse/starts to hurt her we will get something for it. Never google any illness your babies get, it makes everything much more terrifying. It is infact very common and small infections like O's general clear up by themselves. I never knew what worrying really meant till I had a baby.
WT - I love how different word meanings are from country to Country! Haha.
Wt - yep it's no longer used over here.

So 2.5 hours to get him down tonight, worst night in weeks! He must know nath's gone out. I'm off to bed too, can't be bothered with dinner.

L&L - hope it clears up soon and glad its not bothering her!

Come on fairy.... This way.........
L&L- Sorry she has thrush, and hopefully it will pass without any trouble. As for Google.... Google is EVIL when it comes to mamas worrying about their LOs! (It's particularly evil to women pregnant with twins. You'd swear nobody ever safely delivered a baby ever.)

On the other hand, Google is brilliant for teaching you all the words you shouldn't be saying. :haha:
LMAO at Loo getting lucky in the back room. Suuuuuuure it's not a euphemism! :rofl:

WT, I never knew that. I've probably used it, too.

L&L, sorry about O's thrush.

Lozza, hope your GP can clear things up.
G's newest thing is letting out these shrieks... Where she used to squawk, she now emits semi-blood-curdling squeals. Oh YAY.
Loo I literally PMSL (literally) about your backroom antics. Ha!!! Right. I should try harder. Poor DH :(

Lozza hope you have an ok night tonight with Z. Sorry you're worried about him...I think a GP visit would do no harm (although I'm never that convinced a GP will know very much unless they've specialised/have an interest in babies - sorry if this offends anyone, just in my experience...)

L&L glad O is ok despite her white patches...fingers crossed it clears up!

I'm bloody broken at this end. N had cold/snot/cough for couple of days and been annoyingly clingy and had crap feeds/loads of vom and anyway now I seem to have caught his man-flu. And I feel awful. Temperature/really sore throat/snotty/achey. I probably should have used more Calpol on N. Oops. Had a bath and off to bed. DH working nights too so no one to rub my back *sob... I'm also forgetting dinner. A banana seems easier.

Oh and N had a complete hissy fit about a bottle tonight. Sigh. Completely refused it (anyone get on ok with the Medela bottle??). He used to like the Avent ones but I couldn't be arsed to put it through the steriliser whilst he screamed so he got boob. And I wasted the expressed milk from last night. DH off a bit this next week so going to get him to try him with a bottle - I've got my first tiny night out on Friday so he really needs to be able to take a bottle.

Right, enough pity partying from me (sorry lads!)...

Fairy go to Lozza. She needs you. x
Lozza, this ones for you! :dust:

Words in different countries are funny. I got into a lot of misunderstandings over the word thong in Australia. Very funny!

Landl sorry about the thrush. Hopefully it'll clear up soon.

Waula, I feel your pain. Same cough, cold combo over here too (with attendant vom. Nice!)

Sleep well, sleepy lads and babies.

Wt....:haha: at use of word spazzy...made me giggle. We are very pc in this bloody country...ha ha

Loo...get you and your raunchy could write another version of that 50 shades of crap then hmmmm

l&l...sorry about the thrush...bless O flu sucks...hope you both feel better soon

Well myself and hubby are checking on M every 30 mins although we an see her movementa on monitor....hubby gave her her last bottle about 6:30 as usual...she quaffed it down really quickly and then was inconsolable wind and thought she was just overtired. He said she was making a coughing up/choking sound but breathing fine. She tends to chuck.up a bit of her feeds these days since moving to ff....and it xan be up to 2-3 hours after feed:wacko:...reflux????. Anyone elses LO get it? Just going to keep an eye on it as it doesnt seem severe and not every feed...

Anyway she has settled ok by 7pm and sleeping fine...just a little concerned
Yes, sometimes, Mitch but only usually when I've left a burp in that eventually works its way to the surface. And that is after winding for ages too!
Same here Mitch, can get spit up all the way through to next feed if there's a burp in there for N. do you wind her a few times during feed? Sorry if that's patronising but I'm having to do this with N and am amazed he can burp after a silent few mins of feeding. X
Hiya lads

Back off hols a day early due to biblical rain...WTF, it's supposed to be Summer yes?! At least we had a few days sunshine :) Had a nice time tho so very different to this time last year at a 5* all inclusive adults only hotel!! Haha...those hols are over for a while...poom

Sorry to hear of the crap nights sleep lovelies - truly hope it improves for you all very soon. Sttn fairy you know who to visit you go :)

Amber did amazingly well on hols for sleep - last night she did 7.30pm 'til 5am with just one settle at 4am with dummy and hair stroke. Tonight after aa mammouth journey home where she was quiet as a mouse for the majority - she was down at 7.30pm again after a bath tho didn't have much prob be up when I've been in bed half an hour, doh!!

Lozza - yup I think going to docs is a good idea hon x always trust your motherly instinct. Hope Z sleeps brilliantly tonight - and you x

Waula - hope you and N get better soon hon - Calpol and man-flu medicines at the ready and plenty of sleep x

Loo - hahahaha...back room!!!! ;-D x

Vitfa - glad you're getting slightly better nights sleep hon! x

Hmmmmm, had lots more to say but head is fried from 'relaxing' holiday (ha!!) And need sleep in my own bed, aHhhhh!

Lots love xxxxxxx

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