March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Hey lads

What is it about the shunning of left boobs?

Sorry about the blockages, in more ways than one, the crappy nights and relationship strains. Tick, tick, tick.

Mouse, I sympathise. Sometime I find myself remonstrating with a nearly 4 month old and feel stupid, and rubbish. There are moments when it's hard, I feel like just a food source to an insatiable baby. It passes I suppose.

On the upside, I have finally started stripping the ancient woodchip wallpaper from E's future bedroom ready for plastering and painting. Only took me 13 months to get going.
Lozza! You are my hero! Going for a Costa whilst leaving Nath to clean? I salute you!

MsC, huzzah for wallpaper stripping, though woodchip is the devil. Good luck.

Well, the in laws are here, and she's already told me that D is crying because she is hungry (she wasn't), and that I need to get her into a routine (which I have). However taken the opportunity to take D upstairs to 'feed' her, but before I got round to it I had some fabulous smiles, cuddles and babbling conversation.

They have to leave by about 3. Shame.
All I'm saying is TF I'm not BF :rofl:

Nah I'm only kidding...having been there myself I just want to give you all a :hugs: especially Lozza with a blocked duct...ouch!! I never had one but my dogs did :haha: I just used a hot flannel and hand expressed...yes I milked my dog :rofl: but it did the trick.

Not much news from me except we're just ticking along nicely really :thumbup:

NikNak - vent if you need to :hugs:
Glow - love the pictures of j on FB and agree with loo, he's slimmed down! Or he's got taller!
Mouse I totally feel the same with O when. Nothing I do for her is right and she just screams at me, I often have days where I can't wait for OH to come home and take her so I can just step away.

Nic please vent away!

Glow love the image of you milking a dog! :rofl:

AFM just popped on quickly to say weaning has began and went amazingly well! O loved it. Was expecting screaming and food everywhere but she ate it all fine with only a little mess and even grabbed the spoon and with a little help feed herself :happydance: I'm so proud of her!
L&l. Great news about O first real food...exciting x

I think.we may have some teething pain here today....M suddenly got realky grumoy around 3pm so fed her a little early as she was soooo tired...went down for a nap but was grouchy within 10 mins of waking...totally unlike her. Was drooling alot....chewing on anything i put near her mouth...incl a chilled teething ring. Gave her some difference really then some Nelsons powder...seemed to help but difficult to tell as we were then entering into 'put me to bed NOW territory'. Mmmmmmm it sucks if it is...but i suppose its goibg to.come. In bed now after downing a good 8oz feed...about 230ml so appetite not affected
Thanks lads - as supportive as ever :) I can't remembber life without you guys and your lovely words of wisdom and humour xxxx

I may well come back on soon and vent but at the moment I am crying as feel very letdown. Need to get act together and get A ready for bed as OH has just gone to his mums...again.

Lots love xxxx
Sending lots of brackets your way ((((((Nicnak))))))

I'm so sorry things are a bit poo.
:hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry Nic. Go get yourself some A hugs. We're here when you need us
Aaaaw nicnak:hugs:...please dont cry....get A to bed, grab a glass of vino (or G&T :winkwink:) and come vent at us

I have a rough afternoon too.....enjoying a makes everything slightly better x
Nic :hugs: sounds like he's being a bit of a tool. A good cry and a cwtch with your gorgeous girl are on the cards I hope. When he comes back later, hopefully you can talk to him then. xxxxx

Gill, milking the dog? Hilarious :rofl:

L&L, I'm glad it went well, but I'm still crapping myself that at some point in the next few months D will be at that stage. Eek!

Ok.. In laws delt with for another month. My Mum flys back from France tomorrow for a few days to see Dharma. Looking forward to seeing her as its been about 6 weeks.
Nic- :hugs: FWIW, you're not alone. My DH is a tool at times too. Not always... but plenty often. Luckily for babies everywhere, mamas are strong, patient and all around superior. ;)

We're here for moral support, and in a pinch, Glowie will even milk any plugged ducts you might have. :haha:
Right Lozza & callin' ma baby fat :rofl:

To be honest I think it's trick photography as SIL took those pics not me so maybe she got him at a good angle :haha: Maybe he is stretching a bit and I don't notice it but MIL commented his head was nearly as wide as his body :shock: cheeky cow! He's just a chubby/chunk really. He's only on 5 x 6oz bottles a day and it's not even hungry baby milk just bog standard Aptamil :shrug:

Re milking the dog.....I have milked myself too! used to be a killer when went back to work and used to HAVE to express into the sink as soon as got in from work as Emily couldn't get on my boob it was sooooooo HARD :wacko:

I've delivered quite a few puppies and it's not funny for the mummy when she get's engorged, their teats get really hot must be VERY painful. In fact I know it hurt as trying to get the duct unblocked and milking to get the milk down used to involve a wrestle on the kitchen floor but it had to be done. I always then used to put the biggest, strongest puppy on that teat to get it back in action :thumbup:

NikNak :hugs::hugs:
Nik - Big :hugs: xxx

MsC - Woodchip? Evil stuff, kill it all!! :dance: Oh and i'm assuming you found some sippy cups after my comment the other day, i know you asked me to link some, but i have had a bit of a manic weekend! I found the valved sippy cups with the soft spouts were good at the beginning (think i got one in boots), however it can be hard for them to suck the milk, as the valves require quite a strong suck, i think i took the rubber valve bit out actually . The tommy tipee first training cups with the little fold down spouts are great, Roh still uses one now.

Glow - You milked your dog? I love you for cracking me up! :rofl: Also, i adore "chubby" babies, they are so squishy!! F is really chubby, love squishing her legs! :cloud9:

Lozza, hope the blockage is easing? :hugs:

L+L, go O, glad she liked her food :) Despite my best efforts to not let F have food until 6 months she faceplanted into my 99 cone today and came away licking her lips! Wish i'd taken a photo but was holding F eating an icecream and trying to stop Roh rubbing his ice cream in his hair, so didn't manage to snap her ice creamy face. It was very funny though! ;)

Mitch, hope M has settled fine, did you say she was teething? Also are you taking the mini pill? Just wondering about your epic period, i know some pills can cause long periods for some people. ;hugs:

Loo, yay for dealing with the ILs and for seeing your mum!! ;)

Crap, i'm sure there was other stuff! :dohh:

I'm so knackered!! F is being a monkey and is so fussy with her feeds. Pretty sure i'm missing her cues or something, because i think she's doing it when she's tired. gaah, i'm just getting confused between hunger and tiredness. She doesn't fall asleep on the boob at the moment, as i think it hurts her gums, so if she's tired she just gets all screamy. Thing is, she's then crashing out for 20 mins and waking up screaming because she's hungry :dohh: Argh, hopefully i can get her settled down. Her top gum seems really sore and is very hard, i'm fairly sure we are looking at top front 2 teeth in the next couple of weeks. :wacko: She'll look like a little bunny when they grow out!! :haha:

Pretty sure Roh has an ear infection from this cold we've all had (F has it too, not helpful! :dohh:), he was really unwell last night, however we got home this afternoon, so hopefully he'll sleep better in his own bed, poor mite, its awful when they are ill! :( He keeps waking up saying "owie mouth, owie ears, owie neck! Mummy cuddles pleeeeease!" Bless! Wish i could make it all go away. Doctors first thing in the morning i think! I'm feeling ill too, and my asthma is playing up with the cold, so i better go to the docs myself anyway. Fun!

On the plus side, i had a lovely weekend with my mum as did Roh and F :) Glad to be home though. More so as OH had cleaned the entire house whilst we were away! Hero!
I was hoping for a lie in tomorrow, but i see my OH is working 6am starts all week until next saturday. Harsh! :sleep:

Night lads! :hugs:
Emera...glad you had a good weekend :thumbup:. I am on the same mini.pill as i.was before getting pregnant and never had these long bleeds so.unsure what the deal getting me back.after no periods for 11 months!!!! Not sure about M teething ...just alot of drool....wanting to chew on everything i put near her mouth problems with feeding though. She was fed, had napped and had clean bum so didnt.know what else...totally unlike her. Couldnt see anything obvious in mouth though....may just an off day for her...:shrug:. Who knows...wish she could tell me

yeah for you hubby being a hero

Night all....M seems settled which is good. 7 weeks of long sleeping stints must break soon...i.hope not but not presuming.anything.
Mitch - that's what's putting me off the mini-pill as I was told it can make you bleed erratically for up to 6 months! what's the point of taking it....don't need contraception if your bleeding all the bloody time :haha:

Emera - sorry for ill/fussy kids...but yay for OH being a hero :thumbup:
Emera - glad you had a nice weekend and what a great oh cleaning the house, makes up for lack of lie ins a little!
Loo - hope you survived the inlaws, i did. Mil said he was teething though, and when I said I'd checked with the HV and he's not she asked how they knew. I said he's got no signs apart from dribbling but apparently teeth can take ages to come though. Well in that case surely until you have teeth you're always teething.... I tried to explain babies just put stuff in their mouth as they explore the world, nevermind.
Glow - he's not fat!! Like we said before his head just grew a little faster than his body but now his body looks like its caught up, he's really changed!

Beware pity party... Looks like I'm in for another crap night, down at 8 which is late for recently and already having to feed at 11 as resettling since 10.30 didn't work. I'm starting to think he just doesn't feed properly and so is in a snacking cycle. There always seems loads of milk left when he's done, I can squirt it easily anyway.

Those of you still bf how many times a day are you feeding and at roughly what times if you have a loose routine?
I gave birth to that head :rofl: :shock: no wonder I've got a referral letter for incontinence support :shock: :cry::haha:
Ooooo forgot to say, got my appt through for cyst update...19th July so quicker than I thought.

Anyhoo - Lozza that does sound like a snacking cycle. Have you tried keeping a diary/note of when he feeds, from which side and for how long? Might be good to start and then speak to HV/BF support.
Everything is just guess work really but I do think by this age you should be expecting up once/twice a night which would be bearable but to only get 2 hours at a time with loads of settling in between is not good and a bit soul destroying really :nope:
I do think it is one of the few pitfalls of BF really because you are feeding on demand it's easy to just put baby to the boob when they are fussy...I know I did :winkwink: especially when you feel like you've tried everything else.
I think you should have a good go at expressing more Lozza because a) you can see how much he is taking at a feed and b) OH can get up and do a night feed for you at least once over the weekend and let you re-energise yourself as you must be bloody knackered!!!

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