March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

I agree with Glow, Lozza. Great advice there. We are still going every 3 hours except at night where she will go anywhere from 4-7 hrs before waking for a feed.

The one time I realised she was spending the day snacking and driving me insane I just threw her in her swing until it would normally be time to feed. That way we got back on track and she wasn't screaming.
Poor lozza. You have already received great advice that I certainly agree with!!

Emera- sorry for sickness!! Boo!!

Mitch- sorry for mega period!!

All the ladies with naughty OHs big hugs!!

L&L- yay for starting food!! How exciting.. I'm excited to start but want to wait till 6 months.. I'll probably only make it to 5 though!!!

Boo everyone for sore boobs and dodgy left boob feeding!!

Sorry for anyone I've forgotten!! I'm thinking of you all!!

AFM- feeding has improved for us!! Not hurting anymore. I'm putting it down to issues from bad latch!
Had my sisters baby shower yesterday and poor B was all out of routine (we only have a very loose routine but still) and so today would not go down for his nap. This resulted in B screaming at me for an hour. He was sweating and red in the face and chocking he was screaming so hard! I've never seen him like that! Note to self: don't muck up his routine!! Thankfully boob calmed him down after the 3rd attempt and his finally passed out!!! So I'm eating a block of chocolate!!
Wouldluv, great to hear things have improved for you, I'm so glad! But boo about routines, B sounded reaaaallly overtired.

Good grief, why do people, especially MIL's, assume a bit of drooling must be teething?!

Lozza, E's on demand feeding pattern is roughly like this: 7am, 10am, 1pm, 3pm, 5.30pm, 7pm, 3am, occasionally 5.30am, back to 7am. Obviously that changes but I'm usually up once or twice in the night. It might be helpful for your OH to do some of the settling as he's not associated with food and I agree, express a feed to give you a break.
Lozza, I agree wih the others. Try an expressed feed and get dh to help!

Our on demnand bfing schedule looks something like this...

6.30...8.30...9.30...12.00...3.00...5.30/6.00...2.30-4.30...back to 6.30...

AFM, I'm feeling miserable as I seem to have picked up a yeast infection and feel a bit rubbish and I'm really worried it'll turn into thrush for both a and me. There's no sign of that at he moment but I'm not sure what to do to treat it l what's safe and what's not. Also, I'm on holiday so I can't even get to my doctors. Boo!
Poor Laura! Can you call and get advice about what's okay to take?

Wouldluv, I don't blame you for eating a block of chocolate! You've earned it.

After a morning of micro-naps and being pretty much wide awake (and this is after staying up, wide-eyed, until about 11:30 pm last night), G took a big fat afternoon nap today. And so did Mommy! That is, until DH woke me up to ask if we were still going to go out to dinner. I was like, NO, I'm not waking the baby up to go out to dinner. Then she slept another 45 minutes but I couldn't get back to sleep. Boo, DH!

We ordered food in and I set her on her mat to play, and she basically played happily through the whole movie. At one point she started squawking and I looked down to see the blanket over her eyes. Still not sure how long she laid there like that. :rofl:

Then, bad mommy, I looked down to find her on her side, happily sucking her pacifier and watching the movie with us. :blush: :haha: So flipping cute. Should I write in her baby book, "Baby's first movie with people getting shot and car chases and explosions"? She certainly seemed to enjoy it. :dohh:

Now I'm off to bed. Not sure if I should wake her for a feed. I guess she'll get us all up when she's hungry!
City, I watched whatever I wanted with Roh until he was about 1 and starting to understand what he was watching. Before that its all just light colour and noise, so no harm done. ;). Its so cute when they watch it all intently though, love it! :)

Lozza, good advice from everyone else! F was n the same sort of cycle, waking 6-8 times a night and just snacking and then taking time to settle. I have tons of sympathy, it was killing me. I used a dummy to sort it, and refused to feed, just only offered the dummy outside of specific feeding times (given her weight I decided 1 night feed should be enough) last night she did 8-4 then 4.30-7.30. Don't know if Z will take a dummy, but if you suspect he doesn't need the feeds it might be worth persevering with trying one? Worked for us anyway, and beats getting up every hour!! :hugs: I agree about expressing here and there so you can take a feed off and get some kip! :hugs:

All MILs are obsessed with teething, fact! :haha: and drool and teething aren't always linked. F is definitely teething ( grumpy, grinding her gums on everything, hard and obviously sore gums, actual teeth appearing, weird poo, fussy feeding and random screaming) but she barely drools really, just a little bit here and there. Roh was drooling a river for months and months and definitely wasn't teething that whole time!

MILs and anyone who just meets a baby for the first time that day then sees them cry for a few seconds then says "oh the poor dear is hungry/tired/teething/needs solids" needs either shaking or ignoring! My MIL does it (when she can be bothered to see the kids) and I want to strangle her! Its like "um, really? You've spent 24/7 with this baby for the last 4 months, spending time learning their patterns and signals have you???"

Oops, well I'm getting ranty, and I'm sure there was more constructive things I wanted to say! :dohh:

Think I should go to the docs, but I sooo don't want to go out! :( I feel awful and F just dozed off on my lap again. Boo hiss yucky outside! :(
Oh, and Lozza, I'd share our routine, but F seems to have thrown it out the window and I haven't worked out what it is she wants to do now. Sure it will settle down soon though (I hope). She seems to have dropped more than one feed at the moment. :shrug: I'll have to pay a bit more attention I think! :blush:
Thanks guys

Emera - he takes the dummy but each time I put him back down he'll curl up and start crying waking himself up. I've slept for an hour before holding a dummy in. Its been a week now where he's been this bad, not had a block of more than 90 mins sleep, I now knos his Vitfa feels! We'd got it down to 1 feed a night or two before this week, so annoying.
Lozza, we feed every 3 hours on the whole. Sometimes life gets in the way if we are out or what not, but at home we tend to stick to that. I let her feed for as long as she wants though, usually between 30-45 mins. She feeds 6 times in a 24 hour period. x

Laura, I hope you can take something? Fx it doesn't get any worse.

Glow, J has definitely grown into his width :rofl: He's looking buff!!! :haha:

Speaking about strangers putting in their 2p's worth of advice, my mums neighbour told me D needed to go on solids before she was even 3 months old!!!! Give me a break!

D's still being fussy when fed, and although it's not exclusive to, it's certainly worse on the left side. I dread having to feed her out and about now because she is always 10 times better if I do it whilst sitting on my bed. I hope it's just a fussy period.

Any of you wonder weeks lads, don't suppose there is anything significant about 16 weeks?
Lozza, do you think going on holiday confused him with a different environment?
Lozza big:hugs:...sounds like you are having a rough time. I agree with.the other ladies that his snacking seems wrong and hes not takibg enough to.last him maybe. My friend still ebf expresses enough for a bottle...a good 150ml plus and gives it to her little girl as last feed before bed...not OH can feed her but so.she knows much she is getting and knows its a good has pushed her night time wake ups....only gets one and thats usually 5:30 so officialky she is attn. Good luck xx

Cant remember anything else...hope you both feel better soon emera and get to.doctors.

M woke in her usual happy ups at night so maybe screamy M yesterday was a blip for now:shrug:

think.we are going for a chill out day plans x
lozza - we have no routine but T feeds every 2 hours in the day and every 2/3 hours at night. tbh I think he is waking at night because of wind/poo/reflux issues not because of hunger. BUt then once he's awake he decides he also wants some milk but he wouldn't have actually woken out of hunger. The thing is they use the boob as a source of comfort so I think with T he is in pain and then feeds to make him feel better not because he is hungry but this is a vicious cycle because it makes the wind etc worse. Does that make any sense? x
Sambles - that's exactly what happens, or did but now he's like that in the day as well so we seem to have lost the first long stretch we used to get at night (anywhere from 4-6 hours). But yes, sounds like z and T doing the same thing at night, trouble is although feeding continues the viscious cycle, what else can youdo in the middle
Of the night when knackered?! I've tried winding, massage, walking round... In the end feeding is the option that means I can go back to bed!

Loo - I think after a week he should be ok? Also he was really good the Sunday and Monday nights after we got back, he's only been like this since the osteo on Tuesday! Popping in to see her tomorrow an got a GP appt for Thursday.

Wonder weeks - yep there's a wonder week at 19 weeks but the book says the fussy period can last anything from 1-5 weeks before, with weeks 14-17 usually being pretty fussy so put D's fussiness down to that! I'm using that as part if Z's excuse!

Yesterday he actually cried when first passed to mil, proper bottom lip out stuff. I'd read they get a bit more clingy about now but while he's happy to smile at any random person who smiles at him he obviously didn't like being handed over. In the end she had to hand him back to Nathan to calm him down! He went back eventually. Thinking about it no one else has really held him for about 4 weeks. My mums up next week so hoping he sees me in her and loves her straight away!

Baby cinema this morning. Has anyone been? Is the best thing to take the car seat attachment so I can pop him on a seat as I don't really want to hold him for 2 hrs, specially if he falls asleep?
T is like it during the day as well and only has 2/3 half hour naps. The rest of the day is spent trying to get wind out of him! I give him gripe water a few times a day but I'm not really convinced it works :shrug: S was like it as well so I must produce very windy babies! Although with S the underlying problem was his dairy allergy

I hope you get some answers from gp but if they're anything like mine they won't have a clue. Mine told me that S just had very bad wind :dohh: Well thanks for that! It wasn't until 5 months later he was diagnosed with the allergy. And that was after seeing 2 paediatricians, 1 who said there was nothing wrong with him and the other who said it was reflux
morning lads!

WE DID IT, went half 7 till 7 with out a feed!! was up at half 5 for a cuddle but in my eyes she did it!!

Good luck at cinema today lozza, i've not been so not sure what is best but taking the car seat sounds like a good plan

We're off to the GP at 11 as the oral thurush hasn't cleared up and she now has a couple of white spots on her tongue as well. Nothing bad bbut she obviously needs some help getting rid of it!

hope everyone else had good/better nights!
Well done L&L and O!! That's amazing, I bet you feel great! Sorry about the thrush, me and T have both got it again :growlmad: Spent most of Saturday making calls to the out of hours doctor and finally got another prescription for both of us. We just can't seem to get rid of it and it makes feeding soooo painful :cry:
Hi everyone... :hi:

Sorry for being AWOL for a while...both me and N been really ill with flu-y cold and went to my rents for the weekend for some mummy love!!! Still feeling rough as and N now coughing but at least there's a bit less snot from him = slightly less slurpy feeds = less vom.

Sorry Sambles/Lozza for your crap nights. :(
Lozza I really hope that GP/paeds/osteo can help Z but we did go through a nihgttime snacky phase after all that hot weather. I def couldn't change it during the night but during the day just tried to eek out the feeds to 3hours so he would be hungrier and feed better. N is exactly the same when being handed over at the minute...can be all fine and giggly then bottom lip comes out and he wails! Then instantly better in my gran said I'd spoiled him. 89 I decided not to explain the wonder weeks theory!!!

Sambles - how are you coping with 2-3hrly feeds at night plus a toddler??! EEEK!

Emera - you feeling better?? Hope so...and hope F sorts her feeding out! Get well soon Roh!

Lads with the left boob fussiness?? Odd. Left has always been shit tit here but now he can cope with the flow a bit better he seems to prefer that one...he prefers anything to the bottle :dohh:

Glowie :rofl: at your dog milking story!! I can probably join in with this uni as part of our degree (honest!!) in final year we had to "milk" a male dog...if you know what I mean... :blush:

As for OH issues, big :hugs: I remember getting a card when we had N from an old family friend who's in her 90's and she wrote in there..."remember to keep talking" and I wondered what on earth she meant. I now know she meant me and DH. Having N has been the most wonderful thing but also put a ridiculous amount of pressure on our marriage which I wasn't expecting. We're working through it, and if N takes a bottle today we're hoping to have a date night next week WOO!!!

Hope you all have lovely days lads xxxx


L&L hope you get O's thrush sorted out! And well done for a whole 7-7 stint!!! Amazing. x

Lozza - forgot to mention N "routine" is 7,10,1,4,(6),7,11,2,7 so 3ish hours in the day with an extra feed sometimes before he goes to bed... I go to baby cinema quite a lot with N... I just take a thick blanket and sit where there's some floor and put him down as he hates being held for more than feed/burps! Then he can play/fall asleep as needed. Lots of people take car seats in though - just N hates his :( friend had thrush when she was feeding her LO and she said she'd prefer labour pains to thrush in her ducts. Sounds awful. Hope you get it sorted soon. You're tremendous. x
waula- funny your friend should say that because I said the exact same thing to the doctor - I'd prefer to have a baby again than have thrush it's that painful

And I was going to have cream of chicken and mushroom soup for lunch but your milking a male dog story has kind of put me off lol :sick:

Hope you feel better soon, there's loads of cold going round at the moment

Well i have no chance of a catch up read so i will just say i hope your all ok :) lozza, i see your having a tough time in the night tho... much love to you :hugs:

My uncles funeral is tomo :( taking G with me and just hoping he will be asleep for it, as its a bit of a long catholic

sorry this is a rushed post but G is now ready for feeding :dohh:

ps... whats a wonder week???
Lozza, Z loves his car seat doesn't he? I'd be tempted to take it. D wouldn't have stood for it and I knew she would want to be held throughout...the opposite to N! I love how our babies are so different!! Have fun. What are you going to see?

Waula, date night!! Have fun (if N let's you!) we are hoping to go for another one this week if my mum will look after D. I know not everyone can manage it, or even wants to do it, but it has done our relationship massive favours :)

Thanks for the heads up on the 14-17 week fussiness. Yep, D's whinging started a week ago and at 16 weeks today I guess I can expect it to carry on a bit longer. Gah. It IS doing my head in though.

Just lost the plot in Asda car park and had a go at a couple for parking in the parents and child spot. It gets right on my nerves. Think I need to chill out though.

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