March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Welcome back bluebird... Anothe NW laddie:happydance:

ok just to welcome you both here comes another tmi posting....i have become so much more regular in the No 2 department since M"s birth:haha:...anothrr childbirth side effect?? Sorry laddies

mscrow...good luck with weigh in and bluebird with your hospital trip today x
Welcome NW Bluebird! You sound like you had a real time of it, what a rushed birth and I'm sorry that it sounds like the BF advice you got didn't help you achieve what you wanted. Think you're a trooper to be doing it all with rhumatoid (sp) arthritis though. Hope you have time to drop into the thread occasionally!

Mitch, ahem, I concur. I can't decide though it it's a post pregnancy thing or a post bye-bye gallbladder thing, or what really.

It's peeing with rain here. Weigh in then a quietish day with some scheduled wallpaper stripping, an hour's training late afternoon (I have to take E) and then a school governors meeting in the evening.
morning lads and hello to bluebird and kazeraggi!

well my plan to drop the late night / dream feed did not go well last night.

didnt wake him but he woke himself at 11.30 so i gave in and fed him anyway. he then woke at 2am and 5 am for feeds and then again at 7am. tired bunny here today.

and he still hasnt pooped!! thats been 2 and half days now....

MsC - doesnt sound like a quiet day to me! my quiet day consists of nothing other than taking the dog for a walk....(and sitting in waiting nervously for the phone to ring...)

our sellers agent seemed to take our offer ok.... hopefully they wont be put off by the fact that we are in a long chain....

its quite sunny here (for a change)
Morning all,

Hi Bluebird, welcome back!! You're only just round the corner from me (altrincham), big concentration of NW mamas on here! This thread is easier to keep up on as we're all a little busier than on mat leave!

Well I'm glad I invited you both on last night now!!

Handed Z over to DH this morning just before half 6, got him back about 8 in his car seat(!) and rocked him to sleep in that in under 5 mins, straight back to sleep and woke at half 10! That pretty much qualifies as a 4 hour stretch in my eyes, I feel human now!

Mitch & MsC good luck with weigh ins today!
Cupcake - hope they accept your offer!
Well I'm glad it's sunny somewhere Cupcake and SNAP with the feeding last night, looks like we had a similar time. I've just got back from getting E weighed and the rain is biblical. I have a wet bum from the rain running off my snowboarding jacket. Bah.

E weighed 11lbs and 14oz this time last month and today she weighed 13lb and 11oz so nearly 2lbs this month. She's gone from between the 10th and 25th centile to between 25th and 50th centile. It's reassuring as she had a bit of a dodgy last week with left boob rejection, fussy feeding and being a bit off.
Morning ladies

Welcome bluebird and kazeraggi - nice to have you both on board the mummy train!!!

Cupcake -- fab news on the house - was quick - hope you get your dream house lovely.

Well we had a good night - up three times - daddy took one feed and E went back for a nap this morning fr another hour - only to wake mummy up to the most sticky nappy explosion ever witnessed by mummy - great start to our day

My parents have taken E out for a few hours - they are in their element while im here feeling super guilty that im neglecting my parenting duties

L xx
great weight MsC!!!!!!!! :hugs:
yay for 4hrs Lozza!! :thumbup:
welcome blue bird/kazeraggi - such lovely messages (and reminds me what an ace bunch we are!)
hope the studying is going well for college Mitch!? My brain is mush.
happy 4months Ted!!!! x
dreamfeeders...well we did lovely dream feed at 10.30 then he was grumping at 2 so I popped in and nearly had a heart attack, he had bib over his face then a muslin on top and quite a large soft toy cow on top of that - I had no idea he could reach it. Feel awful and now his cot is VERY bare :( such a panic. Anyway then he was awake and shrieking for 2.5hrs, wouldn't feed, wouldn't just lie in his cot. Ugh. He eventually fed at half 4 (which would have been great from DF at 10.30) and he's feeding every 2hrs today. Emera I remember you saying we couldn't regress if we hadn't progressed!!!!!! :dohh: And the flu has moved on to an awful cough and I've lost my voice. Oh and this morning I got 1oz out after 20mins pumping on a full boob. Pity party alert maybe??!! I decided to miss sensory class and coffee and me and N went back to bed.
Jabs this afternoon. YAY.

Hi bluebird and Kazeraggi!! So lovely to see you finally post! Kaz - am so jealous of you living in Seattle. It's one of the places I desperately want to visit due to the punk/grunge music scene. Bluebird - another northern lass here :hi:

Glow, sick puppies :rofl:

Cupcake, so pleased (and more than a touch jealous) that you gave had an offer. Fx that your offer gets accepted :hugs:

Gah....some other stuff.....

Sorry about the crap nights lads.

D slept ok, but is just being a whinge bag constantly between feeds and NOT sleeping. That is all.
Sorry about the poop nights regression here...yet!!!!:wacko:

Went to baby massage this morning and actually made it 3/4 the way through the entire body massage...its our last session....before M made it clear she needed a nap. Usually its earlier on....she had 1 1/2 naps this morning :haha:. Her naps are very predictable in that when she falls asleep.during day she sleeps for about 40 minutes plus of minus a couple of minutes. So she is down now and it was a choice of rushing around tfhe house doing some houseworkk or coming on here....mmmm toughie:haha:

College was ok...was great to use my brain but need to put in a couple of hours between now and Friday....first aid course tonight so looks like tomorrow or Thursday night for that....hope i.can remember what i have to do.

Anyone else.really dreading going back to work? I know its 6 months away but desperately thinking about how i can get out of it:nope:....bad i know.

Happy 4 months T x x

No other news here....weigh in is 1:30pm. Great weight gain for E Mscrow.....hope M's as good
Well Mitch, I guess I am already back at work. I like the liberation of temporarily just being me but I miss E horribly, find it hard to concentrate and feel huge upset and guilt when she doesn't eat in my absence or is sad. Trying to find another childminder as the one I had is now ill. What a stresser!

Good luck with the college work, late night is always my best time.

Waula, I'm so sorry you're having such a naff day, a nap and a pity party is well justified. Same to you Loo!
Mitch - def not looking forward to returning to work, specially now my boss is leaving Md I don't know what I'll be going back to, at least it's still 8 months or so away.

Waula :hugs: hope you find your voice and both feel better soon
Loo - hope your day isn't too screamy :hugs:
Yup dreading work

Im going back nights - as if i go back days i will be away for 12.5 hours shift plus 45mins either side for travel = 14.5hours without seeing E = not a happy mummy,

The only downside is E must be sleeping through the night by the time i go back or daddy will be knackered :(

Oh well i go back in Novemeber so i suppose there is time left

L xx
Hi Kaz & Bluebird :thumbup::hugs:

Cuppie - fingers crossed :hugs:

MrsC - yay for great weight gain...that's brill!

Waula - sorry for a rubbish night...I was always told NEVER to leave a bib on a baby...can't remember who told me that when I had DD1 but I've always followed that rule. Having a similar problem with J and the snuggle toys you buy. He likes them and has one in his bed, he likes to pull it over his face when he's going to sleep and also rub his face with it, that's fine but I keep checking him and he's got the whole blanket part of it over his face :shock: I have to move them all from his reach as soon as he's asleep. Might try and get him latched on to something else less lethal :rofl:
also not looking forward to going back to work... but i only have a few weeks left as i go back first week of sept! officially my maternity leave ends mid august but then i have a couple of weeks holiday (yay for getting paid again though!)

my lo is going into nursery full time although if we get this new house then he will only have to go for half days which is much cheaper and better for him to be with family. the new house is about 2 miles from my mums house which is great.

waula - scary about bib, blanket and soft cow. this morn i left R on floor on play mat whilst i hung out washing (dog came with me) and then i got back he was over a foot away from the mat!! no idea how he did that (did he roll without me watching???!)
MsC, fab weight gain for E!! That's really great!

Waula, scary bib situation. I give Dharma a muslin square that she sometimes pulls over her face. I know she can breathe through it, but it scares the crap out of me :hugs:

Cuppie, D shuffles on her back. Her legs are so strong she wriggles like a little worm. :haha: Maybe R did that?

Lozza, D has rethought her evil plan and obviously decided that screaming is both tiring and upsetting. She could only keep it up for a few hours at a time, which when you are trying to bring the world to its knees is not too effective. She now is the mistress of the Whinge. It's like a slow form of torture that she can keep up for all of her waking hours. To begin with it is more amusing, but several hours it makes me want to repeatedly slam my head in a door. Oh yes. That girl has a plan!
Swimming this afternoon. Fun. We're going to show her gran how she can be quiet for seconds at a time (when sheis underwater :rofl:)
Morning, lads. :flower:

Leave it to Mitch to welcome our lurkers with talk of poop. :rofl:

Ms.C- Great news on E's weight.

Glowie- I think the problem with bibs while sleeping is that if they get caught under something, it could pose a strangulation risk.

As for the little silky blankies/snuggle toys... my boys love theirs too (especially K). He likes to hold it in his hand and then rub his eyes with it. I let him fall asleep that way, but then I put it to the side. Since having it allows him to go to sleep on his own (no rocking, no holding, no feeding), I'm not going to keep him from it totally.

Cuppie- What exactly does it mean to be "in a long chain"?

AFM... I forgot to mention that yesterday was their first day of daycare. They did great, and when I took them back this morning, they were both smiling and happy. They have all the cool toys that I'm too space-constrained to buy for my house -- exersaucers, jumparoos, bouncers with elaborate toy bars. My only complaint is that the daycare workers are overzealous with diaper changes. Yesterday each baby had 5 diaper changes in 9 hours, though neither of them pooped!! Those diapers will hold way more liquid than that!! Don't they know how cheap I am? :haha:

EDIT TO ADD: Loo, D sounds downright diabolical! :thumbup:
Babies can move quite a long way without rolling, they shuffle! Only when you aren't watching though! :haha: seriously though its why you shouldn't leave them on the sofa even when they are tiny. I leave F on the sofa all the time and this morning she fell off! :dohh: Bad Mummy! :shock:

Waula, bit scary I know but. I had to laugh at N managing to pile everything on his head! :blush: its amazing what they can reach! Like Glow I'm sure someone told me never leave a bib on a baby, so I've always taken them off (plus they are normally vom soaked so need taking off :rolleyes:).

Glow like J, F loves her Snuggy, luckily she likes holding the blanket part and shoves the teddy bit in her face to try and suffocate herself! :dohh: I just take it off her once she's asleep and replace it with 1/4 of a muslin square which I figure is thin enough she can breath through it.

Gaah I have a pile of paperwork sat here but F keeps kicking off in her cot (she's tired) and is now asleep on my lap. Can't get much done with her there and Roh will be up soon....sigh. I give up! :haha:

Returning to work. I could go back in Jan, but by being really frugal we've managed to keep saving during my mat leave, so I should be able to stay off work a bit longer, fingers crossed! I don't really plan to go back to my previous employer, I might get a few waitressing shifts or something just for some extra cash and the adult contact, then it would be easier to work round OH.

God I had the most awful bus driver this morning, I was almost in tears! I hate when people are unnecessarily rude! :growlmad: I was shaking with anger. What a dick!!! :growlmad:
WT, Diabolical Dharma :wacko: I think we have just found a new nickname :haha: so pleased the boys loved daycare! Must be a tiny bit easier to leave them when you know they are happy.

Emera, want me to hunt down the bus driver, I have a lot of pent up stress thanks to Double D!

As for returning back to work..... :ignore::ignore::ignore:
This is a copy of what i sent to the bus company, i sound a bit whiney i think, but really, this guy was so rude and nasty, it wasn't what he said but the way he said it. A-hole!

I wanted to make a complaint about the bus driver, driving the number X service this morning on the service due at xxxxxxxxx. I was carrying my 2 year old son and had my 4 month old baby in a compact stroller. The driver stopped for another gentleman at the stop, but when i went to get on the but he immediately said "You can't get on, there is no space" On the bus there were 2 pushchairs, on of them collapsible with no child in, the other was not collapsible. Also there was a man with a large suitcase, and a woman with a small suitcase which would have (and did when she kindly moved it)fit in the luggage compartment at the front of the bus. I pointed out to the driver that there was plenty of room for my small pushchair, but he just said "i said there is no room, there are 2 prams already." I said i'd take my sleeping baby out of the stroller and collapse it (whilst holding my toddler!) at which point he allowed me, finally, to get on the bus. I bought my ticket and got a foul look from him, then went to the baby buggy priority area, where the lady with the small suitcase moved over one seat, and i easily wheeled my stroller into the large space available. At the next stop, a lady tried to get on with a suitcase (which again could have fit in the luggage compartment) asking to travel to xxxx, and was immediately told she couldn't get on as there was no room! It took one of the other mothers with pushchairs saying she'd get off the bus 2 stops early, and getting off, before the driver would allow the woman traveling to xxxxx onboard!
I found the driver, brisk, rude and unhelpful to the point of it being ridiculous. He was extremely short and abrupt with all the customers getting on the bus, and was trying to deny potential customers travel totally unnecessarily. He made absolutely no effort what so ever to accommodate customers needs, and was bordering on aggressive when solutions were offered! Having worked in the service industry myself for over 15 years, and having run my own business for a number of those, i would be absolutely appalled to find one of my employees treating customers with such disdain and disrespect. Clearly your employee feels that his job is purely to drive a bus round a route, and the people getting on and off the bus are nothing but an annoying inconvenience. I'm sure that this sort of behaviour is not something your company would condone, and having used your buses on a near daily basis for over 10 years i know for a fact that the majority of your drivers are pleasant, personable and for the most part very helpful. I do think that the space available for pushchairs could be increased, given the number of young families that use your services, however, most drivers are very helpful and go to lengths to make sure that the maximum number of customers can use your services by ensuring space is used properly on your buses.

I hope this comment is useful to you in ensuring a high quality of customer care across all your services, and i await a response with interest.

I'm still fuming, that sort of willful unhelpfulness really gets my back up! :grr:

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