March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Thanks so much for the messages of bon voyage :)

Emera - thanks for the tips and I really hope you all feel better soon. I couldn't even.imagine how I'd cope with 2 babies and being sick at the same time. You're a legend!

Mitch - SA would be fab! I'll let you know how the longhaul goes, oh and I have a list of travel tips with wee babies I can send on after I get home. Might be useful for your Sept trip. I meant to say I am.sooo sorry that you lost your pics, really hope you feel better about it now and have taken tonnes more!

WT - thank you for the message of optimism! Btw, my sunny disposition is notoriously intermittent and fleeting....I'll try to here when its around ;)

Lozza - sorry you guys didn't have a great night. Again, I know its no consolation, but my Z is just like your Z :) ....last night it was every 2.5 hrs and at 4:30 she decided it was time for a parrty! And I still can't stop smiling at her when she does her silly, adoring grin at me :)

Hope you all have a fabulous week, recover from your illnesses and get LOADS of sleep :)

Can't wait to catch up with you all again in a few days

Btw - I'm LOVING my new nickname....makes me feel like one of the family

Kaz- Rashy/Nesty/Crafty/Ranty/Etc. Mouse is, of course, the queen of all nicknames. So it's especially appropriate that she'd be the one to dub you with yours. :flower: (P.S. No need to only post when you're feeling sunny. Ranting is one of the things we do best and it's one of the reasons this thread is so meaningful to many of us.)

Waula- Baby yoga sound like something my boys would like. I wish we had cool classes like that around here.

Regarding naps.... I just stopped by the boys daycare to spend my lunchtime with them. P was awake and happy so we played for awhile. K was snoozing in his crib without a paci, with the lights on and with all the noise of the other babies around him! If it teaches them to sleep that soundly, I think daycare is going to be a wonderful thing for their sleep habits!! :thumbup:
Kaz - yep the big cheesy grin at 5am all this week is hard to resist, I try and avoid eye contact or tell him to sleep in a stern voice but he just laughs at me silently until I grin back!

Waula/Emera - hope the snot goes soon !
Waula - I see my antenatal group every week and a couple of them more often as we've joined other things. They're all really nice though. I only did nhs ones as couldn't find an nct at the right time but I live in an area where I knew the nhs ones would be ok ( I know that sounds snobby!) there were a couple of oddballs on the course but they didn't bother to stay in touch so after a few polite weeks we ditched them off the email chain.
Didn't do nct class this time, but I'm still in regular contact with 4 of the ladies. Last xmas we went for a dinner with all 14 of us (just the 7 couples, no babies) which was lovely! I'm meeting one of the ladies next week as her second child is 3 weeks older than F so we have the same gap. Also still in touch with a few of the girls from my nhs classes first time round. So these friendships last. :)
wt - nice you could call by the daycare centre at lunch! and even better for good sleep habits!

i see someone from my nct group at least once a week, we tend to go out for lunch/ a walk or go to each others houses for cake. in the end i made bakewell tart which was yummy.

im going to my first ever baby class tomorrow, its called Bounce and Rhyme and is a free class at the library. looking forward to it!

instructed solicitors today for our sale (well i visited my trainee and gave her instructions! lol)

on our purchase the sellers have asked if they can now have until saturday to consider it... fingers still crossed
Cuppie, good luck!! I'm crossing my fingers for you and hoping the delay means they'll accept!!

Never went to an antenatal class, so no friendships to keep up from that.

Waula and Emera, so sorry about the snotty babes!! No tips here, as A hasn;t really caught any colds yet. Just hugs as you deal with the snot monster :hugs:

Mitch, A sleeps mostly in my arms and sometimes in her crib. She often falls asleep in the stroller when we go for walks too.

Kaz, have a safe flight and good luck with your LO!! You're a brave lady, going so far on a plane with a baby - I admire your courage!!

AFM, I've got two things to talk about. One good and one icky. Good first, rant second (will wrap so you don't have to read it unless you want to). 1. A laughed today, and it was AMAZING! I was playing peekaboo with her and got some real chuckles out of her. Made me laugh and cry because I was so happy to hear that noise out of her. Aren't our little babies amazing? I am going to be working every day to hear that laugh again and again and again, and never get tired of it!!

2. Rant (be warned). I'm stressed and it's not for a good reason. You're all going to think I'm shallow and crazy, maybe, because it seems like a stupid reason to stress out, I think. We are leaving next week for a week of camping with all my DH's family, and it's stressing me out. A is the 12th grandchild, and his family can be extremely judgemental and very very shallow. I am terrified they will judge me for absolutely everything (I've always felt like this around them - I never feel good enough), like that I haven't lost all my jelly belly yet (they're all itty bitty tiny and very critical of others' appearances and weight), or that I can't afford to colour my hair anymore, so it's now a boring brown colour (they all have lots of money and look done-up constantly), or my parenting of A, or the worst of all - that they will judge A because of her looks or development or compare her to her cousin who's 3 weeks older and of course reaches most milestones before A does, but they say things like "Oh, she doesn't do ____ yet? L has been doing it for a long time..." Thanks. Now I feel like my child isn't good enough for you. Ugh. Anyway, thanks for letting me rant - I know I sound silly, but I really want to be confident in myself and the way I look (always had body image issues and I want to hide those, as I really don't want A to hear me say negative things and eventually start having them herself as a result), and especially in my parenting and my amazing, beautiful, perfect little girl, but it's hard when you know you're going to spend time around people who are so critical and judgemental.
Oooh, fingers crossed, cuppie.

kazzers, i'm not keen on my nickname (pissyblaze) I don't even remember how it started (apart from that it was FT who started it, so i started calling her farttimer...

Waula, I didn't keep that much in contact as I missed 2 of the 3 sessions when i was in hospital. But one girl kept in contact with me and we hang out now and again. There is a thing next week at one of the girls houses. I'd like to keep in contact with some of them as they seem lovely. I just don't know them that well.

WT, clever little bloke sleeping through all that! It sounds like a great thing for them. They will be well socialised. I worry about T and his socialisation, he seems to LOVE other babies. He always really laughs at them.

Took T to be weighed today, 17lbs 6.5oz! Fatty. Asked about his bad ears... apparently it's because I don't clean him enough! Embarrassing. Then I went to a sling meet and everyone there was a bit grumpy and didn't really talk to me so i left. I had T in the Mei Tai and had to put a muslin over his head as it was peeing down.

Did anyone see the pics I just put on FB of his tantrum? He was SO upset and I do not have a clue why. It was AWFUL.
Oh yeah and T only sleeps in the pushchair (sometimes) if i'm out, or my arms, or very occasionally on the sofa. Although today he conked out in the sling for the first time... he wakes up if i put him down.
missey - doesnt sound very nice about the sling meet!

and well done to your little chunkster. i havent had R weighed for about 6 weeks or something. i will try and take him next week (just for noseyness sakes).
TBH I don't think he needed weighing but I wanted to go to the slingmeet and it's at the same place so thought I may as well...

Oh and I THINK that tomorrow might be the last day of the plumber (apart from him coming back to fix the damage in the downstairs part of the house he did). Then we can have the bathroom floor done! Yay! Only took 2 months. grrrrrrrrrrrr
Wow, Missy! I didn't know your bathroom was still being fixed! Fx he's done tomorrow and you have a normal, functioning bathroom again soon!!
I know! Can you beleive it!? We still haven't had the flooring done. We're waiting until he's finished as I can just see him putting a blooming knife through it or someothing.
Crowned :hugs: well done for even agreeing to go with them, I can't think of anything worse! You know A is doing great and that's all that matters. If she's giggling then she's one very happy little girl! I still have to really work to get a giggle, it's only every few days.

Missy - hooray for the plumber! I've just seen T's tantrum pics, poor thing! It's awful when they're like that, to take 30 photos he must have gone on a while... :haha: Ok so I know that included the happy pics! He's looking very cute, and what a great weight!

Cuppie - bounce and rhyme sounds fun, enjoy!
ugh rubbish sling meet Missy and OMG T looks sooo cute in those photos!!! But sad too... Such a chunk. I've found quite a few groups are a bit silent and grumpy - not a fan!

I too haven't had N weighed for ages...going to try and go on Tuesday but know he's growing and have chilled out a bit about BFing/growth!!! Yay for bathroom success!!!

Crowned...I know the pressure of inlaws but these babies will all get to the same point eventually :hugs: know that you and A are doing just fabulously. Giggles are the best ever. I've only ever got a couple but they melt and break my heart all in one go!!!

WT your story of visiting daycare made me smile - you obviously have got great daycare and the boys are obviously loving it!!! I'm also a bit worried about socialising - N loves other babies but he can get a bottom lip issue if he has a breakdown and someone else is holding him :dohh:

Baby yoga was sooo good today (sorry for going on!) but he loved all the rough and tumble and I'm definitely too "precious" with him at home (and also too scared of mega-vom!) - did something called inversions which took him from lying on my legs to being upside down and then resting on my shins and "flying" - his face was HILARIOUS! Massive shocked eyes!!! And surprisingly little vom.

Foodporn alert...dinner tonight is cauliflower maccaroni cheese with salad and then tinned peaches and double cream ice cream. Nom.
Oh an Waula - did you hve the osteopath today? How did you get on?
Yum waula! I had roasted (burnt to buggery) veggies, mozzerella and garlic in pasta... followed by an orange club and then an aero mousse... and possible some other sweet things...

Oh and crowned you so do not sound shallow. I'd feel exactly the same. Just smile through it. That's what I do when people are belleneds.
It was meant to be yesterday Lozza (you've got a good memory!!!) but we were still really poorly so cancelled it... going to re-book it for next week. How has Z been today? Have you seen GP or osteopath again??
Missy, jeez 2 months!? Poor you! Maybe that's why T was having a tantrum, because he wants a proper bath with his Mummy!!! Shame they were all so grumpy at the sling meet! :(

Crowned, bleh, your in laws sound really not fun! You should do what i always do if i start feeling insecure...think really hard about exactly how much you actually value their opinions, and then use that to decide how you feel about them judging you. If you don't really share their views (on parenting for example) then their opinion isn't really that valuable to you, as they are judging you by standards you don't subscribe to. I find it really helps me to look at things like that. You know the saying "those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind". :hugs: I can understand why its stressing you. :hugs: Step away from it a bit though and relax yourself, you've every right to enjoy this trip too. xxx

Ergh, F has a horrible cough and her eyes are all gummy and gross :( Poor thing :(

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