March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Thanks lads. I shouldn't complain so much - I do love them, and compared to some people, they are pretty good in-laws, but it's just this one thing that I have a hard time with, so I guess that's pretty good. Thanks for the support and encouragement - I'm now attempting going in thinking, "I look awesome for just having had a baby, and my little girl is the most amazing, perfect, wonderful thing, and anything anyone else has to say about it is wrong." :haha: :haha:
I had some weird ass linguine tonight that was cooked by my OH's Brazilian colleague. He's always sending food home for me as i'm feeding, so apparently i need to eat more! :haha: Its all different stuff but always contains chillis, jalapenos, and tabasco sauce in healthy quantities!? :wacko:
Poor F Emera - is she sad?? Get well :hugs: to you all xx

Few qu's about returning to works lads...

At 10ish months how much BFing would be happening?? Are those of you who hope to continue to BF for 12months plus going to pump at work? How often would you need to do that??! Got my "return to work part time chat" tomorrow and I'm bricking it a bit. Going to ask for 2days per week to start with and no on-call (this will cause issues) and possibly Jan time. Makes me sad. :(
crowned :hugs: in-laws and even family in general can be the worst for judging as they seem to think it's there right sometimes. Every baby is perfect no matter how they develop and you are an amazing mum! Just get A to give you some giggles if you feel a bit out numbered, will always cheer you up!

Sorry there's so much sickness going around lads.

Missy fingers crossed your bathroom is done tomorrow. It's been so bloody long! Makes sure you get your OH on baby duty and have yourself a lovely long bath!
I have no idea waula, i'm going to be going back in sept part time (including on calls occasionally - when i want to). I'm defo going to be pumping (hoping work might let me use the pumps there!) I do 12 hour shifts (7.30-8 either am or pm) so i guess maybe like 3 times? But it depends on if i have time (i don't always get to wee on a shift so that might be a luxury!)
Crowned- Ugh. Your in-laws sound awful. :hugs: Have you talked to DH about it? Perhaps if he knows your concerns, he can be watching out for occasions in which he needs to say something. I suspect he's more than a little defensive of anyone saying his offspring is less than absolutely perfect. :flower: Even if he doesn't notice it, try not to think about any judgments they have of you. I know we all want to lose our jelly bellies, but it's still very soon after having given birth! Sure there are moms who lose all the weight in a flash, but that's not very common and I swear those women must be aliens. :haha: And as for judging your mothering skills, rest assured that A will be a much more well-adjusted child/adult by virtue of having a non-judgmental mum. :thumbup: With regard to their underhanded comments about A... I'd be inclined to call them on it. "All babies develop in different ways. She's perfect to me and and I'm sad for you if you can't see her that way too." :)
crowned :hugs: in-laws and even family in general can be the worst for judging as they seem to think it's there right sometimes. Every baby is perfect no matter how they develop and you are an amazing mum! Just get A to give you some giggles if you feel a bit out numbered, will always cheer you up!

Sorry there's so much sickness going around lads.

Missy fingers crossed your bathroom is done tomorrow. It's been so bloody long! Makes sure you get your OH on baby duty and have yourself a lovely long bath!

I wish! OH is away this week... then back for two weeks... then away for 3!!!! argggh. (but I may get to visit some new lads as he'll be in and around hemel hemstead and then bracknell - who's near there?)
Waula, at 10 months i was back at work last time. We were feeding 2/3 times a day by then, just morning/(naptime sometimes)/bedtime. When i was working he had either ebm in a sippy cup, or formula (i very quickly stopped being able to pump any real quantities, as i was having to pump at night, pumping at work was impossible) but often he wouldn't drink alot of it at lunch anyway. When i was home, he'd sometimes want an after lunch feed, sometimes not :shrug: The main reason i struggled was then nature of my shifts mean that i was missing some of the morning and evening feeds each week, and with not being able to pump, i couldn't maintain supply. :( If you can always make those morning and evening feeds, then its great! :)

Oh, and yes F is a bit sad :( She's been sleeping alot and not feeding much, and when she's been awake her happy period has been much shorter. Poor little girly. The cough is horrid. She coughed last night and woke me up and i thought she was choking so picked her up and patted her back, and she just turned and looked at me with this perfect "WTF Mum?!?" look! :haha: Her eyes are producing goo at quite a rate, its rank. Not sure whether to visit the docs tomorrow or not? Roh never had gunky eyes, so its a new one on me. :shrug:

With Roh i used to have this awful dream that somehow a pillow had gone over his face, and he couldn't breathe (not actually possible given our sleeping set up, but yay irrational dreams :dance:) and i'd wake up and freak out and grab him up and start shaking him (not hard of course!) and shouting at him, and he'd be all limp, then after a few seconds (hours!!) he'd just look up and peer at me, like "ok, what are we doing now? I was fast asleep?!?" :dohh: I had that same dream with F the other night and did exactly the same thing, except she just turned towards me and gave me the most huge grin! :haha: She thinks i'm mad!! I hate those freaky dreams! :(
emera that sounds like a horrible dream! YUK. I dream that i'm still feeding T and then wake up in a panic that he's not in the bed.

Someone I know has stolen my baby name, its' weird. Not the full version (which we have) but the short name we use. She's openly said that it's because of us. I think it's creepy... shes only 20 weeks but keeps refering to "T" and i find it strange.
Missy are you heading back to placement in september

Im also doing 12.5 hrs but doing nights but plan to have complete formula by then

Poor F Hope she begin to feel better soon

Nap wise e will sleep in pram when we are out or boucer, my arms id in the hous
I will be vitfa, yeah. one day in community and one or two on delivery suite. (gulp!)
Waula - I've kind of assumed he'll be on formula by the time I go back to work, or on normal milk at 1? Not thought that far ahead but don't plan to bf once he's walking! Was expecting 9 months max but guess I'll see nearer the time. Def won't pump at work though.

Seeing GP tomorrow afternoon and also tempted to give infacol another try see if it makes any difference post osteo?
Argh! OH is in the bedroom where F was sleeping and i'm in the sitting room. F woke up and started grumbling, and eventually when she started crying properly after 5 minutes i went in and comforted her. I asked OH why he hadn't given her her dummy right away when she started grumbling so she could relax and go back to sleep. He was like "oh, well she was moaning so i think she did a poo, and anyway i was busy".... :saywhat: You are like 6 feet away, you could have just leaned over and sorted her out!!! Anyway, so i checked her nappy, completely clean, and rubbed her back a little, she did 3 huge burps, so i handed her to OH and told him to sort her out. Then went to run myself a relaxing bath, and he's only turned the sodding hot water off, so now there is no hot water, as he used it all to have a bath earlier! Even though i told him i wanted a bath!!! Gaaah, what a dickhead! :dohh: Honestly, sometimes he's great and other times i really would like to kick him in the nuts!

I'm just tired and ill and i want a break! :( grumble, grumble, pity party, grumble.
I die, I die laughing everytime Missy types 'farttimer'. Sorry FT, but it's a beaut.

Emera, I'm so sorry about the dream. That's an awful recurring one to have. After Waula posted about the bib episode, E covered herself with a blanket and was lying there with her arms up and quiet. My stomach nearly dropped through the floor when I saw her.

Missy, what's the thing about T's ears? E has some funky ears - takes after her dad - and I need to clean them but I'm not sure how if you can't use cotton buds. Oh and which mei tai are you using? She says, trying not to reveal a growing carrier addiction.

Seems today has been an iffy days for our babies. E has been on a pretty short fuse all day. I think it's wind. she's spark out now but has been beside herself several times. Full on stonks a la T - seeing the Facebook photos made me smile in sympathy. You know, the rictus smile of trying to make it through.

Crowned, you don't sound shallow at all. I think all your concerns are right. It's an atmosphere you don't want A to be subjected to. She's a precious thing and you're a great mother. But therein lies the protection, so I have found. When I've been in a situation I don't feel so comfortable with, with E, I let myself get wrapped up in her. It's easy to do this in a sling/carrier, and I don't care how antisocial it is sometimes. It does mean I can block out interactions I'd prefer not to engage with. Perhaps useful to you?

Well the childminder was very nice, and very sweet with E. But she smokes. Not near the house, but enough for me, a recent ex smoker to notice. I didn't stop smoking to conceive and then hand my child over to someone that still does. Anyway, she's pregnant and I think a little over ambitious to think she only needs to take a couple of weeks off and be able to look after a newborn and E who would then be 9 months. Bummer. Meeting another childminder on Friday. It feels like strange blind dating and I'm not enjoying it. I like the sound of this one but it's a 20 minute walk to her. Another bummer.
Y'all, I'm having the most hilarious debate (argument) with DH via email. He sent me a business proposal document to review for him. He wanted me to look at it today while I'm at work so I took time during my lunch break to carefully review it and make some kick-ass changes. Anyway... instead of simply thanking me, he's bitching about the fact that I made the edits via Google Docs rather than Microsoft Word because when he copies and pastes the text, some of the formatting is lost. Mind you, it's only a 2 page document, and the only formatting affected included two headings and a single footnote. I told him that I didn't like to save personal documents to my work computer since I work for a public university and the computer is not my property. Anyway.... he's being hilariously whiney about it.

I swear it's amazing that he made it to the age of 32 before meeting me. I am his wife, his mother, his secretary, his copyeditor, his banker, his accountant, his lawyer and the mother of his children. He just doesn't get it. SMH

Somehow I still love the b*****d. :wacko:

EDIT to add: BnB automatically bleeped my curse! LOL! Is that another insensitive word in the UK? I promise that I'm not some jerk of a person who has no manners. I changed it so you could at least see what I wrote. :thumbup:

Emera- Good lord, don't get our DHs together! :haha:
Sorry about F, Emera! Hope she feels better soon!

Hurray for your bathroom almost being done, Missy. What a nightmare! Our contractor finished ours like three days before G was born. I would have taken a shotgun and hunted him down if he hadn't finished. And boo for the grumps at the slingmeet! I don't know what a slingmeet is, exactly, but it seems like if people bother to go to one, they could at least be friendly! ;)

Ah yes, FT is the nickname queen usually, but I had to get to Kaz before she ended up being called Kazerashy or Kazeragebeast or something. :rofl: As I recall, when FT was called Farttimer, she begged out of it on account of being horrified by the word "fart." :haha:

WT, yay for the STTN fairy's little sister!

Hi to everybody else and hope you're all having good days!

Thought I'd take G around the block this morning but it was already 30 C at 10 am. So nixed that idea. Now it's like 35, this is some true bus shut. We've had a couple of mild summers in a row so it's probably time for one to slam into us. Plus it's muggy out which makes it worse.

She's asleep in her mini-swing... tried to get her to nap in the pack & play but she just kept gracking and acking and moaning. She really seems to like touching the cool bedsheets so I found her a pillowcase to grab. :cloud9:

It's just ridiculous how cute they are, isn't it?
WT, people think women are petty and fussy but I've experienced that more with men than with women! My DH will ask me to read something and give him feedback, and when I do, he says, "Oh, well, since you hate it..." I'm like, first of all, you asked! And second of all, I gave you like four good notes, in what world is that hating something?

We have a rental property with a couple of (male) friends and when they first got it and it was time to decorate, I decided to stay out of it and sit back and watch. The bickering was unbelievable. Like a bunch of hens pecking each other. :haha: I'm like, no way would my girlfriends and I sit and bitch at each other about where a mirror should go.
Hola lads!

Mitch- so sorry about your pics... def take loads more
Missy- yay for the bathroom finally being finished!
Emera- hope F feels better soon!
WT- :dohh:men!
L&L- hugs

2 quick questions:
Do any of your babies still poo more than twice a day? It seems like E still goes 2-4 times a day, I thought I read that it would slow. Now nervous that maybe she is sensitive to something i'm eating.

E seems to be 'talking' less and grunting more - I miss all the cute talking. I'm hoping it's just temporary. Anyone else noticing anything like this?
KK, G just this week started not pooping at night... she holds it all in until morning. But aside from that I'd say we get 2-4 poops a day, easily.

Still talking here, but we're a couple of weeks behind you!

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