March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Maybe it's just me. I expect too much, but hey, I do and right now I am feeling peed off. Not sleeping so well and lots to do meant it took ages to fall asleep. MrC snoring away.

12.30, awakes E grizzling for a feed. Done. Get her on the breast, she nods off. Now its 1.5 hours later, 3 sodding am. E's awake and grizzling. MrC isn't. Just rolls over, snores and farts. The deal was he'd do some of the changes. He used to. Now he assumes she just sleeps through or doesn't need them and he doesn't stir now.

So, hello sleep regression, of course she'll need a night change AS SHE'S FEEDING MORE. Does he get this? No, so it seems I'm doing it alone. So I accept I work less, blah blah, but I have an important meeting at 10am, a public facing panel. He knows this. But nothing.

Right now I am seething. Alone, at 3am.

Rant over.
Mscrow - men huh :shrug: :hugs: if it's any consolation at least he's in your room!

WT - b***etc isn't particularly offensive I don't think. I guess technically its swearing so BnB blanked it but it's used just as slang too.

Quick Dropbox question - I presume once I've synched my iPhone photos I can then delete the photos from my phone? Or because it automatically updates will it overwrite the photos with blank space?

Poops - Z goes several times a day but can only go while I'm feeding him or if he's on a certain position on my lap to allow gravity to take effect. Does anyone else have that problem? It always seems a struggle for him.

Mouse - that's hot! Jealous! The rain over here seems endless, although saying that it was nice today. Annoyingly though the forecast is rain, they never mention sun so no one plans anything nice at the moment!
Lozza - I've been making my cousin jealous about our weather here as she lives in London. She claims it hasn't stopped raining in months? (Exaggeration I am sure!) It was actually really lovely out here today and was able to take Keira for a walk since it wasn't pushing 40 degrees. I think this is the first time I've been happy for cooler summer days! (As in below 30 degrees).

As for pooping Keira does a huge one generally once per day except when I believe she has a growth spurt in which case she will skip a few days and then only have a small smear. Lately its been 4 am poops and I get warning as when she is pushing she makes little tiny baby high pitched grunting sounds. Oh and Lozza, Keira used to do that too but eventually figured out how to co-ordinate the poop.
Lozza, hmm, not sure about the Dropbox question. I use it with my desktop so no direct loading from phone... Sounds smart, though!

MsC, I think men are half truly clueless and half play acting. They know we'll never leave something undone so that means it gets filed under "taken care of" in their brains. There are so many things DH could help with but doesn't. I guess I shouldn't complain because he takes care of the dog much more than he used to and cooks, but... I'm really leading in the baby column!

Laura, sorry about AF and thrush. :hugs: I was thinking earlier how much I loved being pregnant. Doesn't help that I have a friend who's glowing right along at 36 weeks... I know it wouldn't be so easy and relaxing the second time, of course!

G has been fussy and restless all day. I gave her some Tylenol in case it was her teeth... Hilarious how the cherry flavor quiets her right down. She's going to have a sweet tooth like mommy!
I think if you delete the pics off your phone they stay in the dropbox folder (I know because there are a few of my carpet etc in there).

Mscrow, iknow his you feel. I get so cross with oh (mostly at about this time of day). He used together up with t at about 6 so I could sleep, but that's pushed out more and more to more like 8.30 now, which is crap! So he takes him down at 8.30 (after I've been awake with him for hours) and brings him back up about 9.30... an hour so doesn't cut it!

So after my moan last night, t slept from 11 to 5.30.... yessssss! First time in ages. I'm so keeping him in with us again now...

Got his jabs today... then my coil fitting... great!

Birdy, I'll email you now. Don't worry about offending people. We're all in this together. Xxx
Mscrow - men huh :shrug: :hugs: if it's any consolation at least he's in your room!

Very true. I'm sorry you're on your tod, it must be wearing, totally wearing.

I'm still seething as apparently he woke up each time. Thanks for offering sod all in terms of help. Now he's playing World of Sodding Warcraft having complained, when she woke up at 6, that he was awake.

They know we'll never leave something undone so that means it gets filed under "taken care of" in their brains. There are so many things DH could help with but doesn't.

Very true but it does get a bit wearing having to mentally plan ahead. I'd be thrilled, THRILLED, if I was sometimes the person to ask if he needed any help with something.

Missy, I'd be mentally clonking your OH, handing him T at 6 and if you're still too annoyed, going for a long bath with the door locked.

I realise I'm seeing this very one sided. He does more than I care to acknowledge right now. I just need him to adjust back to the days when E woke up more, because she's in that phase right now. OK rant over, we're on better terms as I think he gets E is having a development thing. Yesterday she didn't nap once and refused to be put down. Her mood is on the edge of demented laughing/crying quite a bit at the moment.

Since I've sworn all over this post, WT, b-a-s-t-a-r-d. I guess I use it casually, like 'what a b-a-s-t-a-r-d' but I'd never call someone one. If that makes sense.

Missy, are you having the Mirena or the old style coil? I'm considerng the latter and will be interested to hear how your day goes.

Lozza, I agree with Mouse, they just sit there. But the cautious side of me would say if you don't need to delete them on your phone then don't. You can change the setting to upload when you choose and to certain folders - I upload E's to monthly ones so I can track her progress.
Mscrow , I still haven't quite decided... I used to have the old style one and was happy with it but now I'm wondering about the mirena... no periods soundsfun...
Dropbox keeps your pictures when you delete them, that's the whole point :). I can confirm it as OH deletes everything off his phone on a daily basis as it has small memory.

OH has gotten up about twice ever with both our kids, I know better than to expect anything from him during sleeping hours!! I'm ill and exhausted at the moment, he stayed home and had 3 nights of 12 hours sleep whilst I was away with the kids at the weekend. (bearing in mind he doesn't get up at night) and then woke me up when he came to bed eventually last night. I asked him if he was ok and his answer, "no I'm exhausted!" In a really grumpy tone. Um, really? Man up, you wet blanket, you don't know the meaning of the word exhausted!! Seriously, the cheek of saying that to me! F*** off!

On the plus side, Roh didn't get up until 7am today, so I've had a lie in!!! :). F was pretty good last night too and I think only fed twice. :wacko:

I have period pans and have done for a couple of days, but no period. A touch nervous, as that's always been the frst sign of pregnancy for me...
Morning strategy being adopted here. After waking around 7:15am...M has a feed and is ready for her first nap around 8:15 ish...the signs are there and i usually put her down on our bed bolstered by pillows but feel that may not be safe for too long...have just put her down in sleeping bag, a little more light in room...just blanket. Seems fine so far...still awake but thumb sucking so hopefully only.s matter of time. My obly conceri is that its slightly cooler in there ...have popped a blanket over but typically its been kicke offf hmmmmm. We shall see what happens:shrug:

Sorry for the wake ups ladies....sleep regression will hopefully be.quick and LOs will get asap. No.regression here...yet...going a shock.for sure. We have had 7 weeks of sleeping

Crowned...wanted to.say good luck with in laws...and take no notice of what they are with A every day and you know her best and are doing a fantastic job. They will hopefully see that x x

Birdie....etiquette?? On her....well that would be a first x x just ask.away anything...we are soooo thick skinned on here...nothing offends which is why it so much

sorry everyone else...have forgotten loads...emera...get well soon, missy.yeah for Ts sleepe
Morning lads.

It looks as if O had her 4 month regression at 3 months and it is now over! this is the fourth night of 12 hour sleeps (with just one dummy insertion at around 5) Have hope lads, there's light at the end of the tunnel. She was bad for about 3 weeks and then last week slowly got better!

right lets see if i remember everything.

Men suck! I've found they help out but always at the wrong time/with wrong things and think that's enough.

Mustard on boobs!? only here would we talk about such things!

I have no idea what dropbox is but guess it's a little like an on line i cloud? we currently have over 5000 pictures of O, i know this as i saved them all on to an external hard drive at the weekend. I'm not sure how I've managed it but when taking pictures i always take at least 10 of each position she's in, just to get a good one, so end up with hundreds a day. oops.

and it would seem i have forgotten the rest.

Emera hope your all feeling better today
emera! Could you just be having a period with out bleeding due to breast feeding? Or do you think it's test time?
M seems to be wide awake...giggling to herself and not sleeping aarrrgh...and blankets kicked off doh!!! Holding out as shes not got arsey yet but a shower could be missed for me. Come on M!!!!!
mitch why not try giving her a little cuddle just to settle her down and start to nod off but lay her down before her eyes close?
L+L yeah that was my thought too. Going to give it a week to see how I'm feeling and then think about testing if I still feel weird.
Morning lads!

Just a quick drop in as i feel so out of the loop this week. I will be able to get on here properly again from next tuesday when everything returns to a bit of ''normality''.

My uncles funeral was tough but lovely. He used to work at the mars factory in slough and was the first man to put chocolate on a twix bar dont you know.... his claim to fame hahaha :winkwink: It was a day full of funny and lovely stories like that; but as i say was tough.

I then spent most of yesterday with my friend who just lost her mum. Her brother and dad were both there too and im just heartbroken for them all. The funeral is on Monday.

I hope everyone is well?

no new baby news here... G is great, because of the funeral being on his weighing day i still dont have an updated weight; but will unofficially weigh him on friday at baby club.

He is pulling on his feet more now, is more wiggly and spends a lot opf time on his side.... but still no rolling.... PHEW!! hahaha

BTW do u remember i told you all about the women who gave her 4 month old coffee and tea? Well she now gives her kit kat chunkys. lol. Everyone to their own eh??? but i shant be weaning G with a KK chunky hahaha.

Hope your all ok...... im going to attempt to read back now but what with feeding etc in between it will probably take me quite some time..... :dohh:
L&l...i laid her down in there when i got signals..been there for nearly an hour...has dozed off a couple of time but woke again. Shes not kickibg off just fidgeting and looking around...gave been in a couple of times...she is fine. She usually goes off before now in bed but will persevere...nay wait til really sleepy and ready tomorrow. Her mobile music is really loud and we never have to use it....maybe give that a go tomorrow.

Ooh shes gone again :haha:...bless her lots of face rubbing but she may be givibg up the fight

Love her so much..just want to make sure morning nap is good for her and safe:kiss:. Rest of day will be in carrycot downstairs in hustle and bustle

edit....ft glad the funeral went ok...hope G was well behaved x x
FT :hugs: I'm glad your uncles funeral went as well as it could of.
I hope Monday helps your friend and her family with there grief.
And G will be rolling before you know it! it was the feet grabbing that did it for O, turned her into a bit of a weeble!

Emera - you best keep us updated on period/test news!

EDIT- M is such a sweetheart Mitch! She'll get it in the end!
Mitch, sure M will get used to the change. At least you know she sleeps well in her cot so no worries on that front. ;)

FT. :hugs: my nan's funeral was like that, really tough but full of laughter and good memories. :hugs: glad it went as well as these things can.

L+L, don't worry I'll keep you posted, I'll be obsessed by the time its time to test. Yikes, I'm already thinking "what if"!! I know we are NTNP but woah, I'll be in 3 under 3 territory here! :wacko:
morning lads,

giving it a week sounds sensible Emera. i have to say i am paranoid and have tested about 4 times since i had R! lol (i have a stash of those instant test stick things) I havent really had a proper period yet. I thought i did a few weeks ago but it was very light... not really sure what is going on with me

btw in case it needs saying, the tests were negative!!

off to Bounce and Rhyme in a mo
Kaz - welcome to the group :hi: and yes ur lucky i didnt nickname you :haha: Rashy and PissyBlaze can be testament to that :rofl: and rashy - yep i HATE the word fa**. I still say pop. lol.

Mitch - i have to admit, G sleeps whereever really. USUALLY in his pram which i keep downstairs... but sometimes in my arms... on sofa.... i never bring him upstairs as i want to keep his nursery for bedtime.

L&L - :hugs: firstly as i know your not feeling 100% yourself atm. Secondly, good on you for starting off on a business adventure!! :dance: I need to start thinking about work stuff soon too. Ive come to realise im struggling not to spend.... and that i like money. :blush:

Oh bums.... there was more but its all left my overstuffed head :(

G is upsetting me.... sometimes i try to latch him on, he starts drinking but then pulls off crying...tries again...pulls off.... horrible. Just done it now so i gave up. not sure what is wrong or what to do. maybe he just isnt hungry??? but he seems it... and its feed time :shrug: GAH.

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