March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

if i tense my stomach muscles and poke really hard from one side of my belly to the other i can feel a little dip in the middle about 0.5cm wide. is this wear it has joined back up or not joined? :haha:
L+L, sounds like they are nearly back. I can't really feel any gap at all, and i've had mine checked and know they are back. Maybe you need to wait a little longer, or maybe they are always going to be like that. I can feel a slight dip, where one starts and the other ends but no gap. Pelvic floor exercises help. :)
Cuppie, yeah, who knew that twinkle twinkle little star and row row your boat had more than one verse!!? :haha: I felt sooo lost when i started going to playgroups with song time, like i'd missed out on some crucial parenting class or something!! :haha: I know waaaay to many nursery rhymes now! :shock:
Dang, you lads can chat fast!

FT- Good to see you back, and your uncle's funeral sounds lovely. Perhaps I should do my part to honor him by having a TWIX!!!! MMMmmmmMMMm. That's my very most favoriteist candy bar! Your uncle was a good man. :thumbup:

L&L- Glad to hear the weaning is going so well. After our spectacular start last weekend with some brown rice cereal, we haven't done anything new this week. The days are so dang hectic with work and daycare that we don't really have time at night to introduce anything new. So this will be an extremely slow weaning. :)

Regarding BLW... conceptually, I think a lot of the techniques sound wonderful, and I support any and all of you who plan to use them!! Practically, however, we'll have to have a combo of traditional and BLW techniques. Mealtimes will be ridiculously messy and slow with two babies digging their hands into mushy carrots! My OCD would definitely go out of control. :haha: But I do love the idea of letting the boys experiment and learn on their own. So perhaps we'll let daddy handle some BLW techniques when he's in charge, and I'll orchestrate the "neater" meals when I'm in charge. (Of course, there is no such thing as truly "neat" eating where babies are concerned!)

Emera- I don't know how you can wait a week to test!!! You are so much more patient than me. I'd go out of my mind wondering.

Missy- I previously suspected you'd be the first March Mama to get knocked up again on account of your wacko dreams. However, that honor should be passed to Loo now with her prolific DTD in the back room.

AFM.... I'm pissed at DH. Last night the STTN fairy visited K, but forgot about P. K slept from 7-5:30 when he woke himself up with a poonami of epic proportions. However, P woke up at 12:00, 1:30, 2:30-3:30 and 4:30-5:30. (He ate at 2:30 and 4:30). So what does DH do when he naturally wakes up at 5:00? (He's always an early riser.) He sits in the bed browsing the internet while I'm struggling to get P back to sleep. I bit his head off about it, and he got all hurt, but MY GOD is that man dense! Rant over. :flower:
Wt...i would have been mad too!!! Oh and i agree missy may be first....loo will never get preggo if she continues with 'back room' antics:haha:....sorry...couldnt resist:blush:

Loving all the choco weaning talk...i favour giant chocolate sure that will work with their little grasps....although note giant ones not regular size yum

More i think about weaning and hear about l&l and O's experience so far...the less scared and more excited i am. I agree i will probably do a combination of traditional and blw....they cant really start blw until 6 months anyway so if she starts early.will try her on purees...porridge...the rice sounds yuck and unexciting. On the course i went to they also warned that its heavy in sugar too. May mix porridge/rice with fruit purees. Quite excited:happydance:. We go on holiday when M is only a week short of 6 months so guessing we may have started a bit by dilemma of what to do when we are away but thinking i will get some premade puree pouchs (lighter than jars) and a box of porridge/rice and make up there. Bit unsure of what they cook veggies in etc and whether the water may be wrong for M. Just to be safe...and we wont need to take alot by then. The room is a suite so has a kitchen area with fridge, microwave, kettle etc which is really handy

What other news....ooooh emera test!!!!! Maybe you excited if someone on here gets preggo soon

Hope waulas chat went ok with work

Oh i went to mum and under ones today....a 17 days baby girl who.weighed only 6lb 1oz at birth was there...aaaaaaaw sooooo cute. Cant remember M being that small. I.was saying to my friend that however many pictures i have of her cant replicate the feeling of holding something that small.....she had a hold and said that she felt really uncomfortable holding a newborn in the sense that she felt that she had never done it:shrug:...weird i know what she feels like a lifetime ago

Certainly makes you feel broody again

Oh yeah jelly belly still no.bikinis for me in Spain...tankini or swimsuit if way forward...shame as i bought some lovely ones for Vegas last year

Oooh question for those ladis who holidayed abroad with babies....we have booked a bay pack which includes a stroller among other things...i guess the taxi transfer will have car seat:shrug:....but what did you take for LO? To get to airport, around airport, up to.plane etc etc. Was thinking she may want to sleep so need something. Maybe travel system base and carseat attachment and use their stroller???:shrug: Help
Mitch, I traveled with A when she was just 2 months old, and used the car seat attachment and stroller to get her to the airplane. They check it at the gate, and so I put her in the sling to carry her onto the actual plane and wore her quite a bit through the flight. I highly recommend some kind of carrier or sling for on the plane, as dealing with carry on luggage could be quite difficult if your hands are full of baby.
Mitch I recommend the ella's kitchen pouches, they are really good x
Brilliant emera would save alot of faff and we know its safe and clean for her

Crowned ...was definately going to.take bjorn carrier for M when on flight etc...oh.and she really likes it now she can face out woooop. Had her in it around the house for 20 mins or so.the last couple of days. Havent braved outside and long time walking. Still seems tight around her legs/hips and pushes her legs out...not sure how i feel about it for a long time
A loves the carrier facing out too. I like to take her out to the front yard in it as she loves to feel the breeze and watch the leaves blowing on the trees. Definitely handy for getting things done around the house too!!
Morning, lads!

Go O, sitting up! How exciting!

Welcome back, FT. :hugs: for your tough times.

Well, DH left this morning... And I discovered that I can give G a pacifier instead of doing a 6 am feed. In fact, she's still asleep! Merciful child, knew Mommy had to deal with the dog on her own today.

In the minus column, what I said about her not pooping at night? Turns out I was wrong... Twice! :dohh:

DH was sweet last night, he gave her lots of kisses. I think he's actually going to miss her!
OMG. I can't believe you lot thinking I'd get preggo. We only do it in the back room too so no worries there. Ha gs ha !

Anyway... had my coil, I went for the copper Asimov just weirded out by fake hormones they did a pregnancy test first. Negative! Phew.
Lol, Missy!

Oh, on the subject of getting beaten during feeding... G will usually just gently run her hands on my skin, which would be sweet except for her jagged fingernails. Other times, when she's agitated, she moves her arm in a swim-like motion, over and over, and it drives me crazy. But sometimes she grabs my bra strap... And then snaps it hard on my skin. Last night I actually said OW!! Really loud and she blinked at me then smiled and laughed. Hilarious, eh? :roll:
Argh, I could cry! My first lie in for over 2 weeks has been written off! :cry: OH promised me a lie in on sunday, and now he has to go to work sunday morning. I actually want to cry! :cry: I'm feeling so ill and tired, and I just want a rest. I've been ill for a week and don't feel any better. Poo :( Its no one's fault, but the thought of staying in bed all morning was keeping me going, and now its gone :(

Sorry. Sound really moany and silly, but it was my thing I was looking forwards to! I keep trying to get an early night, but F has other ideas!
Oh emera that is so depressing, I so that counting down to when I can next sleep. If it changes its devastating.

T is fast asleep on me. I'm starving, I need a wee but I can't move him or he'll squeal again.

I've moaned so much that oh is coming home early (tomorrow morning instead of evening). He's missing a whole day of his course, but I kind of just want to say, no! Come home now!
oh emera :hugs: it;s not silly to be upset over that! i would be devastated as well!

Another good meal time here, we had sweet potato! it got gobbled up in no time again. I think i might actually up her milk as she has drunk every bottle today as well as some top ups If she drinks 6oz before bed like normal she would have had 32oz today which is about 4 more than normal, and she seemed hungry while eating the solid food rather than just tasting it, she attacked the spoon, so more milk tomorrow i think.

Weaning i still wind O after eating food? i haven't been and she seems fine but should i be?? She's never been a windy baby though:shrug:
No I wouldn't wind after solids, they'll likely just come back out again! In fact solids tend to improve wind and reflux as they are thicker and heavier and stay in the stomach more easily without trapping air. I think also as they tend to sit more upright for eating, the potential for trapped air is less.
thank you emera!
I'm dreading solids coming back up, milk vomcanos are bad enough sometimes!
Hello everyone.

It has been about a year now that I have been meaning to introduce myself so I suppose it is about time. I have to echo the sentiments of the other two who recently introduced themselves. I also have to say thanks for helping me out so much this last year, even though I have been too much of a chicken to join in. You are all amazing ladies!

A little about me I guess. I live in Washington state with my husband, we are both 29. Our first child, Dagny, was born march 21. She is such an amazing little girl and can't really imagine things without her. We definitely have not seen the sttn fairy in our parts, the occasional 4 hours feels pretty good. The last two days she has decided she likes squawking and needs to do it most of the day.

I hope everyone's day is going well and I will try to speak up once in awhile.

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