March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Ft - Z is definitely not teething (despite mil insisting he is since she first saw dribble 8 weeks ago). My friends little boy has just got teeth at 8 months, I wasn't expecting Bmand until at least 6 months.

By mil's reckoning they're "teething" for ages before you can see any physical signs, wtf? Surely in that case they teeth from birth until teeth appear :wacko:

Mouse - I agree, no running away to 1st tri!!

Bluebird - poor M, and you :hugs: I'm sure he's fiver and I suspect your mum has probably done something similar with you but conveniently forgotten about it now. I'm pretty certain my dad dropped me, and my friend was telling us last week how her dad broke her sisters foot by dropping a concrete slab on it (I think she told us this to make herself feel better as her baby fell off the bed that week!) if in doubt drop into a&e but they seem pretty bouncy these babies!
Loving all the romantic stories and proposals :cloud9:

I can vouch that both Lozza and Waula have lovely BLING!!! I LURVE diamonds...fickle I know but I used to buy and sell a lot and have had some corkers...unfortunately getting divorced meant I had to sell them all but I still have a photo album of all the lovely bling I have owned.

Kym - sorry about your dog and MIL...maybe they both need a trainer :haha:

Teething - I think I've said before people attribute teething to general whinging especially once babies start drooling and finding their hands.
Some babies do get teeth early though a lady at weigh in clinic has a little boy 10 days younger than J and he has 2 bottom teeth and his 2 top teeth are coming through :shock: mind you her first son was born with teeth so I suppose it's not totally unusual.

I bought J a Christmas present that sad :rofl:
I bought him this it was only £11 in Tesco! age 9-36 months and it plays loads of different sounds and music, numbers etc.
Also in an attempt to get him to lift his big head off the floor I've also bought him this, for using now not for Christmas
DH proposed on Christmas morning. He made an ornament that said will you marry me and tied the ring to it. Funny part is that when He told me my present was hanging on the tree I was seriously upset because he had told me he was buying me socks and I thought that's what he had hung on the tree! It was very romantic once I realized what was going on - he was very nervous.

Kym- sorry about your dog, I hope the training helps. Yay for your friends, that's so exciting
Blue- Hugs - I'm sure M has forgiven you and still loves you loads
FT- I have wondered the same thing about teething. I guess it can be painful for a long time before they appear.
FT - when M was born - there were 4 visible (what looked like) teeth on his bottom gum..... they haven't changed since he was born.... he is certainly more interested in 'gumming' on some of his toys - and the drool is like the rivers of babylon down his chin - but certainly don't think it's teething - yet......

Thank you ladies on your kind words on M's stuntman antics - I know I have said the same to others- but that certainly wasn't making me feel good before! Grrrr
FT, I think there are only 2-3 with teeth? Everybody else is just swimming in drool!

I never got into diamonds. Mine is small but I don't mind. We were young and poor! In fact, I have a relative whose wedding band has five diamonds all bigger than my engagement diamond on it. :shock: She also had to upgrade her 1.75 carat engagement ring to something more in keeping with her friends. I think she ended up with a 2.5 carat or something.

Do you know what kind of sewing machine I could buy for that money? :rofl:
Blue - sorry meant to say :hugs: before about M! I'm sure it might happen to me one day as I always leave J in the middle of the bed surrounded by pillows. Sure he'll wait until I'm out of the room to perform his first roll!!

Edited to add WT - girls are MESSY! both of mine have the same size feet as me and they always steal my shoes! all my mascara disappears and pretty much the contents of my make up bag goes AWOL! I'd rather deal with smelly socks and video games than 'period knickers' on the floor!!! :shock:
Birdie, one of the great comforts of this thread is there's always someone who's been through something similar and felt the same way. It's so freeing to be able to say what's on your mind without being called a bad mommy!
Glow - yep the dentist at clinic said that early teeth are 99% hereditary. so its likely that lady at clinic had her teeth early, and so both her sons did x

Rashy - ah 2-3 makes sense (but either way i hope no one thinks i was saying their baby ISNT teething - i was just beginning to think i was missing teething ques with G or was being told the wrong stuff)

I was only curious because i really hope not to wean until G is 6months, but if he were to get teeth this early then i would have to rethink that.

As for diamonds Rashy; im sure your ring is just lovely. My friend has a hugggeeee rock but the quality is poor. I prefer my other friends very small but very perfect diamond.

Oh man. Im so hungry. But its 11:20pm so eating now is a baddddd idea.

BTW i wont be on here over the weekend as im at home for dads bday; then i prob wont get on here monday due to the funeral. but i will be back on tues :)

I hope you all have gorgeous weekends lads :hugs:
Birdie, :hugs: its horrible when they fall or you drop them! :cry: I hate it. I say this knowing that F has rolled off both the bed and the sofa this week alone! :dohh: I swear I'm not a negligent mother!! :wacko: poor child is going to end up permanently dented at this rate!

FT, at about 14 weeks, the teeth start moving downwards in preparation. It really depends if you classify all tooth movement (like MILs do) or just the actual cutting as teething (like everyone else!). :shrug: I've found the most obvious sign they are actually trying to cut a tooth is that they want to grind their gums down HARD on everything. If they do it on you finger it fully hurts! F has 2 teeth just poking through, although they aren't visable yet from outside you can see and feel their tips poking out when she grins or screams. Roh had his first 4 teeth by about 4 and a half months and then nothing else happened until about 9 months when he got 4 more through. It can really vary. My friends little girl cut her first tooth at 16 months. :shrug:

City, I'm not waiting for AF, as I've only had one possible period so far, but I'm having some suspicious symptoms,so might test next week if they are still there. :wacko:

Loving the proposal talk! :). My engagement ring isn't a diamond, its a ruby, but it does have 2 small diamonds either side, I love it! :) My mum has a load of diamonds she inherited and is having a ring made for me, we went to the designer when I visited to plan the design! Exciting, I've never had much "bling" before! :)

Poor little F is so sad with her icky eyes and cough, got a horrible feeling I'm gong to have to hold her all night as lying down she just coughs an coughs. I feel so sorry for her. Plus I keep wakng her up with my coughing! :(
FT, I just read your last. Why would you need to wean earlier if G got teeth? Do you mean on to bottles? The bottom 2 that come through don't really affect feeding as their tongue goes over them, so they don't bite own with them at all. And having teeth won't automatically mean they want to eat solids, just as having no teeth won't stop them from eating them! :)
Aw, poor little F!

FT, have a good weekend, and hope the funeral's not too hard. :hugs:

I meant to try to get to the store today, but we're having our closets done and the lady had to come back and measure again... If I run out of diapers I'll know who to blame!

Any US lads watching So You Think You Can Dance?
Its raining in a seriously old testament fashion here! :shock:
Uh oh. Night out did NOT go well. N woke twice in 3hrs and was pretty upset when I got home. He managed 1oz from bottle supposedly. Bit odd to be out and away from him. Felt like I'd forgotten something all night.
FT I think babies go from being in colic territory to teething territory and sometimes I think it's just personality sometimes!!! Ha! N not teething, just likes his hands! Not even that dribbly yet.
Right off to bed...
Trying to feed G at the computer, but she stopped eating and is just turned around trying to look at the monitor.

Great! I ruined my baby's brain already. :dohh:
Loving the proposals! My story: DH was a total jerk to me the day before, so promised to take me on a nice date the next day to make up for it (perfect cover!). I arrived at his house and he handed me a card giving a hint to our first location... long story short, over several hours we did a scavenger hunt that took us to a variety of different locations that all had significance in our relationship up to that point, from having dinner at a restaurant on the ocean, to petting puppies in the pet store, to racing go-karts (I was wearing a dress - do not recommend that!) to walking the pier and kissing at the end. Anyway, second-last card took us to a lake. I forgot we'd even been there before, but he reminded me it was somewhere we'd been together even before we'd started dating, and we'd gone for a walk and he'd helped me across a little creek. So we go looking for the creek, but it's all dried up, so he 'helps' me across the dry creek bed and I get my last card. It says, "Choose your game." DH loves his video games, so he pulls out his Nintendo DS case (oh geez... so nerdy...) and opens it. Inside are two game cartridges - one with the Pokemon Diamond game, and the other with a GORGEOUS diamond ring. He knelt and said all kinds of lovely things and asked me to marry him. I said yes, we heard clapping, and realized 2 park rangers had seen the whole thing! (afterward they accidentally locked our car in the parking lot there, and we only managed to get out (unlocking was against their policy after dark) because they said they didn't want to 'ruin our perfect evening'!!!) Sorry - that's a long tale! It was lovely and very romantic, and perfectly 'us' though!

Agree with city about a permanent thread- I'm in for the long haul, even if I get knocked up again (no plans anytime soon for that!) - it's March Mamas forever!!!

Teething - A MUST be teething! I don't know what else it could be, as we're soaked in rivers of drool, she chews on everything, is cranky, and loves to bite on my knuckles and then jerk her head back so it tugs on her gums, then bite again. Odd child. It's been a while though, so who knows how long this teething thing lasts....

Glow, I'm getting scared about when A grows up after all your talk of teenage daughters... stealing my clothes/makeup/hair things? and period pants...ewwwwww.....
Aw crowned that is seriously romantic!!

Bummer, just realised I'm feeding and forgot to use the infacol first :dohh:

Anyone recommend anything for cracked heels? My heels are really dry and the skin is cracking, they're really painful!
Ouch Lozza! Mine are the same but I managed to get the dry skin rubbed off with a foot graterer before it cracked. Plenty of heel balm and slap it on thick then wear socks so it doesn't rub off on bed. I hope you managed to get the infacol in!
Crowned CUTE!!!!! X
11-4... I'll take that!!!

Yep Lozza, loads of foot cream or moisturiser and sack a pair of socks on. The heat from the socks will help it absorb.

Love love love the proposal stories. Needless to say there has not been one here!

Gah. This whole teething/not teething debacle is tough. I just keep thinking that when my wisdom teeth were moving and growing underneath the gums I was in agony, so I'm guessing D can't be too pleased about it either. The HV reckons there is something going on, and all the 'signs' are there. Her top gums are rock hard at the front, but granted there are no actual teeth. There is totally something bothering her though, and I'd rather give her the homeopathic baby cocaine than calpol (as it seems to have a calming effect on her)

Kym, sorry about the pooch, but glad that the trainer is positive. :hugs:

Afm, D has been awake for hours. Two and a half in fact. Bugger. Only I can soothe her, and even then she doesn't want to drop off. Gah. I've left her with oh whilst I drive mum to the airport. She is going to be such a rat bag later, and we have guests tonight. Gah.
Hello Lads

Soooo, no proposal yet, this will be like a slow torture till it happens! Poor Loo. Our proposal was pretty boring, but meaningful. We'd been apart for 6 months. My fault mostly. It was our getting together anniversary and we'd rung each other up....we'd never really wanted to split. It felt silly to be sat there on the phone when most of all I wanted to be back with MrC , but permanently, so I asked him to marry me. He said yes immediately, and that was it. We gave notice and got married the next month. Loved reading all your stories.

Still laughing about Mouse's interpretation of a Dolly.

Grouchy day yesterday turned into a disturbed night as she took ages to fall asleep in her car seat at a restaurant and then grizzled during the night. Definately development stuff going on. My sympathies to all similarly afflicted ladies.

Birdie, I hope you're both over the fall. Look at it like this, hurrah, it's finally happened, it was always going to and it will to each of us. But you're both ok and it won't be remembered, apart from you. The next time it happens and you make the most amazing Herculean catch, no one will be around to see it. It's how it happens.

What with sad baby shennanigans I'm a mess now and it's my graduation day. Up early, having sneaked out of the bedroom, as the stupid requirement is to be there for 8:30 in Manchester and seated by 9:15 for a 10:30 start. WTF?! I'll be feeding E at that point so whoever dreamt the schedule up can do one. On booking seats for family I was told 'no under 10's are allowed' to which I replied 'so Where do I leave my 4 month old baby? Drinking espresso round the corner?'. It's hardly like MrC will sit there in the audience if she gets nazzy. *sigh*

Anyhoooo, my mother has a fabulous fascinator with her and it's amazing to have my dad up - their first night away for over a year. I have gross baby blue and maroon robes to wear so I am seeking solace in my chicest wardrobe items. God save Mcqueen and all those who wear him.
Oh, MsC, I love your proposal story! It's like a scene from a movie.

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