March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Skadi, I LOVE that you have a list!!!!! I'm currently compiling one!

Emera, sorry, but :rofl: you are going to have SUCH a good week!!!

Cuppie, no plans yet. My friend leaves in a few hours so once has gone I'm sure it will start to sink in that I am engaged. Feels not real still!
Emera....aaaw bless roh...i am sure he will get the hang of it soon though...jyst in time for you having another on the way.....woop:happydance:

Lo...yep it always feels surreal for a while and do you find yourslf feeling for the ring with other fingers to.check its still there....sooooo pleased for you x worries will bring Colief along...if you want before i am happy to pop in a jiffy bag and post Let me know x

Parents gone....M missed her second morning nap...wsnt grizzly but sooo tored she feel asleep on.bottle (after nearly quaffing the lot) bless her...crashed out now. Hopibg its a ling one

Rain havant really been out for 2 days and not plannig to today:nope:...its misrable out there. Aaah will be gorgeous weather next week for our holidays i am sure:wacko:
looking forward to the stories about Roh's potty training. he is such a darling, plus we get to learn from you too! ps get on and acquire a test!!

skadi - would not be happy about people doing that, how on earth can they honestly think a baby wouldn't want its mummy?! crazy. like the idea of a 'no hold' list

we went to visit MIL anf FIl yesterday. i think people must forget what babies are like once their own grow up. Mil asked whether R was on one nap a day now? i was like noooo he is only 4 months old he has about 3+ naps a day. she seemed shocked

im being a good housewife today and doing the laundry and ironing and cleaning. surveyor coming tomorrow so im sure he doesnt want to see piles of washing! lol
L+L, elimination communication (EC - the early potty training you talked about) has a lot of merits, and its meant to be a brilliant way to potty train babies very early. However, its pretty hardcore. It takes some serious dedication from the parents and you have to be extremely vigilant and keyed in to your babies signals. I looked in to it, and its sounds good, but I'm just not that observant and it seems a bit restrictive as far as going out etc goes, which is not something I'm willing to compromise, I like my flexibility! I can handle a week in the house to potty train Roh, but months of having to plan outings around bowel movements sounds like a pain to me. I'm sure it works brilliantly for some people though. Nothing wrong with nappies either though. Like you said people (including MILs) need to butt out and let you parent as you see fit!
oow good luck with tomorrow cuppie!!

Emera it did work amazingly well for them i just wish that my MIL would stop trying to tell us how to do everything!
Mmmm significant change in daytime napping here today. She sleeps loads!!!!! Usually 4x 40 min naps per day but missed her second morning nap and went to sleep in carrycot staright after feed around 11:30am and is still asleep!!!!! Over two hours later....wonder if its a permanent thing...she die wake after the usual 45 mins or so and i thought i would let her resettle to make up for the morning one....she did...and here we are.

Not too concerned as far enough away from bedtime......

Mmmm back after a nightmare 15 minutes...she is asleep having 'interesting' dreams and wakes up inconsolable crying and screaming. I go up to carrycot...think i wont pick her up straight away...she is not resettling so pick her up and cuddle her. Crying calms....then starts...then stops...then starts....10 mins later i think shes still tired and obviously was woken mid-nap. She is down in carrycot again and sucking her thumb with breathing in fits and starts like shes still upset but no.crying.

Hoping she will calm down...have a short nap.and wake up ok. Anyone else had this!? Poor baby was inconsolable:cry:
We have mad it Mitch, but I've always put it down to tummy ache or wind which is what we have had the most problems with. Poor Mia! Lots of cuddles on the cards!

D's been A LOT happier today. Guess she needed a good nights sleep too!
It was horrible loo....she didnt bring up any wind and has now gone back to sleep....poor baby. Maybe a tummy ache...but seems ok sleeping again. Think a dream just woke her too early from sleep cycle and was still very tired:shrug:

Who knows....its a bloody minefield these babies
Mitch, when F does that on off crying its usually because she's tired. Like you said it often happens if she wakes earlier than she wants to. Saying that she als sometimes goes like that when she's hungry, although the periods of crying get longer and longer until she goes fully ballistic if i have to delay feeding her for whatever reason!
As far as naps, i found with Roh and the same is happening with F that the morning nap was always the biggie! Both of them do/did about 2-2.5hrs in the morning. F then does 1-1.5 hours after lunch, and then has a 40 mins max catnap in the late afternoon, which gets her through bathtime without melting down! On top of that i suppose she sleeps ab0ut 10-11 hours overnight (broken up!). Roh used to nap a bit less in the afternoon, maybe having 2x40 mins at the most. Then he'd sleep from about 9pm-9am with a feed at 6 or 7am. :shrug:
I reckon the late morning and early.afternoon naps are consolidating into one nap which is not a problem...pretty nice actually...just the waking up wailing was a total shock. Thought she needed comforting....but after a while.more sleep.was.needed. Bless.her
:hugs: mitch, poor M, can't say we've ever had that, once O wakes up she's wide awake no matter how long she'd slept before.

we generally have 3 naps a day a 2 hour nap in the morning, another 2 hour one at about 1ish and then an hour at about 4. sometimes the afternoon one splits into two though :shrug: i just let her sleep whenever she's tired.

what do you think i should take to this bloody wedding for O, pushchair or sling or car seat? or all 3? haha. Mitch what are you planning with M for her day time naps while at the wedding your off to?
L&l....we are planning to tske the pushchair attachment for the travel lies flat.and can be raised so will do fine for her to.nap if needed. We have spoken to my SIL and she is fine to take M after the wedding and before the evening do so she can stay over there and we.will pick her.up in the morning.

I let M nap whenever shes tired.too apart from.avoiding too close to.bedtime
M 2.5 hours into this nap apart from the 15 minute.crying interlude..unheard of during the day
Morning, lads.

Emera- I love Roh stories!!! So I have a feeling that potty training is going to be loads of entertainment for us. :haha:

Glowie/Mitch- I'm right behind you in the age department, so don't feel too lonely. I'm so old, in fact, that I keep forgetting if I'm 37 or 38. :rofl: I had to do the math to make sure. I'm 37. :thumbup:

Loo- Have you guys talked about a date yet?

AFM... The boys have started being absolute angels during the daytime. They entertain themselves so that they don't have to be held all the time, and they're generally happy unless they're hungry or sleepy. They are also great at going to sleep for nap time or bedtime. However, the trade off is that we've had a definite regression during the night. Nothing like what Lozza is dealing with. (Hugs to you, Lozza :hugs:) But they're waking up a lot more frequently.

P seems really uncomfortable when he wakes up.... his eyes are mostly closed, but he's grunting, thrashing, and shifting around while he cries. If I pop the paci in his mouth, he'll doze off, but then he'll wake up again within about 10 minutes. The only way I can get him back to sleep is to put him on my chest so that he's laying on his stomach. When he gets noisy, K wakes up too. I don't know what's causing it or what to do about it. I hope it passes soon!

Regarding poop.... we've had a few blow outs recently because both boys have incredibly runny poop at the moment -- presumably from either the drool or the newly acquired runny noses. It's a weird texture, color and odor. :sick: It doesn't smell bad (relatively speaking), but it is weird. It doesn't smell like poop. :shrug: I wonder if it has something to do with the nighttime discomfort???

ETA - and in case you haven't read enough about my boys' poop.... the frequency has gone up too. They used to poop once a day (or even every other day), and now, it's more like 4-5 times a day! Times two babies and that's a lot of poop!
Glowie/Mitch- I'm right behind you in the age department, so don't feel too lonely. I'm so old, in fact, that I keep forgetting if I'm 37 or 38. :rofl: I had to do the math to make sure. I'm 37. :thumbup:

WT...:rofl: I do that all the time!! I remember it used to be such an easy question to answer...but now it takes me a few seconds (or more depending on vino consumed/ sleep had!) to remember I'm bloody 38!! Or at least I think I am ::haha: :wacko:
WT, i've noticed T's poop recently hasn't smelt the same as normal. Weird. And he is NOT a fan of the daytime nap. he usually has a little one from about half 10 - 11 or 11.30 and then i've just FORCED him into one now (but he resisted for ages and i have no idea how long it will last).

What do you reckon to this rash... heat rash?


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WT wow lots of poop!!!! O's poo seems to not really small any more. i wondered if i had just gotten so used to the smell it didn't bother me? :haha:

Oh missy im rubbish with rashes so :shrug: i can't help
Missy, such a yummy tummy. :cloud9: Blowing raspberries on naked baby bellies is one of the best things ever. As for the rash...that looks like the type of rash caused by the sweatiness of heat or perhaps a wet drooly shirt. We get little spots like that that pop up and then go away within the day. But keep your eye on it.
Oooh i know, it's a yummy tummy to smooch. He's had it all day and it's slightly raised and disappears with the glass test so i reckon it is heat rash/vom rash... who knows!
Cute tummy! No idea on the rash though, sorry.

Watching OBEM and it's made me cry. One girl got her baby boy after 2 miscarriages and a stillbirth. So heartbreakingly sweet to see her finally hold her precious LO.

A sleeping now too - 1.5 hours so far, which is long for a single nap in the mornings! I'm hoping all the little 30-40 minute naps are being blended into a couple of longer naps. Is there a particular age when they tend to start napping for longer stretches?
I love the Pooh stories Emera! Just hope he doesn't decide to "hide" it. Wheen my sister was potty training she peed on the couch in our sunroom so she had the devious plan to hide it by putting chairs on top of it. Who would have known that chairs on couches wasn't normal.

Yes! I love my list idea... Too bad I can't put MIL on it! Lol

Keira does the almost inconsolable screaming when she gets overly tired too. It almost seems like hunger the way she acts. I usually hold her soother in and rock the cradle until she calms down. Weird babies!

L&L - I don't blame you about ranting over your MIL! Wth!

Crowned - Keira has always taken 1-2 hour naps so I'm not sure. Maybe it depends on the baby.

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