Hi Lovelies...been trying to catch up and read back all day
Sorry about all the out-law/parent troubles
I've been lucky so far.....although I did have a moment with in-laws whilst I was actually delivering Jacob (will put that in my birth story below
Ok so here is birth story....not too long
Day of induction was told to phone at 8.30am for time to go in. Phoned and was told to phone back at 11.00am. I was a bit stressed at this point, anxiety levels started shooting up and started wondering if pushing for induction was a good idea. Phoned back at 11.00am and told to come in as soon as we could.
We got organised (stopped for a Costa on way to the Hospital
) and arrived on Labour ward at 12.00pm.
We had a 3rd year Student Midwife called Charlotte who was lovely and an older Midwife called Juliette who was equally nice. We had a really big room and the atmosphere was really chilled. I was put on monitor, all fine and at 1.10pm they broke my waters 3-4cm. I started contracting after half an hour but they were not painful or regular. I spent time standing up and on the birthing ball and we had the radio on. After 2 hours it was decided to start the dreaded drip to bring on the contractions more....queue slight panic from me
We discussed pain relief and I said I was happy to just try gas and air to start with and take it from there.
3.20pm Synto drip was started on lowest dose. At this point I'd had no pain relief and all was still really relaxed, I was still standing rocking trying to get gravity to work it's magic. 4.00pm taken for a wee with drip attached and first painful contraction
This was when things definitely became established.
4.30pm contractions coming fairly quickly now and decided to start using the G&A. Still fine between contractions but they were starting to come thick and fast now so MUCH MUCH more G&A was being consumed now.
6.00pm examined a good 7cm but baby was back to back (OP)
I was really wishing at this point I'd asked for something else as I think this is the point were you tend to feel tipped over the brink of no return.
By 6.15pm I was feeling pressure to push but it wasn't all in my bottom.....I kind of started to lose the plot a little bit here as the G&A was just not touching the top end of the contraction at all and and instead of the preferred 5 in 10 minutes I was having 7 in 10 minutes so there was just no breathing space in between. I was checked again and told complete but couldn't push as baby was still turning and it had left a lip on one side of cervix 6-7cm
I started breaking down asking for a c-section, could someone else do it for me, I didn't want to do it anymore...blah blah
They decided at 6.30pm to give me a shot of Pethadine to try and bridge the pain whilst the lip of cervix dilated and baby moved round to better position.
This part was definitely what made this labour worse than my others, not being able to push I was literally moo-ing like a cow while fighting the intense pain and being told NOT to push. They then decided to get the stirrups out which made me cry as I thought they were getting ready for an assisted delivery...I think they were but lied and said it was to help me push better.
Change over of shift!!! BUT Charlotte and Juliette both stayed on to see baby born
Just after 7.00pm was given the go ahead to push, I could hear babies heart rate slower and slower with every push (scary!). At some point mid pushing someone knocked on the door and said In-laws were here
I shot up off the bed mid push thinking they were actually trying to get into the delivery room!(wouldn't surprise me) but turns out they were in the waiting room
After almost 20 minutes of pushing Jacob was born at 7.18pm weighing 8lbs 1oz and just perfect, he was put straight onto my skin and it was the biggest relief I've ever felt. The worry because of my age everything all came to a head and I was really emotional
OMG that was way longer than I planned.
I'll be honest and say this was by far the most painful of all my labours...even Forceps
BUT it was worth every second
I think we are being lulled into a false sense of security here as Jacob is being the most chilled baby ever so far!!! He has had a bit of mucus from birth and MW thinks once he get's rid of that we might see a different baby but at the moment I am relishing and loving every second with my little man