March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

:cry: :cry: :cry: i dropped him.... from the sofa so quite low - but he landed face down on carpet :cry: :cry: :cry:

I feel awful. I have a sprained wrist atm; and i dont know what happened but i was holding him and about to get up off the sofa when i dropped him face down. he started crying but settled when i picked him up and gave him his dummy. He seems ok.... no marks... yet.

I gave him a feed as he was due one and is now sleeping (usual nap) - im just soooo scared ive hurt him.

I knew this day would come as im so darn clumsy anyway but i feel like such a bad mummy :cry:

and this morning he whipped his head around and his cheek went against my wedding ring - giving him a scrape..... he (we) is having such a bad day :cry:
Oh FT huge :hugs: it'll happen to us all... I'm sure he's fine. They're very robust! As always you'll be more traumatised than G... He'll be having boobie dreams and will have forgotten already xx
im in tears, i feel soooo bad :cry: i wanna wake him so i can check him again :(
7000 posts!

FT, I'm sure G will be just fine :hugs: You'll be emotionally scarred for life, but he's forgotten about it already! :hugs: Babies are surprisingly bouncy, and a little fall on to carpet won't do them any damage. You feel awful about it, but that's about the worst of it. You'll just have to give out loads of extra cuddles to stop you feeling bad. Xxx
thanks lads x he is sleeping ON me now and i bet i co-sleep tonight.......
:hugs: FT. The others are right, we'll all do it, at least you've got it over and done with. Good excuse for lots of G cuddles.

I wish jabs had an impact on Z's sleep. He's had a 30 min nap since 12pm, that's it! Being really fussy & screamy feeding though, im a bit worried my supply has dropped or slowed? Trying to express now and there's not a lot coming off.

How long does everyone feed for now? And do you offer both boobs? Z rarely seems to want more than one. I seem to struggle to recognise when he's hungry now rather than windy or overtired. Feel like I've no idea what I'm doing!
mmmm i think he is getting a little bump on front of his head... unsure whether to go to a&e for check.... he seems ok....

lozza, g is fussier wen feeding now too. sometimes i offer other one after as im convinced their is no milk left in one hes drinking from....
Ft - if you think you'll sleep better tonight knowing he's ok then I'd go to a&e. If it was me I probably would otherwise I'd be up all night staring at him to make sure he was ok, even though you're 99% sure he is.
Ft go if you're worried hun or give nhs direct a call for some advice xx
Lozza I totally get what you're saying about not knowing if it's hunger or wins or tired. Feel a little bit like we're going backwards a bit. I'm offering boob a lot more. Doesn't always take it. Feeds are anywhere from 5-40mins. Always just one boob. X
FT - i did the same thing a few weeks ago. R also landed face down on the carpet. he got a little bruise / mark but it disappeared by the next day. I personally wouldnt worry and just watch out for vomiting, floppiness, unresponsive eyes etc. if you have any concerns seek medical help but chances are he is absolutely fine.
ps thanks for the help/advice re the childminder. i havent arranged a time to see her yet but hopefully will sort something for next week.

had a hectic day. knackered now. not much to report either...
Thanks for all the kind words lads - cuppie, thanks for reassurance.

well G spent the eve laughing and playing away... and i dont think it is a bump afterall. He is now upstairs asleep in a crib ....but in our room :blush: i just want to keep an eye on him tonight :)

On the feeding issue.... the last week ive noticed G will be ''fussy'' when i know he is hungry and offer him a feed. he starts crying (alot) and then i practically force him on my boob.... at which point he starts guzzling away. its almost as if he doesnt realise whats being offered lol. and i do literally force him on. Obv if he pulled off then i would leave it but he always drinks away :shrug:

i prob wont get on here much - if at all -tomo lads as weve got baby club, then a walk around town, then my sis is up and then im cooking homemade thai. FOOD PORN ALERT: im doing fried pork balls, Chicken in Honey and Ginger and some Satay Beef. As you can tell, tomo is my ''naughty food day'' :haha:

anyway if i dont get on at all tomo (i will try to) - then have a fab friday! :hugs:

Night all.... ''The Killing'' is calling me... :winkwink: (nightmares a-hoy!)

Just watched last nights Killing, the last series was great but Im bored of this one, just want it to finish!

So much for calpol knocking them out, tonight's first stretch lasted a whole..... Drumroll.... 1hr 20, woo!! DH suggested we try a bottle of formula at the weekend and I actually think I will Friday night. I know people say don't give them it as a night feed first, but it can't get any worse so I'm going to, just to test its not hunger once and for all (he had a 6oz bottle if ebm last night and still only lasted 3 hrs). Mitch you used the cartons at first, which do you recommend? I've no idea what to buy!
FT, you evil woman! I'm not even sure what "fried pork balls" entail, but I'm suddenly starving. I have a fancy schmancy wedding to attend the first weekend of October, and I really want to be fully fit by then. So anything containing the words: fried and/or pork should be off limits, but I think I'll have to be a little naughty tonight. I'll consider it my catching up calories for all the food I have not consumed since Monday night. Omnomnomnomnom.
Lozza....i bought cow and gate...not sure why but she seems fine with it. Have heard good things about Aptamil too...more expensive. Did buy cartons initially...just emptied the small carton.into.a sterilised bottle and chucked awsy what she didnt take. They are 200ml. Have moved to powder easy and much cheaper for full FF...she actually seems to.prefer...the cartons seem very creamy if that makes sense. She took both ok though sure G is fine...bless him x. Mmmm enjoy your lovely banquet

Edit....just looked at M on monitor and big beady wide open.eyes looking at me.....scary ha ha. Watching Crimewatch so slightly freaked out. She will again...just weird
FT, YUM!! Can I come over? Sound's delicious!

OH and I had the lame-est fight this evening, we are both so tired we sat and whined at eachother for 30 mins and then gave up and I went and bought a load of chocolate and we've stuffed ourselves and are now watching Deep Blue Sea, just 'cos its rubbish and we can bitch at the film instead of eachother. We have a few movies reserved for this purpose, it works well!

Lozza, I say at this stage, try anything. In your position I'd do exactly the same I think. If its any use I used Aptamil and Hipp organic cartons and both went down fine. :thumbup: Most my friends who've used formula have gone for sma. :shrug: just incase Mitch doesn't get on to recommend. To be honest, all infant formulas are much of a muchness, by necessity, as they all have to contain roughly the same nutrients to be suitable for babies. :hugs:

Gave F some EBM in a sippy cup earlier, she was a big fan! :haha:

All this fussiness and feeling like we don't really know what we are doing is really normal about this age I'd say. They are changing and developing almost daily at this point so its really hard to predict or understand what they want, or it can be. A lot of us seem to be going through it. F is way less fussy feeding now though after a good 3 weeks of almost fighting during feeds. Hope she settles down more with the napping and sleeping soon, as its just tiring at the moment. On the plus side she's been a bit brighter today, so hopefully the anti biotics are kickng in. :)

Ergh, sorry rambling because I'm tired, don't think I've answered what I wanted at all! :dohh:

Think I'll bitch at the movie a bit more and doze on the sofa! :sleep:
Just a quickie!!!

FT :hugs::hugs: though sounds like G is fine!! :hugs:

Lozza - I'll pop round when the girls have must be knackered/at your wits end! anyhoo - I don't think giving him ONE bottle of formula will do any can pump off what he doesn't have for that feed.
J is on Aptamil only because I got sucked in by the more expensive price = better milk which is probably utter crap :haha:

FYI - the girls are here and having great fun with J. So far they have put him in his baby walker and propped him up with a towel and then called him Steven Hawkins because he fell a bit sideways (sorry if that offended anyone!)
They then put him on his Lamaze spin and explore tummy time thing and thought that 'spin the baby' might be a good game :shock:
OK - so no one come to my house or call child services.
By the way - I didn't let them do it but it was really funny, I actually leaked a bit of a wee I laughed so hard :rofl:

Being called upon to watch trash TV - joy!!!
Hey lads

FT, I'm so sorry about G but agree that well, it's happened, it was the smallest drop and he's a-ok. It does happen to everyone but you're a great mother so it's no reflection on you. My brother once told me about the time my nephew rolled off their bed. He was stood on the other side of the room and made a hurculean leap across the bed and just caught him in time. After all the adrenaline had subsided he was bummed no one had been there to witness such a great catch.

The fussy thing, E went through a little phase of this and still does from time to time with my left breast. I think it's the 4 month thing, her brain is going crazy and she's all over the place with sleeps, mood and feeding. I've also decided she's not really hungry and leave her for a little bit. A lot of the time it's wind and once she's trumped a bit she feeds fine. I can tell it is from the writhing and faffing about. Another thing they don't tell you at mummy school.

Food porn, please, stop it! We have nothing in until Sainsburys deliver tomorrow lunchtime. I've just had a sad little supper of marmite and chedder on toast.

Career, hmmm, it's a toughie and I wish, wish the misnomer that you can have both and be happy would stop being touted about, it just makes women feel unhappy or guilty. There's nothing wrong with returning to a career and having a partner take on the majority of childcare, neither is there in reviewing your career and cutting back to be at home more - my SIL did this and is so happy. But it must be recognised both have their drawbacks, there just isn't a magical formulae that will be the 'right choice'. For me, I've chosen to have a child, or maybe another, now and start a career very late, but as the politics thing happened, my path has wonked slightly anyway and I intend to juggle that and a part time academic career. As it is I've accepted some teaching from January recognising that with childcare I will make very little money from it but I will keep my hand in with the universities. I'm lucky that for now, whilst I have returned to work of sorts almost immediately, I can do most of it from home. I hope in the future I can earn just enough so that MrC can go very part time to be the primary home-bod.

Heh, Glow, J sounds like he might sleep for a week after such mega fun with the girls.

Well today's civil partnership ceremony was lovely, E looked scrumptious, MrC looked dapper and I looked pays to be a fashion magpie as my wardrobe has some good pieces in. Bit of a bugger finding something I can breastfeed in too - need to find another outfit for the full on wedding party on Saturday. Anyway, I was so proud of E, she's a very sociable baby and loves to be interacting with, well, anyone and readily dishes out smiles. She was passed about and gave a lot of joy out to friends, it was lovely to see. When she finally reached meltdown, 5 hours later she snoozed off in her pram. We're knackered though so bed....
MsC, glad the ceremony was good! Bet E charmed the pants of off everyone she always looks adorable in her pictures! :) also I think you hit the nail on the head about careers, there is no right, you just have to find the balance that works for you personally. :shrug: I've never been happier than I am now, so I think I've made the right call for the time being. I don't think I could ever be a full sahm though, I need to do something else, however menial! :)

Glow, spin the baby made me giggle! :blush: Siblngs are cruel! :haha: F loves her door bouncer, and Roh loves her in it too, he spins her round and round until the cable is all twirled round and then let's go and watches her unspin! :dohh:
I can't wait until A has some siblings... I'm the youngest so was always the butt of these things!

Career wise... It's such a difficult decision. DH is going part time from September and I'll be going back full time from January. He's promised to act as my secretary! It's the right decision for us for loads of reasons but it really annoys me when people look at us askance because it's Neil and not me that's going part time. I think there's so much gender inequality in child rearing!

I agree with Emera and MsC though that the popular myth that women should be just able to effortlessly balance a full time career with having children (young or old) is just wrong. There is always a play off somewhere. Whether that be career or child care. I know how hard my mum works now and how much she gets out of it but she put her career totally on hold when we were kids. Up until my dad left she was a Sahm and even then she went to work part time to fit in with our school times. She says it was the best thing she ever did but, much as I love spending each and every minute with A, I'm looking forward to being able to teach my a level classes again and to using my brain more than I'm doing at the moment. Point is, it's an individual's choice and it's neither a success or a failure if one route suits you better than another. If years of feminism have taught us anything it should be that as strong, individual and intelligent women,we have the right to make our minds up about what we want to do and not feel guilty about it. Instead, it seems to have created a kind of in-built guilt that we're letting the sisterhood down if we don't or can't perfectly balance career, homemaker, Sahm, lover, friend, etc. etc. no one can do everything and guilt is both unhealthy and unhelpful. Thanks society!

Ahh, that seems to have turned into something of a rant. Sorry about that. Point is, ALL work decisions we make are right because they are the decisions we make for ourselves for loads of different reasons. I'm sorry if I come across as criticising anyone. That is the opposite of my intention!

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