March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Hear hear to all you lovely lads with such wonderful words if wisdom. You're all amazing.
Went out for meal tonight with DH and left my mum to babysit N. Does leaving them get easier??! Just so used to being with him all the time, know it sounds ridiculous... Hate leaving him. He obviously didn't notice. Ha! Important for us to get some us time though...
Night lads... Xx
Not ridiculous Waula! The first time I went out with OH and left Roh with my mum, at about ths sort of age I guess, I was impatient to get home again, it felt totally wrong! I left F for the morning when she was a couple of weeks old to take Roh out, and didn't even really think about it, so yeah, think it definitely gets easier, as I adore F just as much as I did/do Roh, but fnd it much easier to leave her. Really hoping for a night out with OH soon, my friend who can babysit and OH's free evenngs haven't matched up recently though, so just waiting for things to sync up and everyone to be healthy!

Hope you had a yummy meal!

Right F back asleep now, so me too! :sleep:
As per norm - I'm about 3 days behind - this never made any difference when reading only......
hehehe - snigger - loving all the poooop stories from little Roh! (not sure i'll be saying that in a year or so's time......)
Glow - I'm the eldest of three - so fully get where your girls are coming from - almost to the extent that I am 'nearly' doing the same with M..... not quite though - the stephen hawkins comment made me titter!
Wuala - wow - 6-9 months..... I've just had the same thoughts - although I thing I am in denial about the 0-3 months if being truthful... Sounds like you had a lovely night with oh!!
Wow L&L - sneaking pizza.... you better start eating quick! M has only just started taking an interest in grabbing his bottle.... M was born on the same day as O - can't remember O's due date... Think M is taking things east like a sunday morning...... (M was due on the 7th March...) I assume that M is falling in line with his 'lazy male' equivalent?
Mmmmm - returning to work is a hard one.... :ignore::ignore: I have two jobs (by choice....... - always have since I was 16) My day to day job is a good one and doesn't require much away) travel - but at this moment in time - the though of being a full time worker scares the shit out of me...... NEVER thought I would say that...... At the moment I have a great boss - but I also appreciate - that the role that I did prior to mat leave is a role tha could be carried out part time - even though what I did before could be carried out by others - would my boss be open to shared / part time going forward.....?? ARGH
My 'second job' is working at a football ground..... which is as much business as pleasure... Certainly was at the end of last season anyway - shan't talk about footie too much as I appreciate it's not everyone's cup of tea (I love my football - and am privileged to work in an area that as a football fan - fans would love be able to see.)

Soooo - a few days ago, I responded to F/T's q on teeth - and said that although M had teeth showing from birth - nothing more had come of it ....... well tonight - M grabbed my finger and was 'gumming' on my finger - to which I was thinking - that this felt different - checked his gum's and we have TWO little scissor tops of teeth on his bottom......

FT :hugs: fully know where your coming from - I think my heart broke in two last friday when M did his best stunt man impression and dived off the bed.... Thought he would never forgive me - or me myself- but he did.........

Was in Stockport this afternoon - and hadn't realised that the Manchester evening news were also taking pictures of babies for the baby of the year comp.... Moments prior to entering the area - M upchucked down me and him - thankfully more me than him...... The lady who was behind me just kept shouting her grandson - look at that little girl (who was infront of us ....) she is going to cry in a moment - lllllloooooookkk - that little girl is going to cryyyyyy- yoooooouuuu are sooooooo much better than her - little baby (ermmm - well, yes - she was only a baby - WTF??)



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    2012-07-19 17.09.21.jpg
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As per norm - I'm about 3 days behind - this never made any difference when reading only......
hehehe - snigger - loving all the poooop stories from little Roh! (not sure i'll be saying that in a year or so's time......)
Glow - I'm the eldest of three - so fully get where your girls are coming from - almost to the extent that I am 'nearly' doing the same with M..... not quite though - the stephen hawkins comment made me titter!
Wuala - wow - 6-9 months..... I've just had the same thoughts - although I thing I am in denial about the 0-3 months if being truthful... Sounds like you had a lovely night with oh!!
Wow L&L - sneaking pizza.... you better start eating quick! M has only just started taking an interest in grabbing his bottle.... M was born on the same day as O - can't remember O's due date... Think M is taking things east like a sunday morning...... (M was due on the 7th March...) I assume that M is falling in line with his 'lazy male' equivalent?
Mmmmm - returning to work is a hard one.... :ignore::ignore: I have two jobs (by choice....... - always have since I was 16) My day to day job is a good one and doesn't require much away) travel - but at this moment in time - the though of being a full time worker scares the shit out of me...... NEVER thought I would say that...... At the moment I have a great boss - but I also appreciate - that the role that I did prior to mat leave is a role tha could be carried out part time - even though what I did before could be carried out by others - would my boss be open to shared / part time going forward.....?? ARGH
My 'second job' is working at a football ground..... which is as much business as pleasure... Certainly was at the end of last season anyway - shan't talk about footie too much as I appreciate it's not everyone's cup of tea (I love my football - and am privileged to work in an area that as a football fan - fans would love be able to see.)

Soooo - a few days ago, I responded to F/T's q on teeth - and said that although M had teeth showing from birth - nothing more had come of it ....... well tonight - M grabbed my finger and was 'gumming' on my finger - to which I was thinking - that this felt different - checked his gum's and we have TWO little scissor tops of teeth on his bottom......

FT :hugs: fully know where your coming from - I think my heart broke in two last friday when M did his best stunt man impression and dived off the bed.... Thought he would never forgive me - or me myself- but he did.........

Was in Stockport this afternoon - and hadn't realised that the Manchester evening news were also taking pictures of babies for the baby of the year comp.... Moments prior to entering the area - M upchucked down me and him - thankfully more me than him...... The lady who was behind me just kept shouting her grandson - look at that little girl (who was infront of us ....) she is going to cry in a moment - lllllloooooookkk - that little girl is going to cryyyyyy- yoooooouuuu are sooooooo much better than her - little baby (ermmm - well, yes - she was only a baby - WTF??)

FFS - my long winded response has buggered off!!!

never the one liners is it!!

Grrrrrr - big long post gone up to the 'fook up in the sky......' post


FT -:hugs: doesn't make it any easier - as my stuntman will equate - but he is fine now.....
Emera - loving the Roh poops updates - not sure I can wait for potty training.....:haha:
Wula - wow 6-9 months - I have only just put his 0-3months away -and nearly shed a tear,,,,,:dohh::cry:
L&L - better eat your pizza double quick......
FT - I lied..... (not on purpose) but we have two teeth which have broken through today .... he grabbed my finger early on today and I thought that it felt different.... have now seen two little teethe on his bottom deck....

Did respond with more - but struggling now - again.... Grrrrrrrrr!!!
Keira is becoming more and more distracted while feeding. The crinkle of a book, clicking on my phone while typing, her Dad coming in the room... she pops off and looks around or pops off and stares at me. It's like she is saying "WTF Mom I need complete silence to concentrate on eating!". What is this about? She used to be so focused on nursing anything could be going on around her and she wouldn't care.

We are still in 0-3 over here with some smaller 3-6 kind of fitting enough for her to wear.
Ugh, lost my post. :(

G melted down in the car this afternoon. Never quite seemed to recover, was weepy all evening. Finally walked her around the block and she fell asleep in the carrier and went right to her crib. Thank God because if it hadn't been that, it would have taken three hours to settle her. Poor thing! In retrospect I should have pulled over, but it was about a hundred degrees out and I thought I could get home faster than we did. Sigh. Bad Mommy.

On the plus side, she's discovered how to get out of tummy time--tuck your inside arm and roll over! She did it like four times in a row. (Naturally we kept putting her on her tummy to see if she'd do it again. :haha: )
Oh so happy... One of my TTC buddies got a bfp after two years of trying! :dance:
FT, G will be fine! :hugs: hope you are too? xx

Glow, your girls are making me laugh!

MsC, teaching? How exciting! By the way, you should change your name to DrC now ;)

Waula, so pleased you had a good night, even if you did miss N. date nights are good. xx

Lozza, we use Aptamil. Are you completely replacing the feed or topping his bedtime feed up like we do? Either way, it's got to be worth a try and I really hope it works. :hugs:

Thanks for all your kind comments about D's weight. I'm over the moon. It's such great progress for her, and so liberating for me to know I don't have to express anymore to keep up my volume.

Going back to work? I'm seriously ignoring it. My shifts will be all over (starting as early as 3am and finishing as late as 5am). However I don't have a choice. Al is only volunteering at school until he is qualified next Summer, so my wages are needed to pay the bills. It's fine, I just don't want to think about it just yet.


Oh! Cuba. In November. Excited! Now.....a dress...
Wahey! Cuba! What a lovely choice!

Mouse, I'm sorry for you and G. It was probably the safer choice to keep on driving.

Skadi, like Keira, E gets totally distracted, I try to feed her away from people, that said, if she's really hungry she does ignore people. I fed her yesterday at the table in the bar and she fell asleep on the breast.

Waula, really glad you got some time with your OH. I totally sympathise with the strange feeling. The first time I had a to leave her for more than an hour or so was a training session. I virtually burst into tears when I got home to see her. She was fine, of course.
Loo - seriously have you booked it already? you really do get on with stuff once you've decided dont you?!!!
i like your post about careers laura!

and wow loo, cuba, sounds fab!

R is taking out his anger/frustration on his play gym... not sure what he wants?!
Hey everyone,

Haven't been on for a few days so got loads to catch up on

Loo - yay for Cuba, that's a place I've always wanted to go. Well jel :haha:

waula - I still hate leaving S and he'll be 3 in October. Actually there are times when I would quite gladly sell him on ebay but most of the time I still don't like leavihng him. He is starting playgroup in September which will be harder for me than him

emera - glad potty training is going well. We still have problems with pooing. He won't tell me til the last minute that he needs one so it involves a mad dash through the house to the bathroom and we usually don't make it. I'm afraid to say it's usually T's playmat that gets it :haha:

OH has been off this week so we've had a few days out which has been lovely. T is still waking every 2/3 hours at night but think I'm just getting used to it now :shrug:
Loo - cuba! great choice :hugs: when you dress shop can we help? eg post piccies etc :)

well quick update on G - i made him sleep in our room which meant instead of usual 5AM feed only... he fed midnight, 3am and 6am :dohh: But it was totally worth it as i got to monitor him... and he is fine :) no bruises or bumps (yet)

also - you know i was eating alot of salad to try and lose a pound this week after my KFC etc early on in the week?? well i lost TWO POUNDS! :happydance: Im half way through my weight loss. Delighted :)

right off to baby club with a no doubt grizzly G due to lack of sleep :blush:

Have a good day ya'llllllll :hugs:
Well done on the weightloss ft :thumbup: I've got 10 pound to go but it's being very stubborn so started a low carb diet today to try and shift it

Ft...glad G is fine x

Mouse...great news for your friends:happydance:

Loo...Cuba will be fab...we need details of resort etc so we can have a noisey:haha:

Sambles and emera...potty training urgh...hope it gets better for you guys...glad we have a while for that yet

Well for me and M...she has her jabs this morning....3 of them apparently:cry:.then if shes fine over to.a friends house for bbq. Not sure what naps for her...maybe just take over their playgym with blanket for her:haha:

I have my meeting with work scheduled for 6th Sept...just before our holidays so lots to.think about afterwards i.guess. Had an email from that othrr opportunities
Damn phone sorry

anyway other company will be phoning for a meet up in a couple of opportunities yet but she wants to.keep in touch...suits me as a bit early for return to work. Will definately meet...need to.keep options open x

Right M needs me....then off to doctors aaargh
F slept 8-4 then had both boobs, then straight back to sleep 4-8, then OH took her until 9, I fed her then slept till 10 and F is still asleep!! :dance: I feel amazing, its been months since I had such a good sleep! Ahh, bliss, my brain works and everything!

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