March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Bless you thanks Laura xx :flower: It does really help to know that you also feel the same sometimes xx It may be the best thing that your OH gets to see how much work babies really are come Sept. I'm sure he'll pull through - A will show him the way!!

You lads are the bloody best!!!

Gonna make myself a cuppa now - I declined his offer a little earlier and am now spitting feathers :haha: then a shower and bed before A thinks it's morning at around 2am...yawn

This site is bonkers..... last night lost a long post - and again lost another! Grrrr

Wow Cuppie - Well done to R - for being the bonniest boy!:happydance:
NicNak- Know exactly where you are coming from.... OH's can be right ejits - it's like they are really blind to what's going on under their noses.... and should we say anything we are being 'over dramatic' it's a good job we superwomen! :hugs:
lauraclili - it's soo upsetting when you can see they are tired - and are fighting it - breaks my heart!
Lozza - thank goodness for savoy cabbage......:happydance:
WT - going to have to look up barefoot contessa.... not heard of her before...
I'd never heard of MVF until the night I was taken in to be induced - we had to sit waiting for a nurse to book me in - and the only tv channel we could get on in the 'day' room, was showing MVF...... other half was hooked.... since then I think he has seen every episode on the different channels.....

Had M weighed today...... the little chunk has put on 4lbs in a month and weighs in at 18lbs 8 and a half ounces! He has gone from the 50th line to the 91st!!! Maybe this is a reason that he isn't rolling over by himself....... too chunky!! :haha:

Going to send a friend request to Loo and Kymied as I can figure out who they are on facebook..... not sure anyone else's name matches - feel free to add me - surname is brown (with an e on the end - because I am posh.....:winkwink:)
Hugs, Nic. :hugs: To answer your question.... yes. All men are basically selfish creatures. Just like babies. :haha: To be fair, men have their charming moments, and when you're not so exhausted from taking care of a needy/selfish baby all the time, it's not quite as noticeable how needy/selfish your man is too. Because most men are basically overgrown babies, societal expectations of them are pretty low. This is why our OHs get so much credit for being good daddies when they exert the tiniest little effort.

Example: I post pics of DH on FB with the boys and my family emails me to gush about what a good daddy he is. Because he bothered to spend 3 minutes playing with the boys on the floor?!?!?! So what of the 23 hours and 57 minutes that I spent with them? Don't get me wrong... I'm not complaining about my role in my babies' lives! I adore spending time with them. I just hate that (1) DH acts all put out when I even hint that he's not pulling his weight (2) that the outside world sees him as some sort of super dad simply because he's around.

Okay, wait. Your rant has turned into my rant. :dohh:

As for what to do about it...

I think having date nights really help. It does nothing to address the disparity of effort around the house. However, it will give you some time away from baby's neediness so you and OH can have a little bit of your old selves for a moment. With that, hopefully you'll catch a glimmer of why you decided to procreate with him in the first place. :rofl:

I also think that time will make it better. I like to think we have a certain tolerance for others being selfish. Before the babies came along, I, for one, indulged DH's selfishness and stroked his ego whenever it needed stroking. However, with babies around... my tolerance is all tapped out. So as our LOs get bigger and more independent, there will be a little more room in our lives to tolerate our OHs and not resent them so much.
Nicnak, I concur, i think there's a selfish element in most men, or rather, one that just is less aware of what is going on and what needs to be done. Course, it's annoying. MrC is ace with E, but in the dark of night as I go through another endless feed and he's snoring next to me, I could still stab pins in his eyes. Anyhooo, Nicnak, you have every right to be grumpy but make sure you talk to him about it?

Laura, it might be that without you being about he will flourish being a sahd. I think it can be (unintentionally) undermining when we're about because it's so intuitive, whereas men have to learn it. When he's left to it, I'm sure it'll be ok.

BTW, what is the shred?

Feeds, I read somewhere that babies become MUCH more efficient feeders and I tihnk it's right. E generally is much quicker, especially in this hot weather. It's only when she wants a lazy chill out that she'll take 40 minutes and have a sly snooze halfway through.

Go Bonny R, what a sweet thing to do Cupcake.

Naps. Haha, E has mostly given those up during this regression thing. She had one whilst I was out today and woke up as soon as I came home.

Lozza, huzzah for the blocked duct unblocking itself, what a relief. I can guarantee the bobbly hairbrush thing does work.

Well, it was E's first day with her childminder today as I had a communities meeting this afternoon. MrC picked her up and I got home to a smiling E, who had happily eaten her EBM and had with her a diary that gets filled out each time. Think she'd had a whale of a time. Phew. I added an hour on so I got some time in the members lounge sending emails and making calls which was a relief. The current lack of naps means time is a bit short for work things.
Aww, Nic, its so difficult when you have a young baby. :hugs: Problem is, you are tired, and at only 4 months in, your hormones are still to pot, bf or not. He's also tired, and has had his life turned upside-down, and being a bloke isn't well equipped to deal with , 1 his feelings about A being in his life, both positive and negative, and 2 the fact that he's no longer your number one love (which lets face it, is true!). He does blatantly need to step-up, and man-up. He needs a good wake-up call, and i imagine that will come along at some point. Also, alot of men really struggle to find little babies that interesting, i know we all adore our little ones, and personally my heart just melts when F gives me that smile of her's, but essentially, they don't do much, and a good part of what they do do is kinda annoying (grizzling, waking up in the night, pooing on everything, vomming etc.). So you can see why, from a detached point of view, babies maybe aren't that great! Most blokes have totally fallen in love by the point that they come home from work and there is a little person pelting towards them screaming "DAAADDDYY" and tackle-hugging their legs, but that's over a year away still!

The other part of the problem with blokes is they never see the full story. They work hard all day, and it's tiring, and just because we are tired, that doesn't negate their tiredness, its not a competition. However, then they come home from work, and suddenly we are there, shoving a baby at them, saying "argh i need a break!" (ok, i'm exaggerating alot here, but there's truth in there!!) Then between the two of you, you bathe and feed the baby, cook dinner, try to get them to sleep, and get some quality time together/apart, etc. So, they only ever really see what its like to look after a baby when there is two people doing it!! They have no idea what its like when you've spent 6 hours trying to have a pee and make yourself a cuppa, and failed on both counts because you are single-handedly trying to cope with a fractious baby, get the laundry on, prepare dinner and hopefully organise yourself out of the door to do a food shop, whilst trying to plan stimulating activities to enrich your baby's life experience, because that's what us super-mums are meant to be doing right? All of this on 4/5 hours of broken sleep! That underlined bit is really true, they just don't know that when they tell you you get breaks all through the day, they might as well slap you round the face! They say it, and then go and take a shower and sit down and plan a night at the pub with the lads and check their emails, whilst we stir the supper, with a baby on our hip, and wonder if we can get away with dry shampoo and "a bit of a wash" for the 3rd day in a row!!

Being a Mum is truly 24/7 365(6), and it never stops. Even when you go back to work, even when they are grown up, you will still constantly be a Mum. When you have a young baby who is totally dependent on you for everything, some days it can utterly drain you! Even if all you've done is fed, rocked and held a baby, it can still be mentally and emotionally draining, and the sleep deprivation (which is cumulative, and takes months to wear off once you get to sleep through the night) all add up to make it a bloody tough job!

Basically, Nic, in your case, yes, you do need to talk to him, because you need to find a way between you so that he doesn't feel put upon, but you feel supported. Try to work out what's the most important thing to you, and then find out what his priority is, and then accommodate each other. Also, i know i said he'll be struggling with the changes to his life, and maybe he doesn't appreciate that he does need to change his life, at least a little, to allow the 3 of you to operate as a family. That's where my OH definitely struggled. Also though, you need to have a soul search, and just check that you are also coming to terms with the changes in your life. I don't mean that to sound harsh, but from personal experience, its easy to overlook your own problem when someone else's is driving you up the wall all the time. :hugs:

Making things work once there is 3 of you in a family, rather than 2 is about compromise. However much your OH is driving you mad and making you angry, the only way its going to get better is if you both work out what you want and need and then giving it to each other, or helping each other achieve it! Try to swallow your anger and talk calmly with him about how you can help each other.

Oh, and also accept that they pretty much never do things "right" when it comes to childcare. I find it best to set them a task and then DON'T WATCH OR CHECK on how or what they are doing!!! If you do, you'll only get frustrated with them, trust me! They do everything in the most difficult, crazy way possible! Somehow though, the babies manage to survive! :haha:

Anyway, i hope my replying rant isn't out of place, its just i've already been through it, and come out the other side (mostly, there are always relapses!!), so hopefully some of my rambling can help a bit! :hugs:
Cuppie! Well done R! Bonniest boy! I love it! xx

NicNak....Men!!! :grr: Seriously justified rant. :grr::grr: Al asked earlier if was I ok to feed D by myself (I find the support really helpful when she is breaking off every 20 seconds), as he wanted to go and finish a level on his xbox!!!!!! Seriously! I asked him if he remembered the last time I had time to myself, and he said no. Neither do I, I replied. Probably about 18 and a half weeks ago :grr:

Had sausages, baked potato and salad for tea. Simple but yummy!!! Sausages were fat free chilli and garlic flavour. Yum yum yummy!
evening all! a quick post from me...

crow - the shred is '30 minute shred' by Jillian Michaels - a workout dvd. its killer. dont do it :haha:

Nic - yup hunni, thats men. Have the talk when your ready and remember to use non attack phrases at first such as ''i feel like i never have time to do anything other than .....'' instead of ''you never help and give me any time to....'' lol. Sometimes this stops things getting heated LOL. If he still doesnt get the picture, then raise it up a gear :hugs: As some men need telling in black and white.

ok lads who have had a visit from AF... did it begin with just a tinsy one? since i wiped what was very obviously to me AF blood earlier, ive had nothing. but im convinced it was AF as i had all my usual signs eg crabby for two days. any advice??
wow long post emera! i think what you said about OHs never knowing truly what it is like to look after a baby on their own is true because like you said, we are always there but if we are not we will have got everything ready for them.

my hub is fab and always helps out when im tired, he never moans about being tired himself the only slightly irrating thing is he asks me everything 'what is R going to wear today' 'does he need a bath?' etc etc
Oh and missy, the pizza i mentioned is on their online menu under the ''posh ones''; but yours sounded lush anyway :)

and WT thanks for the advice on weight loss.

Oh and loo- I drink HEAPS of water so cant be that. prob 3litres. more maybe in this heat. and ive got heaps to lose too. the next 19 pounds are until my hols, when i come back i want to lose another 8pounds ... then im done.... so i dont think its cos of my size :shrug:
we will see tomorrow i guess.
Bluebird- Sent you a friend request. :thumbup: Also... my DH does that thing where he acts like I'm being over dramatic too! If I hint that he's not pulling his weight, he gets all snotty and sarcastic saying, "You act like you're doing it all, and I should be commending you for being super woman. But I assure you there are plenty of woman who have it a lot harder than you do." It makes my blood boil. I don't care if other women have it harder. That doesn't mean my efforts do not deserve acknowledgement or help. I work 40+ hours per week as the SOLE breadwinner for this family. I take care of making sure the bills are paid and household necessities are in order. Apparently I am the only person in the house that knows where anything is since he cannot manage to do anything without having me tell him where things are. (P.S. The babies clothes are in their dresser just like yesterday and the day before and the day before!!) I am also the SOLE nighttime care giver for my babies. So, yes, damnit! I DO think I'm superwoman! ;)

Haha, Nic. You got me going. I should really take a deep breath.
Yes, but WT you ARE superwoman. End of. I'll drop round and explain the to your DH in words of one syllable if you like...
I agree with Emera that men don't realise, and then find difficulty dealing with, the way life changes so dramatically. MrC said to me recently he really underestimated how much life would be different and how much he's struggled with it. He said so in a positive way, looking back, and he's saying this from a chilled out perspective, way more than most people. Thing is, they don't really get a warning, because they dont carry the baby. We spend nine months thinking to some extent how life will be different and planning for it. Then there's a really steep learning curve. Men don't get that lead time.

WT, woman! You ARE super woman, there's no other way to express what you achieve daily!
Crow, I totally agree. N loves A to pieces but really didn't understand what it was going to be like when she arrived and still struggles a bit with the fact that we can't just carry. On the way we were before (and all the Other annoying things he does as previously mentioned)

Btw, FT, I had a day of spotting about a three weeks ago and have had horrible period pains for the last three days but no AF. I think my body's just gearing up for it and getting back to normal.
Mouse :hugs:

WT, I am in complete awe of you. End of story

Ok. Bed time. D's asleep. Al's asleep. Me? Im wide awake. Humph.
Still trying to keep up!

Nik - :hugs: WT - :hugs: and Laura :hugs: and pretty much everyone else who is having a hard time with their 'other children' ie; MEN!!!

Lozza - glad I didn't need to rescue you from your own boob!! :rofl:

Anyhoo - Hayley hasn't brought her netbook hence I can never get on mine!

Teenagers - that's all :dohh:
My DH does lots of frustrating things too! I just give him the options. Do you want to hang the washing or change the nappy.. If I come back from doing the opposite to what he chose and he still hasnt done the other then I have a stern word to him! He works hard but so do I! The most frustrating thing he does sometimes is when I try to hand him the baby he snaps why.. What are you doing.. So I snap back I'm going to pee. Then be feels bad lol.

I am good with telling him what's wrong. Probably because I'm a snappy person anyway. But my advice.. Tell him that's your going to see a movie on Friday night. Express a bottle if you need and go alone if no one wants to go with you. I needed a break a while back and it was the best feeling being able to watch a movie without interruption and to just do something you wanted to do! DH ended up going to my parents house to hang with my dad so my mum ended up doing everything for the baby but I didnt care it was a break for me! That break helped me take a deep breath and realize life's not that bad!!
Oooo wouldluv, what a great idea, what did you see?

Well I don't believe it, for only the second time ever....and after being alllll over the place, E has just slept from 8-5. Yesterday was mercifully just two, quick, business like eats during the night, but this was bliss. I do not expect a repeat....the childminder must have wore her out.

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