March Mamas 2012 Baby Group (Closed Group)

Wt...your boys are adorable. K looks exactly like you and P the image of his dad....sooo cool x x

loo...will check out photos tomorrow...dont take them down.yet pllleeassee

Night all x
Loo - just had a sneak peak at photos - love them. esp one of you and D in water ;)

G has been in cot asleep since 8pm.... whoohoo... so far new ''routine'' going well. wonder how it will affect his 5am night feed.

waula - love ur avi pic, couldnt be any cuter :)

i was just looking at my csec scar (gross i know) and i just cant believe digs came out of THERE. its madness. i literally cant get head around it :rofl:
FT, :haha: That made me chuckle about you looking at your scar (oh, and not that gross really, i can't look where my two came from without the aid of a mirror, and that would be waaay more gross in my mind! :haha:)! I agree, i look at F (and Roh) and think, "woah, how were you ever in my belly?!?" I find the whole birth thing amazing, and whether it was a c-section or standard delivery, its flipping mind blowing!! I want to make more little people!! :dance:
I've been thinking about that, too! How amazing that this little person was actually born TO and OF me and all that!

Yesterday I earned a new Bad Mummy badge by making her almost-giggle saying, "You... came... out of... Mommy's... FOOF!"--repeating it over and over. Because it turns out that the word "foof" is very baby-friendly. :rofl:
Foof could have been invented for baby talk! I think I'll try it on D!
Oh my god, I forgot to tell you lads that on the first day of my holiday this Tunisian lady asked if I was pregnant again!!!!!!!! :shock::rofl::shock::rofl:

How cheeky!!!!! :rofl:

To make her feel uncomfortable, I replied "nope, I'm just fat". She couldnt appologise quickly enough :rofl::rofl:

Oh my god. It's 1am. Why arent I trying to sleep. D could be awake in 4 or so hours. Gah.
lol Loo, that is terrible! Great example of why it is never a good idea to make statements towards other women about them being pregnant.
Well, I got 3 hours sleep. Gah. My own stupid fault for ruminating about what had happened. Ah well. New day and all that...

D did 9 straight hours again! Good eh!?!

Missy, you said that T only ever fed for 5 or so minutes? How many times a day do you feed? I only ask because D is on 5 feeds a day, but I give her long 30-40 mins each time. However I feel like I am often persevering for that long so I can make sure she is getting plenty iykwim. I just wondered how the speed of the feeds might affect the frequency.

I haven't talked about bf for a while. Mainly because D and I are having a terrible time of it. 80% of our feeds are a fight of wills between us, and the sweet 20% are the only thing that is keeping me sane. The rest of the time D breaks off every 10 seconds or so, spends a lot of time screaming and hurting me by scratching or pinching. The fuss is mainly focused on my left side though sometimes on my right. There is always plenty of milk, and as the fussiness often calms as the feed progresses I can only assume that my left side doesn't flow quickly enough to satisfy D.

Then 1 out of every 5 or so feeds is bliss. I forget about all the stress and upset and believe I can carry on for as long as I want to

It's not enough though, I know that it needs to come to an end soon. My aim was until after I get back from France, so approximately 4 weeks, but I wonder if I can do it for that long. I doubt my dodgy supply could hack combi feeding so in my mind I need to do it 100% until I stop.

Sorry to be a bit sorry for myself this morning. I must be tired.
:hugs: That's not enough sleep, Loo!

G is very challenging during feeds these days, except at night. I think the world is sosososo exciting at this point, they want to see everything. She'll literally drink for five seconds, then pull off and turn to look at the ceiling fan, then drink for five seconds, pull off again... etc.

Don't dwell on it today, though, think about it tomorrow when you've had more sleep and haven't been antagonized by you-know-who!
Loo - gorgeous pics on fb...did I miss your password to D's website?

Sorry about the preggo comment...I feel ya pain hon, been there - cheeky buggers!! :rofl: for what it's worth you do not look preggo :hugs:

A is now ff and is also a complete nightmare for the majority of feeds lately! Pulls off constantly; grins at me; somettimes won't drink much at all and all the time moves arms and legs (like some sort of demented jig!) and it really does make you feel a little arrgghhhh! So happy when she finishes a feed like that! :haha: think it's their age and everything distracts them...tho she ate loads sat in Cafe Nero yesterday with trays being dropped she didn't even flinch. Strange girl...I blame her daddy...:rofl:

We did a 7.30pm til 5.30am (she woke at 4.30am as her daddy's bladder woke us all...hmmm, I will tie a knot in it for more sleep...). Now dozing again on sofa after snuggles (ooh I lurve morning snuggles :)). I'm about to make a coffee and then put some Zen Tan moisturiser on my legs before tomorrow...meant to do it the last 2 days...

Loo :hugs: re: bf, actually sounds pretty normal for this age! F is always scratching and pinching me at the moment. Most feeds its a case of trying to get her to stay on for long enough to actually call it a feed, it can be maddeniing!! She also has days when she point blank refuses my left side! It does get better, I remember this phase from last time, and it ends. They do tend to feed for a lot less time (as a rule) from around this age though. Its harder when you have a baby who historically hasn't been a good gainer though, it makes it feel quite pressurised. Maybe try out slightly shorter feeds and adding a couple more attempts in to the day? :shrug: It might help a little?

:dohh: at the pregnancy comment too, bet she wanted the ground to swallow her!! :haha:
Loo - sorry about your mil, I wonder if she's pissed at you getting married abroad? Although sounds like she's always a knob as Waula put so well! Well done you for texting her! Love the photos too!
And Z is the same with feeding, he comes off and screams, pounds me a bit and sometimes goes back on and repeats for a while and sometimes just gives up and stares round the room. It's so frustrating. I'm trying to express wen he's finished when I can - there then seems tonnes left?! I hope it is a phase and ends soon. Like mouse's G he doesn't do it at night which makes me think it's not a supply problem. I've just bought some size 3 teats and plan to see how quickly he drinks 6oz and can compare that to length of bf I think?

Pizza was lovely and Z & DH survived. I had to feed when I got in, he went down at 10.45 and only lasted til 1.15, then we co slept and dozed til 7. Plan to start the colief today. He had loads of wind when he woke even though I'd winded him well before bed so he's creating lots himself.

Wt - I agree the twins look so different from each other!
Loo....M fusses over usually 1 of the 4 bottles per day....and typically wjen we are out...little minx:haha:. She downs her bottles really well but the fussy one is a nightmare....several attempts to.get enough down her.

Well M has gone down very.early.for her morning nap....yawning....eye rubbing.etc so put her down 15 mins lying.there! Just leaving.her...shes happy but tired. I.usually get on to shred at this point...with the early.nap i.cant fave it. Stu at tennis tonight so.its an.evening job followed by bath soak aaaaah

I have to admit something and need to know if this is normal.....i have been a little bored looking after M the last few she is in more of a routine (set herself) it seems feeding, nappy changing, napping, playing....then back to the beginning. I feel bad but i.need some time the that feels this way arent i??!!:cry:. I dont want to be ungrateful........i love her totally but feeling a bit low i guess. Sorry for moany post
Oh my god! You guys!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug:

Why didn't I express my concerns weeks ago when this started?!? I've been turning myself into a basket case because I think she has been rejecting me.

I feel so stupid for not saying how I was feeling. :hugs:

Lozza, just tried your therory of mil out on Al. We never thought about that, but it is certainly something she is pissed off about. I am SO glad we are buggering off to do it now. SO glad.
Mitch :hugs: I'll be honest here... Despite how much I love and adore my children and how much I've always wanted to be a Mum and how miraculous it is that I am.... It can be a little boring sometimes looking after them! Actually not so much Roh, this age is challenging, but just amazing, as he's so interesting and a lot of fun! However, the doesn't mean I still don't feel like I need a break from it! Example yesterday I went out for an hour on my own just to buy a magazine and sit in a cafe on my own and just be myself, relax, have an actual hot drink and some time with no one being sick on me or trying to climb on my head!
I found I got bored quite often when Roh was little though, and I would with F if it was just her. They are still little, with quite a limited range of things they can do, and a very repetitive routine, so despite the fact we love them very much, they do have the capacity to be pretty dull to look after, especially as its 24/7 with no let up! Plan something fun to do, have your SIL take M for the day so you can indulge n whatever hobbies you have, or go to a spa, or a shopping trip to London or something. Or what I used to do was line up a load of movies I wanted to watch, or series, and work through them. :shrug: Whatever floats your boat. ;). Don't feel bad about it, even 'easy' 'well-behaved' babies can be mentally tiring to look after, and we all need variety in our lives!! Good news is, they get a load more fun, all the good bits are on the way in my opinion! :hugs: have hit the nail on the head there...again:flower:...i love M soooo much but am actually thinking i.need a day off. Was thinking of hubby taking day off but actually think sil might want to take her so i can havd some me time. She will love it:haha:. I am sitting here thinking that she has been my entire life for 4 1/2 months...what on earth would i do!!?? Just with my non baby friend...think she finds it tough when babies around.

Sil over for lunch Sunday so will see when she can fit her in
Loo N can be pretty fussy too... He has got better recently but can be interesting feeding him out n about!
Mitch a day off sounds lovely!!! :hugs: don't you feel bad about needing some you time.
Lozza glad you managed a good pizza express! Love pizza express a lot. I agree re loo mil poss venting re wedding venue...
Vitfa hope E nappies ok today x
Got friends coming over for big dog walk and pub lunch...such a lovely day here...already been out with N in the sling. He loves it!
Ft i'm really broken today...hope level 2is ok x
Loo (and rashy) - G does the exact same. he feeds lovely in the nighttime and first thing in morn.... but during the day he pops of to look around all the time. sometimes he was just stare smiling at me. othertimes he cries and screams! those times it feels like im forcing him on my boob.... its VERY stressful at times.... so your not alone. if it gets REAL stressy to the point where im nearly in tears - i give a bottle. To me, there is no point getting worked up. :hugs:

Oh and Loo - i wouldnt worry (not that u are) about the pregnant comment. My tummy is defo still rounded and i still look about 3 months pregnant i reckon. But that is exactly why i never EVER ask i someone is pregnant.... even if they look 9 months!!! :rofl:

emera - G often refuses my let side..... what is it about left boobs???? im sure my left one produces less milk than the right one now, because we are so right feed dominated!!!

WT - i think its blinking FANTASTIC that you have one son that looks like you, and one like daddy! Brilliant.

Mitch - funny enough, monday and tuesday of this week i REALLY struggled. I was a little bored... and dare i say it... i also got a little bit moody with G. he kept scratching my face and on the 10th time i had to go in conservatroy and just breath. I had to remind myself he was a baby and didnt know any better. so silly of me really. Bored wise - i think its natural as we are stuck in a neverending cycle. Definately arrange a day off. it will do you the world of good.

I am taking my evenings ''off'' next week as i will be Zumba (Mon); Girls dinner (Tues), In on weds, Zumba (thurs)... GHOST HUNT (YES REALLY) on the friday :)

waula - OMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGG Level 2 sucks. At first i thought it was ok but then i noticed i wasnt going as deep nor as fast as i should be :dohh: So i kept up....and then couldnt do the last 5 mins. its so true though - if it doesnt hurt, if your fine afterwards... then your not doing it right! :haha: :rofl: I hate it. :cry:

Our night was good.... slept 8pm till 5am; 10 min feed; then slept in our bed until 9am. seems to be his routine.... long may it continue :haha:
Thought it was my shred dvd arriving this morning, but it was just my Graze box! :haha: phew!

OH has taken the kiddies out to the park, so house to myself! I was going to run round and tidy up, but instead I'm lounging on the sofa with a cuppa and some Graze nibbles watching the taekwondo. Its amusng the hell out of me, all the posters round for the world taekwando federation saying WTF :haha: I am pretty easily amused though! :)

Oh FT I meant to say your frends fb status you posted had me in stitches!! :rofl:

Random thought of the day, I was looking at F earlier and thinking how much her name is hers now, and how none of the other names we had on our list seem right now I'm used to this one. Heh, pointless, but hey, thought I'd share. Its new to me as we didn't have any alternatives for Roh.
Wow, Keira has been feeding the same way for a few weeks too. I'm so glad I am not the only one dealing with it!

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